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Feb 1, 2008 9:29 AM

Oct 2007
Ezcelent episode, It had a lot of depth to it and really touched me.

Mod Edit: Fixed poll.
KinetaJun 7, 2022 10:21 AM
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Mar 25, 2008 9:33 PM

Jun 2007
Shiori becomes more and more adorable with each episode. :D Ayu-chan was awesome as well, with her waiting for Yuuichi and then thinking he was a ghost. So sweet~
Mar 27, 2008 1:24 PM

Dec 2007
Kaori is just going to end up beating herself up because she's going to regret not spending time with her sister while she was alive.

May 28, 2008 4:48 PM

May 2008
Jun 21, 2008 12:32 AM

Jun 2008
kaori made me angry because she is ignoring her sister, i know you don't want to grow an attachment to something you might loose, but still talking to her atleast would be fine... uguu~

First Sig built from scratch 2nd overall^^^
Aug 12, 2008 12:12 AM
Feb 2008
yeah kaori is being a little too harsh with her sibling. in reality i dont think a sister would ever be that mean.
Oct 1, 2008 8:00 PM

Aug 2008
Maazter said:
kaori made me angry because she is ignoring her sister, i know you don't want to grow an attachment to something you might loose, but still talking to her atleast would be fine... uguu~

I got the same thoughts. Kaori is being way too selfish.
And apperantly Shiori will die in the next episode......
I'll see the 18th tomorow, but I bet it will be really sad :/
Anyway, 5/5 for this one as well.
Oct 1, 2008 9:10 PM
Apr 2008
I find it interesting how much my opinion of Shiori changed. In Kanon 2002, I didn't really care much for her so although the resolution of the arc in that show was touching, it wasn't as touching as it could've been. But in Kanon 2006, I grew to like her a lot, to the point where she became my favorite character. I just find her playful personality incredibly charming. Seriously, she'd be a person I'd love to talk to in real life.
Nov 7, 2008 11:35 AM
Jun 2008
This arc is good, but I think the others were better.

Anyway, this episode was full of feelings
Dec 13, 2008 2:47 AM

Jan 2008
Kaori is going over board with her ignoring :/
Jan 11, 2009 4:03 AM

Mar 2008
So, Shiori is going to die in a few days.
She is walking around happily without any difficult, very late in the evening, without anyone to look after her. No hospital too...
Meanwhile, it is freezing like hell and also snowing. And she isn't even wearing a coat.
Then she gets home by herself at a time where every normal girl her age is apparently sleeping.

Sorry, but that is just plain weird. I know it's anime and it doesn't have to be realistic, but this is just against anything reasonable.
Jan 11, 2009 4:23 AM

Apr 2008
Teddy said:
So, Shiori is going to die in a few days.
She is walking around happily without any difficult, very late in the evening, without anyone to look after her. No hospital too...
Meanwhile, it is freezing like hell and also snowing. And she isn't even wearing a coat.
Then she gets home by herself at a time where every normal girl her age is apparently sleeping.

Sorry, but that is just plain weird. I know it's anime and it doesn't have to be realistic, but this is just against anything reasonable.

Agreed. I think this is one reason why Shiori's arc's the least for me.

Apr 4, 2009 10:40 AM

Nov 2007
Shiori is the first female character in this series that I really like. (Although the whole "disease that's going to kill me in less than a week but I can still walk around in the cold on my own just fine!" thing is kind of :| ) She seems to act much closer to her age than any of the others, but she also has a maturity that's refreshing. I think this will end up being my favorite arc.

[avatar from Tales of the Abyss]
Apr 18, 2009 9:19 PM

Nov 2007
Loved this episode slightly different from the arcs before it but still very enjoyable.
Apr 23, 2009 5:52 AM

Jan 2009
Loved Shiori's various facial expressions, kawaii~
Jun 12, 2009 3:30 AM
Apr 2009
I was going to say "Friend Zone", but she warmed up to him near the end and he doesn't seem to be interested in her in that way.
GreatTeacherKen said:
I just find her playful personality incredibly charming. Seriously, she'd be a person I'd love to talk to in real life.
Oh, and this.
Jun 25, 2009 8:34 PM

Jun 2009
GreatTeacherKen said:
I find it interesting how much my opinion of Shiori changed. In Kanon 2002, I didn't really care much for her so although the resolution of the arc in that show was touching, it wasn't as touching as it could've been. But in Kanon 2006, I grew to like her a lot, to the point where she became my favorite character. I just find her playful personality incredibly charming. Seriously, she'd be a person I'd love to talk to in real life.

That's the same for me too ^_^

I never watched 2002.

Shiori and Yukine of Clannad would make great company in real life
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Oct 9, 2009 12:29 PM
Sep 2009
i hope there's a happy ending
Mar 2, 2010 1:21 PM

Jan 2010
i like shiori more and more :(,and she will probably be in 2 episodes the most:(

Damn you kyoani for mesing with my emotins :-<

"Just how a mirror reflects you,people will also reflect your heart."
~Athena Glory,Aria

"Whatever happens,happens"
~Spike Spiegel's thoughts on dying(Cowboy Bebop)
May 2, 2010 1:34 PM

Mar 2010
They should just bring Mai to do some magic bullshit on Shiori.
Too bad Mai's hospitalized.
Sep 19, 2010 11:31 AM

Aug 2008
Dec 11, 2010 2:53 PM

May 2010
dabazzinator said:
yeah kaori is being a little too harsh with her sibling. in reality i dont think a sister would ever be that mean.

She's not mean but rather being very selfish imo

I'm probably gonna cry next episode ;_;
Mar 2, 2011 2:01 AM

Oct 2009
Shiori is so cute!
And Kaori is seriously stupid, shes gonna regret it :L
May 16, 2011 5:31 PM

Nov 2009
omg Kaori really makes me mad!!! how can she just ignore her sister?! i can't believe she went to school again!!! its so cool! she made alot of food and was really cute when she ate the Curry XD those stuff animals are really weird... too bad Yuichi couldn't get her anything... i hope though he can manage doing something with Kaori... that would make her really happy!
May 26, 2011 4:40 AM
Apr 2011
Just because she's walking around, acting normal doesn't necessarily take away from the fact that she has a life-threatening disease. We don't know the disease, it may be a disease with no urgent symptom, but at the last stage it becomes lethal. Anyway, I'm really starting to like Shiory, not that I didn't like her before but now I see who she is and I would definitely hang out with a girl like her. It will be very sad if she dies.
The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.
-Albert Camus

Nov 24, 2011 1:38 PM

Jul 2011
They should just bring Mai to do some magic bullshit on Shiori.
Too bad Mai's hospitalized.

Tobad, Mai said that she couldn't do anything because she lost her powers for awhile... ;(

I hope that Yuuichi can make a Shiori very happy, even if its only for a few days!
Feb 15, 2012 11:04 PM

Sep 2008
It feels like this arc is nearing its end already. I'm not particularly enjoying it.
Feb 20, 2012 5:40 AM

Dec 2011
No! Shiori!

Why must the characters die, disappear or get hurt!! Uguu~~T.T
Mar 23, 2012 1:22 PM

Jul 2010
Great episode!

Printing out some music from Kanon atm<3
Jul 17, 2012 9:35 AM

Feb 2009
Teddy said:
So, Shiori is going to die in a few days.
She is walking around happily without any difficult, very late in the evening, without anyone to look after her. No hospital too...
Meanwhile, it is freezing like hell and also snowing. And she isn't even wearing a coat.
Then she gets home by herself at a time where every normal girl her age is apparently sleeping.

Sorry, but that is just plain weird. I know it's anime and it doesn't have to be realistic, but this is just against anything reasonable.

Lol yeah. I have big issues with this show.

Shiori - bland, boring as hell.
Kaori - my rage cannot be contained. What a damn bitch.
Ayu - the best by far, tbh.
Aug 13, 2012 5:57 AM

May 2012
Great episode! It was a quite nice attribution to the story when Shiori joined the school, the rest was mostly the same only more extended than the 2002Version but ow so lovely!
Aug 13, 2012 6:54 PM

May 2011
Decent episode with a good build up. Was having some doubts as to how deep this arc was gonna get at first, but now I am a little more assured, looking forward to seeing the rest.
Oct 8, 2012 7:14 PM

Nov 2009
0.o I feel like the death count might actually go to one by the end of this arc... Also I hate Kaori... she is a pretty big drama queen to act like the victim and make her dying sister feel guilty for existing...
Apr 24, 2013 9:02 PM

Jan 2013
I'm starting to like Shiori more and more! Too bad she probably won't last too long..

And did anyone catch Yuichi's under the breath "bitch" after talking to Kaori and her refusing to have a cup of tea with him and Shiori (while Shiori was looking around in the stuffed animal store)? Hah I thought it was hilarious; Yuichi is one of the more realistic characters in this anime.
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Jan 7, 2014 1:29 PM

Aug 2013
Errrr, naaah, they can't kill Shiori, that impossible, she's too cute and innocent... :'(

Kaori is cold, gosh... But still, I hope Yuuichi succeed. Her relation with her sister can't stay like that when she's laying on her death bed.

Ayu was really cute in this episode, always trying to confort Yuuichi. It's obvious that it's Yuuichi that gave her the headband.
«Time is passing so quickly. Right now, I feel like complaining to Einstein. Whether time is slow or fast depends on perception. Relativity theory is so romantic. And so sad.»
- Kurisu Makise a.k.a. The Zombie
Mar 4, 2014 11:17 AM
Apr 2013
I can't find out the OST name for the piano piece in this episode, when Shiori was trying to talk to her sister after she walked into the house and she just kept ignoring her
Apr 12, 2014 9:21 AM

Sep 2013
PeanutSteak said:
Kaori is just going to end up beating herself up because she's going to regret not spending time with her sister while she was alive.

Exactly what I was saying to myself as I was watching this episode! Knowing that annoyed me so much!
Jul 2, 2014 3:22 PM

Oct 2013
I am trying hard to sympathize with Kaori. I can understand how she feels, seriously. I know it must be incredibly painful knowing someone close to you is about to pass on, and you want to minimize the pain as much as possible. But... c'mon, SHIORI is the one dying, yet she's the one being selfless and considerate of her self-centered sister who can't seem beyond her narrow viewpoint to understand how much of a bitch she's being. SHIORI is the one who tries to understand her sister and make it as easy on her as possible. THE ONE WHO IS DYING. C'MON NOW.

Instead, Kaori should be doing all she can to ensure Shiori enjoys the few days she has left to the best of her ability, but nope. That is just asinine.

Aug 31, 2014 9:39 PM

May 2012
This arc is by far the worst. Sick-girl moe is the worst kind of moe. She's cute but has no personality, it's like she's only in the show to die.
Dec 30, 2014 8:12 PM

May 2011
They really gave a huge leeway for Shiori to develop in this remake, and I am really glad that they do so. The time they spent together now seems more significant, and Shiori coming to school caught me by surprise. For those who think that Shiori really has no hope, are you really sure? From what I see things, she seems to get increasingly healthier and better...anymore would be spoilers, this is a 'deduction' for now.

Now I have started to question the person whom Mai was actually referring to. When she mentioned about a person close to him in need of him, is it really Shiori? For those who have watched the 2002 version first, can it possibly be referring to
This is really pure deduction, as I really don't think KyoAni can foreshadow that far and some more, it is currently Shiori's arc.

In the 2002 edition, it happened so that Kaori and Shiori met by coincidence in the fountain-place (wait, was it really a coincidence, or was it just because they did not have screentime to actually say that it was Yuuichi's plan?), but I guess they wanted to notch things up here a bit by portraying it a plan from Yuuichi himself. I am really satisfied by the amount of effort given by KyoAni on Shiori, expanding it up to 3 episodes. Although, I do have to admit there were some unnecessary moments and this could actually be shortened to 2 episodes in my opinion. 4/5
"If you reject me, I'll blast a hole in you!" Kanzaki H. Aria
Just kidding.

Dec 30, 2014 8:18 PM

May 2011
Carbonlynx said:
I can't find out the OST name for the piano piece in this episode, when Shiori was trying to talk to her sister after she walked into the house and she just kept ignoring her

Oh yes this piece caught me by surprise, I really liked it a lot, musicality-wise. Did you happen to find it?
"If you reject me, I'll blast a hole in you!" Kanzaki H. Aria
Just kidding.

Apr 16, 2015 3:51 AM

Dec 2013
Yuuichi is such a good guy for caring about everyone <3 When Shiori asked Yuuichi to be her brother I was a bit disappointed...I hoped she would've asked him if he could be her boyfriend instead. But I understand the circumstances how it went, due to Shiori being ignored by her selfish sister...
Apr 16, 2016 10:55 AM
Dec 2014
Yeah i remember when i ignored my terminally ill sibling whom has 1 week to live, this is fucking stupid lol
Mar 19, 2017 5:07 PM

Aug 2014
I think that I am starting to like Shiori a little more than earlier.
Because of that scene with curry and later bento ;]
I wonder waht was that product in bento on top left near broccoli and eggs?

anyway the one who he really need to help is Kaori ;/
(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ ちゅっ ちゅっ キス (´。✪ω✪。`)

I hate it when anime/manga that I enjoyed ends, especially when there could be much longer plot and when I love main heroine :P

I wish I had magic glasses that let me see real world in anime colors ;)
Mar 28, 2018 7:48 PM

Aug 2014
Shiori is so cute and caring. I still don't get the whole sickness thing since she seems fine to walk around and stuff. Kinda takes me out of it tbh
Jul 25, 2020 10:17 AM

May 2018
I hope that shiori can make bentos for me too :D
Jul 28, 2020 3:40 AM
Review Moderator
Book Princess

Nov 2018
I disagree that Shiori has no personality. I personally really like her dynamic with Yuuichi because she is willing to call him out when he says sarcastic, hurtful things. She also doesn't have a cutesy noise and has very believable motivations and desires. Yes, the on the point of death but healthy and cute as a button is a bridge too far, but it doesn't ruin her as a character.
Every day you can read a book or watch some anime is a good day!
Aug 21, 2020 3:39 AM

Oct 2007
so nice when Shiori prepared a lot of lunch. Looks like the food taste good too.

I hope she can still somehow be cured.
Dec 24, 2020 8:27 PM

Apr 2016
Wasn't expecting Shiori to actually enter the school building for once, and in a school uniform to boot.
Nov 17, 2021 6:05 AM

Jan 2017
Shiori's arc is blighted by how stupid and unnecessary Kaori's cold shoulder attitude towards her little sister

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