Feb 10, 2011 1:44 PM
Rant: valarclan
I'm not gonna lie, i've meet some awesome people here on MAL, but at the same time, i've had the dread of meeting/coming across some of the biggest idiots i've seen on the internet.
valarclan, is one of those idiots.
For those who don't check the review section on here, val has made some reviews on dragon ball, Z, and kai. and they are fucking horrible. now i love the dragon ball series (GT doesn't exist), but the reason i said they suck, not because i'm a fan, but because of how piss poor and insultingly stupid they all were.
here's a sample from his DB review:
"Maybe the show is geared to slow witted people or just really slow people.
Never liked this show, never will.
There are way better more thoughtfilled anime's out there.
The entire series reminds me of the trouble Marvel Comics had when they started having Rob Liefield do a number of comics."
see what i mean?
where do i begin!? how about the fact that he blatantly insults those who love the show. it's one thing to hate a show, but it's another to bash it's fanbase. now i hate school days with a passion, but i've never called the people who like it complete retards for liking it. why? because it's their opinion! i really don't care if anyone likes the show because i'm not low enough to bash the fanbase of anything.
He also said this in his DBZ review (which was taken down, i wonder why), another reason he hated it was, and i kid you all not, it wasn't thought provoking or deep or philosophical.
i wish i was joking.
first off, IT'S DRAGON BALL FOR CHRIST SAKES! what were you expecting out of it!? it's a shonen anime, meaning there's gonna be fighting and nothing but fighting! if you (valarclan) wanna a thought provoking anime, go watch legend of the galactic heros, haibane renmei, or ghost in the shell.
oh and by the way, why were you expecting realism in an anime?! do you expect all anime to have some sort of realism?! IT'S FUCKING ANIME! a fucking cartoon! anything could happen! you could be a soul reaper at 15, you could perform alchemy without a transmutation circle, you could be the biggest loser in high school and yet have your own harem of hot babes, you could even suck on a pair of titties and gain super strength from 'em (cookies to those who know that reference there). first off i know there are anime that have realism and are philosophical, but if you think anime are all the same for one thing only, consider yourself brain damaged.
then there's the main reason why i think this guy is a complete dumbass: he deletes the comments of those who call him out and CALLS US MORONS FOR DISAGREEING WITH HIM!!!
seriously look at this screen caps here:
*sorry if it's too small, i can read it off just in case. go to his profile, it be easier*
we call you out on your BS, you delete them, and you have the balls to insult us?! you are a fucking idiot, i'm sorry you really are. also i know very well that a review is meant to state an opinion, but unless you have good, valid, and understandable reasons to back it up, i'm sorry but your opinion is bull crap. it's also one thing to sate an opinion, but it's something different when stating it while being a complete twat about it. oh and thanks for saying that most of us aren't even out of high school when most of us are probably still in high school, but also in college. plus you said it's fine if we like DBZ, but yet you flat out call anyone who likes the series slow minded. can anyone say double standard?
all i'm saying now is that you shouldn't act like a dick towards others when you yourself aren't no better!
also, just when before he delete my comment, i told him to do it, because it'll prove me right on how immature and childish he's being. So much so that he changed his profile to that "only friends can comment on his page" thing. i'm betting he did that because he was butt-hurt from people calling him out or he doesn't want anymore people calling him out. I'm going with both.
(i didn't even think lovelyphantom could be this stupid.)
i really hope i don't make another rant regarding this guy, but even then i have a feeling he's gonna make more bullshit.
i'm done, later.
valarclan, is one of those idiots.
For those who don't check the review section on here, val has made some reviews on dragon ball, Z, and kai. and they are fucking horrible. now i love the dragon ball series (GT doesn't exist), but the reason i said they suck, not because i'm a fan, but because of how piss poor and insultingly stupid they all were.
here's a sample from his DB review:
"Maybe the show is geared to slow witted people or just really slow people.
Never liked this show, never will.
There are way better more thoughtfilled anime's out there.
The entire series reminds me of the trouble Marvel Comics had when they started having Rob Liefield do a number of comics."
see what i mean?
where do i begin!? how about the fact that he blatantly insults those who love the show. it's one thing to hate a show, but it's another to bash it's fanbase. now i hate school days with a passion, but i've never called the people who like it complete retards for liking it. why? because it's their opinion! i really don't care if anyone likes the show because i'm not low enough to bash the fanbase of anything.
He also said this in his DBZ review (which was taken down, i wonder why), another reason he hated it was, and i kid you all not, it wasn't thought provoking or deep or philosophical.
i wish i was joking.
first off, IT'S DRAGON BALL FOR CHRIST SAKES! what were you expecting out of it!? it's a shonen anime, meaning there's gonna be fighting and nothing but fighting! if you (valarclan) wanna a thought provoking anime, go watch legend of the galactic heros, haibane renmei, or ghost in the shell.
oh and by the way, why were you expecting realism in an anime?! do you expect all anime to have some sort of realism?! IT'S FUCKING ANIME! a fucking cartoon! anything could happen! you could be a soul reaper at 15, you could perform alchemy without a transmutation circle, you could be the biggest loser in high school and yet have your own harem of hot babes, you could even suck on a pair of titties and gain super strength from 'em (cookies to those who know that reference there). first off i know there are anime that have realism and are philosophical, but if you think anime are all the same for one thing only, consider yourself brain damaged.
then there's the main reason why i think this guy is a complete dumbass: he deletes the comments of those who call him out and CALLS US MORONS FOR DISAGREEING WITH HIM!!!
seriously look at this screen caps here:
*sorry if it's too small, i can read it off just in case. go to his profile, it be easier*
we call you out on your BS, you delete them, and you have the balls to insult us?! you are a fucking idiot, i'm sorry you really are. also i know very well that a review is meant to state an opinion, but unless you have good, valid, and understandable reasons to back it up, i'm sorry but your opinion is bull crap. it's also one thing to sate an opinion, but it's something different when stating it while being a complete twat about it. oh and thanks for saying that most of us aren't even out of high school when most of us are probably still in high school, but also in college. plus you said it's fine if we like DBZ, but yet you flat out call anyone who likes the series slow minded. can anyone say double standard?
all i'm saying now is that you shouldn't act like a dick towards others when you yourself aren't no better!
also, just when before he delete my comment, i told him to do it, because it'll prove me right on how immature and childish he's being. So much so that he changed his profile to that "only friends can comment on his page" thing. i'm betting he did that because he was butt-hurt from people calling him out or he doesn't want anymore people calling him out. I'm going with both.
(i didn't even think lovelyphantom could be this stupid.)
i really hope i don't make another rant regarding this guy, but even then i have a feeling he's gonna make more bullshit.
i'm done, later.
Posted by
| Feb 10, 2011 1:44 PM |
Mangaluvr | Feb 18, 2011 10:32 PM
Haha, very nice rant, my friend. So true about the whole realism bit. People who thing all anime is going to be realistic, or have a sense of realism, are really kind of dumb. I would like to have someone explain to me any bit of realism to be found in anime like Bleach, Naruto, Kore wa Zombie Desu ka? , and Code Geass.Lol at how that guy expected Dragonball to be thought provoking. |
artist-retired | Feb 11, 2011 1:12 AM
Oh yeah, I've seen that idiot's reviews, and as a fellow dragonball fan: I've read worse.Then I read the dbz review after the dbz kai review. then the sailor moon review then the Vampire Hunter D review. Then his comment on fist of the north star. I face palmed so hard theres a red mark on my face now.(I mean really, what's next? Yu-Yu Hakusho? Gundam? One Piece? DBGT- nevermind) And the way he wrote them too, sigh... I ,myself, sent him a pm on his B.S. but now I'm pretty sure he's not going to respond. P.S. Notice he has FLCL on his favorites list, annoying hypocrite is annoying. Nice Seikon no Qwaser reference by the way. |