Qingxuan "Lord Wind Master Qingxuan, Lady Wind Master, The Young Lord Who Pours Wine" Shi

Qingxuan Shi

Tian Guan Cifu
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Tian Guan Cifu
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Tian Guan Cifu
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Qingxuan Shi (师 青玄)

Shi Qingxuan (师青玄, Shī Qīngxuán), also known as Lord Wind Master Qingxuan (风师青玄, Fēng Shī Qīng Xuán), is one of the Five Elemental Masters in the Heavenly Court.

He is the younger brother of the Shi Wudu and one of the Four Famous Tales - "The Young Lord Who Pours Wine" (少君倾酒, Shào Jǖn Qīng Jǐu).

Shi Qingxuan is a kind, caring, and compassionate man who is full of life. He is mischievous and enjoys teasing and messing with others, but never out of malicious intent. He tends to falter under pressure, going mad and laughing like crazy and spouting nonsense. However, despite this, when his friends need him, he overcomes his fears and accomplishes what he sets out to do. He is very friendly and popular, managing to befriend many Heavenly Officials and humans no matter their status, and is described by Xie Lian as someone who can bring others to him naturally due to his charisma.

(Source: Heaven Official's Blessing Wiki)

Voice Actors
Lu, Zhixing
Qiu, Qiu
Kawasumi, Ayako
Eiseman, Jacob
Kunapaneni, Anjali
Shimazaki, Nobunaga

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