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Nov 15, 2013 8:05 AM

Mar 2011
elkensteyin said:
Kineta said:
In the end, we've decided to implement a whitelist. This means that, once the changes are pushed live, the domain the image you are trying to embed within the [img] tag must be on our list of approved hosts. This will also apply to profiles and club info sections, which up until now have still worked normally.

So I see we're going with the original idea that Xinil and others thought of. Is there also going to be a Blacklist of sites that are forbidden?

Everything that is not whitelisted is essentially blacklisted. That's how white-listing works.
Nov 15, 2013 8:56 AM
elk sensei

Oct 2013
InfiniteRufus said:
Everything that is not whitelisted is essentially blacklisted. That's how white-listing works.

True, but a blacklist will show users what sites are forbidden and to not even bother requesting. It's not something that the developers will need to code in.

Of course, they need to read the list, but it should reduce some noise.
Nov 15, 2013 5:35 PM

Feb 2008
JoshyPHP said:
@amcsi: Firefox 25 is still vulnerable to this kind of phishing. Chrome has had some back and forth about implementing a fix, latest versions seem safe as far as images are concerned.

Wow, you're not kidding


Firefox sure sucks...
If it's truly its latest version that has this vulnerability, then I'm not surprised people are being paranoid here :/

Nov 15, 2013 8:40 PM

Jan 2012
^ Do note that this is a PHP page embedded on another PHP page, not an image. (not the correct test criteria)

Also: The dialog clearly states which site (in this case: is asking for the password.
How people enter their MAL password in a dialog that clearly states it's not from MAL baffles me.
You deserve to have your password stolen if you're that dumb.

The auth dialog coming up is an essential feature of the browser.
Without it, many people wouldn't be able to access secure content on some corporate websites, and IT administrators wouldn't be able to manage some network switches.
There are several more situations where it is necessary for a browser to behave like this.

Disabling the feature entirely will break sites that rely on it for legitimate purposes.
Preventing the auth dialog from coming up when fetching a file with an image file extension from a different domain, as a default behaviour (with an option to override the block), could be a good improvement to a browser.

If you feel the need to change the way Firefox behaves, why don't you write to Mozilla and ask them to do something about it.

Something like this:
When an embedded image from a different domain is on a server that requires a password, put a notification bar above the page saying:
Some third-party content embedded on this page may require a password.
Followed by a warning popup when the user selects continue on the notification, saying:
Warning: the site requesting your credentials is different to the site you're on.
The site requesting your credentials is: ...
Only enter your credentials if you trust this site.
Then only pop up the password dialog.

They can add it as a feature and call it noob guard.

NyaaNov 15, 2013 9:12 PM
Nov 16, 2013 7:42 AM

Sep 2011
Virtual_BS said:
The auth dialog coming up is an essential feature of the browser.
Without it, many people wouldn't be able to access secure content on some corporate websites, and IT administrators wouldn't be able to manage some network switches.
There are several more situations where it is necessary for a browser to behave like this.
Exactly. In particular, at work I just recently pushed in a simple REST web service to fetch customer call recording wav files for internal users looking at call reports (with an embedded link to the path to the wav file), and since such are customer private data it is tied in with our internal LDAP system (through another REST service my app is a client of) to verify they are in the right user group, and without the dialog asking the user for his authentication the whole thing would be pointless.

Annoyingly, while putting it together I found out that the back and forth between the various parts works differently between IE, Firefox and Chrome, and to my surprise IE has the least issues, but since in this case the user group is a small number of business representatives within our company (in fact, on the same floor I work at), it was simple enough to just ask them to use IE for this particular thing and not waste time and money trying to make it work with the other browsers.
Nov 16, 2013 12:43 PM

Nov 2013
oh, that's why.
i thought i messed up something again. xD

Nov 16, 2013 6:24 PM

Sep 2010
Cratex said: my surprise IE has the least issues...
It's no surprise, actually - most so-called "problems" & "bugs" that non-professionals just love vaguely talkin' about (heard someone somewhere said something) is not serious at all.
There is such thing as shit taste. Only idiots think that every "work of art" should have the same value.

Oil and nuclear are civilisation saviours. Deal with it.
Nov 17, 2013 1:53 PM

Jan 2011
Kineta said:

The bad news: Unfortunately, I was notified this morning that the changes will likely not be pushed until next week.
This is why I usually don't say anything until after changes are live.

So we can expect changes next week?
Nov 17, 2013 5:07 PM

Jun 2013
Kineta said:

The bad news: Unfortunately, I was notified this morning that the changes will likely not be pushed until next week.
This is why I usually don't say anything until after changes are live.

That's great!! Its ok I can wait since its been disabled for so long. Thank you for the update (^-^)

"Music helps me escape from the reality I live in"
Nov 18, 2013 11:26 PM

Mar 2012
I look forward ^-^
My doctor told me that you can't choose where you come from but you can choose where you go.
Nov 20, 2013 3:17 AM

Oct 2012
Not sure if related... but I'm now getting 500 Internal Server Error when trying to upload a new profile picture. Anyone else seem to experience this?

EDIT: Nevermind. This only happens to certain profile pics.
MartinNov 20, 2013 4:03 AM
Nov 20, 2013 4:31 AM

Dec 2009
I get blocked by the secruity thing every time i try to fix my sig for text only or anything . . .

Anyways, question: if there's a hacker about why expend so much effort to prevent a hack method when they may just find another one if they really care, why not just track them down and bust their butt? It's not too hard to get them cuz they're usually amateur anyways -.-

But! The update is appreciated and this issue i ran into before realizing what it was is being solved :D
❀桜舞う空〜                   Cute is Power.           🔗CosmoGenesis Project
“You cannot know what you do not know.”
“Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.”
“A truth seeker has no patience for BS.”

I seek only to improve myself and others.
Nov 20, 2013 5:15 AM
Bunnies 🍓

Jan 2013
GenesisAria said:
I get blocked by the secruity thing every time i try to fix my sig for text only or anything . . .

Anyways, question: if there's a hacker about why expend so much effort to prevent a hack method when they may just find another one if they really care, why not just track them down and bust their butt? It's not too hard to get them cuz they're usually amateur anyways -.-

It's not that easy to track him down because his IP changes every time. At least that's what I heard here.

But! The update is appreciated and this issue i ran into before realizing what it was is being solved :D

Nov 20, 2013 7:00 AM
Jun 2013
The only safe way to handle remote linked images is to actually parse the image itself and make a copy of it locally. By parse I mean strip away absolutely everything in the image except the image data itself.

Although everyone has recommended a number of solutions you shouldn't just use one of them.

Some tips:
- rename the image file to a unique hash with a file extension that the server will not execute, you can even make up you own if you like

- store images above the root

- upload images to a dedicated static server where php or other server software isn't installed (if possible that is) or make sure php and other software is disabled in the upload directory

- Whitelist and validate mime types

- Mime types can be manipulated so further checking is needed (e.g. Magic number test -

- use GD or whatever to double check the mime type since the browser supplies the info for $_FILES["image"]["type"]

- Allow only extensions: jpg,jpeg,gif and png

- Make sure images are upload to a subdomain or on the another domain to prevent xss attacks

- make sure permissions for the new images are set to read only for everything except the server software which will need write permissions for deleting images. Never assign execute permissions.

- if possible have the images scanned for viruses etc.

- obviously make sure the upload form is secure against attacks

- check the Apache configuration and make sure there's nothing in there to trick Apache into executing the uploaded files

- double check the size of the uploaded file to prevent buffer overflow hack with getimagesize() or another function from a secure image processing library

- Do not rely on any of the data in $_FILES

- limit amount of uploaded images per userallowed in a nominated time (this limit is up to you)

- user/moderator moderation for disturbing images or images being malicious

- there's more that i cant think of but you should definitely carry out some more research

Here's an example of a script that does magic number checking (I found this via google and have not tested it but posted it here only so you get an idea of the process):,36281,36281

Some attacks that can be done if you choose not to process and make a copy of remote linked images:
gif images that are both valid gifs and valid jar, php, html, or javascript files (as they can just be appended below the gif data)

Remember also that when processing user uploads on the server side, e.g. by resizing images, you are open to codec bugs. When you are processing the user uploaded file, the code path jumps to a native library code which is open for traditional C exploits (buffer overflow). Example:

Hopefully you now see this as not only a php only issue but an issue that needs to be addressed for all other software on the server including the OS. Big companies like Google and Facebook always keep user uploaded files on a dedicated server with different domains as even for them things go wrong. Due to them separating the user uploads and their site software on different servers they can just take down one of the servers without affecting their web services and put up a new static server to take over while the problem of the original is being investigated.

Hope this helps :)
Nov 20, 2013 8:29 AM

Feb 2008
Virtual_BS said:
^ Do note that this is a PHP page embedded on another PHP page, not an image. (not the correct test criteria)

The HTTP standard doesn't recognize PHP pages or JPGs/PNGs etc in urls. It is the Content-Type HTTP header that determines what type of document the target webserver intends you to read the response body as. As such, it doesn't matter what the extension is.
I could tell my webserver to give you an image when you request my-dynamic-mal-sig.php, and I could also tell my webserver to have you display specific text if you request someimage.jpg.
Whether a specific website such as MAL disallows uploads of files whose extensions don't belong in the whitelist they made up is a different and irrelevant story. MAL disallows linking .php extensions as images; my test script does contain an image linking to something ending in ".php", because I let it.

Virtual_BS said:
The auth dialog coming up is an essential feature of the browser.
Without it, many people wouldn't be able to access secure content on some corporate websites, and IT administrators wouldn't be able to manage some network switches.
There are several more situations where it is necessary for a browser to behave like this.

Disabling the feature entirely will break sites that rely on it for legitimate purposes.
Preventing the auth dialog from coming up when fetching a file with an image file extension from a different domain, as a default behaviour (with an option to override the block), could be a good improvement to a browser.

If you feel the need to change the way Firefox behaves, why don't you write to Mozilla and ask them to do something about it.

Something like this:
When an embedded image from a different domain is on a server that requires a password, put a notification bar above the page saying:
Some third-party content embedded on this page may require a password.
Followed by a warning popup when the user selects continue on the notification, saying:
Warning: the site requesting your credentials is different to the site you're on.
The site requesting your credentials is: ...
Only enter your credentials if you trust this site.
Then only pop up the password dialog.

They can add it as a feature and call it noob guard.

Well, the auth dialog itself is good, but is it really needed for 3rd party websites?
Well, the creators of Webkit and Internet Explorer don't think so and removed the ability for <img> tags to force HTTP Auth dialogs if the linked response asks for one, so I would say Firefox might as well do the same. It would be consistent with the other browsers and it would clear up this vulnerability.

The "Some third-party content embedded on this page may require a password."
message is not sufficient at all. Able to scam users or not being able to scam users, I wouldn't want anyone to be able to pop anything up to any visitors on my website just because I let them post external images!

Nov 20, 2013 11:17 AM

Jan 2012
I posted this earlier, but it was never answered:

Why it the YT tag still disabled?
Surely that has nothing to do with the IMG vulnerability?

Any staff care to address this issue..?
Nov 20, 2013 4:54 PM

Nov 2010
the profile tag still isnt working either [profile=][/profile] which i still have no clue as to why that one isnt up and running yet either.

on another note.. still no word as to when this week the IMG codes will be up?
Nov 21, 2013 10:40 AM

Jan 2012
Undim said:
There was a [profile=] tag?

It's a waste anyway.
You put your username in and it makes a link to your profile.
Essentially the same as just posting the link itself:

It's much better to use your user ID, though, to post a perma-link:
That way, the link won't break if you change your username later on.

Use the URL tag to make a perma-link on your username:
= [url=]Virtual_BS[/url]
Nov 21, 2013 11:25 AM

Jan 2011
The week is almost over. Come on CraveOnline/MAL I believe in you!
Nov 21, 2013 11:42 AM
SetoMary Fanatic

Jun 2013
Virtual_BS said:
Undim said:
There was a [profile=] tag?

It's a waste anyway.
You put your username in and it makes a link to your profile.
Essentially the same as just posting the link itself:

It's much better to use your user ID, though, to post a perma-link:
That way, the link won't break if you change your username later on.

Use the URL tag to make a perma-link on your username:
= [url=]Virtual_BS[/url]

Wait, a bit confused...
So [profile=] is the same as [url=]?
Nov 21, 2013 12:06 PM

Jan 2013
Zelot said:
Wait, a bit confused...
So [profile=] is the same as [url=]?
No... with profile you were writing [profile=Zelot] and with url you use the whole url link.
Nov 21, 2013 12:09 PM
SetoMary Fanatic

Jun 2013
ao_no_exo said:
Zelot said:
Wait, a bit confused...
So [profile=] is the same as [url=]?
No... with profile you were writing [profile=Zelot] and with url you use the whole url link.

Ah, alright!
It's a faster way of doing [url=] when using accounts
Thanks ^^
Nov 21, 2013 6:05 PM

Nov 2012
Virtual_BS said:
I posted this earlier, but it was never answered:

Why it the YT tag still disabled?
Surely that has nothing to do with the IMG vulnerability?

Any staff care to address this issue..?

wait, the YT tag is disabled? it works fine for me o-o
Nov 21, 2013 7:04 PM

Jan 2012
Viviaan said:
Virtual_BS said:
I posted this earlier, but it was never answered:

Why it the YT tag still disabled?
Surely that has nothing to do with the IMG vulnerability?

Any staff care to address this issue..?

wait, the YT tag is disabled? it works fine for me o-o

Yup. Still dead.

YT and IMG only work on profiles.
Nov 21, 2013 8:34 PM

Oct 2012
Hopefully I remember how to do my tags again, its been so long

Nov 21, 2013 9:36 PM

Jan 2012
CodeHavoc1992 said:
Hopefully I remember how to do my tags again, its been so long

Guide is still at
(and linked below the quick reply box)
Nov 21, 2013 11:31 PM

Mar 2010
So the signature images are disabled as well? :/ seems so. I thought i'd test it out since most people have their signature images, but it was a BAD idea.
Nov 22, 2013 4:37 AM
Lead Admin
Faerie Queen

Aug 2007
@Virtual_BS: The YT tag has nothing to do with the image vulnerability, you are correct. But as you can maybe see, we're enabling BBcode step by step as we ensure that there are no other vulnerabilities within them. color and url were re-enabled (profile was simply overlooked), and I suspect yt will come after the whitelist has been pushed and no problems are detected with it.

More bad news: I received word yesterday morning that there have been delays. I was not given any ETA on how long this has been delayed, but if it is not pushed today (being Friday) then it should be next week.

Again, this is why I usually don't say anything until changes are live. It's not that I want to keep everyone in the dark, but it's not nice to constantly be told "next week" either.
Nov 22, 2013 7:07 AM
SetoMary Fanatic

Jun 2013
Kineta said:
@Virtual_BS: The YT tag has nothing to do with the image vulnerability, you are correct. But as you can maybe see, we're enabling BBcode step by step as we ensure that there are no other vulnerabilities within them. color and url were re-enabled (profile was simply overlooked), and I suspect yt will come after the whitelist has been pushed and no problems are detected with it.

More bad news: I received word yesterday morning that there have been delays. I was not given any ETA on how long this has been delayed, but if it is not pushed today (being Friday) then it should be next week.

Again, this is why I usually don't say anything until changes are live. It's not that I want to keep everyone in the dark, but it's not nice to constantly be told "next week" either.

Nov 22, 2013 9:28 AM

Nov 2007
Kineta said:
@Virtual_BS: The YT tag has nothing to do with the image vulnerability, you are correct. But as you can maybe see, we're enabling BBcode step by step as we ensure that there are no other vulnerabilities within them. color and url were re-enabled (profile was simply overlooked), and I suspect yt will come after the whitelist has been pushed and no problems are detected with it.

More bad news: I received word yesterday morning that there have been delays. I was not given any ETA on how long this has been delayed, but if it is not pushed today (being Friday) then it should be next week.

Again, this is why I usually don't say anything until changes are live. It's not that I want to keep everyone in the dark, but it's not nice to constantly be told "next week" either.

Haha, could be expected but let's wait some more :) we miss it this long alrdy, 1 week extra... meh won't kill us xD thought I wonder if it's rlly back before 2014 xD
Nov 22, 2013 10:58 AM

Mar 2013
Kineta said:
More bad news: I received word yesterday morning that there have been delays. I was not given any ETA on how long this has been delayed, but if it is not pushed today (being Friday) then it should be next week.

How "unexpected".
Do tell when was the last time Crave didn't delay something (possibly even multiple times in a row), honestly...
Nov 22, 2013 11:37 AM

Jan 2011
Kineta said:

More bad news: I received word yesterday morning that there have been delays. I was not given any ETA on how long this has been delayed, but if it is not pushed today (being Friday) then it should be next week.

Again, this is why I usually don't say anything until changes are live. It's not that I want to keep everyone in the dark, but it's not nice to constantly be told "next week" either.
Whelp that's it, everyone go home.
Nov 22, 2013 4:00 PM

Nov 2012
I think its great that they are still currently working on it. Yeahh, it's been a pretty long time, but we lived without it for months. Another week possibly can't hurt us.

I'm just waiting until it does come back... Can't wait!~
Nov 22, 2013 4:49 PM

Aug 2013
MysteriouslyMe said:
I think its great that they are still currently working on it. Yeahh, it's been a pretty long time, but we lived without it for months. Another week possibly can't hurt us.

I'm just waiting until it does come back... Can't wait!~

How do you have an image sig? Or was that from before [img] stopped working?
Nov 22, 2013 6:26 PM

Nov 2010
Kyuutoryuu said:
How do you have an image sig? Or was that from before [img] stopped working?

From before. ^^ Anyone who's last sig update was before the code was disabled still has their image intact as long as they leave it be.
Nov 22, 2013 6:32 PM

Jun 2013
Kineta said:
More bad news: I received word yesterday morning that there have been delays. I was not given any ETA on how long this has been delayed, but if it is not pushed today (being Friday) then it should be next week.

Again, this is why I usually don't say anything until changes are live. It's not that I want to keep everyone in the dark, but it's not nice to constantly be told "next week" either.

Awww (*^*) well it's ok, as long as the disabled BBcodes are enabled again ~(^-^)~

"Music helps me escape from the reality I live in"
Nov 22, 2013 11:15 PM

Sep 2008
Kineta said:

More bad news: I received word yesterday morning that there have been delays. I was not given any ETA on how long this has been delayed, but if it is not pushed today (being Friday) then it should be next week.

Again, this is why I usually don't say anything until changes are live. It's not that I want to keep everyone in the dark, but it's not nice to constantly be told "next week" either.

No Biggie :) everyone is patient. If needs to open in 2014, its good. take your time guys. Keep up the good work.
Delivery (^_^) set by Nate

Nov 23, 2013 11:41 AM

Aug 2013
Hime-sama said:
Kineta said:

More bad news: I received word yesterday morning that there have been delays. I was not given any ETA on how long this has been delayed, but if it is not pushed today (being Friday) then it should be next week.

Again, this is why I usually don't say anything until changes are live. It's not that I want to keep everyone in the dark, but it's not nice to constantly be told "next week" either.

No Biggie :) everyone is patient. If needs to open in 2014, its good. take your time guys. Keep up the good work.

patient? for some reason a person with a sig still in tact saying that annoys the piss out of me

*chugs coffee*
I am going to act like you dont exist so I dont try and start a fight over nothing
Nov 23, 2013 11:53 AM

Jan 2013
ybnrmalatall said:

patient? for some reason a person with a sig still in tact saying that annoys the piss out of me

*chugs coffee*
I am going to act like you dont exist so I dont try and start a fight over nothing
Lol.. someone didn't pet their cat today :). Wish I had a cat.. anyways:
Nov 23, 2013 1:21 PM

Dec 2009
Kineta said:

More bad news: I received word yesterday morning that there have been delays. I was not given any ETA on how long this has been delayed, but if it is not pushed today (being Friday) then it should be next week.

Again, this is why I usually don't say anything until changes are live. It's not that I want to keep everyone in the dark, but it's not nice to constantly be told "next week" either.

It's good knowing were still getting updates and the fact that we should see the IMG codes and other stuff back up in the next few weeks. Appreciate the update.
Nov 24, 2013 8:49 AM

Aug 2012
I love how the moderation tells us they are going to add the [img] BBCode but they don't add it.

Basic Internet knowledge: Never tell the users you are going to do something if you are not 100% sure you are going to do that.
Nov 24, 2013 5:29 PM

Nov 2012
Signatures are generally ways that people try to gain some kind of attention. Apart from advertising a site, its practically a pointless feature anyway.

Mod Edit: Quote from some of the chat/spam that has been deleted from the previous comments has been edited out.
rodacNov 25, 2013 12:05 AM
Nov 24, 2013 7:38 PM

Dec 2009
Tomoki_Sakurai said:
Then just put a link to the picture.

People are too lazy to click unappealing text links. We're in the age where eye-catch is necessary. Nobody cares until you make them care, see?

(i wish i could at least fix my sig, but every time i apply changes i get blocked until i clear cookies)
❀桜舞う空〜                   Cute is Power.           🔗CosmoGenesis Project
“You cannot know what you do not know.”
“Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.”
“A truth seeker has no patience for BS.”

I seek only to improve myself and others.
Nov 25, 2013 12:06 AM

Aug 2013
GenesisAria said:
Tomoki_Sakurai said:
Then just put a link to the picture.

People are too lazy to click unappealing text links. We're in the age where eye-catch is necessary. Nobody cares until you make them care, see?

(i wish i could at least fix my sig, but every time i apply changes i get blocked until i clear cookies)

lol blocked until you clear cookies? wut.
Nov 25, 2013 12:11 AM

Jan 2011
Mod Note: I've cleaned out a great deal of chat and spam from the final few pages of the thread. This thread is supposed to provide users with information on the progress (and setbacks) to restoring bbcode (and particularly the img tags) to MAL. Some users have also provided useful feedback and suggestions. It is not a chat thread!
Please don't feed the trolls!
In my next life I want to collide at the corner with the cute transfer student
carrying a piece of toast in her mouth

Nov 25, 2013 12:23 AM

Aug 2013
rodac said:
Mod Note: I've cleaned out a great deal of chat and spam from the final few pages of the thread. This thread is supposed to provide users with information on the progress (and setbacks) to restoring bbcode (and particularly the img tags) to MAL. Some users have also provided useful feedback and suggestions. It is not a chat thread!

lol wut
how is it a huge issue if we chat about the subject at hand?
if you can't chat about it, I see no point in this thread and would be better off locked :P

chatting about things keeps things alive on forums
I am not a mod here, but every place I have modded that allowed aimless chat on things like this, if anything prosper more.

although the rules are rules -_-
good work mod!

*cough* you wanted praise right? >:D
Nov 25, 2013 12:32 AM

May 2008
@ybnrmalatall: It's fine to discuss the topic, but the posts that were removed were general rants unrelated to it.

I am a banana.
Nov 25, 2013 1:33 AM

Aug 2013
saka said:
@ybnrmalatall: It's fine to discuss the topic, but the posts that were removed were general rants unrelated to it.

hmm. I see
I was mostly just being sarcastic
man I wish it was simpler to translate sarcasm through text
we need a "sarcasm" emote :D
like .;;.poop.;;.

so what exactly are the issues with [img]? like the being delayed part
can't you just implement images and not allow them to link somewhere else? I mean that seems the best right?
Nov 25, 2013 1:48 AM

Jan 2009
ybnrmalatall said:

can't you just implement images and not allow them to link somewhere else? I mean that seems the best right?

image hosting cost a lot of bandwidth and harddisk space so i doubt MAL will implement its own image hosting service
Nov 25, 2013 8:50 AM

Aug 2013
j0x said:
ybnrmalatall said:

can't you just implement images and not allow them to link somewhere else? I mean that seems the best right?

image hosting cost a lot of bandwidth and harddisk space so i doubt MAL will implement its own image hosting service

no what I mean is
have it auto not allow image links together as one
and block shortened urls
if it is a problem with links right?
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