February 8th, 2010
Well I know there's been a few memorable lines from anime and/or manga that I've seen/read, and for one reason or another... they just seem to strike a cord in me. Since my mind is like a steel trap, I've decided to put them up!!
Problem is the trap has rusted... and the majority of the quotes have long since left the building... um er memory :( So I'll put up the one I remembered today. And hopefully I'll remember to add them when I come across a good one :P
If anyone has any quotes they think are memorable or just really good. Please feel free to add them, but I do ask that the anime (episode) / manga (chapter) is included. I mean if they're good.. I'll want to see/read them too :)
"Close your eyes. Open your mouth."
From - Icy Corridor, Kaleidoscope Chapter 3 A Bewildered Space Date
(alternate name Hinyari Rouka)
"Why? Why do people give presents? They entrust their feelings to a thing. Because feelings aren't visible to the eyes."
Tokyo Mew Mew - episode 37
Amor ex oculis oriens in pectus cadit = Love is borne by the eye and sinks into the heart.
Ake Nure Goyou ni Furu Yuki wa - Chapter 4
Catch the wheel that breaks the butterfly
I cried the rain that fills the ocean wide
I tried to talk with God to no avail
Calling my name and out of nowhere
I said if you won't save me, please don't waste my time
Falling down - by Oasis OP for Eden of the East.
Problem is the trap has rusted... and the majority of the quotes have long since left the building... um er memory :( So I'll put up the one I remembered today. And hopefully I'll remember to add them when I come across a good one :P
If anyone has any quotes they think are memorable or just really good. Please feel free to add them, but I do ask that the anime (episode) / manga (chapter) is included. I mean if they're good.. I'll want to see/read them too :)
"Close your eyes. Open your mouth."
From - Icy Corridor, Kaleidoscope Chapter 3 A Bewildered Space Date
(alternate name Hinyari Rouka)
"Why? Why do people give presents? They entrust their feelings to a thing. Because feelings aren't visible to the eyes."
Tokyo Mew Mew - episode 37
Amor ex oculis oriens in pectus cadit = Love is borne by the eye and sinks into the heart.
Ake Nure Goyou ni Furu Yuki wa - Chapter 4
Catch the wheel that breaks the butterfly
I cried the rain that fills the ocean wide
I tried to talk with God to no avail
Calling my name and out of nowhere
I said if you won't save me, please don't waste my time
Falling down - by Oasis OP for Eden of the East.
Posted by Dragon-Scales | Feb 8, 2010 3:55 PM | 0 comments