Information <div style="text-align: center;"><img src="" border="0"><img src="" border="0"><img src="" border="0">
<strong><u>~*WELCOME TO THE CLAIM AN ANIME CLUB*~</u></strong>
If your thinking iv seen a club like this then your right but they dont seem to be making claims right now so were just being good samaritans and making our own anime show banners:P
since myanimelist is sooo BIG its Ok to have 2 clubs and am sure we can get along pretty well but there is no denying they were first and theres nothing wrong with claiming from them so all is good ^_^
<strong><u>~*IF YOUR INTERESTED IN HELPING OUT*~....</u></strong>
Banner Makers..
Currently, we need people for making banners so if you think your qualified then dont hesitate to ask.
Please make sure...
You have experience with making digital graphics
You have enough time, and can be dedicated to making what is assigned to you.
You don't need to constantly help out unless you want to. Feel free to stop anytime. You can help make banners whenever you feel like it
Of course, if you're assigned a page number then, I expect it to be done within a week. The page number you're assigned to is your responsibility.
Baner size should be 350x60 and if u want to use the myanimelist logo then here it is <img src="" border="0">
There's no "registration" process to go through if you want to help us out :] PM me, <!--link--><a href="">DarK_LiGhT</a> or <!--link--><a href="">animegirlxo95</a> , and will see if you can handle it :P
From there, check out the "<!--link--><a href="">Who Is Doing What</a>" thread and post requesting a page number assignment :] It's as simple as that.
<strong><u>~*IF YOU WANT TO CLAIM*~</u></strong>
Make sure you have 60 forums before you claim: reason for this is so our hard work does not go to waste and it asures us that your serious about your claim.
<u>All you have to do is join the club and claim an anime that isnt taken</u>:
<u>ANIME</u>: (Give the name of the anime you want)
<u>BANNER</u>: (Tell us if you want us to make the banner or if your doing it yourself)
<u>PICTURE</u>: (Include a picture of the anime if you want to but we rather look for our own to make an origanl looking claim banner)
Ok so I hope that was simple for you to understand and hurry up and get ur anime before its gone... there going like <span style="color:red">HOT<!--color--></span> CAKES them shows ^^<!--center--></div>
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Club Comments
![]() Club Stats
Members: 168
Pictures: 3
Category: Anime
Created: Jul 12, 2008
Club Staff
animegirlxo95 (President) DarK_LiGhT (Secretary) Club Type This is a public club.Anyone can join and invite others to join. Club details, pictures, comments and club discussions can be viewed by any user, regardless of whether they are a member of the club or not. Club Secretary can change the Club Type at any time. For more information on Club Types, click here. |