Feb 27, 2010 7:25 AM
MAL Cards (Part 1)
UPDATE: 23rd August 2020
Make sure to scroll down very carefully/slowly when viewing this.
High memory detected because of the massive cards, will make your device stuck!
* Total cards: 3,058
* Alphabet with most cards: C (519)
* Club with most cards: Card Store (108)
# (1)
100% Pure Crazyness! (1)
----------------------------- OMC ------------------------------
A (280)
Air Fanclub (2)
An Otaku's Paradise (AOP) (96)
----------------------------- Event ------------------------------
----------------------------- Cards ------------------------------
Animanga Card Empire (ACE) (64)
----------------------------- OMC ------------------------------
----------------------------- Cards ------------------------------
Animanga Lovers (AL) (12)
Anime Animals/Creatures (AAC) (36)
----------------------------- Badge ------------------------------
----------------------------- Claim ------------------------------
----------------------------- Collections - Mythological Creatures ------------------------------
----------------------------- Cards ------------------------------
Anime Card Obessions (ACO) (16)
Anime Land (30)
AnimeNeko Works (ANW) (11)
A Simple Gathering (ASG) (3)
AVI Shop (11)
AAA --- Others (2)
----------------------------- OMCs ------------------------------
B (49)
BL Addicts (BLA) (4)
Black Brown Hair Characters (BBHC) (35)
Black Cats Girls (BCG) (5)
Black Stones Fanclub (BSFC) (4)
BBB --- Others (1)
----------------------------- OMC ------------------------------
C (519)
Candy Kingdom (CK) (38)
----------------------------- Badge ------------------------------
----------------------------- Cards ------------------------------
Card Dreamland (CD) (18)
----------------------------- OMC ------------------------------
----------------------------- Badge ------------------------------
----------------------------- Special ------------------------------
----------------------------- Cards ------------------------------
Card Makers and Collectors Club (CMCC) (55)
Card Store (CS) (108)
Cards, Cards, and more Cards (CCC) (5)
Club of Culture (CoC) (82)
----------------------------- OMCs ------------------------------
----------------------------- Cards ------------------------------
Counting Clouds (CC) (101)
----------------------------- OMCs ------------------------------
----------------------------- Badges ------------------------------
----------------------------- Specials ------------------------------
----------------------------- Collections - Xmas 2019 ------------------------------
----------------------------- Collections - Cat Girls ------------------------------
----------------------------- Collections - Couples ------------------------------
----------------------------- Cards ------------------------------
Crown Royale (CR) (105)
----------------------------- OMC ------------------------------
----------------------------- Badge ------------------------------
----------------------------- Claim ------------------------------
----------------------------- Cards ------------------------------
Cypsela Imperium (CYP) (6)
----------------------------- OMC ------------------------------
----------------------------- Cards ------------------------------
CCC --- Others (1)
----------------------------- OMCs ------------------------------
D (176)
Designer Graphics (36)
Dorisukai SE (DSE) (146)
----------------------------- Claims ------------------------------
----------------------------- Collections - Arcana Famiglia ------------------------------
----------------------------- Collections - The iM@S ------------------------------
----------------------------- Cards ------------------------------
DDD --- Others (2)
----------------------------- OMC ------------------------------
----------------------------- Cards ------------------------------
E (21)
Energetic (read: lazy) ppl will take over the world! (EPWTOTW) (6)
Endless Solitude (ES) (3)
----------------------------- Cards ------------------------------
Essense of Stream (EOS) (11)
----------------------------- Cards ------------------------------
EEE --- Others (1)
----------------------------- Card ------------------------------
F (448)
Fantasia Circus (FS) (4)
----------------------------- Card ------------------------------
fivenuckles2's Pokemon Custom Cards Collections (FPCCC) (418)
----------------------------- Cards ------------------------------
Full Metal Panics (2)
FFF --- Others (1)
----------------------------- OMC ------------------------------
G (56)
Garden of Eden (GOE) (32)
----------------------------- Collections - Overwatch ------------------------------
----------------------------- Collections - Loonaverse ------------------------------
----------------------------- Collections - All-Stars LoveLive ------------------------------
----------------------------- Collections - Tales ------------------------------
----------------------------- Cards ------------------------------
Golden Eyes FC (GE FC) (20)
Goldenwitch's Obessions (GWO) (6)
H (5)
Hirasawa UI Fanclub (2)
HHH --- Others (3)
----------------------------- OMCs ------------------------------
I (0)
J (43)
Jinchuuriki Club (JCC 1) (28)
Jmacs Creative Corner (JCC 2) (6)
Just Cards Club (JCC 3) (9)
K (8)
Kingdom of Cards (KOC) (2)
Konata Izumi Fanclub (2)
KKK --- Others (4)
----------------------------- OMCs ------------------------------
L (52)
LE Paradise (LEP) (10)
Love Stories (LS) (3)
Luna Spirit Kingdom (LSK) (28)
----------------------------- OMC ------------------------------
----------------------------- Collections - Atla Quotes ------------------------------
----------------------------- Cards ------------------------------
Luxuria (LXR) (13)
----------------------------- OMCs ------------------------------
----------------------------- Cards ------------------------------
M (405)
Madobe Nanami (2)
Malaysia Club (22)
meraki (MRK) (8)
----------------------------- OMC ------------------------------
----------------------------- Badge ------------------------------
----------------------------- Cards ------------------------------
Movie Anime Member Cards (MAMC) (2)
----------------------------- Stamps ------------------------------
Melody of Cards (MOC) (10)
Member Card Collectors (MCC) (30)
Member Card Mania (MCM) (27)
Member Card (MC) (21)
Member Cards Love (MCL) (65)
Member Cards Obsession (MCO) (4)
Member Cards Workshop (MCW) (4)
My Pet My Love (MPML) (14)
Myouren Temple (MT) (193)
----------------------------- OMC ------------------------------
----------------------------- Claims ------------------------------
----------------------------- Collections - Girl's Frontline ------------------------------
----------------------------- Collections - Halloween Mini-Event 2019 ------------------------------
----------------------------- Cards ------------------------------
MMM --- Others (2)
----------------------------- OMCs ------------------------------
N (5)
Neko-Attack! (3)
NNN --- Others (2)
----------------------------- OMCs ------------------------------
O (63)
Otaku's Hive (OH) (9)
----------------------------- OMCs ------------------------------
----------------------------- Cards ------------------------------
Otome x Aidoru (OxA) (49)
OOO --- Others (5)
----------------------------- Specials ------------------------------
----------------------------- Cards ------------------------------
P (3)
Pandas Card Collecting (PCC) (1)
----------------------------- OMB ------------------------------
PPP --- Others (2)
----------------------------- OMC ------------------------------
----------------------------- Card ------------------------------
Q (0)
R (282)
Random Cards Club (RCC) (82)
Random Theme Cards Club (RTCC) (56)
Raspberry's Wonderland Express (RWE) (157)
----------------------------- OMC ------------------------------
----------------------------- Badges ------------------------------
----------------------------- Cards ------------------------------
Ritsu Tainaka Fanclub (4)
S (255)
Shattered Abyss (SA) (4)
----------------------------- Cards ------------------------------
Shiroi's Card Party (SCP) (10)
Sound of Souls (SOS) (31)
----------------------------- OMC ------------------------------
----------------------------- Cards ------------------------------
Special A Fanclub (3)
Sugoi Cards Fanclub (65)
Sun Palace (SP) (13)
----------------------------- Cards ------------------------------
Supernatural +Cards of the Rare+ (SCR) (7)
Sutsu no Kyuden (SnK) (118)
SSS --- Others (4)
----------------------------- OMCs ------------------------------
----------------------------- Card ------------------------------
----------------------------- Slip ------------------------------
Continue to Part 2 >>>
Posted by
| Feb 27, 2010 7:25 AM |
fivenuckles2 | Jun 6, 2021 9:52 PM
@KyukyokuSenshi22Oh no!! I'm very-very sorry! Never realized you already comment here (TvT) Thanks ya! Really appreciate that. :D |
KyukyokuSenshi22 | Nov 10, 2020 1:13 AM
Oh boy! I envy your card collection so bad!IT'S COLOSSAL! THEY'RE MAGNIFICIENT! \(>o<)/!!!! |