incisorr's Blog

Jul 18, 2011 9:54 AM
Order is somewhat accurate to time ive seen them, the list might change with time as i see new animes or when i get bored and come here to destroy it myself, meh whatever!

1. B Gata H Kei: well why wouldn't i ? B gata h kei is still the best comedy show i've seen since i watch animes, a super comedy mixed with a school romance and some crazy characters, nothing better to ask for! Until episode 7 i was literally crying from laugh, maybe back then i was really desperate for comedy or maybe the show was too good. Re-watched it again and still had some laughs even tho i knew the jokes and whats going to happen.
Its been awhile since my first watch and i can see now that b-gata-h-kei has the sexiest and best animation/art out of all other animes i've seen, its realistic yet sexy and good.. in some scenes i can pause and see so many details.

2. Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu: honestly, neither the comedy neither the drama neither the romance neither the story were worth 10, whats worth 10 (both seasons+the movie) is Haruhi, she is just awesome isn't she. The best in it are the character(s)

3. Angel Beats!: awesome anime, if you've seen it you should know why i gave it 10, if you haven't then go ahead and see it. The best in it was the drama/story

4. Clannad: i watch animes for few things - clannad was overflowing with the 4 main factors for me , almost all characters are cool and unique, even the male protagonist lol. Really good anime if you're in the mood for such, thumbs up!! well-deserved my-top anime ever since i've seen it until recently. The best in clannad was the drama and the romance.. obviously

5. MM!: well who wouldn't want to know a chick such as Mio? shes gotta be in my top 5 tsundere's list, mixed up with a ridiculous comedy, i had a good laughter. Best in it is the comedy.
edit: On rewatch i laughed a lot again but i realized that MM isnt just a good comedy, its a great ecchi with lots of quality fan service and weird ass angles. 10/10 stays

6. Welcome to the NHK!: well if you don't give 10 to this anime then i don't know to what you would, being a "hikkimori" and a ''neet'' myself i was amazed how detailed the stuff on the anime is, the person who made it WAS (until recently atleast) a NEET for sure because ordinary person that doesn't know the neet ways would never come up with such detail, really really great anime for grownups ! And Misaki was just awesome ,we need more people like her in the world. Best in this anime : story/drama/even/characters comedy was good, stroooooooongly recommended.

7. Samurai Champloo: 10 (Masterpiece) totally suits this anime, i've gotta admit its not what i usually watch (you can see that tho) - but hey Fuu is hot and ecchi so maybe it is! I didn't really like the art about their bodies but the idea for the anime is masterpiece indeed , it took some convincing from a friend of mine to watch it and im glad i did. I have to appreciate people's work for this anime thats why i gave it 10!

best in its: story/characters

8. Death Note: i think its obvious, anyway, in *my* book it *should* receive a 9 not a 10 because

9. Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica: I was incredibly skeptical about this anime and the only reason i decided to watch it is because the incredible spam of wallpapers on some sites for such stuff, i was incredibly skeptical the first few episodes as well and some of the thoughts going thru my head were "FASTER, FASTERRRRRRR" and "why such an ugly art style, i see its obvious they don't wanna copy other animes and wanna have "unique" style but thats kinda GAY. Anyway, for me Homura
What made me change my mind
. Something else i liked and i gave it points for+++
Also, it was too short , barely 12 episodes, also2: Akemi+ + + + +++ + + + + +. Have in mind that i finished Fate/Stay night like the same day i started this anime and i was incredibly disappointed by it, so my judgement for madoka might as welll be super off-course and overrated because after such huge disappointment i subconsciously found ''something to grasp'' on in this anime and my negative emotion towards Fate powered my positive towards this.
Oh and it has cool music

10. Code Geass: Believe me i didn't wanna give it 10 because many things were missing in my opinion, but
I can see why Lelouch Lamperouge is the most favorited character on MAL, im quite curious if such people exist
, or they are just fiction, because in movies such characters aren't *that* rare. Im saying that because when i used to be like that all my efforts went unnoticed and everything ive been thru was pointless so i gave up on it

11. Oretachi ni Tsubasa wa Nai: just awesome, i was about to drop this anime because of its low score, im so fking glad i didn't, its not anime for everyone and the average person(yes im insulting mass of people right now and looking down on them) would misunderstand it, considering it finished airing 4 days ago and it had shitty score while it had just like 6 episodes out of 12 out, that just says enough, people are quick to judge and drop animes - how fucking lame. When i drop an anime before ive seen atleast 75% of it i don't give it a score or i don't even put it in my MAL...definitely a must watch if you are into psychological/comedies/ecchi/romance animes , its going to sit on my #2 in top 5 now!
edit: after reading some comments, most people have troubles following whats going on around, just re-watch it and you'll be fine.. it makes perfect sense, theres a good character introduction in the beginning as well.
If you *still* don't get it, click here(spoilers)

edit: well now that ive seen this anime 4 times, i can say that it still kicks ass. TBH i even liked it more than the first time i watched it. This anime is a total masterpiece and a must watch for everyone. Why? 1) awesome comedy with hilarious gags which have great rewatch value 2) awesome art 3) lots of fan service, which is always a good thing, homos go away. If you don't like FS, simply endure few seconds of these scenes.. srsly 4) awesome story~ its not cliched and its perfectly laid out ,the anime isnt either too fast either too slow its just right, its perfect. 5)~ everyone in this anime is just too adroable ffs, for the things they do or say , definitely the best harem ive seen
5th rewatch - i wrote a review to promote the anime, go read @

12. Neon Genesis Evangelion: Well the anime alone(without the movie, with it it probably does deserve) doesn't really deserve a 10, im just being the nice guy i always am to give it a 10, + ANTA BAKA???? Super kawai blue eyes and red hair!!! But
..edit: So i saw the remake movies, the art is *awesome* and the world is much better as expected, its also "closer" to our world( cant blame old evangelion since its from 95').
The first movie is ok but the 2nd one sucks, the story is butchered and Asuka's image is ruined, she was much better on the anime than on the remake movie.. also her role is much smaller, instead they added some new chick which besides being hot has nothing else, i dont like her. There are lots of "important" scenes cut off ..
Cuz of that movie i remove Asuka from my top10, even tho i still luv her and shes my waifu gtfo.

13. Special A: Soooooooooo much better than Ouran High School, they are pretty similar to each other but this one kicks the crap out of the other.. more popular(for no reason) one. Definitely a must watch anime if you're into such stuff.
For me Takishima Kei is the best male protagonist i've ever seen, his voice is awesome(Lulu from code geass) and his role is just the male char ive always been looking for. I like that he is in love with Hikari since the beginning(thats not a spoiler since u can see it in the description), there aren't many animes with such story and if there are then the main char is some fag and not badass like Takishima, i give it a 10 not because its super giga drill awesome but because its better than Ouran high but less famous, so im trying to fix that. Oh yeah, things i very much disliked - > THE ART was *SOOOOOOO* bad , it could have been better then this anime would make it in my top5 ,also the
So because of those last 2 things its *real* score should be 9 but i wrote above why im giving it a 10. And lastly (some more praise)

14. K-ON!!: its good, they don't force u to listen to their songs even tho its anime about a band, and their songs are even somewhat good so w/e.

15. Steins;Gate -> i was gonna write something but fuck it

16. Umineko no Naku Koro ni: Im giving it 10 because of the touhou cosplay and the awesome soundtrack, the anime .. well yeah nevermind the anime is complicated as hell if you have no clue what this is , i didn't know anything bout umineko when i saw the anime so i was pretty confused and lost in the start.
Anyway, its definitely worth trying the fighting game Umineko cause it has awesome soundtrack and some more touhou references by Jessica in there, including cosplay and masterspark lolol++

17. School days ~ awesome turbo: The first time i saw it was so long ago i kinda forgot it / etc i dont know lol, the 2nd time i rewatched it , i remembered only the start and the end and thats why i couldnt stop laughing knowing how itll end, i laughed so much during the episodes just thinking about the end, school days is truly a masterpiece and we should have more animes like it, the characters were stereotyped/cliched in the beginning but had a real actual logical progression during the anime and they changed to what a real person would change/logically etc, the anime is good thats about it, the things in it may not be your taste but if i had to rate real life im pretty sure id give it less than 10 because the things we encounter are not always what we want them to be, yes Makoto was annoying but atleast he was realistic.. and such, you get the idea i hope. The anime scene needs more animes like this one

18. Mirai Nikki -> blah : im giving it a 10 anyway cause its worth watching and its good.. most of the time that is, the things that annoyed me were

19. Itazura Na Kiss: probably the best romantic story i've seen even tho i didn't dig the characters in the beginning, they were both annoying as hell but it got better. The anime was
. Definitely a must watch!

20. Boku wa tomodachi ga sukinai ~ I gave it a 9 after i finished it once but i decided to re-watch it and thats why i changed the score to a 10, the characters are all cool and theres some good jokes which work even when rewatching it, awesome art and uh oh its not a full 10 but since i started giving 10s randomly like that and theres bunch of other ecchies here, this one totally deserves it > well i thought this anime is gonna be bad thats why ive been ignoring its existence for awhile.. then i finally decided to start watching it and got surprised, pretty nice anime but its also wasted.

Season 2: Great story and character development, awesome humor, awesome art as usual, good sound. Everything was great except the fan service, if you have ever bothered reading the shit i write here you know im all about fan service and i support it, but the fan service in S2 was really poorly executed and SUPER obvious. It could have been a lot better.
The main guy isn't a faggot anymore like i said for S1, his char development makes him a lot better. Sena gets even better and Rika gets almost-Sena-level for me. They got a lot more screen time which was totally deserved and made the anime this much better. the
Yozora is sinking deeper and deeper into the hole in my eyes, i know i know i should give her more credit about being a sensitive tsundere and all but dunno, maybe its the hair which makes me dislike her more than usual.
random 2018+ late edit: lol i wonder how old this review is considering i "complain" that Sena is a blonde when i've been a sucker for blondes and they have been by far my most preferred girls since like 2011 or 2 now (and b4 that i was into redheads but b4 that i was into blondes again) and it's been a long time where in my mind blonde is the default best color and yet i see this random review remark now and it makes me laugh but also worry that i wrote shit like this when blonde is the master-race

21. Zetman: As usual, i thought this anime would be bad beacuse it was scored low but anyway i decided to give it atleast 1 episode. It turned out that the anime is awesome and its everything an action anime should be, i loved it and enjoyed it. It had everything in it altho it was very short, definitely couldve been longer and better. Awesome characters and story development imo. Also the fact that its underrated makes me like it even more.

22: ReLIFE - wow, finally an anime that made me want to give it 10/10 after all this time. Well that was awesome and it took me by surprise considering i've been in "i-hate-anime-slump" and this one made me realize and remember why , along with making me feel 500 different things! First of all, the only reason i picked it was because the main char is 27 years old but the anime still happens in school so there's super overly-attractive school female genders and the art was really good and the girls actually looked really good and felt mostly reasonable and believable (unlike most animes) and looked good and school uniforms and socks and pantyhose and the art was good and and and even their eyes looked good and the story was good and basically thats how every anime should be like and i need more of this. You could say it was a bit predictable but in a good way.. mild spoiler ahead (wont spoil story)

and now for the bigger spoilers

(added 23 march 2018 for season 2 of this)
S2: ReLIFE: Kanketsu-hen: Well i'm gonna start by saying that it did feel a bit lackluster but it finished off the story more or less nicely.

23: Ao Haru Ride -
. I need more animes like this. The main char (Futaba!)was awesome and everyone was mostly reasonable and made sense and was nice and everything was good and i don't know what to say which kinda sucks but if you have good taste in anime then you should watch this one cus its super good. There were only a few hiccups
but yes. The only unreasonable thing is that the main guy wasnt as thirsty as he should've been but i wasn't that thirsty in high school either but in my defense if we had school uniforms that looked as good as jp ones do that wouldn't be the case,,, and Futaba was super nice


24: Hibike! Euphonium 2 - I'm gonna straight up start by saying that it didn't do what i wanted it to do after season 1 but it was still super good so i gave it 10. Fucking trumpet anime man, if you told me that i would like anime about trumpets and shit i would be like "u wh0t m8"but this anime is good because they are all too fucking hot and top tier waifus , like, almost all of the more-shown girls/main chars are top tier waifus and this anime's art is really good and i loved the way the chars were portrayed from the smallest things like their body movement and reactions - it made it look a lot more believable and realistic which is why the anime was even exciting to watch - the characters didn't look "stiff "like they normally do but i didnt even know i need this in my anime life until i saw it here. It also touches a very specific section with all the different (and proper) legwear types! like, you have white socks and black socks and stockings and pantyhose even and they're even taking off their shoes all the time! My fetishes are super complicated and CLASSY which is why people dont understand and why SHIT ANIMES like BAKONONOGATARI can go eat poo but this one gets it, somewhat, i mean it wasnt focused around that obviously but if it was it would've been done properly. This is how you make a good anime..... apart from that, the reason why i won't put it in my favorites and the only things that were lacking for me were
. I see that there's a scheduled sequel which is a movie instead anime.. not sure how i feel about that, hope it' progresses the story the way *I* want it but i somehow doubt this now because i believe movies like that are aired in cinema (I don't know how it is in japan) so they're gonna refrain from giving us as many LEG-SHOTS and there wont 'be any yuri probably either..

25. Citrus - Half of my "10/10" animes are like a compromise and always do have something slightly annoying but i guess perfection needs to have flaws so it can be more human! Or well, not really when it comes to an anime but yes. This anime was good as fuck i dunno why i've seen some kids whining. I clicked on some kid's profile that rated it low and said that it's bad then this kid only had mecha and some crap and fake deep bullshit in his favorite animes so he clearly doesnt even remotely care about or enjoy shoujo or romance or anything but he has the audacity to go around reviewing shit like what the fuck is wrong with you ? I know what, you're 14 years old and have no brain! Anyway the art was awesome and the characters were reasonable and the anime felt "realistic" (compared to most) which made it even more likeable.. and mostly this anime was way too relatable, basically 80% of the plot already happened to me (but pseudo-reversed and online and not really reversed cus online everyone is a girl) it's really complicated but in many ways it was relatable and even the character personalities were very similar and relatable and all those annoying side characters existed too... well whatever i'm not here to talk about my failed life.
I'll probably rewatch this anime and see if i still feel like giving it 10 (but i probably will) and yes i'm aware it did have some flaws. I absolutely hate plots based on misunderstandings but at least Citrus didn't trip itself in on some dumb 10 ep misunderstanding plot and was more or less cleared up and resolved and in a good and reasonable way. The anime was good, i need more of this and that's why im supporting it by giving it 10!

Also they had proper socks so that's a big plus too...

26. Full Metal Panic! Invisible Victory - I don't know why this anime just keeps flying under my radar and under mainstream radar and under anyone's radar pretty much. It took me to not have internet connection for the night to finally get enough resolve to watch it after starting it awhile ago but not continuing due to not being in the mood. The entire franchise pretty much deserves a score of 10 tbh but im not into mecha and robots and im also not into military but despite that i just have to give 10 to this season because i kept giving it 9 to older ones. What does this have that's so good? The art is incredible even in the old seasons that are more than 10 years old. The girls are extremely hot. There's socks and school uniforms despite it being about robots and warfare and military. There's romance. The plot is super good and it's actually existing unlike most animes. It's very reasonable and feels very western inspired despite everything else which makes it more reasonable cus we all know most animes are unreasonable and shitty as fuck, hell there's even swearing in the anime which is a big plus for me (funny as shit i was actually thinking what would i answer in the situation in which the swear was used and i was thinking to myself id put "fucking" and then one sentence later a guy says that out of the blue lol) I really don't like this "genre" which is why i kept giving it 9 but the anime is just too good and high quality in comparison to all the other crap i watch... It only has one flaw imo and it's that it focuses too much on the story instead of characters and they sort of come in the anime and you don't really care about them and the anime doesn't try very hard to make you care about them and things happen to them and you decide if you care or not. If the anime had a bit more character driven stuff around it (for all chars) that'd be good but there are also so many episodes (almost hard to believe, and almost hard to believe that i've seen all of them but lol) so you do get a lot of character screen time it's just that they're often just"doing their thing" so extracting information is like much slower than a normal anime. That's my only problem with it and speaking of characters my fucking god Chidori is just amazing. I don't even know why she isn't in my top 10 but i guess im putting her after this. I've always liked her (mostly cus shes hot and cus of her school uniform) and shes smart and cool and good looking and socks! I don't know, it must be the mecha thing that always kept me away from coming to this conclusion earlier but if i just reflect on it - shes definitely one of the best anime waifus out there so she deserves the praise and the attention and i'm finally giving it to her. I don't know how it is in the manga nor does that matter cause im rating my anime watching experience but i do get the feeling that perhaps the Nami "arc" was bigger in the manga than in the anime and maybe it's for the best considering... Anyway Japan needs to make more animes like this one that are reasonable and make sense and have good female chars in them (maybe minus the robots part but the plot was good so even that's not bringing me down). A bit of a problem for me is that i watched these seasons too far apart of each other instead so now the memory in my mind is gonna be pretty broken so future me might not fully understand but maybe some day i'll rewatch the older seasons.. altho i have plenty of shit to do <,<

27. Shingeki no Kyojin Season 3 Part 2 - i'm gonna increase the score of all SNK seasons by 1 so prior to this they were 1 less than they are now. I didn't like this anime that much at the start because it had issues but over the seasons it hit every one of them just right and corrected them. The story is exceptionally good, the music is good and the art is good. There's no flaws with this. If i had resources and money i wouldn't write a story like this but it doesn't stop me from appreciating how good it is. I give it 10 so more animes can try to be like this and so we can get better stuff to watch. This season alone was really good , despite being so short, it had combat and drama and story-telling and character moments and most importantly it cleared out the story and set things right. One of my main complaints was that the story is presented badly/confusingly but it was cleaned up. [spoiler] i called dibs on Krista ages ago so she's taken. I think the anime could improve if they added even more depth to the world (it already has enough depth) by showing the survey corps through the eyes/opinions of other people within the world and romance / attraction between some of the main chars that's more than just a mention or 1 episode and that actually leads somewhere [/ spoiler]
I'm looking forward to the sequel and i'm curious if it can live up to the part 1 and part 2 of season 3 or if it'll surpass even them.
Posted by incisorr | Jul 18, 2011 9:54 AM | Add a comment
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