Lordcrab86's Blog

Jul 7, 2011 4:16 PM
I've already made a video on this, but i'd thought i'd make the same thing on here, mostly because there were a few points that i left out of that same video that i might as well address here.

so i will now explain why i think hidan no aria is not a good show.

(keep in mind i dropped the show after episode 6, so this is based on what i have witnessed thus far.)

first off, the plot. as far as stories go, HnA has one of the worst. In japan, there's a school that trains TEENAGERS to be armed detectives. so it's basically, them learning how to use weapons and solving crimes, even though there's the chance they might get badly injured, let alone die! i'm starting to bet child labour no longer exists in this setting.

the fact that this was directed by takashi watanabe is unbelievable (he directed the slayers tv series), because the plot is so badly executed it's insulting, just like the writing! the characters would do and say some rather imbecile crap to the point where i wanted to punch myself in the face.

oh wait, i did numerous times watching this.

here's some examples:

how about when aria punched kinji JUST FOR ACCIDENTLY TAKING HIS DRINK HAVING A SIP!

or when shiroyuki says OUT LOUD that she must be kinji's wife just for giving him a bento twice in one day.

Not just that, but there scenes and situations that feel forced upon, like when kinji kisses aria in episode 5. not just that but hardly anything makes any sense! the plot twists make me think the creator(s) think we're that stupid enough to believe that aria is the descendent of sherlock holmes and riko is the descendent of arsene lupin.


these two girls have no similarities between these two icons. it's as if the original creator was watching the history channel and saw holmes and lupin and thought "why not?" maybe it's different in the novels, but in the anime, it's as unconvincing as you could imagine. plus, another stupid twist the fact that she was kinji's dead brother's former lover was unbelievably laughable.

since i already mentioned the characters, how bout i talk about them for a while?

i'll start off with aria because she irritated me to know end. it's obvious that since she's a tsundere, i will hate her, and i do. not only is she violent (shooting at kinji forgetting the fact that she might KILL HIM!), spoiled and selfish, unreasonable, an idiot, and annoying as fuck. when she said "i have no friends, nor do i need any" i sarcastically said, "i wonder why?" and before anyone says anything, yes i know about when she gave kinji the stuffed cat toy, yes that was nice of her, but that was the ONLY time she was nice to him, let alone anyone else! the nicest thing i can say about her is her issue with her mom being in jail, that's it!

i tried to like kinji, but in the end, he's about as interesting as a popsicle stick. though i will admit his hysteria mode is cool, (it's too bad it's a ripped off the mega playboy from D.N.A2,) but he rarely uses it!

shiroyuki is nothing more than your typical childhood friend who pines for the male lead, though compared to aria, she's so-so. my issues with her is that she gets teary eyed at the prospect of kinji getting hurt (wouldn't be surprised if she flipped if he ever stubbed his toe), not that it's a bad to worry for someone's safety mind you, but here it just feels annoying.

the only character that interested me was riko. started off as a perverted otaku, but turned out she was the copycat butei killer (the only decent plot twist) with a slight manic touch to her.

everyone else isn't worth mentioning because they're either so forgettable or uninteresting. also, NO ONE FUCKING DEVELOPS! i haven't seen a shred of character/relationship development in this show, the characters just remained static as if there isn't anything worth improving on them!

well are there any good things about HnA? answer: some.

art/animation is alright (the models can go off a some points, quality drops in a few parts, and i felt the CG was badly made.) the voice acting is listenable, the bus-hijacking scene was engaging, and of course, hysteria mode and riko. that's all.

before i finish this, if you like this show, please don't take this in any offense, it's my opinion, that's all and i couldn't care if you have a different view on it than i do.

with all that said, well.......later.
Posted by Lordcrab86 | Jul 7, 2011 4:16 PM | 5 comments
Valkyrie_Wings | Nov 6, 2012 2:23 PM
I don't even know how I got through 12 episodes of this.
Lordcrab86 | Dec 20, 2011 6:37 PM
@108s9001: cool story bro
108s9001 | Nov 29, 2011 7:24 AM
HnA was a blatantly generic show made mainly for otaku audiences, but the obvious inaccuracies in your rant/review are worse.

There are some really elementary anime frameworks, archetypes, tropes, niche hobby & fetish references and quirks that can practically be found on wikipedia etc. here at which you just say "i don't understand".

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jlc031 | Aug 22, 2011 4:20 PM
Is this the anime where Kugimiya Rie plays the loli tsundere?
chocolaetmaelk | Aug 13, 2011 10:01 PM
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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