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insan3soldiern said: It was okay, I can certainly see some potential but how the hell is this 4 hour cruise going to fit into 26 episodes? I don't how this can't last without wearing thin to be honest.
It wasn't all that interesting plus the art style seems really strange but the mysterious mood makes me want to continue watching this series, even for a few episodes more.
Watching this on Crunchyroll. The music is quite good, and I can get used to the character designs being very different than the usual. I can see why people could really like this anime though.
Holy fuck those black contours are even thicker than in Mushishi. This combined with the art and the appearance of Kaiji was putting me off for a long time but now I finally decided to watch this.
What an episode.. amazing so far. Kinda reminds me of NHK with all these conspiracies against MC.
The music, wow. Excellent, very Death Note-like in mood. I'm hyped as hell, probably gonna marathon it and it was very hard for me recently to watch more than 1 episode of a single anime.
Edit: Haha, I knew it. The same guy wrote the music for this as for Death Note. Adding the guy to favourite people right away.
Hard to live when you are in debt......
First of all like the concept of the anime particpate in the game to remove the debt or get crushed by debt very difficult choice
and as most says border line is too thick
Oh boy, Kaiji just jumped straight into the trap. Not a very clever move. Thinking that your debt collector would be compassionate... They sure know their job, when they're part of the yakuza x)
I wonder what those cards are about. They act as somekind of malus? In any way, they are gonna be precious for their holder, and the one who will be using them the most earlier will lose.
«Time is passing so quickly. Right now, I feel like complaining to Einstein. Whether time is slow or fast depends on perception. Relativity theory is so romantic. And so sad.» - Kurisu Makise a.k.a. The Zombie
Wow, he got set up pretty good, with the speech, fake calls and psychological pressure. The whole exchange was also really well written and voiced, it was on point and flowed naturally.
Oh lordy, those noses are does look promising though, once the loan shark lured Kaiji into signing the contract I too was all signed up and ready to go as well. Lots of self serving scumbags are going to gamble for their livelihoods. I can only imagine the desperation that will ensue.
I literally started watching this because a random number generator recommended to me and... Wow, this looks like it'll be amazing. I actually like the art style because it fits the atmosphere somehow. I'm super excited about it now, can't wait to see how it unfolds.
tried watching this because of thatanimesnob Kakegurui's review shitting video.
and damn he is right, this is already far better than that and it has the same first game card janken, which looks like going to be more complicated and actually strategical
I'm sure my impression of kakegurui would decrease simply because how good this anime will be in comparison lol
Hey guys check my profile for current airing season anime recommendation (guaranteed best taste)
It's about time I get to the anime closest to Liar Game's premise~ People in debt getting to gamble up each other's necks with psychological tricks at every turn after being given a big-ass amount of cash is interesting ♥
The soundtrack throughout the episode was a nice atmosphere giver, making that monologue about Kaiji's finance related inferiority complex pretty saddening. All I could say after he accepted was "Welcome to Hell~" xD
The noses are the most unusual part of the bizarre art but I'm very interested on how they'll play Janken Cards nonetheless.
ohh well, this is another title i am finally watching after years of being on my watchlist. It's always fun when you start something new right? like finally opening a book with a great cover and seing what it's really all about...
this first episode was a bit confusing...i think that the MC is a bit stupid because he got on that ship but w/e
I like the idea of a card game but this looks like some kind of messed up reality show
4/5 for the ep. and looking forward to the rest :D
"Just how a mirror reflects you,people will also reflect your heart."
~Athena Glory,Aria
"Whatever happens,happens"
~Spike Spiegel's thoughts on dying(Cowboy Bebop)
One of the best first episodes I've watched in anything. I am already extremely invested in what's going to happen and how Kaiji will escape from his nightmare. Background music is on point too. I'm pumped for episode 2!
I love when the villains act smartly like real life mobs do. They're mischievous and eloquent, not dumb fucks like most anime do depict them. How not to get hooked on the first episode? I don't know, great introduction. My only concern is how much this narrator is going to explain things gratuitously to me. 5/5
I think this will be fun if the first episode is anything to judge by. A kind of sleazy main character who's in over his head forced into a 'game' that could end up being very dangerous.
I feel for Kaiji because I think he just wanted to help that dude out and now he's going to suffer for it. I wonder if he'll run into the guy who forced him to board the ship!
a really powerful 1st episode. Considering I already enjoyed like hell manga like Liar game and Strongest legend kurosawa, this looks like a promising addition
Wow that sales guy is clever. The second he said the seats were emptying I knew what he was doing. Pressuring him to accept quick. Very clever.
Ive wanted a new anime to watch and heard a lot about this anime and I liked Kakegurui and hearing people say this is the better gambling anime of that Im excited.
Yuritopia FTW!!!!!!!!! BANZAI TO YURI !!!!!!!!!!!!
Strong start, and it was funny asf> man the hype is real and the dilemma is a hard pill to swallow.
Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
I was actually introduced to this anime by "Animal world" movie that is based on this manga/anime. Therefor, I'm familiar with the plot already, though I'm intrigued to see how this will play off!