Shingen "Tiger of Kai" Takeda

Shingen Takeda

Sengoku Basara
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Sengoku Basara Ni
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Sengoku Basara Movie: The Last Party
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Sengoku Basara Ni: Ryuko, Itadaki no Chikai! Atsuki Mirai e Kakeru Tamashii!!
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Sengoku Basara: Judge End
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Gakuen Basara
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Sengoku Basara 3: Roar of Dragon
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Sengoku Basara Series Official Anthology Comic: Gakuen Basara
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Member Favorites: 20

Shingen Takeda (武田信玄)

Leader of the Takeda clan, famous for its cavalry. Has a large, imposing frame and a brilliant mind as well. Wields a giant axe. Often starts large and unnecessary brawls with Yukimura, sometimes for no reason, usually by wrestling or exchanging names while punching each other in the face.

(Source: Wikipedia)

Voice Actors
Ayres, Christopher
Genda, Tesshou
Chatelet, Julien
Violette, Vincent
Gaude, Gianni
Arnold, Thomas

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