Mint "Corina Bucksworth, Mew Mint" Aizawa

Mint Aizawa

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Member Favorites: 190

Mint Aizawa (藍沢 みんと)

Birthday: October 3 (Libra)
Age: 12
Height: 155 cm
Weight: 41 kg
Blood type: B

Mint is a rich girl who was used to the lifestyle until she became infused with the DNA of a Blue Lorikeet. At first she was shocked and had no idea what to do. Ichigo guides her along. But quickly accepts her being a Mew Mew and realizes the tasks she needs to do. Mint's introduction in episode 2 ("A new comrade – Justice lies in a real lady ~Nya!") is a little different from her manga introduction. Ichigo never meets her and her other comrades until this episode. Mint gives her a handkerchief after her dog, Mickey, licks Ichigo's face, and Ichigo later follows her to her house when Masha detects something strange; she was going to look for a Chimera Anima, not to find out if Mint is the second Mew Mew. Also, Ryou never tells Ichigo that Mint is her comrade - it only becomes apparent when her Mew Mark is revealed before the battle when her dress was ripped in the back.

Mint can be mean, lazy, snobbish, and at times, very sarcastic. One of the only people Mint is nice to is Fujiwara Zakuro, she admires Zakuro very much almost to the point of being obsessed with her. Her favorite thing in the world is her pet dog Mickey, whom she really cares for. Mint enjoys having her afternoon tea and rarely helps out at the cafe. Although Mint is a snob to Ichigo, empathetic, a nice person and cares about her friends. Her feelings are very important to her and can easily be hurt. She is often seen drinking tea at work, calling it her "daily ritual", instead of helping others.

Mint's family is rich and lives in a mansion. Her mother and father are almost never home, and her grandmother has to look after her.

She has a brother named Aizawa Seiji who appeared in episode 9, and not in the manga. He is older, and more serious then Mint. He doesn't spend much time with her, because he has to deal with some important and difficult things, like business. Because of this, he once called Mint "lucky", because she only does ballet. The Mews met him in the episode, but he didn't pay much attention, due to him being busy. When Mint was to perform ballet, she wanted Seiji to come, but he was busy again and couldn't attend, even the Mews tried to persuade him. When he finally came, however, Mint told him to get back to work, making him angry. As Seiji was leaving, a Chimera Anima attacked them. Mint scolded the monster for hurting her brother, who tried to protect her. After she and Mew Ichigo defeated the Chimera Anima, Seiji gave his sister some flowers to show he still cares for her.

Transformation: Mew Mew Mint, Metamorphosis!
Attack: Ribbon Mint Echo!

In the English dub Mew Mew Power, Mint's name was changed to Corina Bucksworth, and in the Italian dub, Mint's name was changed to Mina Aizawa. Mint is the second of the five Mews to appear in the series.

Voice Actors
Kakazu, Yumi
Pacotto, Emanuela
Molnár, Ilona
Whaley, Andi
Concepcion, Priscilla
Portuguese (BR)
Bae, Jeong Mi
Chavarro Parada, Claudia Patricia
Portuguese (BR)
Ostrowski, Marielle
Hinata, Mirai
Vieira, Ana
Portuguese (BR)
Bersani, Giulia

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