December 20th, 2014
Picture Overload~!~!
Anime Relations: Bakemonogatari, Angel Beats!
Clicking on any of these links it will not download anything straight away it will take you to a page where you can first view the photos/backgrounds and then you can either download one or 2 out the whole folder, To download all of the photos of a folder right click on the folder to the left of the screen, To download just one or two photos right click on the photo its self.
Big folders of backgrounds!
1 : (1245 )!a0YQhDrI!z9IOh83Wde47DcH414iMBA
2 : (1000 )!vxxWnbKB!SPogAqMBXouQFPd7b7YziA
3 : (1000 )!vloX3Bba!8Qix6ZOQkovwiHhXUwwEFQ
猫の女の子 :!u8x1wLbR!AfxEjzozcZ9aYZeddcE1Ew
Random shit :!Cx4ARRwS!ocFdTe99xfE2BN1CgZBEgw
Posted by ShiAruku | Dec 20, 2014 8:22 AM | 0 comments
December 10th, 2014
How to customize your desktop, MAL page and more!
Anime Relations: Sword Art Online
Okay I'm just going to do a small and simple tutorial on how to customize your computer, this is my first time doing something like this so "bear" with me. :D
Also if you don't feel like reading a lot and just want a quick simple video showing how to install themes only it will be linked at the bottom on this page, All Links for the programs will be and the bottom of this page.
Preview 1:
Preview 2:
Preview 3:
Preview 4:
Preview 5:
Desktop Themes!
Download and install "UltraUXThemePatcher", once you have downloaded that follow threw it's steps and when it ask's you to do so restart your computer.
The themes & how to install them.
Ok this step is a bit confusing at first but after you do it once it will all make sense. First things first you will need to find a place to get you themes I use a website called "" and "", if you want to Google for them Google search something like "3rd party themes for windows".
After you have found a theme you like and want to install (you might have to extract the file from a zip) you just need to drag 2 things into a folder. Some theme's you might not have to install like this they can have a file which installs everything for you. If not you will need to open the Theme you downloaded and look for a file containing 2 things, it is usually called themes Like this:
after that you just need to drag the 1, 2 or 3 files into you windows themes folder, this is located at: C:Windows-Resources-Themes, then just drop them in there AND your all done! All you need to do after this is right click on your desktop go to Personalization and change your theme.
The 2 things(sometimes more like in this example):
Start Icon.
If you also wanted a custom smart menu icon follow this step.
For this step you will need to download a program called "Windows 7 Start Orb Changer v5", after you have downloaded that and also followed it's steps (if there is some) you will then need to find a picture you can upload to it. A simple way is to just google " Start orbs pictures" and then save the ones that looks like this (in spoiler), after that simply upload the pictures. Also if you want yours to look like the start icon is bigger then the windows bar you will have to right click on the bar and select the box that says "Use small icons".
Clean Desktop / Fences
This step will show you how to get your programs all neat and tidy or even invisible until you hover over them with your mouse. You will need to download a program called "fences" once you have downloaded that program follow threw it's steps also, this program is not free but does come with a free 30 day trial, you could also download the cracked version from pirate bay. But the simplest way it to just buy it for 10$ (aus) like I did.
Custom Wigets / Rainmeter
If you want custom gadgets or stuff you show your CPU usage,clock,notes, etc, then downloading "Rainmeter' is the way to go it's quick simple and easy to use. After you have downloaded this (links at bottom) you will just need to find a skin you like, they can be found all over the place but for quick and simple downloadable ones go here "" then just find one you like and download that also.
Stylish, Make MAL look better! (Google Crome)
1: Download and install a extension called "stylish".
2: Download and install skins for MAL from here " "
a) There is also a club where you can get skins " ".
b) Or you could just google search 'Stylish skins for My anime list'.
3: Set what one you want to have active the time and enjoy :D.
Take note no one else can see this, this is just for you to see (I think).
If you need any help in any way post on this or on my profile and I'll help you in anyway I can. Any tips or any programs you think should be on here jsut message me and ill fix them and/or add them with credit to you, Example: Finding a word that's misspelt and telling me about it. :D My spelling is not the best.
Also if you kill/break or mess something up on your computer/to your computer I can not be blamed for it, trying all this is at your own risk. That being said there is little to no risk when doing any of this.
Windows 7 Start orb Changer:
Video tutorial:
Posted by ShiAruku | Dec 10, 2014 7:27 AM | 0 comments