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This was fun. A trip to the aqarium but it felt like a real fun experience for these kids.
The usage of the music and mood made this trip almost feel magical imo.
They spent way too much time in the episode focusing on the aquarium.
I get it, they're getting closer and all, but in a 12 episode anime with 10 minute long episodes, you have to manage your time better.
At the very end it remembered it had a plot, but did nothing to explain that clip at the hospital.
I'm disappointed they chose to do a montage of the trio doing things over the aquarium over explaining who that woman was and why she matters.
Granted, she might've already been brought up, but at least a quick reminder as to who she is would have been appreciated.
(Not related to the episode)
Although, I suppose I shouldn't expect plot from a 10 minute anime.
The only two appeals I can really think of for this is that it's a calm anime, but there are so many other calm anime that actually have plot, or good visuals or fleshed-out characters.
The second is it's music, which is good, but nothing worth writing home about.
Still haven't finished working through this show's synopsis yet, but it looks like the show just about remembered at the end that it's supposed to have a plot at all, so maybe something will finally happen next week.
That ending gives me a feeling of foreboding. On the bright side, that aquarium reminds me of my 2015 trip to Thailand. I ended up visiting two aquariums - a huge one underneath that big fashion mall in Bangkok, and a more modest one in Chanthaburi.