Yuusei "[Satellite's] Shooting Star, Daniel" Fudou

Yuusei Fudou

Yu☆Gi☆Oh! 5D's
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Yu☆Gi☆Oh! 5D's: Shinkasuru Kettou! Stardust vs. Red Demon's
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Yu☆Gi☆Oh! Movie: Chou Yuugou! Toki wo Koeta Kizuna
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Yu☆Gi☆Oh! 5D's
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Member Favorites: 1,128

Yuusei Fudou (不動 遊星)

Age: 18 (first season), 19 (third season)
Birthday: July 7
Height: 175 cm
Weight: 58 kg

Yuusei is a new and main character in this series. He is considered a rare duelist riding a Duel Runner. Yuusei is familiar with machine and computer, so he assembles Duel Runner by himself. His personality is very different from Judai in GX series but similar to Mutou Yugi. He looks cool and smart with hot heart especially in a duel and always thinks about his friends. After fighting Jack Atlas, the Mark of the Dragon appears on his arm and makes him become a [Signer ~ シグナー].

The story mainly focuses on Yuusei. As people live in gorgeous Neo Domino City, he lives with his scums in the old Satellite plant. Yuusei assembles his D-Wheel from any material he can get from this junk place. This is the source of his deck's concept of Junk (ie. Junk Warrior). Yuusei plans to have a decisive battle with Jack because Jack stole his D-Wheel and ace card.

Season 2

Season 3

Voice Actors
De Santis, Paolo
Miyashita, Yuya
Abbey, Greg
Gerick, Wanja
Srogo, Dor
Shin, Yong Wu
Zilse, Felipe
Portuguese (BR)
Crépet, Alexandre

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