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Dragon-Scales's Blog

May 3rd, 2010
Deafening silence, lingering pain
Topples the balance within our brain
Forever altering our inner domain
And the path we walk through life

Warming sun, cooling breeze
Filtered softly through the leaves,
A moments silence, darkness appeased
Clarity so brilliantly shines

Thunderous clouds, dismays delight
Block all hope, block our light
and steal our will on which we fight
Shadows cast foward again

Uncertain, unwilling, frightened and more
Body broken battered and sore
Wishing for death within our core
That final peace does not come

A lifetime spent endlessly toiling
Resolve and belief often crumbling
Yet at the end, most are smiling
With a life fully lived.
... written May 3. 2010

Posted by Dragon-Scales | May 3, 2010 4:38 PM | 0 comments
April 25th, 2010
Not sure what to name this one as of yet :P
I'm sure I'll come up with something ...

Darkness calls, and heeds no fear
To swallow whole and shed no tear
The soul consumed, an empty shield
Remains upon the battle field
To what extent the conflict did take
Who did the victor, in the end forsake?
Forsake one self, or forsake another?
But in the end does it really matter?
Betrayed in the end and left to die
Last sight to see, is darkened sky.
Heavens release a torrential rain
Tears born for those who were slain
Death transcends all space and time
And comes for each, no reason, no rhyme
The final comfort, its darkened embrace
Death’s lingering kiss upon thy face.
....written Apr 25, 2010
Posted by Dragon-Scales | Apr 25, 2010 10:55 AM | 0 comments
Deepened worries bother me
For all that I can hear and see
Bitter battles, Darkened lies
All pass before my weary eyes
To tired to fight. To stubborn to quit
I stand alone while the world doth twitch
Sorrow and madness surrounding me
As souls are condemned by their own greed
..... written 7.19.05

Corrosive bile; constantly lapping
Disintegrating gradually
Bit by bit; less and less
Our foundations; our strengths
Crumble away until nothing remains
Caustic fluids
Consuming everything
Leaving nothing
Once all is said and done
Naught can be found
With one exception
The destructive power
Laying waste to everything
.....written 11.16.06
Posted by Dragon-Scales | Apr 25, 2010 10:31 AM | 0 comments
Dragon’s Lore
Dragon lore is long and sullen;
Full of blood and fear.
But if the truth be known of them;
It would seem quite queer.
For like the rest they fight to the death.
To protect what’s rightfully theirs.
‘Tis man’s greed which did to them.
And drove them to their lairs.
The slaughter carried through the night.
Over months and years.
To take from them their very life;
And never shed a tear.
All this in the name of greed.
Or for the Lord; ‘our Savior’.
Who’s father created ALL!

Dragon’s Keep
Lady of the Dragon’s Keep, fairest of the fair.
I long for just the slightest peep, of a beauty oh so rare.
Lady of the Dragon’s Keep. Are you all alone?
Quietly, up your stairs I’ll creep, until the Dragon’s tone.

With danger all around us, our time is very scarce.
I treasure every moment spent, upon your ivory terrace.
If your Dragons wake and find me here,
I will not have died in vein.
For having held you close my love, is certainly worth the pain.

Lady of the Dragon’s Keep, fairest of the fair.
I long for just the slightest peep, of a beauty of so rare.
Lady of the Dragon’s Keep. Are you all alone?
As sorrow’s friend, all day you weep, until the Dragon’s tone.

The forest bears silent witness, too your lonely days and nights.
As silently you sit and weep, for all the fallen knights.
If only they could understand, the nature of your beasts.
They’d fear no longer for their lived, and try to live in peace.

If I dare to kill them all, while your dragons sleep.
I’m sure that I could do the task, if the price were not so steep.
To kill them all, I’d lose my love, and this is not my goal.
For I know the beasts are one with her. Body, heart and soul.

Lady of the Dragon’s Keep, fairest of the fair.
I long for just the slightest peep of a beauty of so rare.
Lady of the Dragon’s Keep, can you come out this night?
Posted by Dragon-Scales | Apr 25, 2010 10:22 AM | 0 comments
Strands of Fate

Gossamer strands of fate's own weave
Bind us to our lives
With wispy strands as strong as steel
Yet unseen within our eyes
They are used to bind our souls
Onto this mortal plane
And bind our hearts onto true love
And also onto pain
The lightest brush of those same strands
Alters the body's will
The heart beats fast, and breath grows short
And time it doth stand still
The strands unwind, and time moves on
For ere the cycle goes
To wait again for that lightest touch
As delicate as a rose
Posted by Dragon-Scales | Apr 25, 2010 10:17 AM | 0 comments
Wrote this one while sitting in a small cafe in down town Toronto, on a nice sunny summer day in 2003.
The people wandering by ... inspired me

Empty Vessels
I see the empty vessels wandering by
Their existence is always wondered why
Never a song,
Barely a sigh
Never knowing,
Never finding
What it is inside that’s always hiding
Daemons, fears, dreams and hopes
All of which they can barely cope
Always wanting
Never knowing
Always empty
Always needing
Never seeing what it is that fills them
Absence of spirit, dead of soul
No purpose,
No reason,
No understanding
Content to exist
Content to be unseeing
Content to be empty vessels wandering by
Posted by Dragon-Scales | Apr 25, 2010 10:05 AM | 0 comments
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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