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Oct 17, 2016 11:19 PM

Apr 2015
Nossa, que luta. De novo, que luta. Com toda certeza o Oda encerrou com chave de ouro dessa vez.

Nov 19, 2016 5:15 PM
Jul 2016
May 1, 2017 11:33 AM

Jun 2015
Lucci was beaten up good. I'm happy.
If you are going to disagree with me, don't bother talking to me. I will seriously hurt you!
Oct 5, 2018 7:44 AM

Jun 2016
I prefer short fights that are meaningful and don't push the suspension of disbelief. I LOVED Zoro vs Mihawk, it's still one of my favorites for instance. In fact, my favorite Dragon Ball fight is a squash fight that lasts a single episode. The ones that start and finish and leave a strong impression in your mind without going too far or trying to be too cool.

However, all things considered, this may be the best One Piece fight, even despite the fact that I don't like the six powers that Lucci had mastered. It was so masterful. Every part of it was so epic outside of the fight itself even. All the parts were moving. It was exhausting, tiring, and horrible for the Straw Hats in all the best ways. The tone was pretty dull, Luffy was losing, Franky's men were declared dead, there was an unending amount of navy attacking many even being power holders. But this tone after such a long war against the world government themselves was perfect for bringing out the absolute best of everybody.

Usopp is such a great character oh my gosh. Him screaming to Luffy to get up with tears in his eyes was such a moment. I can still hear him screaming "LUFFEEEEH!!!" in my mind! He provoked Luffy in all the best ways, he knew that if he didn't take over the fight with Lucci two things could happen. Luffy could die, Usopp would lose one of his best friends. And two, Luffy wouldn't be provoked and inspired into standing up once more. Of course, Luffy would get back up if he was reminded of what he was fighting for. And, that's what Usopp did, like the brave warrior he claims he is, he picked a fight with Lucci risking his own life. What a god darn hero. That wonderful scene made me wonder something, with each day having Usopp get closer to being the lie he claims he is, I wonder if by the end of One Piece if he'll actually become a captain with 8,000 warriors under him... I mean, his other lies have come true like the giant goldfish. And, fake it til you make it right? Usopp's slowly making his dream real by enacting it so... I mean, I believe it could happen!

Usopp is already my favorite character after Luffy and his inclusion here, picking Luffy back up while risking his own life challenging Lucci was the ingredient that made this fight so much more meaningful and special for me. It reminded Luffy what he was fighting for because if he didn't get up then and there his friends he's trying to protect would die trying to save his butt.

All of this amazing display of inspirational, couragous manly friendship for his nakama led to one of the most epic parts of all of Water 7 which set the tone for the rest of the fight.
I swear the happy tears begun at this point. The music cutting in right then at Luffy's scream made it perfection.

I was wondering how Luffy would get the power to keep up and all he needed was a believable reminder of what he was fighting for to push himself past his limits and stand once more. Both trade blows and blood spurts. I think what made this fight so awesome fighting wise was that you could always see Lucci wearing down. You could always see him getting more hurt as the fight went on, gasping for breath, bleeding, and so on. Someone in the thread said "they would have totally smashed him if not for plot armor", however, I would disagree. As I was saying Luffy clearly wasn't up to Lucci's strength while in 2nd gear, but he was able to constantly damage Lucci whether it was in stray hits or trades and we knew this because of the damaged state he was constantly in that I've mentioned. And, Luffy was weaker than him undeniably, but he pushed himself and his body through so much pain that he was coughing up blood for simply hitting Lucci with a jet pistol. He was killing himself to keep going and the fight was always really one of strength vs perseverance. Luffy must have royally messed up his internal body to persevere to the degree that he did to dish out enough damage to take Lucci down. This, to me, may be a small case of plot armor, but I think it is only accurate for Luffy to care enough about his nakama to throw his own body under the bus like that. And, to make matters even better the final blow was only done because Lucci, being as arrogant as ever, walked away from Luffy in a victorious pose after outplaying him and grabbing him with his tail before doing the very move that left him incapacitated before. Of course, Lucci would assume that Luffy was out for good. No question about it. Lucci walked to go and probably kill Usopp for annoying him so much and because of his confidence, Luffy standing up behind him once more utterly shook Lucci to the core, honestly reminiscent of when Arlong saw Zoro's Mihawk scar and it hit him what a monster Zoro was.
Lucci was genuinely freaked out of his mind when he realized what was going on and Luffy took the oppertunity that was given to him and got a sucker punch-esque gattling on Lucci who hessitated so much that he could only do an iron body. This final attack was due to believable arrogance from Lucci and Luffy taking an oppertunity to get the upper hand after refusing to fall like he promised. This fight was awesome!!!!! Strength vs perservance done right.

When Lucci finally fell and Luffy smiled from ear to ear I felt as he did! I was so blissful! This has been a war, it's been so hard for everyone. Usopp and Robin were crushed and left the Straw Hats. Usopp was only here as Sogeking at this point. But, now, everyone is back. Robin wants to live, Usopp isn't hiding his face. CP9 is defeated. Luffy, after going through the most pain he's felt in the entire 309 episodes we've watched and internally killing his body, is finally free of this. The suffering of the Frankies and Shipwrights wasn't for nothing. This has felt like such a journey and battle that has been non-stop for a long time and the announcement of Lucci being defeated was so tranquil and calming. It was an alert that signified that this is all over. Even if it's not, Lucci is so much more of a threat than the marines attacking. It's a relief because they've finally taken down the hardest hurdle and now all that's left is doable.

And that's not even mentioning all the great moments from the rest of the Straw Hats. Zoro saving Franky. Franky saying Usopp. Usopp's above-mentioned pep talk. The fact that we're having our cast fight power holders as fodder enemies now. Sanji being his sneaky clutch self. Usopp still acting as Sogeking even with his mask off. The final call at the end to Robin that they're going to make it back together. Everything surrounding the fight itself was really great. We even got a rare Zoro "oh sh*t" moment.
They're always great because of how stoic Zoro normally is. I can recall he had one when Robin was freaking out when they faced Aokiji and once in the Arlong fight off the top of my head. Or when he saw Yokozuna for the first time.

Finally the user link9us brought up something really interesting too. At the start of the series they always saved the devil fruit power villains to Luffy. As the anime went on that slowly changed. But now, probably any of the CP9 members strength wise could have been a major villain. Maybe that's pushing it a bit, but jeez, every member taking on their own opponent of this calibur is facinating insofar as it shows how far everyone has come!
May 23, 2019 6:28 PM
Dec 2014
I think the fight should had ended by the gear third attack. Luffy taking Lucci strongest attack 3 or 4 time makes no sens.
Mar 7, 2020 8:48 PM

Nov 2018
The ending to Lucci vs Luffy was epic, that yell at the end gave me chills and nearly made me tear up

RIP Zoro's sword.
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Jun 12, 2020 4:40 AM

May 2016
The Straw Hats continue to kick Marine ass so far but RIP, Zoro's Sword...

It's amazing that Luffy was able to get himself to defeat Lucci in his severely injured state by using Jet Gattling on him even if just using a Jet Pistol causes him to cough up blood. I'll have to give Usopp props for being the one who helped his Captain push way past his limits and I hope that they'll all be able to get out of there together. I doubt that he'll be able to move after all of that after all.

Jan 30, 2021 1:24 PM

Jun 2017
I wonder what's Sanji up to with that lever, and what's the function of it? Hopefully, that will help them escape Enies Lobby.

She got him back. If you understand the characters well enough, you'd know she did!
Apr 29, 2021 7:58 PM
May 2012
What a great battle, still not as good as vs Crocodile in my opinion but still definitely up there.
May 21, 2021 5:25 AM

Jun 2019
Epic Gattling Barrage from Luffy.
Dec 28, 2021 7:12 PM

Feb 2014
Zoro lost one of his swords, he will have to find a new one.

And the gattling was absolutely epic.
Feb 24, 2022 4:15 AM
Jul 2018
this is one of the best episodes ever created everything about the episode is perfection Luffy vs Lucci is my favorite fight of one piece at the moment and Luffy's words to Robin at the end and Usopp encouraging Luffy were just beautiful
removed-userSep 9, 2022 10:06 PM
Jun 10, 2022 1:04 PM

Jan 2021
I like how everything is announced like this is a wwe match Rob Lichii has been defeated but dude that was hype
Jul 11, 2022 2:54 AM
Feb 2022
Luffy had too much suace in that moment, Jet Gatling gun 🔥🔥🔥🔥 can't wait to see him fight again
Aug 10, 2022 1:28 PM

Apr 2018
I teared up. This was a beautiful episode. Luffy and Usopp's interaction was powerful; they sincerely care for each other despite their differences. Luffy gave it his all with his final attack as he promised that he will not fall to the ground. I like that this wasn't an easy breezy fight for Luffy. If it wasn't for Usopp and everyone's encouragement, Luffy might've lost then. Luffy called out to Robin like that made this so memorable. Welcome (officially) to the Strawhat crew, Robin!
Sep 13, 2022 6:45 PM
Feb 2022
Que final épico, acompañado de un grito de victoria. Gran pelea de Luffy, y domada a Rucchi y su intento de justicia.
Oct 14, 2022 3:52 PM
Jan 2021
一緒に帰るぞ ロビン
Oct 19, 2022 8:32 PM
Dec 2020
bro was on something else
Jan 20, 2023 9:22 AM
Jan 2021
Feb 1, 2023 9:37 AM
Jan 2020
The last scene bro
Feb 8, 2023 9:42 AM
Aug 2020
Feb 10, 2023 6:36 AM
Dec 2022
اخيرا انهزم روب لوتشييييييييييي
Feb 22, 2023 3:33 AM
Apr 2020
May 16, 2023 1:28 AM
Oct 2019
Gomu Gomu no Jet Gatling!!
Man that was HYPED!! 🔥🔥🔥
Jun 29, 2023 7:40 AM
Jul 2018
Luffy vs Lucci was a good fight when they were actually fighting, unfortunately it got dragged out way too long and took away most of the intensity. If it was done in 2 or 3 episodes the fight would’ve been so much better.

The animation was incredible though the best animated fight so far and the most interesting as we got to see some new moves Luffy has been working on.
Jul 13, 2023 1:08 PM

Oct 2019
At last, Lucci has been defeated.

Jul 23, 2023 2:18 PM

Mar 2017
Talk about an epic episode. I like how silent it was when Ussop discovered Luffy passed out. All you could hear was subtle atmos underneath Lucci and Luffy's exhausted breaths. 

It was great seeing Robin smiling and fighting alongside Nami to take out the Marines. They make an awesome team!

Seeing Luffy in such a desperate state was really sad. It was a relief to see him finally manage to turn the fight around. I nearly cried when Luffy shouted "issho ni kaeru zo, robin!" Oda really knows how to hit you in the feels.. and Luffy's VA is just amazing. 

Aug 4, 2023 12:01 AM

Nov 2021
Had the biggest smile on my face at the end
Sep 5, 2023 6:03 PM

May 2021
The most wholesome episode of this arc so far. No complaints!!
Sep 22, 2023 2:47 AM
Dec 2021
Gomu Gomu no... Jet... GATTLING!!!
Oct 1, 2023 1:30 AM
Jun 2023
One of if not the best episode so far
Dec 6, 2023 4:58 PM

May 2019
Excellent fight, heavily tarred by the fact the anime directors decided not to follow the manga and kept showing Luffy fighting Lucci in gear 1 for episode after endless episode.

Hopefully they learn from this and don't do it again. If they just followed the manga, all would've been well. But they didn't trust the manga, and kept adding in-episode filler to drag things out.

I don't mind filler episodes, but filler in canon episodes is egregious. I'm not talking about the long recaps or endings, those are fine coz they're easy to skip. I'm also not talking about when they elaborate on manga scenes and extend them, that's fine too. What I hate is that in this arc especially, they seem to be cutting a bunch of different chapters together, and also showing the same scenes over and over from episode to episode (like the giants running, usopp being a sword, etc., just to pad runtime). Like they're afraid if they didn't cut to luffy throwing a gear 1 punch every episode, we'll forget he's fighting Lucci. But instead it just makes it seem like Luffy wasn't taking Lucci seriously.

Anyway 9/10 episode, loved it.
Feb 2, 2024 12:47 PM
May 2023
Apr 12, 2024 12:03 AM

Dec 2022
amazing to watch Luffy's slow journey of self discovery to his power
Apr 12, 2024 9:34 AM

Jun 2017
The best Luffy showdown till now.It veered away from the typical shenanigans,a pleasant surprise .There were phases where there were genuine doubt whether he would win .Rob Lucci had consistency behind his battle prowess and he clearly dominated a good part of the fight .I like they didn't shy away from showing Luffy beaten down blood spurting out from his mouth and battling out the pain.He didn't magically heal mid fight .He had to be reminded of his conviction and bring out the last bit of power he had left .Thankfully that was enough.
Apr 13, 2024 9:34 PM
Jan 2022
Just incredible, LETS GOOO LUFFY!!!!
Oct 25, 2024 7:46 AM
Mar 2024
that was amazing episode and this whole arc is now my favorite.
at first it was boring like when ever they cut luffy fight its bad but overall that was epic
Oct 25, 2024 7:51 AM
Mar 2024
that was amazing episode and this whole arc is now my favorite.
at first it was boring like when ever they cut luffy fight its bad but overall that was epic
Oct 25, 2024 7:51 AM
Mar 2024
that was amazing episode and this whole arc is now my favorite.
at first it was boring like when ever they cut luffy fight its bad but overall that was epic
Oct 26, 2024 10:58 AM

Aug 2024
Man that had me tearing up one the best episodes of one piece.

First Robin and Nami girl fight is every one dream.

Second sanji going to come in clutch and get them out.

Third what a great speech by Usopp. Really got Luffy going.

Fourth Luci is OP. Definitely the strongest foe Luffy face. I wonder if he is a live and will comeback at some point. Like how is assume crocodile and enru will.

Finally Luffy. What an absolute incredible attack. Then him calling out and Robin crying and his smile hit me right in the feels.

God I love one piece. Top 10 episode of the show
Mar 3, 6:24 AM

Apr 2016
This episode was peak, no further notes needed.
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