Nyamo Naamo

Love Hina Haru Special: Kimi Sakura Chiru Nakare!!
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Nyamo Naamo (ニャモ ナーモ)

Birthday: November 16th

Nyamo is a resident of the island Pararakelse, where Keitaro finds himself after he runs off because he thought he'd failed the entrance exam. She is working with Seta because Seta knew her grandfather and she wants to continue his work now that he is dead.

Nyamo is physically almost identical to Shinobu – except having darker skin and longer hair – and shares a number of other traits with her as well, including her extreme initial shyness and reluctance to speak. Nyamo and Shinobu quickly become good friends and correspond when apart. In the manga, she's last seen attending Keitaro's wedding. Also in the manga, when she visits the Hinata Dorms, she brings with her a pet giant tortoise named Gidget.

Voice Actors
Mizuki, Nana
Rybiczka, Anja
Ambrós, Carmen

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