Apr 10, 2012 8:54 AM
c l a i m s
c l a i m s
Usually make my on claims but not always - black bordered claims are mine.
format for claims, used from StarlitSkies w/ permission ~
claims are out of order & fonts are mismatched...sorry lol :)
Claims to be made: (eventually...)
T. C. O
A. C. P
T.B.L.A (The Bishounen Lovers Alliance ♥)
C. C. O
Tarot Claims
Character Obsession
Usually make my on claims but not always - black bordered claims are mine.
format for claims, used from StarlitSkies w/ permission ~
claims are out of order & fonts are mismatched...sorry lol :)
Claims to be made: (eventually...)
- Name: aeropop
Character's name: Rohan (no MAL page)
Proof Pictures: character description , manga page1 , manga page2
Source: Manga
Anime/Manga they're from: Aoki Umi no Toraware Hime
Type: Tattoo (on face)
- Character's name: Aladdin
Activity: Do funny faces!
Anime/Manga: Magi
June 2013
- #Male
Character's name: Sebastian Michaelis
Anime/Manga: Kuroshitsuji
June 2013
- #Female
Character's name: Iva
Anime/Manga: Karneval
June 2013
- Character's name: Shizuo Heiwajima
Category: Sleeping Character
Anime/Manga: Durarara!!
"Kidnap a character - June 2013"
- Month and year: July 2012
Name: aeropop
Couple: Aki Gotouda X Tomoharu Ueda
Anime/Manga: Honto Yajuu
- Manga: High Kyuu!!
(reading) Sept.!
- Manga: Orange
(reading) Sept!
- Manga: Magnolia
(reading) Spet.!
Character: Death the Kid
Anime from: Soul Eater
Character: Spirit Albarn
Anime from: Soul Eater
Character: Franken Stein
Anime from: Soul Eater
Character: Graham Specter
Anime from: Baccano!
- Character: Shouyou Hinata
Anime/Manga: High Kyuu!!
Current Month: August 2012
Motivation: He's so small, but seems to have the biggest fighting spirit on the team. Also I love seeing him spike the ball! :)
- Character: Futaba Yoshioka
Anime/Manga: Ao Haru Ride
Current Month: August 2012
Motivation: She's been super worried about Kou, & I want to fight on for her love! ♥
- Character: Bianchi
Anime/Manga/Game: Katekyo Hitman Reborn
Starsign Feature: Star Crossed Lovers
Birthday & Starsign: November 8 + Scorpio
Proof: "Birthday: November 8"
Source: MAL page
Banner: i'll make it~
- Character: Kisuke Urahara
Anime/Manga/Game: Bleach
Starsign Feature: Star Crossed Lovers
Birthday & Starsign: December 31 + Capricorn
Proof: Age: "Birthday: December 31"
Source: MAL page
Banner: i'll make it~
- Character: Claire Stanfield
Anime/Manga: Baccano!
Category: Antagonists
Story's protagonist: Ladd Russo
Proof: "When the train is hijacked, he assumes the identity of the Rail Tracer, a monster that eats train passengers, to kill train hijackers and ensure the passengers' safety."
- Character: Tsujido
Anime/Manga: Speed Grapher
Category: Superpowers
Ability: super enhanced olfaction
Proof: "His Euphoria power is super enhanced olfaction, allowing to smell his enemies miles away (unlike most Euphorias, Tsujido does not require a physical transformation to be able to use this). He doesn't reveal himself as a Euphoria until the last episode while fighting Ginza, in which he transforms into a large wolf."
- Character: Tatsumi Saiga
Anime/Manga: Speed Grapher
Category: Superpowers
Ability: Uses camera to make subject of photos explode - death by photo
Proof: "he received a kiss from Kagura and developed the ability to explode whoever and whatever he photographs - Death by Photo. The effect of this ability depends on what type of camera and lens he is using (e.g., a telescopic lens has a more powerful effect than a regular lens). Saiga uses a Nikkon camera and what looks to be Nikkor lenses."
- Character: Diva
Anime/Manga: Blood+
Category: Antagonists
Story's protagonist: Saya Otonashi
Proof: "Saya's twin sister and the story's main antagonist, Diva was born in 1833."
Source: Diva's MAL page
- Character: Soul Eater Evans
Anime/Manga: Soul Eater
Current Month: September 2012
Motivation: He's sooo cool.~ Ha, but I really like his chill personality... and his teeth, they look so sharp. It's strange but I like them. c:
Banner: I'll make it~
- Character: Sui Godwin
Anime/Manga: Magnolia
Current Month: September 2012
Motivation: Sui plays the good little brother role so well, but he's actually really sneaky and conniving too. He's able to elude & persuade whoever he wants, without even bating an eye! I would have never guessed Sui had that kind of skill, but he does. & I love it. ;)
Banner: I'll make it :)
- Character: Gregory Violet
Anime/Manga: Kuroshitsuji
Current Month: September 2012
Motivation: Such a gloomy looking guy, but something about him is intriguing, & his sketches are quite brilliant. I hope to learn more about him as the school arc continues. <3
- Character: Juta Tachibana
Anime/Manga: Otomen
Category: Artists
Job: Mangaka
Proof: "Under the penname Jewel Sachihana, Tachibana is actually the author of Asuka's favorite manga, Love Chick, which he bases on Asuka and Ryo's relationship. Juta Tachibana bases its story on the relationship between Asuka and Ryo, with the lead characters even sharing names pronounced the same but applied to the opposite genders."
Source: MAL, Wiki
- Character: Soubi Agatsuma
Anime/Manga: Loveless
Category: Artists
Job: Painter
Proof: "A twenty-year-old art student. The next day, he's found furiously painting, and he asks Kio... Kio is fascinated by Soubi's art, this is what drew him to Soubi (whom he refers to as Sou-chan) in the first place. He admires Soubi's style and skill and desired friendship from the first time he saw one of Soubi’s paintings."
Source: MAL, Soubi's wikia, Kio's wikia
T. C. O

A. C. P

T.B.L.A (The Bishounen Lovers Alliance ♥)

C. C. O
Tarot Claims

Character Obsession

Posted by
| Apr 10, 2012 8:54 AM |
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