Auel Neider

Kidou Senshi Gundam SEED Destiny
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Kidou Senshi Gundam SEED Destiny Special Edition
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Kidou Senshi Gundam SEED Destiny
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Kidou Senshi Gundam SEED Destiny: The Edge
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Kidou Senshi Gundam SEED Destiny
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Member Favorites: 15

Auel Neider (アウル・ニーダ)

Name: Auel Neider
Nationality:Atlantic Federation
Known relatives:Mother(unknown ,Deceased)
First appearance:Gundam seed destiny episode 1
Last appearance:episode 28
Mobile weapons: ZGMF-X31S Abyss
Fighting Technique:
In the fight against ZAFT guards at the Armory One, Auel's movements in battle very closely resemble the Gun Kata technique.

Auel, along with Sting Oakley and Stella Loussier, are the three Extended pilots of the Earth Alliance’s special forces team Phantom Pain. He is the most impulsive and brutal of the three, killing his enemies mercilessly and even laughing crazily when he kills people. Together with his comrades, he sneaks into the PLANT colony Armory One, where he steals one of the three new Gundam-type mobile suits, the ZGMF-X31S Abyss. He uses the heavily armed suit to wreak havoc inside the colony, killing many ZAFT soldiers.

He is later involved in two other battles in space (the first in the debris belt, the second on the remnants of the destroyed PLANT colony Junius Seven). After the start of the Second Bloody Valentine War, Auel and the rest of Phantom Pain go to Earth. They are involved in several battles against the ZAFT ship Minerva, but are met with no great success. However, Auel does manage to sink one Vosgulov class submarine, which came to the aid of the Minerva.

Auel and his two comrades later investigate the ZAFT-controlled city Diokia, where the three meet enemies Shinn Asuka and Athrun Zala for the first time; neither party realizes who the other is. When ZAFT discovers a laboratory in Lodonia, Auel recalls that his mother was stationed there and promptly begins to freak out. Because of his psychological conditioning, he is rendered helpless when he hears his blockword, in his case the word "mother". Auel, in his confusion, says it out loud to himself and collapses in tears. The doctors on the ship quickly move to readjust his mentality.

During a fight against the Minerva at the Dardanelles, the Abyss is damaged by the ZGMF-X10A Freedom, but it is quickly repaired.

Shortly after Stella is captured and taken on board the Minerva, Auel and Sting had all of their memories of her erased. The latter recalled nothing, but Auel felt that something was missing, suggesting that his amnesia was not complete. During the Battle of Crete his suit is destroyed by Shinn Asuka when he uses the beam javelin of his ZGMF-X56S/γ Blast Impulse to stab directly into the abdomen of the Abyss, causing it to crash into the sea. The Abyss explodes under water, shortly after blood-mixed water filled Auel's helmet, confirming his death.

In the Gundam SEED Destiny: The Edge manga, the few short moments before his death were expanded on. As he sees the ocean through the cracks in the cockpit, he suddenly remembers a person that loved the ocean and fish. He then realizes that it was Stella, and all his memories of her flood back to him. He was then confused about why he had been unable to remember her for such a long time. Pondering more, he starts to feel sorry for her for dying, as she was so afraid of death (he did not know that she actually was still alive). At this point, the Abyss hits the bottom of the ocean, and explodes, killing Auel. This is significantly different from the anime, in which Auel is knocked unconscious with blood filling his helmet before he dies. Also, in the anime, the time between the Abyss' explosion and it being knocked underwater is greatly shorter than the manga.

[edit] Block word
Auel's block word is "Mother", probably because his care-giver was one of the staff that was killed in the struggle. When the word is said around him or he says it himself, he suffers from flashbacks of his childhood. Auel is very protective of his 'mother' and goes into shock, whenever she is mentioned. (Shown mainly in episode 25, when the Lab is found by ZAFT)

Auel often used Stella as a weapon by saying her block word: "die,"; or any word relating to 'death', when the trio is in trouble. On the contrary however, he is also shown to be at least somewhat protective of her. When low-ranking Earth Alliance soldiers attempt to abduct Stella for an unknown reason, he attacks them, nearly knocking out one and threatens them in case they do not stop.

Before the release of Gundam SEED Destiny, anime news sites have said Richard Ian Cox would portray Auel in the English dub. The mistake was noted when Swaile's name was credited, though it has yet to be corrected.
In the Suit CDs, he is featured in Volume 7, along with the two other Extendeds. The audio drama clip has them discussing about basketball.

Voice Actors
Morita, Masakazu
Swaile, Brad
Mehani, Taric
Diskin, Benjamin

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