The BNWO, Social Changes and Interracial in the UK

It is more normal seeing black men and white white couples on tv now.
The more this happens then the more white women will be able to have a bull in every day life.
There I am lot of white guys that accept white pussy belongs to black men.
Is it???? Seeing a Black man with a white couple in a sexual/casual dating kind of way??? I've not noticed this, but don't watch as much TV as some I guess
I mean it’s only natural to gravitate to whom is superior, White girls are naturally going to convert themselves to whom can breed them the best. The slow eradication of our own race and it’s so fucking hot. ❤️
Genuine question, why would you want to see your own race 'eradicated'?
Genuine question, why would you want to see your own race 'eradicated'?
Thousands of years of oppression of other races for not looking the same. That and I’m mixed already I have no race loyalty as it stands. Plus let’s be real, black is better at nearly everything. From sports to culture to sex to relationships. The kind of love I’ve received from Ebony Gods my ex husband couldn’t even come close too.
Thousands of years of oppression of other races for not looking the same. That and I’m mixed already I have no race loyalty as it stands. Plus let’s be real, black is better at nearly everything. From sports to culture to sex to relationships. The kind of love I’ve received from Ebony Gods my ex husband couldn’t even come close too.
All races oppress others. Look at ethnic cleansing in Africa of other ethnic groups or how the Japanese treated Koreans and Chinese during occupation.
Thousands of years of oppression of other races for not looking the same. That and I’m mixed already I have no race loyalty as it stands. Plus let’s be real, black is better at nearly everything. From sports to culture to sex to relationships. The kind of love I’ve received from Ebony Gods my ex husband couldn’t even come close too.
"Thousands of years of oppression of other races for not looking the same"

Whites (Europeans) didn't really encounter black people until just a few hundred years ago so that can't be true; for most of the last two millenia, whites were oppressed (eg Spain occupied by Arabs, or Byzantine colonised by Turks etc). Also, every race has oppressed every other, the Bantu (from whom all modern blacks are descended), genocided all other African ethnic groups. This is normal - just as (eg) the Comanche genocided the Apache.

"black is better at nearly everything"

That's obviously not true else it wouldn't be whites that invented the modern world.

Your ex husband is a data point of one :)
"Thousands of years of oppression of other races for not looking the same"

Whites (Europeans) didn't really encounter black people until just a few hundred years ago so that can't be true; for most of the last two millenia, whites were oppressed (eg Spain occupied by Arabs, or Byzantine colonised by Turks etc). Also, every race has oppressed every other, the Bantu (from whom all modern blacks are descended), genocided all other African ethnic groups. This is normal - just as (eg) the Comanche genocided the Apache.

"black is better at nearly everything"

That's obviously not true else it wouldn't be whites that invented the modern world.

Your ex husband is a data point of one :)
For starters why does it matter so badly to you? I’m not going to fuck you. Secondly I’m allowed to have whatever fetish it is I want, I don’t come in to your house and ******* in the middle of your living room just cause I can. Also this is such a typical white dude response as if they need to justify their existence. Stolen off the backs of plenty of women and people of other races who paved the way in science in the first place. It’s a fetish website, maybe go somewhere else.
For starters why does it matter so badly to you? I’m not going to fuck you. Secondly I’m allowed to have whatever fetish it is I want, I don’t come in to your house and ******* in the middle of your living room just cause I can. Also this is such a typical white dude response as if they need to justify their existence. Stolen off the backs of plenty of women and people of other races who paved the way in science in the first place. It’s a fetish website, maybe go somewhere else.
You posted your opinion on a public forum, people will respond, you don't get to demand they can't so suck it up buttercup. As for your fetish, I didn't read a lot of fetish in your post I read a lot of racist politics.

"Also this is such a typical white dude response as if they need to justify their existence"

You literally called for the eradication of the white race! And aren't you white, that's some self-loathing? I'd lay off those Marxist books you've clearly been reading.

"Stolen off the backs of plenty of women and people of other races who paved the way in science in the first place."

Give me an example of Europeans 'stealing science' off other races?