April 6th, 2010
A movie review: bay of blood
Welcome to my latest blog entry, it is i, lordcrab86 XD.
I've been watching a lot of movies lately on stagevu.com, movies i've been wanting to see for a LONG TIME, and i finally got that chance! :D
Then i thought, why not make a review? since i've made a few anime reviews, how about some movie reviews as well? Although, something like that should be fit for IMDB, but i'm too lazy to do that XD. So without further to do, let's get this review started.
The movie begins with an elderly, wheelchair bound, heiress being murdered by her husband who wants control over her fortunes, but he is then quickly murdered. What ensues then is an all out murder and killing spree as relatives and friends attempt to reduce the inheritance and have it for themselves.
Let's do some background on this movie for a moment. At the time of it's release, bay of blood (aka reazione a catena) was panned by critics (and even actor christopher lee!) mainly for the violence, which was very bloody and graphic (other reasons why it was panned i personally felt were for the wrong reasons, but digress). But not until 30 years later, the movie finally got the recognition it deserved. The movie was praised not only for influencing slasher movies to come like friday the 13th, the burning, and just before dawn for example, but also for being one of the earliest slasher films. Despite that, it remained Mario Bava's (the director of the film btw) most controversial movie to date.
Speaking of Mario Bava for those not familiar with him, Bava's known as one of the well-known directors in the italian horror genre. His works such as, black sunday, black sabbath, blood and black lace, and shock, are classic italian horror films. One thing Bava's known for in his use of cinematography. His works are beautifully shot and well lit, giving them both a colorful, yet eerie feel and atmospheric as well. and bay of blood is truly no exception.
If there was any problem i would address about the movie, is it's own plot. While original (for a slasher film) and interesting, it kinda comes across as muddled at best. Not to say it doesn't explain itself, it does, but there were times when it got really confusing and you start wondering why and how he/she's doing and did that and what not, i had to go on wikipedia to understand what's going on. I'm not saying you should do this, though i would suggest paying real close attention to the movie (i probably might not of a whole lot).
Nonetheless, it still has it's good parts. Like it's theme: human greed. Everyone wants the inheritance which resolve to a total bloodbath. I thought that was very interesting. Also, you know in slasher films where there's one killer killing people? Well, in bay of blood, everyone is the killer! The inheritance brings out the selfishness in people, which leads to people killing each other for the inheritance.
I also must note the violence or this. As stated a while ago, it's bloody and graphic. We see people getting decapitated, their throats cut deeply, 2 people are impaled with a spear at once! (while having sex no less), and what have you. I can see why it was panned at the time for it's release, because this movie was made in 1971, at that time, any form of graphic violence in cinema is somewhat rare and-now this is just my personal theory-i guess anything like that is considered controversial.
Overall, despite an original, yet muddled, plot, I find bay of blood to be an underrated classic in both the horror and slasher genre. Though dated, the kills are bloody and nasty and it's cinematography holds up very very well. I haven't seen much of mario bava's films, but i'm now interested in seeing more in the future.
overall score: 8.5/10
Thanks for reading this, please leave a comment, later ^_^
I've been watching a lot of movies lately on stagevu.com, movies i've been wanting to see for a LONG TIME, and i finally got that chance! :D
Then i thought, why not make a review? since i've made a few anime reviews, how about some movie reviews as well? Although, something like that should be fit for IMDB, but i'm too lazy to do that XD. So without further to do, let's get this review started.
The movie begins with an elderly, wheelchair bound, heiress being murdered by her husband who wants control over her fortunes, but he is then quickly murdered. What ensues then is an all out murder and killing spree as relatives and friends attempt to reduce the inheritance and have it for themselves.
Let's do some background on this movie for a moment. At the time of it's release, bay of blood (aka reazione a catena) was panned by critics (and even actor christopher lee!) mainly for the violence, which was very bloody and graphic (other reasons why it was panned i personally felt were for the wrong reasons, but digress). But not until 30 years later, the movie finally got the recognition it deserved. The movie was praised not only for influencing slasher movies to come like friday the 13th, the burning, and just before dawn for example, but also for being one of the earliest slasher films. Despite that, it remained Mario Bava's (the director of the film btw) most controversial movie to date.
Speaking of Mario Bava for those not familiar with him, Bava's known as one of the well-known directors in the italian horror genre. His works such as, black sunday, black sabbath, blood and black lace, and shock, are classic italian horror films. One thing Bava's known for in his use of cinematography. His works are beautifully shot and well lit, giving them both a colorful, yet eerie feel and atmospheric as well. and bay of blood is truly no exception.
If there was any problem i would address about the movie, is it's own plot. While original (for a slasher film) and interesting, it kinda comes across as muddled at best. Not to say it doesn't explain itself, it does, but there were times when it got really confusing and you start wondering why and how he/she's doing and did that and what not, i had to go on wikipedia to understand what's going on. I'm not saying you should do this, though i would suggest paying real close attention to the movie (i probably might not of a whole lot).
Nonetheless, it still has it's good parts. Like it's theme: human greed. Everyone wants the inheritance which resolve to a total bloodbath. I thought that was very interesting. Also, you know in slasher films where there's one killer killing people? Well, in bay of blood, everyone is the killer! The inheritance brings out the selfishness in people, which leads to people killing each other for the inheritance.
I also must note the violence or this. As stated a while ago, it's bloody and graphic. We see people getting decapitated, their throats cut deeply, 2 people are impaled with a spear at once! (while having sex no less), and what have you. I can see why it was panned at the time for it's release, because this movie was made in 1971, at that time, any form of graphic violence in cinema is somewhat rare and-now this is just my personal theory-i guess anything like that is considered controversial.
Overall, despite an original, yet muddled, plot, I find bay of blood to be an underrated classic in both the horror and slasher genre. Though dated, the kills are bloody and nasty and it's cinematography holds up very very well. I haven't seen much of mario bava's films, but i'm now interested in seeing more in the future.
overall score: 8.5/10
Thanks for reading this, please leave a comment, later ^_^
Posted by Lordcrab86 | Apr 6, 2010 9:42 PM | 1 comments
March 26th, 2010
Thoughts on the new clannad dub
For a long while now, i've been wanting to see clannad dubbed, that was until sentai filmworks released the series (including after story) on DVD subtitled. And i can say a lot of people will relate to me on this when the show wasn't dubbed: i was pissed.
That was until recently, sentai announced that they, along with 4 other anime they've licensed, are finally gonna dub clannad.
I was beyond excited upon hearing this.
So today i watched the first two episodes dubbed (because that's what they have out so far). Now, i would like to say what my overall thoughts are on the dub so far, but i'll hold that off until later so i'll just cover the voices.
Tomoya-pretty good, i've always wanted to hear david matranga in more roles anyway.
Nagisa-ok, i was skeptical about luci christian playing her, she's not too bad as nagisa, but personally, i think someone like monica rial should of gotten the role, but that's just me.
Tomoyo-passable, the only role i've heard kaytha coker in was as mune-mune in magical shopping arcade abenobashi. i have little complaints about tomoyo now, oh speaking of complaints...
Kyou-easily the worst voice in the whole dub! who's fucking idea was it to cast shelley calene-black as her? HER VOICE DOESN'T FIT KYOU AT ALL!!!!
Ryou- brittany karbowski's one of my favorite VA's so i have no complaints.
Kotomi-from what i gathered, emily neves's is a newcomer to voice-acting. That aside though, i really liked her as kotomi, can't wait to hear more of her.
Fuko-like ryou, fuko is played by another favorite VA of mine, hilary haag, and i have no complaints.
Sunohara-as much as i love greg ayres, he was seriously mis-casted as sunohara. He sounds less like a high schooler, and more like a little kid!
Akio-andrew love IS akio! possibly the best voice in the dub! like kotomi, i can't wait to hear more of him later on.
Sanea-kara greenberg is a good fit for sanae, like what i hear
Misae-elizabeth bunch sounds pretty good, even though her screen time was limited.
Naoyuki okazaki- ehh, i don't know, i wanna say it's not bad, but chris hutchison sounds like he's playing it quiet, that and he sounds not all that convincing.
Garbage doll (lol)-shannon emerick's good here, nothing else to say except that.
And that's that for the voices. Also there's something i HAVE to mention: mispronunciations. No joke, some of the names are literally mispronounced. Instead of NAgisa, it's naGIsa. and OKAzaki is now okaZAKI! I'm amazed the dub's is directed by steven foster, cause he's worked on some really good dubs in the past.
Overall, despite some annoying mispronunciations and some of the casting and direction which i can't help but to question, clannad's dub is not too bad. not terrible, but far from great. i'm definitely gonna watch more of the dub to see if it improves.
So on a scale of 1-10, i give the dub a 6.5/10
Thanks for reading this, please leave a comment.
Later ^_^
That was until recently, sentai announced that they, along with 4 other anime they've licensed, are finally gonna dub clannad.
I was beyond excited upon hearing this.
So today i watched the first two episodes dubbed (because that's what they have out so far). Now, i would like to say what my overall thoughts are on the dub so far, but i'll hold that off until later so i'll just cover the voices.
Tomoya-pretty good, i've always wanted to hear david matranga in more roles anyway.
Nagisa-ok, i was skeptical about luci christian playing her, she's not too bad as nagisa, but personally, i think someone like monica rial should of gotten the role, but that's just me.
Tomoyo-passable, the only role i've heard kaytha coker in was as mune-mune in magical shopping arcade abenobashi. i have little complaints about tomoyo now, oh speaking of complaints...
Kyou-easily the worst voice in the whole dub! who's fucking idea was it to cast shelley calene-black as her? HER VOICE DOESN'T FIT KYOU AT ALL!!!!
Ryou- brittany karbowski's one of my favorite VA's so i have no complaints.
Kotomi-from what i gathered, emily neves's is a newcomer to voice-acting. That aside though, i really liked her as kotomi, can't wait to hear more of her.
Fuko-like ryou, fuko is played by another favorite VA of mine, hilary haag, and i have no complaints.
Sunohara-as much as i love greg ayres, he was seriously mis-casted as sunohara. He sounds less like a high schooler, and more like a little kid!
Akio-andrew love IS akio! possibly the best voice in the dub! like kotomi, i can't wait to hear more of him later on.
Sanea-kara greenberg is a good fit for sanae, like what i hear
Misae-elizabeth bunch sounds pretty good, even though her screen time was limited.
Naoyuki okazaki- ehh, i don't know, i wanna say it's not bad, but chris hutchison sounds like he's playing it quiet, that and he sounds not all that convincing.
Garbage doll (lol)-shannon emerick's good here, nothing else to say except that.
And that's that for the voices. Also there's something i HAVE to mention: mispronunciations. No joke, some of the names are literally mispronounced. Instead of NAgisa, it's naGIsa. and OKAzaki is now okaZAKI! I'm amazed the dub's is directed by steven foster, cause he's worked on some really good dubs in the past.
Overall, despite some annoying mispronunciations and some of the casting and direction which i can't help but to question, clannad's dub is not too bad. not terrible, but far from great. i'm definitely gonna watch more of the dub to see if it improves.
So on a scale of 1-10, i give the dub a 6.5/10
Thanks for reading this, please leave a comment.
Later ^_^
Posted by Lordcrab86 | Mar 26, 2010 3:48 PM | 3 comments
January 18th, 2010
favorite music
no this isn't a rant on the music industry and how it's starting to fuck up, this is just something i felt like doing: a blog for my favorite music genres and bands/singers.
my all time favorite is heavy metal! :D
i love all types of metal: death, black, power, melodic death, folk, symphonic, gothic, christian, prog, nu, rap, hardcore, grindcore, deathcore, splattercore, mathcore (aka technical metal), thrash, speed, sludge, stoner, doom, and of course old school!
i love all types of music, i find it difficult to stick with just one type of music when there's more to be heard! but i digress; here's what i like:
punk, industrial, christian, j-pop, new age, soundtracks (video game and movie), world music, chill out, downtempo, hard rock, alternative, classic rock, prog-rock, jazz, blues, classical, pagan/renaissance, and basically anything that sounds good.
the offspring, the mars volta, less than jake, dead kennedys, blink 182, green day, 311, jimmy eat world, minutemen, the ramones, angels and airwaves, social distortion, radiohead, porcupine tree, slipknot, static-x, cradle of filth, alestrom, becoming the archetype, dream theater, nightwish, cannibal corpse, slayer, misfits, agalloch, KMFDM, rammstein, ministry, dog fashion disco, dark tranquility, electric wizard, harvey milk, brutal truth, wolves in the throne room, napalm death, type O negative, opeth, pig destroyer, the dillinger escape plan, otep, dragonforce, acid bath, mr bungle, nile, fu manchu, zebrahead, attack attack, underoath, zao, extol, massive attack, zero 7, moses mayfield, guided by voices, sublime, slightly stoopid, thievery corporation, the beatles, jethro tull, led zepplin, the allman brothers band, creedence clearwater revival, pink floyd, black sabbath, iron maiden, explosions in the sky, sigur ros, enigma, stone temple pilots, fair to midland, flaming lips, sonic youth, yo la tengo, stellar kart, casting crowns, newsboys, david crowder band, beastie boys, kottommouth kings, twiztid, melvins, the cure, the jesus and mary chain, nox arcana, nickleback, staind, alice in chains, nirvana, indigo girls, the birthday massacre, and the goo goo dolls.
beck, jack johnson, joe satriani, enya, elliot smith, bob marley, jimmy buffet, mike ness, iron and wine, chase coy, nick drake, andy mckee, sting, diana krall, george winston, miles davis, bill evans, pharaoh sanders, hitomi, gackt, natalie merchant, keller williams, yoko kanno, yuki kajiura, tenmon, kenji kawai.
well that's that, this will be updated every now and then on new artists i've come across or maybe others i forgot to mention.
later ^_^
my all time favorite is heavy metal! :D
i love all types of metal: death, black, power, melodic death, folk, symphonic, gothic, christian, prog, nu, rap, hardcore, grindcore, deathcore, splattercore, mathcore (aka technical metal), thrash, speed, sludge, stoner, doom, and of course old school!
i love all types of music, i find it difficult to stick with just one type of music when there's more to be heard! but i digress; here's what i like:
punk, industrial, christian, j-pop, new age, soundtracks (video game and movie), world music, chill out, downtempo, hard rock, alternative, classic rock, prog-rock, jazz, blues, classical, pagan/renaissance, and basically anything that sounds good.
the offspring, the mars volta, less than jake, dead kennedys, blink 182, green day, 311, jimmy eat world, minutemen, the ramones, angels and airwaves, social distortion, radiohead, porcupine tree, slipknot, static-x, cradle of filth, alestrom, becoming the archetype, dream theater, nightwish, cannibal corpse, slayer, misfits, agalloch, KMFDM, rammstein, ministry, dog fashion disco, dark tranquility, electric wizard, harvey milk, brutal truth, wolves in the throne room, napalm death, type O negative, opeth, pig destroyer, the dillinger escape plan, otep, dragonforce, acid bath, mr bungle, nile, fu manchu, zebrahead, attack attack, underoath, zao, extol, massive attack, zero 7, moses mayfield, guided by voices, sublime, slightly stoopid, thievery corporation, the beatles, jethro tull, led zepplin, the allman brothers band, creedence clearwater revival, pink floyd, black sabbath, iron maiden, explosions in the sky, sigur ros, enigma, stone temple pilots, fair to midland, flaming lips, sonic youth, yo la tengo, stellar kart, casting crowns, newsboys, david crowder band, beastie boys, kottommouth kings, twiztid, melvins, the cure, the jesus and mary chain, nox arcana, nickleback, staind, alice in chains, nirvana, indigo girls, the birthday massacre, and the goo goo dolls.
beck, jack johnson, joe satriani, enya, elliot smith, bob marley, jimmy buffet, mike ness, iron and wine, chase coy, nick drake, andy mckee, sting, diana krall, george winston, miles davis, bill evans, pharaoh sanders, hitomi, gackt, natalie merchant, keller williams, yoko kanno, yuki kajiura, tenmon, kenji kawai.
well that's that, this will be updated every now and then on new artists i've come across or maybe others i forgot to mention.
later ^_^
Posted by Lordcrab86 | Jan 18, 2010 4:08 PM | 1 comments
December 12th, 2009
orihime haters club *facepalm*
I personally believe that the world is filled with idiots. There are people out there that do and say things so ridiculously stupid and uncomprehending that it's amazing how far they go to belittle themselves from others. Stuff like starting wars and fights, rape, doing drugs, and such. Like i said, it's amazing how some people can do the most simple-minded, the most pointless things imaginable.
Case in point: the orihime haters club
This just happened today, i just logged into myanimelist and i started checking out some the clubs, and i actually found a club for people who hate orihime from the series bleach, now let me say this to the people who hate her:
what is wrong with you people!?!
First off i don't care if you don't like orihime, i like her though yet that's besides the point, but why would anyone go as far to make a club for people who hate such a decent character?
Another thing i'd like to ask the orihime haters: why? why do you hate orihime? what was it that she did that pissed you off? Did she do something bad? Something evil or despicable? what the fuck was it that made you guys hate her?
As far as i know, she did nothing wrong, she's a very sweet and kind girl that would do nothing wrong at all!
I'm not gonna say those who hate her are retards and need to get a life, but dear god just lay off her. Hating such a good and decent character like her is so stupid and pointless.
anyways that's all i have to say for now, later.
*edit* oh guess what guys, there's also a club for those who hate CC from code geass, as if the world's not fucked up enough already!
Case in point: the orihime haters club
This just happened today, i just logged into myanimelist and i started checking out some the clubs, and i actually found a club for people who hate orihime from the series bleach, now let me say this to the people who hate her:
what is wrong with you people!?!
First off i don't care if you don't like orihime, i like her though yet that's besides the point, but why would anyone go as far to make a club for people who hate such a decent character?
Another thing i'd like to ask the orihime haters: why? why do you hate orihime? what was it that she did that pissed you off? Did she do something bad? Something evil or despicable? what the fuck was it that made you guys hate her?
As far as i know, she did nothing wrong, she's a very sweet and kind girl that would do nothing wrong at all!
I'm not gonna say those who hate her are retards and need to get a life, but dear god just lay off her. Hating such a good and decent character like her is so stupid and pointless.
anyways that's all i have to say for now, later.
*edit* oh guess what guys, there's also a club for those who hate CC from code geass, as if the world's not fucked up enough already!
Posted by Lordcrab86 | Dec 12, 2009 11:07 AM | 5 comments
December 8th, 2009
MAL's metalheads (another rant)
I hate that club
why? I'll explain:
Let me first say that upon joining MAL, i've met some of the nicest, coolest people ever, but at the same time, i've some of the biggest pricks and assholes of all time as well.
and half of MAL's metalheads club is (partly) populated by these jackasses!
I kid you not, if you say that you love guys like slipknot and disturbed, they'll reply with: "fuck you, slipknot and disturbed aren't metal! slayer and metallica are real metal! you're a brainless twit for liking them!"
Another thing i really need to point out is this: THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS REAL METAL!
ok i love metal, i love all times of metal, form nu to extreme, death to black, old school to new, i love and appreciate metal (and music) for what it is. But these guys tend to think they know everything about metal-which i doubt btw-and say stuff like nu, alternative hardcore, metalcore, and even grindcore is far from metal. i don't care if you don't like any of these genres, but saying that there are not metal is completely bogus, in my opinion. These guys seem to take metal so seriously, it's to the point where they have their heads stuck so far up their asses, that they have forgotten that music was made to be enjoyed as well as appreciated.
and not just that, but they can't even handle anyone's opinions and beliefs! this literally has happened to me twice in this fucking club: i humorously mentioned that i love nickleback (i really do) and someone actually told me this:
"if you like them then why are you in this club?"
ok i don't mind if you hate nicleback, but don't be a bitch and slam someone for liking them!
and what was even worse than that was when i was accused of hypocrisy JUST BECAUSE I'M RELIGIOUS AND I LOVE METAL.
are you fucking kidding me?
see i mentioned that i go to church and read the bible and i'm against satanism, but i listen to guys like slayer, deicide, cradle of filth and what have you. Let me point this out, just because i'm religious and i love metal DOESN'T MAKE ME A HYPOCRITE!!! It just means i'm a person and i'm different! ok? get that through your thick skulls!
The fact that someone's different from you shouldn't be a problem as well as your business!
bottom line, MAL's metalheads club has some of the most stuck up, selfish, bratty, egotistical twats ever. If you ever come in contact with anyone of these low lifes, just pretend they don't exist; i'm probably gonna leave that damn club soon.
before i go, of anyone reading this knows drunk_samurai and Fai, tell them this:
"Guys like you are giving the metal fanbase a bad rep, stop being cunts and be appreciative and respectful of both music and those around you that love music. if not then listen here: In this world, people live and learn, but for guys like you, you just live."
i'm done here, peace.
why? I'll explain:
Let me first say that upon joining MAL, i've met some of the nicest, coolest people ever, but at the same time, i've some of the biggest pricks and assholes of all time as well.
and half of MAL's metalheads club is (partly) populated by these jackasses!
I kid you not, if you say that you love guys like slipknot and disturbed, they'll reply with: "fuck you, slipknot and disturbed aren't metal! slayer and metallica are real metal! you're a brainless twit for liking them!"
Another thing i really need to point out is this: THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS REAL METAL!
ok i love metal, i love all times of metal, form nu to extreme, death to black, old school to new, i love and appreciate metal (and music) for what it is. But these guys tend to think they know everything about metal-which i doubt btw-and say stuff like nu, alternative hardcore, metalcore, and even grindcore is far from metal. i don't care if you don't like any of these genres, but saying that there are not metal is completely bogus, in my opinion. These guys seem to take metal so seriously, it's to the point where they have their heads stuck so far up their asses, that they have forgotten that music was made to be enjoyed as well as appreciated.
and not just that, but they can't even handle anyone's opinions and beliefs! this literally has happened to me twice in this fucking club: i humorously mentioned that i love nickleback (i really do) and someone actually told me this:
"if you like them then why are you in this club?"
ok i don't mind if you hate nicleback, but don't be a bitch and slam someone for liking them!
and what was even worse than that was when i was accused of hypocrisy JUST BECAUSE I'M RELIGIOUS AND I LOVE METAL.
are you fucking kidding me?
see i mentioned that i go to church and read the bible and i'm against satanism, but i listen to guys like slayer, deicide, cradle of filth and what have you. Let me point this out, just because i'm religious and i love metal DOESN'T MAKE ME A HYPOCRITE!!! It just means i'm a person and i'm different! ok? get that through your thick skulls!
The fact that someone's different from you shouldn't be a problem as well as your business!
bottom line, MAL's metalheads club has some of the most stuck up, selfish, bratty, egotistical twats ever. If you ever come in contact with anyone of these low lifes, just pretend they don't exist; i'm probably gonna leave that damn club soon.
before i go, of anyone reading this knows drunk_samurai and Fai, tell them this:
"Guys like you are giving the metal fanbase a bad rep, stop being cunts and be appreciative and respectful of both music and those around you that love music. if not then listen here: In this world, people live and learn, but for guys like you, you just live."
i'm done here, peace.
Posted by Lordcrab86 | Dec 8, 2009 9:03 AM | 2 comments
November 7th, 2009
dub haters rant
just when i thought yaoi fangirls were both aggravatingly annoying and the worst kind of anime fan imaginable, they got competition: dub haters aka the bane of my exitsence.
Dub haters are brainless twats who go around bashing english dubs, saying that they suck regardless of how they sound (and also just because it's in english), and think the original japanese dub is 100x better no matter what. Most of these people are usually weeaboos are anime elitists who think they are above everyone just because they know a lot about japan (witch i doubt) and watch anime in japanese only.
Oh and by the way, keep in mind that i don't think that anyone who prefers subs over dubs is a dub hater,I completely understand that that, I'm only referring to the idiots (MAL user Shwele for example) who, like i mentioned earlier, bash on dubs for usually the most petty of reasons and would even say shit like you're not a true anime fan if you watch dubs.
OK I have two things to say about that:
1. There's no such thing as a true anime fan, though i digress
2. That's a pile of bear dung
For one thing, i can think of a couple of animes that (I think) have good dubs. Cowboy Bebop, Full Metal Alchemist, Hellsing, Trigun, Gunslinger Girl, Gankutsuou: The Count of Monte Cristo, Kiddy Grade, Elemental Gelade, Kino's Journey, Baccano, and so forth. So what do these animes have in common? Well they all have good dubs, but they all take place in non-japanese settings. See if I were to watch an anime that takes place in an american, european, or fanatsy-esque setting, The language I'd expect to hear would be anything other than japanese. I'm not trying to be racist just so you know, but if were to do so, i just would seems out of place. No matter how good the japanese dub, it would just feel out of place due to the setting of the show.
First off, as much as I am a dub fan, I watch anime subbed like most people, but why do I do this? Because, I like the japanese language, I can't find the dub for that show and I watch the sub, the dub for one show sucks and i switch it with the subs, and most of all, I want to see if the anime itself is good or not. (you can also see this on my profile if so.) If I do like it, I'll buy it on DVD, why? Simple, because I support my hobby as an anime fan and also support the anime industry.
I also have a few things to ask the dub haters. Do you idiots know japanese? do you understand the language? can you tell good japanese acting from bad? If you said no to any of these questions, then should have no ground to cover that japanese dubs are the best, which in my opinion, THEY ARE NOT! Not all japanese dubs are entirely good, there are some dubs that have acting that's hammy, wooden, half-dead, or what have you. There are people that watch anime subbed mainly because it's authentic (somewhat in my case) and it's the original audio and i am perfectly cool with that, but nonetheless, saying the japanese dub is 100 times better is an ignorant thing to assume, especially if you don't know how the japanese language works. Keep in mind that no one is perfect at anything! In other words, the japanese aren't perfectionist when it comes to voice-acting! When it comes to voice-acting, it's not race that makes someone good, you know what it is? simple: TALENT! Nothing more, nothing less, that is it!
I also consider these people utter hypocrites. why? they bitch about JAPANESE anime being dubbed into english, but when they're dubbed in other languages like german, tagalog, spanish, italian, and french, no one makes a fucking peep. they also complain about 30-40 something year old english VAs playing characters younger than them. OH THAT TOTALLY DOESN'T HAPPEN IN JAPANESE DUBS LOL (<--sarcasm btw).
speaking of which i have to ask people this: why is your respect for the japanese langauge that high of a commodity? why do you say that japanese voice actors are the best voice actors in the whole world? why do you say these things when you probably don't even understand the langauge? going back what i said two paragraphs ago, TALENT is what makes voice actors good! they're race has nothing to do with how good you are at something!
and by the way, we dub watchers aren't illiterate! just because we watch dubs DOESN'T mean we can't read subtitles! not only are dub haters ignorant and biased little twats, they're total assholes as well! why are you people so concerned when someone watches dubs? that's nonen of your business!
yes i did mentioned that i do watch subs, but i watch dubs more because i can't focus on two things at once! i can't focus on the action on screen while watching subs because if i did, i end up missing what the subs said so i have to rewind it. this is why i watch dubs so i can focus on what they're saying and what's happening on screen without having my eyes glued to the bottom of the screen 80-90% of the time.
I once came across some guys profile on MAL (whose name i won't give away btw) and it said that not only does he watch anime subbed, but he LITERALLY thinks that anime is made to be watched in japanese. i don't think so. no. to me, anime is made simply to enjoy, language should not be an issue!
And another thing: have you seen every single dub in existence to assume the fact that dubs suck? My answer is that you probably haven't. There'll always be bad dubs and good ones. Also back in the 80s and 90s there were more bad dubs than there were today, because both the voice acting and the ADR production were rather terrible and badly done. Today, however, most dubs range from below average to great, very little of them are bad because dubbing companies have increased the quality of their dubs. Not all dubs are done by 4kids nor are they done in the same as 4kids (changing character names, edit out mature content, removing anything japanese related, etc.).
Also when it comes to dubbing, the dubbing companies don't change the script or do crappy edits or alter the story-line to their own bidding, they try to stick as close as to the original script as much as they can, you can't expect a 100% perfect translation mainly because of two different languages!
It's assholes like these that make me feel ashamed to be an otaku. Dub haters are whiny, bratty, little cunts who think dubs are the worst and the japanese dub is better is complete bullshit. If you're a dub bashing git who does this, keep in mind that doing so doesn't make you elite or even cool, it makes you pitiful, pathetic, and a poser. There's nothing wrong with watching dubs and there are people who want to watch dubs, so stop trying to ruin everyone else's fun! You're not doing anyone a favor, you're just being a prick as far as I'm concerned.
Oh and by the way, if you don't like dubs, WHY THE FUCK DID YOU BOTHER TO WATCH THEM IN THE FIRST PLACE!? If you don't like them, stop watching them! It's as simple as that! You're a retard for doing so!
Subs over dubs? whatever, i'm cool with that, but bashing on the dubs without a single reason, burn in hell you sub-craving, dub-hating, spineless bastards!
Well that's that that, please leave a comment or something, but be mature about please, later.
just when i thought yaoi fangirls were both aggravatingly annoying and the worst kind of anime fan imaginable, they got competition: dub haters aka the bane of my exitsence.
Dub haters are brainless twats who go around bashing english dubs, saying that they suck regardless of how they sound (and also just because it's in english), and think the original japanese dub is 100x better no matter what. Most of these people are usually weeaboos are anime elitists who think they are above everyone just because they know a lot about japan (witch i doubt) and watch anime in japanese only.
Oh and by the way, keep in mind that i don't think that anyone who prefers subs over dubs is a dub hater,I completely understand that that, I'm only referring to the idiots (MAL user Shwele for example) who, like i mentioned earlier, bash on dubs for usually the most petty of reasons and would even say shit like you're not a true anime fan if you watch dubs.
OK I have two things to say about that:
1. There's no such thing as a true anime fan, though i digress
2. That's a pile of bear dung
For one thing, i can think of a couple of animes that (I think) have good dubs. Cowboy Bebop, Full Metal Alchemist, Hellsing, Trigun, Gunslinger Girl, Gankutsuou: The Count of Monte Cristo, Kiddy Grade, Elemental Gelade, Kino's Journey, Baccano, and so forth. So what do these animes have in common? Well they all have good dubs, but they all take place in non-japanese settings. See if I were to watch an anime that takes place in an american, european, or fanatsy-esque setting, The language I'd expect to hear would be anything other than japanese. I'm not trying to be racist just so you know, but if were to do so, i just would seems out of place. No matter how good the japanese dub, it would just feel out of place due to the setting of the show.
First off, as much as I am a dub fan, I watch anime subbed like most people, but why do I do this? Because, I like the japanese language, I can't find the dub for that show and I watch the sub, the dub for one show sucks and i switch it with the subs, and most of all, I want to see if the anime itself is good or not. (you can also see this on my profile if so.) If I do like it, I'll buy it on DVD, why? Simple, because I support my hobby as an anime fan and also support the anime industry.
I also have a few things to ask the dub haters. Do you idiots know japanese? do you understand the language? can you tell good japanese acting from bad? If you said no to any of these questions, then should have no ground to cover that japanese dubs are the best, which in my opinion, THEY ARE NOT! Not all japanese dubs are entirely good, there are some dubs that have acting that's hammy, wooden, half-dead, or what have you. There are people that watch anime subbed mainly because it's authentic (somewhat in my case) and it's the original audio and i am perfectly cool with that, but nonetheless, saying the japanese dub is 100 times better is an ignorant thing to assume, especially if you don't know how the japanese language works. Keep in mind that no one is perfect at anything! In other words, the japanese aren't perfectionist when it comes to voice-acting! When it comes to voice-acting, it's not race that makes someone good, you know what it is? simple: TALENT! Nothing more, nothing less, that is it!
I also consider these people utter hypocrites. why? they bitch about JAPANESE anime being dubbed into english, but when they're dubbed in other languages like german, tagalog, spanish, italian, and french, no one makes a fucking peep. they also complain about 30-40 something year old english VAs playing characters younger than them. OH THAT TOTALLY DOESN'T HAPPEN IN JAPANESE DUBS LOL (<--sarcasm btw).
speaking of which i have to ask people this: why is your respect for the japanese langauge that high of a commodity? why do you say that japanese voice actors are the best voice actors in the whole world? why do you say these things when you probably don't even understand the langauge? going back what i said two paragraphs ago, TALENT is what makes voice actors good! they're race has nothing to do with how good you are at something!
and by the way, we dub watchers aren't illiterate! just because we watch dubs DOESN'T mean we can't read subtitles! not only are dub haters ignorant and biased little twats, they're total assholes as well! why are you people so concerned when someone watches dubs? that's nonen of your business!
yes i did mentioned that i do watch subs, but i watch dubs more because i can't focus on two things at once! i can't focus on the action on screen while watching subs because if i did, i end up missing what the subs said so i have to rewind it. this is why i watch dubs so i can focus on what they're saying and what's happening on screen without having my eyes glued to the bottom of the screen 80-90% of the time.
I once came across some guys profile on MAL (whose name i won't give away btw) and it said that not only does he watch anime subbed, but he LITERALLY thinks that anime is made to be watched in japanese. i don't think so. no. to me, anime is made simply to enjoy, language should not be an issue!
And another thing: have you seen every single dub in existence to assume the fact that dubs suck? My answer is that you probably haven't. There'll always be bad dubs and good ones. Also back in the 80s and 90s there were more bad dubs than there were today, because both the voice acting and the ADR production were rather terrible and badly done. Today, however, most dubs range from below average to great, very little of them are bad because dubbing companies have increased the quality of their dubs. Not all dubs are done by 4kids nor are they done in the same as 4kids (changing character names, edit out mature content, removing anything japanese related, etc.).
Also when it comes to dubbing, the dubbing companies don't change the script or do crappy edits or alter the story-line to their own bidding, they try to stick as close as to the original script as much as they can, you can't expect a 100% perfect translation mainly because of two different languages!
It's assholes like these that make me feel ashamed to be an otaku. Dub haters are whiny, bratty, little cunts who think dubs are the worst and the japanese dub is better is complete bullshit. If you're a dub bashing git who does this, keep in mind that doing so doesn't make you elite or even cool, it makes you pitiful, pathetic, and a poser. There's nothing wrong with watching dubs and there are people who want to watch dubs, so stop trying to ruin everyone else's fun! You're not doing anyone a favor, you're just being a prick as far as I'm concerned.
Oh and by the way, if you don't like dubs, WHY THE FUCK DID YOU BOTHER TO WATCH THEM IN THE FIRST PLACE!? If you don't like them, stop watching them! It's as simple as that! You're a retard for doing so!
Subs over dubs? whatever, i'm cool with that, but bashing on the dubs without a single reason, burn in hell you sub-craving, dub-hating, spineless bastards!
Well that's that that, please leave a comment or something, but be mature about please, later.
Posted by Lordcrab86 | Nov 7, 2009 9:54 AM | 16 comments