July 16th, 2010
Ya like this is any kind of a surprise... :P

Take the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.
Personality / Temperament for Dragon-Scales Personality:
Personality: Choleric Melancholy
Melancholy Strength:7 Weakness:6 33%
Phlegmatic Strength:2 Weakness:5 18%
Sanguine Strength:3 Weakness:1 10%
Choleric Strength:8 Weakness:8 40%
[size-150]Free Personality Test
How will you look like in the anime world?
What type of Horror movie are you?
What dragon are you?
What element are you?
What Which Famous Serial Killer Are You Most Like?
Could you join me as a vampire?

Take the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.
Personality / Temperament for Dragon-Scales Personality:
Personality: Choleric Melancholy
Melancholy Strength:7 Weakness:6 33%
Phlegmatic Strength:2 Weakness:5 18%
Sanguine Strength:3 Weakness:1 10%
Choleric Strength:8 Weakness:8 40%
[size-150]Free Personality Test
How will you look like in the anime world?
What type of Horror movie are you?
What dragon are you?
What element are you?
What Which Famous Serial Killer Are You Most Like?
Could you join me as a vampire?
Posted by Dragon-Scales | Jul 16, 2010 9:03 PM | 0 comments