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Jun 3, 2012 5:08 PM
May 2012
I watched this series a few years ago and completely forgot the story so I am currently rewatching it again. The first time I watched it he didn't bother me at all for some reason, but now he's pissing me off.

He is in the Britannian army that supports the genocide of anyone who isn't britannian and then gets mad when Zero fights back. It just baffles me. Currently on ep 12. I don't see him getting upset at any of the britannian officers, or anyone in power.
Jun 3, 2012 5:13 PM

Jul 2011
Hypocrite? Maybe, but not without his reasons.
Jun 3, 2012 5:28 PM
May 2012
Karura_Jiinsaru said:
Hypocrite? Maybe, but not without his reasons.

How could he maybe be a hypocrite? He definitely is. He says he doesn't enjoy killing people, but he sees no problem in letting others kill innocents on purpose. He gets upset at zero for fighting back.

Euphemia also was upset when she thought that Zero killed her brother for committing genocide as if that itself wasn't a good enough reason. Mind=blown
Jun 3, 2012 5:31 PM

Dec 2011
newtonsballs said:

The first time I watched it he didn't bother me at all for some reason, but now he's pissing me off.

Welcome to the club.
Jun 3, 2012 5:37 PM

Jul 2011
As far as I recall, one of the reasons he opposed Lelouch was mainly because he completely disagreed with Zero´s methods, related to what he himself did long ago. Do you remember what was of his father and how the entire country paid it?
That´s why he´s so fixed to the ideals of changing Britannia from the inside nowadays, even if that makes him a subject of hypocrisy, as downright idealistic it is.
Mind you that I was never a Suzaku supporter but never hated him either, and he´s understandable at least in a naivety way.
Karura_JiinsaruJun 3, 2012 5:41 PM
Jun 3, 2012 5:38 PM
Nov 2010
phnsr said:
newtonsballs said:

The first time I watched it he didn't bother me at all for some reason, but now he's pissing me off.

Welcome to the club.

here you go
Jun 3, 2012 5:45 PM

Jul 2011
That reminded me of the days when I was watching the series and was very common reading hate comments about Suzaku. Good times XD
Jun 3, 2012 5:48 PM

Dec 2009
the ends don't justify the means for him and he wants to change from within
Jun 3, 2012 5:52 PM
May 2012
Karura_Jiinsaru said:
As far as I recall, one of the reasons he opposed Lelouch was mainly because he completely disagreed with Zero´s methods, related to what he himself did long ago. Do you remember what was of his father and how the entire country paid it?
That´s why he´s so fixed to the ideals of changing Britannia from the inside nowadays, even if that makes him a subject of hypocrisy, as downright idealistic it is.
Mind you that I was never a Suzaku supporter but never hated him either, and he´s understandable at least in a naivety way.

idipyoudipwedip said:
the ends don't justify the means for him and he wants to change from within

So what exactly is wrong with Zero's methods according to Suzaku? He never kills innocents deliberately, while the army he is in deliberately kills as many Japanese to get what they want.
Jun 3, 2012 6:04 PM

Jul 2011
His "ends justifies the means" method, Zero also makes sacrifices during the course of the series and his rebellion is done throught violence instead of democracy and setting a "pacific" example. Suzaku disagrees with that, thinking that nothing good come from this, as he did the same thing as a child

He expected, although naively, that by becoming a Britannian soldier despite his japanese origins, he might be able to change the system from inside, and his relationship with Euphemia supported his beliefs.
Karura_JiinsaruJun 3, 2012 6:07 PM
Jun 14, 2012 6:34 PM

Jan 2012
And again I have to come in with the Death Note rivalry notes.

Lulu and Suzaku are essentially Light vs L. One has his methods, the other criticizes those methods because there are moments when the first person is just plain wrong. Lelouch is Light in this case, where he's fighting for what he calls justice, and Suzaku is L, saying that this justice is wrong.

Suzaku criticizes throughout the series how Zero uses people as pawns and "doesn't care how many of them die for his goal to make them all the strongest." He's wrong, but where's his proof otherwise? If you care to continue an argument, I can easily be on both Lulu's and Suzaku's side.
Jun 14, 2012 9:48 PM

Jun 2012
In the end they both wind up being hypocrites, although I guess things turn out Ok in the end.
Jun 14, 2012 11:24 PM

Jan 2012
Not really, Lelouch had Zero Requiem in order to have everyone forget the Massacre Princess. Neither are hypocrits for both gave good reasons for why they opposed one another.

That is, until ep 19 (The Island) when Suzaku talked to Kallen, he was an idiot from then till ep 23, then his logical reason to oppose Zero returned.
Jul 28, 2012 7:58 PM
Jul 2012
I really did not hate suzaku. I think he is good.
LegendGoldDarkJul 28, 2012 8:02 PM
Jul 28, 2012 8:06 PM
Mar 2011
Sunrise stop trying to make 0079 Clones

CLAMP People are not made from 30 second ramen

Sunrise Stop trying to make Characters lkke Shin plz

Sunrise the Art That CLAMP has dose not fit this show

@op your one of mt new best Friends on MAL
"If you tremble with indignation at every injustice, then you are a comrade of mine"

When the union's inspiration through the workers' blood shall run
There can be no power greater anywhere beneath the sun
Yet what force on earth is weaker than the feeble strength of one
For the Union makes us strong
Dec 25, 2012 5:50 AM

Jun 2008
Yeah every time i watch this anime i see more and more how awful that character is. Hypocrite isn't enough for him.
He supposedly hates Zero for fighting back because if no one fought back then there wouldn't be any fight and blood loss but that is as ridiculous logic as it can get. So according to his stupid logic Brittania should be left to conquer everything untroubled and be a big boogeyman because fighting them will cost lives. Well fuck instead of blaming people for fighting for their freedom(something that is an essential need to humans and risked their lives for it since ever) why doesn't he blame his little Brittania lords for starting the wars in the first place by invading the countries of others?
Even if he killed Zero bloodshed will never stop because as long as people are oppressed they would fight and there will always be some group fighting for their freedom.

Also how ridiculous is he? Saying that Zero's methods cause deaths when his Brttanian lords even put him in a position to kill people that have already surrender or civilians?
So Zero causing deaths by fighting is worse than the Britannia guys that even create genocides or abandon their own?

Change Brittania from the inside? Give me a fucking break you moron. So what? Wish that Brittania conquers the whole world and then Suzaku changes them to a nice global government instead of the oppressive monsters they are? How many years will that take? How many will be oppressed and die by Britanian hands until that happens? And how is he gonna do it? Does he think someone will make him an emperor just like that? His not even trying to mix himself in the political and power structure of Brittania, he just acts like a soldier so how the fuck does he think he will ever gain a position inside Brittania to change anything especially when Brttania seems to be ruled by linage and blood relations?
At least if he had some big plan on how to achieve those dreamy silly stuff he was saying then he might have made some sense but he has none and he isn't the type that can make such plans ether. Such plans might have worked If he had a brain like Lelouch's but his a simple head that is only good with physical activities than actually thinking.
The guy is a fucking idiot.

If he really wanted war to finish as fast as possible and innocents to be spared he would have joined Zero from the start. Because Zero already is fighting for the weak and isn't as obsessive and he could have a high position right by Zero's side to make sure that his morals are being heard and influence Zero and his organization. Also considering his the one who basically stops Zero from winning every fucking time then his the one that prolongs the war. If he was by his side Zero would have won faster and bloodshed in Japan would have been over faster.
May 30, 2013 7:41 PM
Sep 2012
He is. He bitches about zero who gets results while he does a whole lot of nothing. Ahhhh why is he still alive? Kinda like freaking Nina who also just needs to die, but not as much as him.
May 30, 2013 7:51 PM

Sep 2012
People bitching about him give off the impression that you're just mad big baddy meanie-head Suzaku didn't want to be friends with super cool awesome Zero.

If you really hated his character, I suggest you rewatch it, and actually pay attention to his motivations, emotions, and his actual character. I know it's hard to actually think a little bit, and use common human knowledge when relating to a character, but at least try.
May 30, 2013 7:57 PM
Aug 2012
Red_Keys said:
People bitching about him give off the impression that you're just mad big baddy meanie-head Suzaku didn't want to be friends with super cool awesome Zero.

If you really hated his character, I suggest you rewatch it, and actually pay attention to his motivations, emotions, and his actual character. I know it's hard to actually think a little bit, and use common human knowledge when relating to a character, but at least try.
Most people stop reading comments when they realize they're being insulted, which is a waste considering you make clever points.

You'd be perfect if not for that mouth of yours.
May 30, 2013 8:00 PM

Jul 2012
Red_Keys said:
People bitching about him give off the impression that you're just mad big baddy meanie-head Suzaku didn't want to be friends with super cool awesome Zero.

If you really hated his character, I suggest you rewatch it, and actually pay attention to his motivations, emotions, and his actual character. I know it's hard to actually think a little bit, and use common human knowledge when relating to a character, but at least try.

I agree I found him to be a great character, I don't get the hate on him.
Click Here for Sig source
Jun 7, 2013 3:51 AM

Nov 2010
suzaku is a good character. just that he's an unlikable dude, but that's how the way he's written.
Feb 23, 5:47 AM
Oct 2017
Reply to Monad
Yeah every time i watch this anime i see more and more how awful that character is. Hypocrite isn't enough for him.
He supposedly hates Zero for fighting back because if no one fought back then there wouldn't be any fight and blood loss but that is as ridiculous logic as it can get. So according to his stupid logic Brittania should be left to conquer everything untroubled and be a big boogeyman because fighting them will cost lives. Well fuck instead of blaming people for fighting for their freedom(something that is an essential need to humans and risked their lives for it since ever) why doesn't he blame his little Brittania lords for starting the wars in the first place by invading the countries of others?
Even if he killed Zero bloodshed will never stop because as long as people are oppressed they would fight and there will always be some group fighting for their freedom.

Also how ridiculous is he? Saying that Zero's methods cause deaths when his Brttanian lords even put him in a position to kill people that have already surrender or civilians?
So Zero causing deaths by fighting is worse than the Britannia guys that even create genocides or abandon their own?

Change Brittania from the inside? Give me a fucking break you moron. So what? Wish that Brittania conquers the whole world and then Suzaku changes them to a nice global government instead of the oppressive monsters they are? How many years will that take? How many will be oppressed and die by Britanian hands until that happens? And how is he gonna do it? Does he think someone will make him an emperor just like that? His not even trying to mix himself in the political and power structure of Brittania, he just acts like a soldier so how the fuck does he think he will ever gain a position inside Brittania to change anything especially when Brttania seems to be ruled by linage and blood relations?
At least if he had some big plan on how to achieve those dreamy silly stuff he was saying then he might have made some sense but he has none and he isn't the type that can make such plans ether. Such plans might have worked If he had a brain like Lelouch's but his a simple head that is only good with physical activities than actually thinking.
The guy is a fucking idiot.

If he really wanted war to finish as fast as possible and innocents to be spared he would have joined Zero from the start. Because Zero already is fighting for the weak and isn't as obsessive and he could have a high position right by Zero's side to make sure that his morals are being heard and influence Zero and his organization. Also considering his the one who basically stops Zero from winning every fucking time then his the one that prolongs the war. If he was by his side Zero would have won faster and bloodshed in Japan would have been over faster.
@Monad thankyou i needed this, I am currently rewatching code geass and everytime he is on the screen it makes my blood boil, he wants peace doesn't like zero's ideology because it brings blood shed and i want him to tell me how did Brittania captured japan by giving out candies and asking them politely to give up japan, He doesn't wants blood shed, but all brittania ever does is genocide and invade other countries but he is okay with that as long as he is on their side but if someone else does it, its suddenly somehow not ok, why doesn't he does that same thing when Brittania does it, he wants people to be oppressed and being keep treated like slaves while britannians are living like royalty on their land, lets turn the roles here let japanese people rule and lets opress brittanans i want to know what he thinks of that, there will always be war if people are being oppressed.

I want to know what he will do if his home gets teresspassed by robbers and they came in and killed his sister and mother, will he not fight back and take revenge or will he join them and opress his own family and then he will criticize and fight back against whoever tries to fight back to free his house from this robbers which was also his to begin with but now he is serving the robbers so it is okay to rob your own house.
but suddenly his father tries to fight back against the robbers but he doesn't wants the peace to be disturbed while the robbers are robbing his house so he kills his own father so that the robbers can loot his whole house and later he can join them

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