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October 28th, 2010
Because I love favorites, so here's a list of all my favorite anime characters. Yeah, not too interesting for anyone but myself.

.hack//Intermezzo: Mimiru
.hack//Legend of the Twilight: Balmung
.hack//Roots: Kuhn
.hack//Sign: BT
.hack//Unison: Balmung/BT
Ah! My Goddess: Belldandy
Aria: Alicia Florence
Black Cat: Ling Xiaoli
Bleach: Jushiro Ukitake
Castle in the Sky: Sheeta
Chobits: Chii
Chrno Crusade: Ewan Remington
Claymore: Miria
Cyborg 009: Joe Shimamura
D. N. Angel: Dark Mousy
Death Note: L
Dragon Ball GT: Pan
Elfen Lied: Lucy
Fate/Stay Night: Rin Tohsaka
Final Fantasy: Advent Children: Vincent Valentine
Final Fantasy: Last Order: Zack Fair
Flame of Recca: Tokiya Mikagami
Fruits Basket: Shigure Sohma
Fullmetal Alchemist: Riza Hawkeye
Fushigi Yuugi: Chichiri
Genshiken: Kanako Ohno
Gravitation: Hiroshi Nakano
Hikaru no Go: Sai Fujiwara no
Howl’s Moving Castle: Calcifer
Ichigo Mashimaro: Nobue Itou
Inu-Yasha: Sesshoumaru
Kiddy Grade: Sinistra
Kiki's Delivery Service: Jiji
King of Bandit Jing: Jing
Kyou kara Maou!: Gwendal von Voltaire/ Gunter von Christ
Love Hina: Haruka Urashima
Loveless: Soubi Agatsuma
Lucy Star: Konata Izumi
Magic Night Rayearth: Umi Ryuuzaki
Mahou Sensei Negima!: Chachamaru Karakuri
MAR: Nanashi
Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: Duo Maxwell
Murder Princess: Dominikov
Naruto: Kakashi
Neon Genesis Evangelion: Rei Ayanami
Nightwalker: Yayoi Matsunaga
Outlaw Star: Aisha Clanclan
Prétear: Hayate
Princess Mononoke: Moro
R.O.D OVA: Yomiko Readman
Record of Lodoss War: Deedlit
Rurouni Kenshin: Kenshin
Sailor Moon: Sailor Pluto/ Meiou Setsuna
Saiunkoku Monogatari: Kouyuu Li
Saiyuki: Gojyo
Samurai Champloo: Jin
Samurai Deeper Kyo: Kyoshiro Mibu
Samurai Girl Real Bout High School: Ryoko Mitsurugi
Shaman King: Amidamaru
Slayers: Zelgadis Graywords
Spiral: Eyes Rutherford
Spirited Away: Haku
Suzuka: Yamato Akitsuki
Tales of Symphonia: Zelos Wilder
Tales of the Abyss: Jade Curtiss
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann: Viral
The Third: Aoi Hitomi no Shoujo: Bogie
Tsubasa Chronicle: Fai D. Flourite
Weiß Kreuz Glühen: Ran Fujimiya
Witchblade: Masane Amaha
Wolf’s Rain: Blue
Vampire Knight: Kaname Kuran
Vampire Princess Miyu: Larva/Miyu Yamano
Yu Yu Hakusho: Kurama
Yu-Gi-Oh: Ryou Bakura
Posted by aikoofdarkwaters | Oct 28, 2010 8:37 PM | 2 comments
March 8th, 2009
For the first time in my life I'm experiencing what it's like to truly hate someone. I've tolerated him because he is one of my best friends boyfriend, but something just snapped, and I had a realization that the strange feeling I held for him was loathing.

I've hated things before in my life, and I've disliked people, but nothing to this degree. Every time I even think about him it makes me feel nauseous, and there's this flare of anger, or I want to just lay down and cry my eyes out.

That last one made me a bit confused until I really thought about it. I don't want to cry because I hate him, but because I know how it will end if I tell my friend all the stuff he's done, such as hitting on me when she's in the next room, or if I point out how he treats her, not letting her talk to her other best friend because he sees him as a threat. The end is obvious, just as she chose him above her friend, she'll chose him again over me. It doesn't matter if she finally comes around and sees the truth. I'll be the one who told her, ruined her life, and there will be no salvaging our friendship.

She says she loves him, and I believe her, but I can't understand why. But the thing I hate most about him is when he says he loves her too, because it's so obvious to anyone on the outside that he doesn't. How can he claim to love her when he doesn't trust her? When he hits on me? When he threatens to break it off because he thinks she's sleeping with someone else just because she gave then a ride home? How can anyone claim to love someone else when they obviously don't and the other does? I just don't understand, with all the other crap that goes on in this world, why someone would want to add to it by being so cruel.

The other thing I hate about him: I no longer know if I believe true love is a reality anymore.
Posted by aikoofdarkwaters | Mar 8, 2009 8:20 PM | 1 comments
October 1st, 2008
So we’ve come to an age where reading by candlelight has been replaced by doing homework at 1:30 a.m. to the glow of a cell phone. We are living longer, more trouble-free lives than those of our ancestors. This is by no means a bad thing, except it seems we’ve forgotten things our ancestors held in such high regard; things like family, respect for the elderly, honor, charity, ect. I don’t speak for other generations, just from what I’ve observed of my own. We seem to be content to go with the flow, too comfortable to question why we shouldn’t. But, in taking a step back and really taking a look, is all we’ve gained been worth the price? Some would say it is, others would say we’ve sacrificed too much. Myself, I don’t know. I’d like it see more of the world before judging it.

I’ve heard, “this generation is so much worse than the last,” more times than I care to remember. Honestly though, if that were true then wouldn’t society be in flames by now? Yes, I know. In some ways my generation is worse than that of my parents’ generation, and in some ways their generation is worse than their parents’. But even if it’s worse in some ways, that doesn’t mean it is in others. It also leaves room for improvement, no matter how hard that would be to do with any society. The quality of a generation depends on our view of it, sort of like the saying “beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” I’m sure when my generation matures a little bit we will see the younger generations as steering society to “Hell in a hand basket.” However, that will be our view, and most likely not the view of aforementioned younger generation.

If you’ve read this far, good for you. You’ve just dealt with one of my rants in short form. As to what brought it about, a power outage. I was sitting here, angry that I couldn’t listen to my music and thinking, “I never would have survived before electricity.” Yes, I realize that I’m one of the spoiled people in the world (not as much as other people I know), but many people would have this same thought, mot likely everyone reading this. Don’t deny it. You’re on the internet right now, something most of us are addicted to, and if it’s not that then it’s some other piece of technology. If however, that is untrue for you, congratulations, and I say that with the utmost serenity.

So yes, while we have made amazing advancements, and I in no way disapprove of discovering new knowledge, have these advancements made us soft? Has it turned us all into moths, desperately chasing a flame just out of reach, and if so, how close can we get before we’re burned to a crisp?
Posted by aikoofdarkwaters | Oct 1, 2008 8:55 PM | 0 comments
So lately I’ve been going into music crazes. I’ve bought eight new CDs in the last month, which for me is an insane amount. Even as I type I’m downloading House of Heroes old CD from iTunes because I can’t find it in any store, which brings my total to nine. I think this new obsession has to do with the new radio station I’ve been listening to. It is amazing! My old station played a lot of songs I liked but they also had some really crappy shit too. This new station however, plays music I love even more, and here’s the best part; NO COMMERCIALS!!!

Ok, now that that’s out of my system you’re probably wondering what CDs I’ve bought. Well here they are:
· Fireflight “Unbreakable”
· Hawk Nelson “Hawk Nelson Is My Friend”
· Relient K “The Bird and the Bee Side”
· Atargatis “Nova
· Darkwell “Suspiria”
· Darkwell “Metat[r]on”
· Ludo “You’re Awful, I Love You”
· House of Heroes “Say No More”
· House of Heroes “The End Is Not the End”

Of these, Ludo and House of Heroes seems to have taken over my listening time. I absolutely love them. I started singing Ludo’s “Love Me Dead” in gym class a few days ago and two people joined in. It was pretty cool. I didn’t realize how many people had already heard the song, but it’s so good, even if it is somewhat sadistic.

However, House of Heroes has one of only two acoustic songs that I like. If you’re already in a sad mood “Code Name: Raven” is the absolute best on the CD, although my “absolute best” has been changing a lot when it comes to that CD, mostly depending on my mood.

In all the songs I’ve heard though, I have to say my “absolute best” goes to Skillet’s “Whispers in the Dark.” I listened to that song at least fifty times after I first heard it. If anyone can tell me a song that is able to beat that I will bow down before you. It’s a challenge.
Posted by aikoofdarkwaters | Oct 1, 2008 8:48 PM | 1 comments
June 6th, 2008
I finally got the last book in my very first manga series, Dragon Knights. I glad that it finally came out, I was practiclly jumping up and down with joy when I was in the book store. But now, I'm sad. Fulfilled but sad.

It always seems this way when I read a really good manga, see an amazing movie, or whatever. In the end I guess it's a good thing because it just means it made an impact on your life, however small it may be. Yeah, so that might soung a little chessy but I know that I'm not along in this.

Oh well, I'm off to go reread the entire serise now!
Posted by aikoofdarkwaters | Jun 6, 2008 9:59 AM | 0 comments
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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