February 20th, 2010
Posted by DestinyFate | Feb 20, 2010 4:12 PM | 0 comments

Favourite male characters:
Current Favourite songs

Favourite male characters:
- Lelouch Lamperouge (Code Geass)
- Yagami Light (Death Note)
- Simon (Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann)
- Kamina (Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann)
- Okazaki Tomoya (Clannad)
- Asakura Yoh (Shaman King)
- Asakura Hao (Shaman King)
- Kiryuu Zero (Vampire Knight)
- Setsuna F Seiei (Gundam 00)
- Hiraga Saito (Zero no Tsukaima)
- Uchiha Sasuke (Naruto)
- Uchiha Itachi (Naruto)
- Aono Tsukune (Rosario+Vampire)
Current Favourite songs
- JOINT - Kawada Mami
- sense - Kawada Mami
- PSI-missing - Kawada Mami
- only my railgun - fripSide
- Level5 -Judgelight- - fripSide
- Red reduction division - fripSide
- Sociometry - KOTOKO
- Eternal Blaze - Mizuki Nana
- Justice to Believe - Mizuki Nana
- Colors of the Heart - UVERworld
Posted by DestinyFate | Feb 20, 2010 4:11 PM | 0 comments
About Me
Posted by DestinyFate | Feb 20, 2010 4:08 PM | 0 comments
April 24th, 2009
Members Cards
Posted by DestinyFate | Apr 24, 2009 5:24 PM | 0 comments
March 4th, 2009
Profile Pictures Hall of Fame
Inducted March 5, 2009

by Mhia
Inducted March 5, 2009

by Tsuruya-san
Inducted March 5, 2009

by wonpie_
Inducted March 5, 2009

by wonpie_
Inducted June 17, 2009

by Melmel
Inducted February 21, 2010

by Melmel
Inducted February 21, 2010

by Melmel

by Mhia
Inducted March 5, 2009

by Tsuruya-san
Inducted March 5, 2009

by wonpie_
Inducted March 5, 2009

by wonpie_
Inducted June 17, 2009

by Melmel
Inducted February 21, 2010

by Melmel
Inducted February 21, 2010

by Melmel
Posted by DestinyFate | Mar 4, 2009 2:03 PM | 1 comments
September 5th, 2008
This will be the entry for me to post the banners of my claims. (Click on the banner to link to the club!)

Best Friend claim:

Shana and Shana related claims:

Fate and related claims:

Group Claims:

Other Claims:

Two totally different claims from the above. These characters will be brutally tortured by me.

Claims that are waiting for banner:

Best Friend claim:

Shana and Shana related claims:

Fate and related claims:

Group Claims:

Other Claims:

Two totally different claims from the above. These characters will be brutally tortured by me.

Claims that are waiting for banner:
- Shana, Fujibayashi Kyou (claim a cartoon or anime character)
- Kujikawa Rise (Claim a Video Game Character v.2)
- Shana x Hecate (Claim a Yuri Couple)
- Amaterasu, Kirin (Claim Your Ninpo ( Ninja Art ) Club)
- Kawazoe Tamaki (Teach A Character)
- Fate Testarossa, Shana (Claim a character you claimed before)
- Lancelot Albion, Destiny Gundam, Bardiche, Rising Heart (Claim a Chain of Weapons)
- Nunnally Lamperouge (Enslave a Character)
- Shana (The Only One)
- Fate Testarossa (Worship Pure Worship a Character)
- Anya Alstreim, Lelouch Lamperouge (Claim a character from a mecha)
- Lelouch Lamperouge (Claim a Non-Kunoichi)
- Shana (Marry a Game character)
- Shana (Marry a Manga character)
Posted by DestinyFate | Sep 5, 2008 11:13 AM | 3 comments