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The Nonary Game | Door 9 has been opened!

Nov 28, 2014 8:28 AM

Dec 2012

You and 8 others are trapped within a gigantic luxurious ship. You have 9 days to find the door with the number 9 and escape!
If you do not make it in time, the ship will sink and you will be trapped forever!
Time left until the ship sinks

Phase changes:
9 Days left
8 Days left
7 Days left
6 Days left
5 Days left
4 Days left
3 Days left
2 Days left
1 Day left
0 Days left

Bracelets and Numbered doors:
On your wrist there is a Bracelet with a unique number between 1 and 9.
The Bracelets are used to open the numbered doors.

Next to each numbered door there is a Bracelet Scanner that will scan any bracelet it comes into contact with. At 9 PM GMT the numbered doors will open if 3-5 people have scanned their Bracelet on the Scanner and the digital root of their Bracelet Numbers matches the number on the door.

The digital root is what you get if you take the sum of all the numbers. Then you take the sum of the digits in that sum and so on…
Example: The digital sum of 832 is 4, because 8 + 3 + 2 = 13 and 1 + 3 = 4

If the numbered door opens, then everyone who scanned their Bracelet will enter. The numbered door will then be locked and can’t be opened again.
If the numbered door doesn’t open, then the Scanner will reset.

To scan your Bracelet, use the format:
Scan Bracelet [Number on your bracelet] on Door [Number on the door]
Example: Scan Bracelet 6 on Door 4

List of Players and their Bracelet number:
- Cruzateu Folie_a_deux [1]
- Soren333 [2]
- Bragy [3]
- Jackrito [4]
- SodaWithYoda Cruzateu [5]
- Xiaraith [6]
- Yume [7]
- Ixalion [8]
- PandaCake [9]

You can’t move through a numbered door after it has been locked. However it is possible to visit a room without going through Numbered door. There are also doors without Numbers on them, and you can move through these as long as they are unlocked.

To move through any unlocked doors, use the format:
Move to the [Name of the room]
Example: Move to the Cargo room

You can only use a Bracelet Scanner if:
1. You are in the same room as the Bracelet Scanner.
2. You are moving, through any unlocked doors, to the room with the Bracelet Scanner.

Nobody (except me) knows what is behind any of the numbered doors. They can contain any sort of Puzzles, Challenges and Items.

You must clear whatever the rooms have to offer before you can continue onwards. I won’t reveal how many rooms there are, but I will give you a hint: 9 days aren’t very long.

Certain items are scattered around the ship. When found, these can be picked up.

To pick up an item, you must send me a PM saying “Pick up [Item]
Example: Pick up Key

If more than 1 person want to pick up the item, then it will be randomly decided who gets the item. When you receive the item, you will also get a description of the item.

If you think someone has a certain item and you are in the same room.
To steal an item, you must send me a PM saying “Steal [Item] from [Player]
Example: Steal Key from Zymf

If you die, then all of your items will be dropped on the ground. Your Bracelet is also an Item.

- I will use inspiration from the game, but don’t expect to know what’s coming!
- Only Movements and Bracelet Scans are done in this thread. Everything else happens via PM's.
- When opening a Numbered door or a locked door you will automatically move through it.
- Locations are updated at 9 pm.
- All sorts of communication (PM, clubs, skype etc.) is allowed, but so is lying.
- PM's sent by me are personal and may not be posted as evidence!
- Those who are dead must not help the other players.
ZymfDec 7, 2014 1:05 PM
Pages (14) [1] 2 3 » ... Last »
Nov 28, 2014 9:14 AM

Jul 2013
Nov 28, 2014 12:55 PM

Sep 2013
This'll be fun ~
Nov 28, 2014 12:56 PM

Dec 2012
9 days left until the ship sinks!

You are in the Cargo room. It's pretty large and is filled with boxes! There are 2 large metallic doors. On one of them, there is painted a large 8 and on the other, there is a 1. Next to each of them you see one of those Bracelet Scanners...

You have 24 hours to scan your Bracelet.
Once a scanner has been used 5 times it can no longer be used.


Current player Locations:
ZymfDec 1, 2014 7:44 AM
Nov 28, 2014 1:00 PM

Jul 2013
Is behind each door another two sets of door?
Nov 28, 2014 1:08 PM

Apr 2014
Well so it begins we will need to split into2 groups here so how do you all want to do this but remember the groups numbers needs to meet the door numbers as set in the rules.
JackritoNov 28, 2014 1:18 PM
Nov 28, 2014 1:13 PM

Oct 2014
One combination could be:
Ixalion+Jackrito+Soren333+ Bragy= 8+4+2+3 = 17= 1+7 = 8

Cruzateu+SodaWithYoda+Xiaraith+Yume+PandaCake= 1+5+6+7+9 = 28 = 2+8= 10= 1+0 = 1.
Nov 28, 2014 1:13 PM

Sep 2013
I'll come up with a way to get everyone to another room, just let me think about it...

Edit: Ah, Bragy already did. Maybe there's another way.
Nov 28, 2014 1:16 PM

Sep 2013
Is it possible to unscan a door after you scanned it earlier during the same phase?
Nov 28, 2014 1:18 PM

Apr 2014
Xiaraith said:
Is it possible to unscan a door after you scanned it earlier during the same phase?

Based off the way it works I would assume not so we should all be careful before we scan or we could get locked in.
Nov 28, 2014 1:19 PM

Oct 2014
Another combination could be:

Ixalion+ Yume+ Bragy+ Cruzateu=10=1

Soren333+ Jackrito+PandaCake+ SodaWithYoda+Xiaraith=26=8


Bragy+PandaCake+Cruzateu+Jackrito=3+9+1+4= 17= 8

Ixalion+Yume+ SodaWithYoda+Xiaraith+Soren333=8+7+5+2+6=28=10= 1
BragyNov 28, 2014 1:32 PM
Nov 28, 2014 1:23 PM

Dec 2010
Think I got a combo:
Combo 1

Soren+Yume+Ixalion+PandaCake = 2+7+8+9 = 26 = 8

Cruzateu+Bragy+Jack+Soda+Xiaraith = 1+3+4+5+6 = 19 = 1

Combo 2

Cruzateu+Bragy+Soda+Ixalion = 1+3+5+8 = 17 = 8

Soren+Jack+Xiaraith+Yume+Panda = 2+4+6+7+9 = 28 = 1
IxalionNov 28, 2014 1:36 PM
Seven years of power, the corporation claw
The rich control the government, the media, the law
To make some kind of difference
Then everyone must know:
Eradicate the fascists, revolution will grow...
Nov 28, 2014 1:24 PM

Sep 2013
Yeah, it's probably best for us to find all possible combinations for now, and if there's a member who has to go through either door in all combinations, he/she could already scan that in.
Nov 28, 2014 1:33 PM

Dec 2012
Soren333 said:
Is behind each door another two sets of door?

Xiaraith said:
Is it possible to unscan a door after you scanned it earlier during the same phase?
Sry, but no..
Nov 28, 2014 1:37 PM

Sep 2013
"At 9 PM GMT the numbered doors will open if 3-5 people have scanned their Bracelet on the Scanner and the digital root of their Bracelet Numbers matches the number on the door."
Will it constantly be 3-5 people even in later stages of the game? (you don't have to answer if you want to keep this element or surprise) ~
Nov 28, 2014 1:44 PM

Dec 2012
Yes. All the rules posted above will not be changed.
Nov 28, 2014 1:48 PM

Sep 2013
Looks like the items will change our situations a bit.
If we constantly scanned with our Bracelet number and nothing else, the players with low number might have an obvious disadvantage in opening the end door number 9.
Nov 28, 2014 1:51 PM

Apr 2014
Just wondering since it happens in the games can you take bracelets off dead players I assume we can but just want to check. Well I think they did in the games anyway should really replay them can't remember much.
Nov 28, 2014 1:52 PM

Sep 2013
Are players able to die before the game ends?
Nov 28, 2014 1:54 PM

Apr 2014
Xiaraith said:
Are players able to die before the game ends?

In the rules it says dead people can not post so I would think so even though it does not say how people can die.
Nov 28, 2014 1:58 PM

Jul 2013
Ixalion said:
Think I got a combo:
Combo 1

Soren+Yume+Ixalion+PandaCake = 2+7+8+9 = 26 = 8

Cruzateu+Bragy+Jack+Soda+Xiaraith = 1+3+4+5+6 = 19 = 1

Combo 2

Cruzateu+Bragy+Soda+Ixalion = 1+3+5+8 = 17 = 8

Soren+Jack+Xiaraith+Yume+Panda = 2+4+6+7+9 = 28 = 1

I like combo two

I want to be with jack, yume and xiaraith. They're awesome.
Nov 28, 2014 2:00 PM

Apr 2014
as good as that team does sound we are all working together to escape so we may want to balance the teams a bit. I don't know everyone here so not sure how good they are at this stuff though so balance may be hard.
Nov 28, 2014 2:02 PM

Jul 2013
Are there day and night phases in this game?
Nov 28, 2014 2:03 PM

Sep 2013
I'll post at least 10 different combinations if I'm able to find as much, so we have some choice.

It's indeed better to have both high and low as well as even and odd numbers in both groups.
Nov 28, 2014 2:14 PM

Dec 2013
one thing to note is the drawing that zymf made, maybe later if a person that went to the right, goes to the left they can meet each other

obviously soren wants combo 2 because there is less chance he stays behind because he will stay with more people
Nov 28, 2014 2:17 PM

Sep 2013
The number doors can only be opened one time though, so going to the left doesn't make any sense currently. We need to know more about how it goes on from the next rooms...
Nov 28, 2014 2:24 PM

Dec 2013
No, what i mean is

1 2 4
3 5

We start at 1 and we can go to 2 and 3, then ppl on 2 can go 4 or 5 and ppl on 3 can go 5 or 6

What i'm saying is, even if we divide there is the possibility we can meet again in some place
Like 5 in the example
Nov 28, 2014 2:48 PM

Sep 2013
Yes, that's an obvious possibility. Let's look forward to how the rooms are connected to each other, and especially what the puzzles, challenges and items are all about ~
Nov 28, 2014 3:51 PM

Sep 2013
Okay, finding the best split of our group on the two doors is a mathematical problem.

The numbers of 1-9 add up to 45, and I found three possibilities to separate 45 into two summands whose digital roots are 1 and 8:
10/35 ------- 17/28 ------- 19/26

10/35 isn't very effective because the group which adds up to 10 would be too weak if the next doors are high numbers.
Now I'm relatively sure that there are hundreds of ways to group up in the two other cases. So we could actually have a limited way of choosing people who you want to stick with.
And I'd suggest that both of our new groups each contain at least 2 even and 2 odd numbers.

And most importantly: Choose a door under any circumstances! If you know that you can't be online around the time the next day begins (9 PM GMT), post your choice before you log out for the last time!
Nov 28, 2014 3:55 PM

Jul 2013
If I don't make a decision later

I want to go to door 8.
Nov 28, 2014 3:59 PM

Dec 2012
Soren333 said:
If I don't make a decision later

I want to go to door 8.
Please use the right format:
Scan Bracelet [Number on your bracelet] on Door [Number on the door]
Nov 28, 2014 4:01 PM

Sep 2013
Jackrito said:
Just wondering since it happens in the games can you take bracelets off dead players I assume we can but just want to check. Well I think they did in the games anyway should really replay them can't remember much.

Zymf, please answer this question of Jack...
Nov 28, 2014 4:08 PM

Jun 2013
This room is too small, my claustrophobia is kicking. Why did I agree to this? ;-;
Nov 28, 2014 4:13 PM

Oct 2014
I wouldn't say so Xiaraith, because if 2 people have the same hidden idea of taking the bracelet it would brake the game. The only option is probably a direct message from the game master in which he gives someone the option to take it or something like that, imo.
Nov 28, 2014 4:16 PM

Sep 2013
Yeah, I know that it might get tricky to decide who exactly picks up bracelets of dead players. I and Jack merely want to know for now if it's possible at all to pick up stuff of dead players, may it be bracelets or other items.
Nov 28, 2014 4:18 PM

Dec 2012
Xiaraith said:
Jackrito said:
Just wondering since it happens in the games can you take bracelets off dead players I assume we can but just want to check. Well I think they did in the games anyway should really replay them can't remember much.

Zymf, please answer this question of Jack...

If you happen to die, then your Body, your Bracelet and any items you might be carrying would still remain in the game. So yes, it might be possible.
Nov 28, 2014 4:23 PM

Jul 2013
Yume said:
This room is too small, my claustrophobia is kicking. Why did I agree to this? ;-;

I have a bag you can breath into.

Its going to be okay Yume.
Nov 28, 2014 4:25 PM

Sep 2013
I'm already wondering how the challenges look like if we are able to die in them ~
Nov 28, 2014 4:25 PM

Apr 2014
Zymf said:
Xiaraith said:

Zymf, please answer this question of Jack...

If you happen to die, then your Body, your Bracelet and any items you might be carrying would still remain in the game. So yes, it might be possible.

Good to know
Nov 28, 2014 4:26 PM

Dec 2013
*kills soren and takes bracelet*
Nov 28, 2014 4:31 PM

Apr 2014
Xiaraith said:
Yeah, I know that it might get tricky to decide who exactly picks up bracelets of dead players. I and Jack merely want to know for now if it's possible at all to pick up stuff of dead players, may it be bracelets or other items.

Well if it comes down to it we need 3-5 players to get through a door as host said so we will need the spare bracelets if the players falls too low to allow that number. They should be nothing hidden about who takes the bracelet and should be done as a group depending on the situation and numbers of said door.

Overall this is a game of survival and to do that we need trust in each other if this was the 2 version they would be more reason to do stuff in secret but in this version we should work as a team.
Nov 28, 2014 4:44 PM

Jun 2013
So if we split into 2 groups and one group has 4 people and the numbered door is 8, in the group we have 3, 4, 1, and 7. At least one of them will be left behind? Either 7 or 3 and 4.

Basically, if you didn't scan your bracelet, you're stuck?
Nov 28, 2014 4:45 PM

Apr 2014
Yume said:
So if we split into 2 groups and one group has 4 people and the numbered door is 8, in the group we have 3, 4, 1, and 7. At least one of them will be left behind? Either 7 or 3 and 4.

Basically, if you didn't scan your bracelet, you're stuck?

It seems that way
Nov 28, 2014 4:46 PM

Jul 2013
Yume said:
So if we split into 2 groups and one group has 4 people and the numbered door is 8, in the group we have 3, 4, 1, and 7. At least one of them will be left behind? Either 7 or 3 and 4.

Basically, if you didn't scan your bracelet, you're stuck?

Why would one be left behind?
Nov 28, 2014 5:00 PM

Sep 2013
Only people who do scan their bracelets can advance through the doors, but no one will be left behind if all people do scan and both doors are correctly opened. Splitting up in one 4 men and one 5 men team is obvious.

PandaCake and SodaWithYoda haven't posted anything yet. Let's see if they want to tell us something special...
Nov 28, 2014 5:16 PM

Jun 2013
Soren333 said:
Yume said:
So if we split into 2 groups and one group has 4 people and the numbered door is 8, in the group we have 3, 4, 1, and 7. At least one of them will be left behind? Either 7 or 3 and 4.

Basically, if you didn't scan your bracelet, you're stuck?

Why would one be left behind?

Because it said only those who scan their bracelet get through, the bracelets have to equal the correct number on the door, right? So 3 + 1 + 4 = 8, but since 7 didn't scan theirs they wouldn't be able to go through since the door number was 8.
Nov 28, 2014 9:04 PM

May 2013
Xiaraith said:
Only people who do scan their bracelets can advance through the doors, but no one will be left behind if all people do scan and both doors are correctly opened. Splitting up in one 4 men and one 5 men team is obvious.

PandaCake and SodaWithYoda haven't posted anything yet. Let's see if they want to tell us something special...

I've never played this kind of game before so I don't really have anything special to say. I'm just trying to learn from your guy's conversation
Nov 28, 2014 9:32 PM

Jun 2013
So which door is everyone going through?
Nov 28, 2014 9:33 PM

Jun 2013
Door 1, does that mean I can't go through because my number is too large?
Nov 29, 2014 2:14 AM

Sep 2013
PandaCake said:
I've never played this kind of game before so I don't really have anything special to say. I'm just trying to learn from your guy's conversation

Don't worry Panda, I haven't played it before either. The important thing is that we work together as a team in oreder to come as far as possible.
Yume said:
Door 1, does that mean I can't go through because my number is too large?

If nobody hasn't chosen yet, you are free to choose any door! Once one or two members decided on any door they would like to go through, I will create a list of optimal scenarios for all other people to split the best way possible (having small/high + at least 2 odd/even numbers in each group).
So if anyone wants to scan his bracelet, please go ahead. Not more than two though before I haven't created additional splitting plans.
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