Private Entry
Private Entry
November 5th, 2010
* = Action/ scene
-- = Talking
^ = Thinking
~ = Personal/description
Okay my name is Faia Kureno I’m 17 years old I live in Japan. I moved here 3½ years ago, my mom died 3 years ago in a bullet train accident on her way to work. My other relatives don’t live in Japan, but I want to finish my school studies here. My school is pretty cool though because we always get to chose a different uniform to where, so I don’t where the same one often. Last year my old teacher Mr. Kuran basically kidnapped me and took me to his house, so now I live with him but it’s a secret. I have a bit of a crush on him for a while, about 1½ years but he’s about 10 years older than me but I’m still a little kid to him so no matter how much I like him he wont feel
the same way.
~ Faia Okita Kureno~
~Height:5.o ft
~Blood type o
~Weight: 98 pounds
~Age 17
~Grade: senior in high school
~School: Katsuya High School
~Eye color: brown (with glasses on occasion)
~Hair color: burgundy/brown
~Class: middle class
~Residents: lives with Tendo Kuran sensei (Science teacher) Tenshikai apartment B complex
: Faia
*Walks down the street alone* ^Sensei said he wanted to take me to school, maybe I should have said yes^ *Sigh*--Oh well I’m almost at school, but still maybe I shouldn’t have left so early-- *Sigh. Sees the bus station* ^Maybe I should get on; it’ll take me a block away from school. Yeah I’ll get on after all I have at least 30 mins to waist^ *Pays for a ticket and gets one the bus. Walks to the back of the bus then grips a metal bar handle and standing* ^Wow this is boring, maybe I should have walked to school^ *shock. Feels a hand on ass then a squeeze, and then it stops and thump. Turns around and gasp*--Hideaki, why are you…. beating that guy up? — *Points at guy*
: Hideaki
*Puts hands in pockets, stands up straight moves head to the left side of his shoulder* --Well your welcome ya know, you could at least thank the person who helped you before you interrogate them…And YOU where do you think your crawling away to?-- *Steps on pervs back. Sigh*
^She’s always like this, but why do I always want to help her? ^ *Looks down at Faia* ^ wow she looks cu… shut up Hideaki^ *chough*
~Hideaki Hatano Nakamura~
~Height: 5.1o
~Blood type: A
~Age: 19
~Job: Noodle house
~Grade: freshman in collage
~School: Fuji collage
~Eye color: dark blue
~Hair color: black
~Class: middle class
~Residents: lives with grandfather (Yugi Nakamura)
~Graduated top 10 in his year
~All girls are in love with him (he turns them down, doesn’t have any friends that are girls)
: Faia
--Ahh sorry, thank you-- *Bows* --Umm do you normally go to school this early Hideaki-senpai? --
^What the hell do I care, why did I ask? I don’t even care about his response. Man I hate this guy. Oh well I have 15 more mins to kill before the first bell rings for school^
: Hideaki
*Surprised* ^wow she’s trying to make a conversation with me. I thought she hated me. Well she probably does hate me sense whenever I see her, my friends always try hitting on her and shed just glare at us and walk away. I mean I’ve never really talked to her, only at the noodle house sense she’s a regular there^ *Takes hand out of pocket and runs through hair and sets behind neck* --Well I don’t have school today, I heading to work--^I wonder if she even knows that it’s me who always takes her orders at the noodle house^
: Faia
*Wobbles, grips metal bar tighter*
--Oh you mean the noodle house? Wow I haven’t gone there in a while…hmmm? --
: Hideaki
--Yeah. I haven’t seen you there lately, what has it been, a couple of weeks or so? –
: Faia
--Yeah. It has, but I’ll come by today after school. Kay? – *Closes eyes and smiles then opens eyes* --By the way, you suck—
: Hideaki
*Shock* ^ I knew she still hated me. But then why is she smiling? Is she glad that she said that to me? What the hell I don’t get it. Did I do something wrong? ^ --What?! Why? Did I do something wrong? And if I did then why are you coming to the noodle house? – *Crosses arms*
: Faia
*Holds up 1 finger*--Okay first off I said you suck not your noodles, there really good—
*Holds up another finger*--Secondly, you suck because you have a job and you don’t have to go to school today. Where as I do— *Holds up 1 last finger* --And finally I was just kidding I didn’t really mean it so don’t take it seriously Kay? – *Giggles* ^ wow he’s such a dork^ --Ya know, you’re not like your friends, your nicer, know wonder a lot of people like you—
: Hideaki
*Blush* --Ummm thanks, but not many people like me. A lot of people actually glare at me--
: Faia
--Well that’s only because so many girls like you so all the guys get jealous because they think you’re so cool. Well this is my stop. I … I had fun. Oh and thanks about that perverted guy--*Smiles, and gets off the bus and waves goodbye*
: Hideaki
^ Damn I never thanked her^ *sigh* ^ Wait I can thank her when I see her at the noodle house^
: Pervert
--Hey dude can you get off me I’ve been on the floor for like 10 mins now--
: Hideaki
--Yeah whatever ass hole--*Looks up* ^ Guess this is my stop^ *Gets off bus*
: Faia
*Sigh. Walks up to the school* ^ Ahgh I’m hungry now … damn … I wonder where Hideaki-senpai is …oh great here comes Rena^ *puts on a smile and waves to Rena*
~Rena Yamazaki Takumi~
~Height: 5.z
~Blood type: AB
~Weight: 120 pounds
~Age: 17½
~Grade: senior in high school
~School: Katsuya High School
~Eye color: green
~Hair color: red
~Class: upper class
~Residents: parents house
~Loves to party
~Bi and is currently dating Momo Mitsusu
: Rena
--Ahh hey Faia-chan. How are you? Do ya want to skip today? Momo and I are thinking of going to my house--*Giggles* --My parents aren’t home until Sunday so that gives us two days. How ‘bout it? You want to join in the fun? Oh and don’t worry if its your first time ill do you gently k? Momo and I like it rough-- *Smiles*
: Faia
--Umm not thanks … gently? --
: Rena
--I’m talking about sex of course. Silly Faia-chan, but okay your loss-- *Giggles and walks off*
: Faia
--Okay that was fucking gross--*Walks into Kuran sensei. Gasp. Blush* -- I’m sorry K … sensei--
~Tendo Senri Kuran~
~Height: 6.o
~Blood Type: A
~Weight: ???
~Age: 27
~Job: Katsuya High school science teacher
~Eye color: brown/glasses
~Hair color: brown
~Class: middle class
~Residents: Tenshikai apartment B complex
: Kuran sensei
*Looks down at Faia tenderly* --No it’s okay-- *Smiles* --It was my fault … but sense you’re here, will you help me carry some things to my class, and they’re in my car--
: Faia
--Yeah, sure-- ^He’s still looking at me!!! Hmm he really is handsome and young. I wonder what he’s thinking^ *Sigh, enters parking lot with Kuran sensei, trips, and starts to fall. Gasp*
: Kuran sensei
--Ehh-- *Grabs Faia, holds on to* --Please be more careful, I don’t want you to get hurt. What were you thinking?!-- ^Why is she so clumsy^ *sigh*
: Faia
--Well sorry; I was just looking for your car! God! And if your gonna complain don’t catch me in the first place! You old man!
: Kuran sensei
*Surprised* --What I’m not an old man I’m only 27-- *Lets go of Faia* --There happy?--
: Faia
--Yeah, thanks old man. I’m going to class. You can get your own shit from your goddamn car yourself!-- *Turns around and starts walking*
: Kuran sensei
*Runs to Faia* --Ehh no. I’m sorry and I’m not old, and please help me-- ^Great she hates me now^
: Faia
*Turns around * --No I’m sure you can handle it yourself-- *Starts walking back to school*
: Kuran sensei
*Grabs Faias hand* --Please help me, there’s a lot of stuff-- *Pulls Faia into him and looks into eyes*
: Faia
*Blush* ^Why did he do that? He’s never grabbed my hand before. And I definitely haven’t been this close to him. Damn it I want him to look away!! Yet I don’t^ --Fine-- *Walks back I parking lot, with Kuran sensei holding hand*
: Faia
--Shit I’m late-- ^Damn it its already 4:30, why did I have to be on clean up duty today! Oh man I hope that the noodle house hasn’t closed yet^ *Turns the corner and starts walking to the noodle house, feels hands around mouth and body, thrown into car tied up and blindfolded* ^What the hell!! Am I being kidnapped or is this so kind of sick joke? ^
--What the FUCK? Who the hell are you? –
: Tomoya
--Oh Faia don’t worry your just coming to my dorm--
: Faia
^I know that voice!! Its one of Hideaki-senpais friends, the pervert Tomoya Tetsuya!!! They act like brothers but when Hideaki-senpai isn’t paying attention Tomoya hits on me. Why is he taking me to his house?!?!? ^ --Why the fuck are we going there--
~Tomoya Shinji Tetsuya~
~Height: 6.o
~Blood Type: A
~Weight: ???
~Age: 18½
~Grade: freshman in collage
~School: Fuji collage
~Eye color: misty blue
~Hair color: blond
~Class: middle class
~Residents: Fuji school dorms
~3rd best in the kendo club
~Loves sex
: Tomoya
--You’ll see-- *Laughs*
: Faia
--What the hell do you want Tomoya-senpai!?—
: Tomoya
--Oh calm down, we’re here, and don’t worry no one else is at my dorm-- *Gets out of car, comes around to the passenger side and grabs faia and unlocks the door and picks faia up and takes upstairs and throws on bed, takes blind fold off* --Yah comfy? --
: Faia
--Of course not!!! What the fuck! --
: Hideaki
*Sigh* --I guess she’s not coming; I’ll close for the day-- *Picks up closed sign and hangs up, locks the door and starts waking* ^I guess I should take this movie back to tomo^ *walks to tomos house* ^hmm sense he gave me a key I’ll just set it in his room^ *opens door and walks up the stairs and down the hallway, sees tomos dorm room and unlocks*
: Faia
--NO!!! STOP!! GET THE FUCK OFF ME YOU BASTARD!!!!! -- *Punches Tomoya*
: Hideaki
*Runs threw the doorway into Tomoyas room and sees Faia under Tomo on the bed trying to take off Faias shirt and about to slap her* --TOMO!!! –
: Tomoya
--H… H… Hide what are you doing here? --
: Hideaki
--NO what the fuck are you doing Tomo? Get the fuck off her!
: Tomoya
--Hide… its not what it looks like. Okay? We were just going to have sex that’s all--*Gets off Faia and walks over to Hideaki*
: Hideaki
--More like raping you MOTHER FUCKING SON OF A BITCH!!!! --*Punches Tomoya*
--What the hell is wrong with you? –
: Faia
*Looks at Hideaki* ^He punched Tomoya… why? ^ --H…Hideaki-senpai—
: Hideaki
*Runs to Faia, takes off jacket and puts on Faia. Looks really scared* --Are you okay? I’m sorry… I’m so sorry--
: Faia
--Yeah… H…senpai—
: Tomoya
--Faia you know I was just playing with you after all you are my girlfriend and you and I like it rough-- *Grabs Faia and slams against a wall by her wrists*
: Faia
--Haauhh-- *Struggles* --What the hell is wrong with you let me go! And there is no way that I would ever be your girlfriend! Like it rough? What the heck are you talking about? --
: Hideaki
*Punches Tomoya off Faia and starts kicking* --Don’t touch her you bitch! Don’t fucking touch her!-
: Faia
*Runs to Hideaki* --Hideaki you have to stop, its okay. Please-- *Grabs Hideakis arm and holds onto*
: Hideaki
*Looks at Faia* --I’m sorry if I scared you Faia. I just don’t want him to touch you like that… ever. –
: Tomoya
--What the fuck Hide you’re my best friend. No. More like a brother. And because of that bitch your gonna hit and hate me? Blame her ass its not my fault I was only trying to teach her a lesson so she wouldn’t bother you anymore or else—
: Hideaki
--Well Tomo your fucked up you know that. Oh yeah, if you touch her again I’ll teach you a lesson got it? Here’s your goddamn movie--*Throws movie at Tomoyas face*--Give me my car keys. I let you use my car as a favor to a brother but screw that--
: Tomoya
*Throws keys at Hideaki* --Fuck you Bitches—
: Hideaki
*Catches keys and punches Tomoya 1 last time*--Screw you--*Holds out hand to Faia*--Come on lets go—
: Faia
*Takes Hideakis hand and is pulled in closer by his pull* --I’m sorry-- ^Its all my fault^
: Hideaki
--No, its okay it’s not your fault. Why are you saying sorry? --*Grips Faias hand tighter and walks to car and gets in*
: Faia
--It is my fault because I must be annoying to you and Tomoya-senpai noticed, so it’s my fault. I’m sorry that I didn’t come to the noodle house like I said I was going to but I forgot that I was on clean up today-- *Looks to the right and out the window*
: Hideaki
--Faia. Look Tomo thought that but it isn’t true. I don’t mind you at all. And the noodle house is always gonna be there so stop by whenever and you would have been there if not for Tomo and his sex problem. So don’t sweat it you should be more worried about yourself right now considering what happened. So are you okay? --
: Faia
--Ehh… well yes…I...I’m okay. Yeah I’m fine--*Faint smile* --T…To…. Tomoya-senpai was just… I don’t know what he was going to do and that’s what scares me because what was he going to do? -- *Looks at Hideaki*
: Hideaki
--Tomo was probably going to try to have sex with you and that’s the truth. He was going to do what ever he could to you, stay away from him okay--*Looks at Faia, Gasp. Laughs*
--I guess she feel asleep on me-- ^I don’t know where she lives so I guess I’ll take her to my house till she wakes up. I wonder if onessan is home? Hope not… who knows what she’d be wearing^
: Faia
*Wakes up* --mmmmmmm… where am I? -- *Looks around. Gets up. Feels around the dark room. Finds a door, opens and goes down the hall and down the stairs then looks around.* --No ones here. So where am I? --
: Hideaki
--You’re at my house. You feel asleep in my car and sense I don’t know where you live I just took you to my place—
: Faia
--Ehh… Hideaki-senpai-- *Turns around* --Thank you—
: Hana
--Oh no, no, no, no. Hideaki-kun is this your girlfriend!?!?!?!? She’s so cute!! Oh my! You and I are going to have so much fun!! Do you have a job? Oh what am I saying, a cute face like that, you must, so where do you work? Do they pay you enough? What’s your uniform look like? –
: Hideaki
--Hana-- *Blush* --She’s not my girlfriend, please shut up. Plus don’t even ask her to work there. Faia, this is my sister Hana— *Sigh*
~Hana Hanatoro Nakamura~
~Height: 5.8 ft
~Blood type: A
~Weight: ???
~Age: 26
~Work: Ayumi nightclub (striper)
~Eye color: Black
~Hair color: Blue gray
~Class: middle/ upper class
~Residents: lives with grandfather (Yuji Nakamura)
~Has a very big secret
: Faia
--Ah, pleased to meet you H…Hana-senpai-- *Bows*
: Hana
--Oh haho. No, no, no, I am pleased to meet you Faia-chan, lets be best friends and get to know each other really well… And sense your not dating my brother then that means that we should go on a date sometime. --*Smiles sweetly, looks Faia up and down*
: Faia
^Is Hana a lesbian?!! ^
: Hideaki
--You will not!!! Hana what the hell; don’t start hitting on a girl before you know if she’s straight, bi, or a lesbian? You need to know certain things! I mean how old she is. --
: Hana
--Oh little Hideaki, you’ve never brought home a girl before so she must be a very good friend ooooor more. And any ways, Faia-chan is very developed and looks fairly mature--
*Smiles, looks at Faia* --She’s just my type--
: Faia
--U..umm, I’m only 17 years old, and I’m not a lesbian. Sorry--*Looks at Hideaki then looks away quickly*
: Hideaki
*Looks at Faia then smiles* ^I’m glad shes not a lesbian. Haha she looks cute when shes imbarresed^ *Gasp* ^what am I thinking^ --Faia, I’ll take you home… now. So come on—
: Hana
--Aww your gonna take my love away from me!--*Grabs Faias hand and pulls next to her, then wraps arms around Faia, tries kissing her*
: Faia
--Umm-- *Tries to pull away, closes eyes* ^I don’t want to kiss a girl! ^
: Hideaki
--Hana! --*Yanks hanas arms away from Faia then grabs Faias hand, pulls her close to him*
--Faia I’m sorry--*Looks at Faia
: Faia
: Hana
--I’m sorry Faia-chan, maybe next time we meet you can get that first kiss—
: Faia
*Grabs on to shirt collar. Gasp* ^How’d she know that I’ve never been kissed before? ^
: Hideaki
*Looks at Faia* ^She’s never been kissed before? No, I’m sure she has and hana just thought wrong, but what if she hasn’t? ^ *Grips Faias hand tighter, turns around and starts walking out the door*
: Yuji
--Oh…Hideaki, its just you. Dinner will be ready in an hour. And where do you th…--
*Sees Faia then Hideaki holding Faias hand* --My, my, my Hideaki, who is she? Pretty cute. The first girl you come home with and yet you’re going somewhere? --
: Hideaki
--Ah. Grandpa. This is my fr--
: Yuji
: Hideaki
--No!!! She’s my friend. Grandpa this is Faia Kureno, Faia this is my Grandpa Yuji Nakamura--^Why would he think she’s my girlfriend^
~Yuji Onozuka Nakamura~
~Height: 5.1
~Blood type:
~Weight: 140 pounds
~Age: 69
~Job: flower shop
~Eye color: gray
~Hair color: gray
~Class: middle class
~Residents: house
: Yuji
--Oh well, sense she’s the first girl you’ve come home with she should stay for dinner. It’s nice to see you with a girl for a change. I was beginning to think that you were gay. Nice to meet you Miss Kureno--
: Faia
--Ah! Pleased to meet you Mr. Nakamura--*Bows* --You don’t have to call me Miss. Kureno Faia is just fine-- *Smiles*
: Hideaki
--Grandpa!!! I’m not gay!!!--
: Yuji
--Well I know that now Hideaki. Faia in Kenji is it written as fire? –
: Faia
--Yes. And in English it means fire as well--
: Yuji
--Is there any specific reason to why your parents named you Faia? –
: Faia
^Yes^ --No…I guess they thought of it at the spur of the moment kind of thing--
^He seems nice so why did I lie to him? I’m so stupid^
: Yuji
--Well okay-- *Smiles* --I should think that you’ve already meet Hana right? –
: Faia
--Yes I did. Mr. Nakamura--
: Yuji
--Well I guess that’s good, and don’t call me Mr. Nakamura it makes me feel like some weird businessman. Just call me…do you have a grandfather? --
: Faia
--Eh…? Um no I don’t he died a couple of years ago--
: Yuji
--Then call me grandpa Yuji-- *Winks and laughs*
: Faia
--G…Grand…pa Y…Yuji? Are you sure its okay? -- ^He’s such a sweet old guy^
: Yuji
--Of course it is!!! -- *Laughs more* --Come on into the house and cook with me--
: Faia
*Smiles* --Okay-- *Turns and walks back into house* --G…Grandpa Yuji what do you want? –
: Yuji
--Rice balls, okonomeyaki, miso soup, and bean paste with dumplings and fresh brewed tea, but I don’t know how to make it--^No child like her would either^
: Faia
--I…I can make it if you just show me where everything is. So you, just leave it to me—
: Yuji
--Really!!! But you’re a guest are you sure? --
: Faia
--Yes I’m positive—
: Yuji
--Then I’ll just leave it to you then…but first off I must warn you. Do you see that spot on the wall?*Points at large dark spot*
--Yeah I do-- *Looks at wall*
: Yuji
--Do you see that shape or burn mark that’s in the shape of an eye? –
: Faia
--Yes, it’s kinda creepy--
: Yuji
--Little Hideaki was afraid of it when he was little. He thought that it was a demons eye that was watching him. So he’d always run to Hana and start crying. Cute huh? –
: Faia
*Smiles then laughs*--Yeah--
: Faia
*Walks over to pot and stirs the miso soup*
: Hideaki
*Walks into kitchen, leans up against the doorway and watches Faia*
* = Action/ scene
-- = Talking
^ = Thinking
~ = Personal/description
Okay my name is Faia Kureno I’m 17 years old I live in Japan. I moved here 3½ years ago, my mom died 3 years ago in a bullet train accident on her way to work. My other relatives don’t live in Japan, but I want to finish my school studies here. My school is pretty cool though because we always get to chose a different uniform to where, so I don’t where the same one often. Last year my old teacher Mr. Kuran basically kidnapped me and took me to his house, so now I live with him but it’s a secret. I have a bit of a crush on him for a while, about 1½ years but he’s about 10 years older than me but I’m still a little kid to him so no matter how much I like him he wont feel
the same way.
~ Faia Okita Kureno~
~Height:5.o ft
~Blood type o
~Weight: 98 pounds
~Age 17
~Grade: senior in high school
~School: Katsuya High School
~Eye color: brown (with glasses on occasion)
~Hair color: burgundy/brown
~Class: middle class
~Residents: lives with Tendo Kuran sensei (Science teacher) Tenshikai apartment B complex
: Faia
*Walks down the street alone* ^Sensei said he wanted to take me to school, maybe I should have said yes^ *Sigh*--Oh well I’m almost at school, but still maybe I shouldn’t have left so early-- *Sigh. Sees the bus station* ^Maybe I should get on; it’ll take me a block away from school. Yeah I’ll get on after all I have at least 30 mins to waist^ *Pays for a ticket and gets one the bus. Walks to the back of the bus then grips a metal bar handle and standing* ^Wow this is boring, maybe I should have walked to school^ *shock. Feels a hand on ass then a squeeze, and then it stops and thump. Turns around and gasp*--Hideaki, why are you…. beating that guy up? — *Points at guy*
: Hideaki
*Puts hands in pockets, stands up straight moves head to the left side of his shoulder* --Well your welcome ya know, you could at least thank the person who helped you before you interrogate them…And YOU where do you think your crawling away to?-- *Steps on pervs back. Sigh*
^She’s always like this, but why do I always want to help her? ^ *Looks down at Faia* ^ wow she looks cu… shut up Hideaki^ *chough*
~Hideaki Hatano Nakamura~
~Height: 5.1o
~Blood type: A
~Age: 19
~Job: Noodle house
~Grade: freshman in collage
~School: Fuji collage
~Eye color: dark blue
~Hair color: black
~Class: middle class
~Residents: lives with grandfather (Yugi Nakamura)
~Graduated top 10 in his year
~All girls are in love with him (he turns them down, doesn’t have any friends that are girls)
: Faia
--Ahh sorry, thank you-- *Bows* --Umm do you normally go to school this early Hideaki-senpai? --
^What the hell do I care, why did I ask? I don’t even care about his response. Man I hate this guy. Oh well I have 15 more mins to kill before the first bell rings for school^
: Hideaki
*Surprised* ^wow she’s trying to make a conversation with me. I thought she hated me. Well she probably does hate me sense whenever I see her, my friends always try hitting on her and shed just glare at us and walk away. I mean I’ve never really talked to her, only at the noodle house sense she’s a regular there^ *Takes hand out of pocket and runs through hair and sets behind neck* --Well I don’t have school today, I heading to work--^I wonder if she even knows that it’s me who always takes her orders at the noodle house^
: Faia
*Wobbles, grips metal bar tighter*
--Oh you mean the noodle house? Wow I haven’t gone there in a while…hmmm? --
: Hideaki
--Yeah. I haven’t seen you there lately, what has it been, a couple of weeks or so? –
: Faia
--Yeah. It has, but I’ll come by today after school. Kay? – *Closes eyes and smiles then opens eyes* --By the way, you suck—
: Hideaki
*Shock* ^ I knew she still hated me. But then why is she smiling? Is she glad that she said that to me? What the hell I don’t get it. Did I do something wrong? ^ --What?! Why? Did I do something wrong? And if I did then why are you coming to the noodle house? – *Crosses arms*
: Faia
*Holds up 1 finger*--Okay first off I said you suck not your noodles, there really good—
*Holds up another finger*--Secondly, you suck because you have a job and you don’t have to go to school today. Where as I do— *Holds up 1 last finger* --And finally I was just kidding I didn’t really mean it so don’t take it seriously Kay? – *Giggles* ^ wow he’s such a dork^ --Ya know, you’re not like your friends, your nicer, know wonder a lot of people like you—
: Hideaki
*Blush* --Ummm thanks, but not many people like me. A lot of people actually glare at me--
: Faia
--Well that’s only because so many girls like you so all the guys get jealous because they think you’re so cool. Well this is my stop. I … I had fun. Oh and thanks about that perverted guy--*Smiles, and gets off the bus and waves goodbye*
: Hideaki
^ Damn I never thanked her^ *sigh* ^ Wait I can thank her when I see her at the noodle house^
: Pervert
--Hey dude can you get off me I’ve been on the floor for like 10 mins now--
: Hideaki
--Yeah whatever ass hole--*Looks up* ^ Guess this is my stop^ *Gets off bus*
: Faia
*Sigh. Walks up to the school* ^ Ahgh I’m hungry now … damn … I wonder where Hideaki-senpai is …oh great here comes Rena^ *puts on a smile and waves to Rena*
~Rena Yamazaki Takumi~
~Height: 5.z
~Blood type: AB
~Weight: 120 pounds
~Age: 17½
~Grade: senior in high school
~School: Katsuya High School
~Eye color: green
~Hair color: red
~Class: upper class
~Residents: parents house
~Loves to party
~Bi and is currently dating Momo Mitsusu
: Rena
--Ahh hey Faia-chan. How are you? Do ya want to skip today? Momo and I are thinking of going to my house--*Giggles* --My parents aren’t home until Sunday so that gives us two days. How ‘bout it? You want to join in the fun? Oh and don’t worry if its your first time ill do you gently k? Momo and I like it rough-- *Smiles*
: Faia
--Umm not thanks … gently? --
: Rena
--I’m talking about sex of course. Silly Faia-chan, but okay your loss-- *Giggles and walks off*
: Faia
--Okay that was fucking gross--*Walks into Kuran sensei. Gasp. Blush* -- I’m sorry K … sensei--
~Tendo Senri Kuran~
~Height: 6.o
~Blood Type: A
~Weight: ???
~Age: 27
~Job: Katsuya High school science teacher
~Eye color: brown/glasses
~Hair color: brown
~Class: middle class
~Residents: Tenshikai apartment B complex
: Kuran sensei
*Looks down at Faia tenderly* --No it’s okay-- *Smiles* --It was my fault … but sense you’re here, will you help me carry some things to my class, and they’re in my car--
: Faia
--Yeah, sure-- ^He’s still looking at me!!! Hmm he really is handsome and young. I wonder what he’s thinking^ *Sigh, enters parking lot with Kuran sensei, trips, and starts to fall. Gasp*
: Kuran sensei
--Ehh-- *Grabs Faia, holds on to* --Please be more careful, I don’t want you to get hurt. What were you thinking?!-- ^Why is she so clumsy^ *sigh*
: Faia
--Well sorry; I was just looking for your car! God! And if your gonna complain don’t catch me in the first place! You old man!
: Kuran sensei
*Surprised* --What I’m not an old man I’m only 27-- *Lets go of Faia* --There happy?--
: Faia
--Yeah, thanks old man. I’m going to class. You can get your own shit from your goddamn car yourself!-- *Turns around and starts walking*
: Kuran sensei
*Runs to Faia* --Ehh no. I’m sorry and I’m not old, and please help me-- ^Great she hates me now^
: Faia
*Turns around * --No I’m sure you can handle it yourself-- *Starts walking back to school*
: Kuran sensei
*Grabs Faias hand* --Please help me, there’s a lot of stuff-- *Pulls Faia into him and looks into eyes*
: Faia
*Blush* ^Why did he do that? He’s never grabbed my hand before. And I definitely haven’t been this close to him. Damn it I want him to look away!! Yet I don’t^ --Fine-- *Walks back I parking lot, with Kuran sensei holding hand*
: Faia
--Shit I’m late-- ^Damn it its already 4:30, why did I have to be on clean up duty today! Oh man I hope that the noodle house hasn’t closed yet^ *Turns the corner and starts walking to the noodle house, feels hands around mouth and body, thrown into car tied up and blindfolded* ^What the hell!! Am I being kidnapped or is this so kind of sick joke? ^
--What the FUCK? Who the hell are you? –
: Tomoya
--Oh Faia don’t worry your just coming to my dorm--
: Faia
^I know that voice!! Its one of Hideaki-senpais friends, the pervert Tomoya Tetsuya!!! They act like brothers but when Hideaki-senpai isn’t paying attention Tomoya hits on me. Why is he taking me to his house?!?!? ^ --Why the fuck are we going there--
~Tomoya Shinji Tetsuya~
~Height: 6.o
~Blood Type: A
~Weight: ???
~Age: 18½
~Grade: freshman in collage
~School: Fuji collage
~Eye color: misty blue
~Hair color: blond
~Class: middle class
~Residents: Fuji school dorms
~3rd best in the kendo club
~Loves sex
: Tomoya
--You’ll see-- *Laughs*
: Faia
--What the hell do you want Tomoya-senpai!?—
: Tomoya
--Oh calm down, we’re here, and don’t worry no one else is at my dorm-- *Gets out of car, comes around to the passenger side and grabs faia and unlocks the door and picks faia up and takes upstairs and throws on bed, takes blind fold off* --Yah comfy? --
: Faia
--Of course not!!! What the fuck! --
: Hideaki
*Sigh* --I guess she’s not coming; I’ll close for the day-- *Picks up closed sign and hangs up, locks the door and starts waking* ^I guess I should take this movie back to tomo^ *walks to tomos house* ^hmm sense he gave me a key I’ll just set it in his room^ *opens door and walks up the stairs and down the hallway, sees tomos dorm room and unlocks*
: Faia
--NO!!! STOP!! GET THE FUCK OFF ME YOU BASTARD!!!!! -- *Punches Tomoya*
: Hideaki
*Runs threw the doorway into Tomoyas room and sees Faia under Tomo on the bed trying to take off Faias shirt and about to slap her* --TOMO!!! –
: Tomoya
--H… H… Hide what are you doing here? --
: Hideaki
--NO what the fuck are you doing Tomo? Get the fuck off her!
: Tomoya
--Hide… its not what it looks like. Okay? We were just going to have sex that’s all--*Gets off Faia and walks over to Hideaki*
: Hideaki
--More like raping you MOTHER FUCKING SON OF A BITCH!!!! --*Punches Tomoya*
--What the hell is wrong with you? –
: Faia
*Looks at Hideaki* ^He punched Tomoya… why? ^ --H…Hideaki-senpai—
: Hideaki
*Runs to Faia, takes off jacket and puts on Faia. Looks really scared* --Are you okay? I’m sorry… I’m so sorry--
: Faia
--Yeah… H…senpai—
: Tomoya
--Faia you know I was just playing with you after all you are my girlfriend and you and I like it rough-- *Grabs Faia and slams against a wall by her wrists*
: Faia
--Haauhh-- *Struggles* --What the hell is wrong with you let me go! And there is no way that I would ever be your girlfriend! Like it rough? What the heck are you talking about? --
: Hideaki
*Punches Tomoya off Faia and starts kicking* --Don’t touch her you bitch! Don’t fucking touch her!-
: Faia
*Runs to Hideaki* --Hideaki you have to stop, its okay. Please-- *Grabs Hideakis arm and holds onto*
: Hideaki
*Looks at Faia* --I’m sorry if I scared you Faia. I just don’t want him to touch you like that… ever. –
: Tomoya
--What the fuck Hide you’re my best friend. No. More like a brother. And because of that bitch your gonna hit and hate me? Blame her ass its not my fault I was only trying to teach her a lesson so she wouldn’t bother you anymore or else—
: Hideaki
--Well Tomo your fucked up you know that. Oh yeah, if you touch her again I’ll teach you a lesson got it? Here’s your goddamn movie--*Throws movie at Tomoyas face*--Give me my car keys. I let you use my car as a favor to a brother but screw that--
: Tomoya
*Throws keys at Hideaki* --Fuck you Bitches—
: Hideaki
*Catches keys and punches Tomoya 1 last time*--Screw you--*Holds out hand to Faia*--Come on lets go—
: Faia
*Takes Hideakis hand and is pulled in closer by his pull* --I’m sorry-- ^Its all my fault^
: Hideaki
--No, its okay it’s not your fault. Why are you saying sorry? --*Grips Faias hand tighter and walks to car and gets in*
: Faia
--It is my fault because I must be annoying to you and Tomoya-senpai noticed, so it’s my fault. I’m sorry that I didn’t come to the noodle house like I said I was going to but I forgot that I was on clean up today-- *Looks to the right and out the window*
: Hideaki
--Faia. Look Tomo thought that but it isn’t true. I don’t mind you at all. And the noodle house is always gonna be there so stop by whenever and you would have been there if not for Tomo and his sex problem. So don’t sweat it you should be more worried about yourself right now considering what happened. So are you okay? --
: Faia
--Ehh… well yes…I...I’m okay. Yeah I’m fine--*Faint smile* --T…To…. Tomoya-senpai was just… I don’t know what he was going to do and that’s what scares me because what was he going to do? -- *Looks at Hideaki*
: Hideaki
--Tomo was probably going to try to have sex with you and that’s the truth. He was going to do what ever he could to you, stay away from him okay--*Looks at Faia, Gasp. Laughs*
--I guess she feel asleep on me-- ^I don’t know where she lives so I guess I’ll take her to my house till she wakes up. I wonder if onessan is home? Hope not… who knows what she’d be wearing^
: Faia
*Wakes up* --mmmmmmm… where am I? -- *Looks around. Gets up. Feels around the dark room. Finds a door, opens and goes down the hall and down the stairs then looks around.* --No ones here. So where am I? --
: Hideaki
--You’re at my house. You feel asleep in my car and sense I don’t know where you live I just took you to my place—
: Faia
--Ehh… Hideaki-senpai-- *Turns around* --Thank you—
: Hana
--Oh no, no, no, no. Hideaki-kun is this your girlfriend!?!?!?!? She’s so cute!! Oh my! You and I are going to have so much fun!! Do you have a job? Oh what am I saying, a cute face like that, you must, so where do you work? Do they pay you enough? What’s your uniform look like? –
: Hideaki
--Hana-- *Blush* --She’s not my girlfriend, please shut up. Plus don’t even ask her to work there. Faia, this is my sister Hana— *Sigh*
~Hana Hanatoro Nakamura~
~Height: 5.8 ft
~Blood type: A
~Weight: ???
~Age: 26
~Work: Ayumi nightclub (striper)
~Eye color: Black
~Hair color: Blue gray
~Class: middle/ upper class
~Residents: lives with grandfather (Yuji Nakamura)
~Has a very big secret
: Faia
--Ah, pleased to meet you H…Hana-senpai-- *Bows*
: Hana
--Oh haho. No, no, no, I am pleased to meet you Faia-chan, lets be best friends and get to know each other really well… And sense your not dating my brother then that means that we should go on a date sometime. --*Smiles sweetly, looks Faia up and down*
: Faia
^Is Hana a lesbian?!! ^
: Hideaki
--You will not!!! Hana what the hell; don’t start hitting on a girl before you know if she’s straight, bi, or a lesbian? You need to know certain things! I mean how old she is. --
: Hana
--Oh little Hideaki, you’ve never brought home a girl before so she must be a very good friend ooooor more. And any ways, Faia-chan is very developed and looks fairly mature--
*Smiles, looks at Faia* --She’s just my type--
: Faia
--U..umm, I’m only 17 years old, and I’m not a lesbian. Sorry--*Looks at Hideaki then looks away quickly*
: Hideaki
*Looks at Faia then smiles* ^I’m glad shes not a lesbian. Haha she looks cute when shes imbarresed^ *Gasp* ^what am I thinking^ --Faia, I’ll take you home… now. So come on—
: Hana
--Aww your gonna take my love away from me!--*Grabs Faias hand and pulls next to her, then wraps arms around Faia, tries kissing her*
: Faia
--Umm-- *Tries to pull away, closes eyes* ^I don’t want to kiss a girl! ^
: Hideaki
--Hana! --*Yanks hanas arms away from Faia then grabs Faias hand, pulls her close to him*
--Faia I’m sorry--*Looks at Faia
: Faia
: Hana
--I’m sorry Faia-chan, maybe next time we meet you can get that first kiss—
: Faia
*Grabs on to shirt collar. Gasp* ^How’d she know that I’ve never been kissed before? ^
: Hideaki
*Looks at Faia* ^She’s never been kissed before? No, I’m sure she has and hana just thought wrong, but what if she hasn’t? ^ *Grips Faias hand tighter, turns around and starts walking out the door*
: Yuji
--Oh…Hideaki, its just you. Dinner will be ready in an hour. And where do you th…--
*Sees Faia then Hideaki holding Faias hand* --My, my, my Hideaki, who is she? Pretty cute. The first girl you come home with and yet you’re going somewhere? --
: Hideaki
--Ah. Grandpa. This is my fr--
: Yuji
: Hideaki
--No!!! She’s my friend. Grandpa this is Faia Kureno, Faia this is my Grandpa Yuji Nakamura--^Why would he think she’s my girlfriend^
~Yuji Onozuka Nakamura~
~Height: 5.1
~Blood type:
~Weight: 140 pounds
~Age: 69
~Job: flower shop
~Eye color: gray
~Hair color: gray
~Class: middle class
~Residents: house
: Yuji
--Oh well, sense she’s the first girl you’ve come home with she should stay for dinner. It’s nice to see you with a girl for a change. I was beginning to think that you were gay. Nice to meet you Miss Kureno--
: Faia
--Ah! Pleased to meet you Mr. Nakamura--*Bows* --You don’t have to call me Miss. Kureno Faia is just fine-- *Smiles*
: Hideaki
--Grandpa!!! I’m not gay!!!--
: Yuji
--Well I know that now Hideaki. Faia in Kenji is it written as fire? –
: Faia
--Yes. And in English it means fire as well--
: Yuji
--Is there any specific reason to why your parents named you Faia? –
: Faia
^Yes^ --No…I guess they thought of it at the spur of the moment kind of thing--
^He seems nice so why did I lie to him? I’m so stupid^
: Yuji
--Well okay-- *Smiles* --I should think that you’ve already meet Hana right? –
: Faia
--Yes I did. Mr. Nakamura--
: Yuji
--Well I guess that’s good, and don’t call me Mr. Nakamura it makes me feel like some weird businessman. Just call me…do you have a grandfather? --
: Faia
--Eh…? Um no I don’t he died a couple of years ago--
: Yuji
--Then call me grandpa Yuji-- *Winks and laughs*
: Faia
--G…Grand…pa Y…Yuji? Are you sure its okay? -- ^He’s such a sweet old guy^
: Yuji
--Of course it is!!! -- *Laughs more* --Come on into the house and cook with me--
: Faia
*Smiles* --Okay-- *Turns and walks back into house* --G…Grandpa Yuji what do you want? –
: Yuji
--Rice balls, okonomeyaki, miso soup, and bean paste with dumplings and fresh brewed tea, but I don’t know how to make it--^No child like her would either^
: Faia
--I…I can make it if you just show me where everything is. So you, just leave it to me—
: Yuji
--Really!!! But you’re a guest are you sure? --
: Faia
--Yes I’m positive—
: Yuji
--Then I’ll just leave it to you then…but first off I must warn you. Do you see that spot on the wall?*Points at large dark spot*
--Yeah I do-- *Looks at wall*
: Yuji
--Do you see that shape or burn mark that’s in the shape of an eye? –
: Faia
--Yes, it’s kinda creepy--
: Yuji
--Little Hideaki was afraid of it when he was little. He thought that it was a demons eye that was watching him. So he’d always run to Hana and start crying. Cute huh? –
: Faia
*Smiles then laughs*--Yeah--
: Faia
*Walks over to pot and stirs the miso soup*
: Hideaki
*Walks into kitchen, leans up against the doorway and watches Faia*
Posted by Rain_Kikyamen | Nov 5, 2010 7:25 PM | 3 comments
April 26th, 2010
umm ill probably forget to put alot of things i like so ill be editing often
and its band names then theres songs artists kust at random and most of them might not be the correct spelling or the right name
Every time we touch
Nyan nyan rock version
wake me up (or bring me to life)
and its band names then theres songs artists kust at random and most of them might not be the correct spelling or the right name
Every time we touch
Nyan nyan rock version
wake me up (or bring me to life)
Posted by Rain_Kikyamen | Apr 26, 2010 12:34 PM | 0 comments
April 15th, 2010
Cool friends
xXDemon_AngelXx{best friend}
Duskrados {best friend}
sexyautumn{best friend}
overjoyed tuna
Duskrados {best friend}
sexyautumn{best friend}
overjoyed tuna
Posted by Rain_Kikyamen | Apr 15, 2010 3:30 PM | 5 comments