Dec 4, 2009
Does Japan really think Americans are re-skinned buffoons who covet material wealth over all and are quick to the gun? They must, cause thats the impression this offensive special gives off. One second, allow me to clarify. It wasn't the overblown American stereotypes that offended me, oh no. It was the absolute shamelessness of this twenty-three minute dreck that offended me.
Guns, explosions and bikinis! Those idiot Americans will love it!
No, we won't. This was god awful. The best part about it was hearing a Japanese voice actor shout out the American phrase "Oh Jesus!". There was a story, if you could call it that,
but it was so poorly presented that it was hard to tell if it even mattered. Nothing seemed to flow smoothly and only half of everything seemed to pertain to what was supposed to be going on.
Natsumi and Miyuki are, for whatever unknown reason, doing their traffic patrol now in downtown Los Angeles instead of quiet town Japan. Joining them are thinly veiled clones of the usual supporting cast that have overblown personalities...Aoi is a full blown homosexual, Nakaji- I mean, Cain, is a male pig slut, Rico is a gun toting miser, and Sally? Well, shes supposed to be Saori, but they're absolutely nothing alike.
The team is investigating a string of speeding illegally modified cars off route 404 ( I wished a 404 had popped up in the middle of this special). Naturally, their initial reaction is to go out for drinks! Unfortunately, that plan doesn't seem to work out too well as Miyukis new Mustang is stolen from the parking lot. The team gives chase, but ultimately fail.
As any reasonable police force would, they decide it best to stock up on guns and go to the beach! After a day of carefree fun and games, the team relaxes knowing everything will come their way...and how convenient, they're right! They spot the section chief getting chummy with the prime suspect in the case. They follow and assault without thinking, blowing their oh-so-clever undercover operation.
"Oh Jesus!"
No worries, they have a ton of guns! So, logically, they start blowing the nonsense out of whatever is unfortunate enough to be breathing in their line of sight. One criminal manages to escape in a stolen vehicle, but after a short chase from Natsumi and Miyuki...and a little help from a sniper rifle, they catch the rotten jerk and blow his brains out.
Okay, so they don't kill him, but that would have been on par with everything preceding.
In a nutshell, this is one of the worst specials I have ever had the displeasure to sit through. I'd rather have watched an episode of Sesame Street, or maybe even an entire hour of The View with Whoopi Goldberg. ANYTHING would have been a better choice than this...
Okay, well, maybe not better than the Lupin: Return of Pycal special but..pretty darn close.
The art is fine (minus the lazy re-skinning of the supporting cast) the music is bad, and as a package deal you're better off ripping all your toenails in half with rusty pliers.
Stay away. There is no reason to watch this abortion, especially if you're a fan of the franchise.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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