April 26th, 2015
Things to Know About NTAD
Anime Relations: Slayers
Recovered FFXI addict. Formerly Niko of Asura.

Formerly Niko of the GFM forums (after ditching GameFAQs).
Perhaps some of you may have visited back in the early 2000s? Drop a comment if you've heard of it or been there.

Formerly Niko of the GFM forums (after ditching GameFAQs).
Perhaps some of you may have visited back in the early 2000s? Drop a comment if you've heard of it or been there.
- -The first anime I ever saw (before I knew what anime or Japan was) was Superbook. I was about 4 or 5. I dunno why. It just happened.
-During my ever so eventful youth in the early 90s, I was exposed to various forms of anime on TV networks (such as the original US airing of Sailor Moon) but it was not until walking into a random video store in 1996 (and discovering the anime that would pull me into the world of Lina Inverse) that I finally understood what I had been missing out on. I also discovered manga in my public library around the same time. It's been a roller coaster ride ever since.
-The only Gundam that matters to me is UC Gundam. Mostly OYW.
-The Gouf Custom is the greatest MS ever conceived.
-I was a GameFAQs OG. Niko The Arms Dealer then and now.
-I started some shit on GameFAQs back in the day and some Magusfag (I think I have a pretty good idea who) decided to write an Urban Dictionary with me in mind.
-I've had a crush on Megumi Hayashibara since I was 12.
-I rate on a 4-10 scale and base it on enjoyment. I don't see the point in having a 1, 2, or 3 when 4 already says bad.
-I hope my rating scale bothers you.
-I bet it does even if you say it doesn't.
-I listen to a pretty wide variety of music but metal is in my blood...literally cuz iron. But seriously, power and thrash 4 lyfe.
-I've driven a tank outside of a video game.
-Friend requests: Always collected. Rarely accepted.
-I'm bad at remembering birthdays.
-Birthdays suck anyway.
-The reason my time watched is so high in contrast to my completed titles is because I re-watch stuff...a lot.
-Speaking of re-watches, I always watch the entirety of Endless Eight whenever I re-watch Haruhi.
-You probably won't want to watch Haruhi with me.
-I am the creator of MAL's "IMG Tag Plea" series which is based off of Yuru Yuri and a struggle that has since passed.
-I like to make GIFs and stuff.
-I dabble in amateur audio mixing and editing.
-I also build Gunpla.
-If it's not absurdly obvious yet, Slayers is my shit.
Posted by NTAD | Apr 26, 2015 10:24 PM | 1 comments
December 21st, 2014
Creations (May include usage of other properties)
Anime Relations: Kidou Senshi Gundam: Dai 08 MS Shoutai, Shakugan no Shana, Slayers, Dragon Ball Z, Black Lagoon, Higurashi no Naku Koro ni, Clannad, Digimon Adventure Movie, To LOVE-Ru, Michiko to Hatchin, Toradora!, Toaru Majutsu no Index, K-On!, Toaru Kagaku no Railgun, Mitsudomoe, Shinryaku! Ika Musume, Yuru Yuri, Girls & Panzer, Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai!, Kiniro Mosaic, Non Non Biyori
NTAD's YT Channel
The Melloween Montage (2013)
(Thanks to everyone who made an avatar.)
Dragon Fighter K (2004)
Waaaaaay old DBZ fight parody that I remembered I had made and managed to dig up on google. Site is no longer secure so enter at your own risk.
The Melloween Montage (2013)
(Thanks to everyone who made an avatar.)
Dragon Fighter K (2004)
Waaaaaay old DBZ fight parody that I remembered I had made and managed to dig up on google. Site is no longer secure so enter at your own risk.
Posted by NTAD | Dec 21, 2014 10:38 AM | 0 comments