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August 12th, 2015
I need somewhere to keep control of what I watch, starting to become many :P

The Last Ship (great, exciting)
The Strain (zombie vampires. great)
Killjoys (great)
Dark Matter(good)
Game of Thrones (best)
The Walking Dead (second best) (I haven't read the novels, so don't care that characters from them. The characters I know, that are still alive is great. Glenn and Daryl in particular)
Flash (haven't watched much of it)
Falling Skies
The 4400 Season 4 / Episode 9

Going to check out

I love sci fi and thriller stuff. Stuff that's exciting. Anyone got recommendations?
Posted by FluffyDango | Aug 12, 2015 3:19 PM | 0 comments
May 20th, 2015
I've started to buy manga now, and this is my collection:
(Will be updated)

Ajin vol 1-6
Akame ga Kill vol 1-3
All You Need Is Kill complete edition
A Silent Voice vol. 1-3
Berserk vol 1-10
Biomega vol 1-2
Black Lagoon vol. 1
Dogs: Bullets & Carnage vol 0 & 1
Deadman Wonderland vol 1-11
Drifters vol 1-3 (from the creator of Hellsing)
Gangsta. vol 1
Gantz vol 1-20
Haven't you heard? I'm Sakamoto vol 1
Is it Wrong to Try to pick up girls in a Dungeon vol 1
Knights of Sidonia vol 1-3
Magical Girl Apocalypse vol. 1-5
One-Punch Man vol 1
Prophecy vol 1-3
Tegami Bachi vol 1-2
Terra Formars vol 1-8
The Seven Deadly Sins vol 1-5
Tokyo Ghoul vol 1-3
World Trigger vol 1-4

101 so far, if I haven't missed some.
Need to get some shelfs now :P

Future additions will be:
The whole of Biomega, there's only 6 volumes I just found out.
Every Attack on Titan volume the store I buy manga at have, they have every volume that has been translated (by the official ones). AoT is going to get its own shelf.
WataMote, every volume translated so far.

Akuma no Riddle
Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation
Franken Fran
Hour of the Zombie

Others I wish was licensed in USA, so that the store would get them:
Akumetsu (one of my favorites, MC is so badass xD) (will never happen though :| )
Apocalypse no Toride
Sekai Oni
Posted by FluffyDango | May 20, 2015 1:42 PM | 0 comments
May 2nd, 2015
Anime Relations: Minami-ke
So today it was Free Comic Book Day at the store I buy manga at.
Bought Ajin volume 2 and 3, and Terra Formars volume 1.
I've been buying manga a lot lately.
So far I have those 3 and:
Prophecy volume 1 & 2, gonna get volume 3 (the last volume) next week.
Pink by Kyoko Okazaki.
All You Need is Kill (complete edition)
And of course Ajin volume 1 xD
Terra Formars v. 1

Anyway, on to the Pocky.
While just standing around up where the free comics were I saw that they had Pockys.
Strawberry, Chocolate and the Matcha one I think it was, no don't think so, it didn't say anything about Tea on it.
Gonna buy the last one they had next week if they still have it.

The chocolate one didn't taste like chocolate, it barelly tasted anything :P And was so dry.
We got better chocolates with crackers in them here in Norway. MUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCH better ones.
The strawberry one at least tasted like strawberry, but again, it was so dry.
We also have better candy with strawberry flavour here in Norway xD

So yeah, don't feel bad if you haven't tasted Pocky before. You're not missing out on anything. Most likely you have similar candy in your own country that tastes better xD
If not, take a trip to Norway and taste Kvikk Lunsj, Sport Lunch, Kina Wafer, Crispo. If you can't take a trip to Norway, you might be able to get your hands on KitKat :P
Posted by FluffyDango | May 2, 2015 10:08 AM | 1 comments
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