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Mar 22, 2010 1:39 PM

Nov 2008
<img src="" border="0" />


This episode was just epic. The drama! The conflict! The rebellion of their own forces to save their nation!

In all seriousness, this felt "overplayed" in the music department without evoking a real meaning in drama for me. Didn't feel like much of a struggle throughout the series for this last episode to have critically worked out.

Sure, the story fits about Rio and other things but what about the "Angel"? How convenient it symbolizes their group's effort and story to save many lives. I guess that golden skeleton was just for show.

Poorly done symbolic concepts, almost wasteful character development, half-assed story. Series-7/10.
KinetaNov 25, 2012 10:59 AM
Mar 22, 2010 1:44 PM
Dec 2009
Probably the best episode in the series.

BTW it is "Amazing Grave" not "Saving Grace"...
Mar 22, 2010 1:53 PM

Aug 2009
Well it's over.

-I guess the idea of an S2 pretty much flew away with that ending since everything was just about wrapped up. To be honest, I am a tiny bit underwhelmed since I was thinking that spider gundam would do a little more than just show up for five minutes (speaking of which, that was so cool when it was crawling walls). I am however glad that it was not simply music that saved the day since as soon as Kanata started playing Amazing Grace (which made me groan a little) I was sure they would immediately stop fighting but having Rio officially end it put a much better taste in my mouth

-As a series on the whole, SoRaNoWoTo really doesn't make a gigantic impact. The story is small and tinier than the world that we're introduced to. I really wanted to know about the world itself more than the characters a few times. That being said, if I really did dislike it, I could have dropped it at any time so there was something keeping me watching each week besides just simply updating my episode count. Probably the fact that I rather enjoy the slow slice-of-life shows and that this really was not the K-ON military anime that it was played up to be. It wasn't groundbreaking but it didn't need to be. It was a nice treat each week. Is that bad? No, I don't think so. As long as I'm enjoying it and watching it, I'm having a good time. So I'll give the series 8/10. It would not be an absolute favorite but I would definitely recommend it (I'd just make sure to say skip the episode that starts with Kanata in a dress)

-Also this is a personal preference but I always like shows that have music as a focus.
Mar 22, 2010 1:59 PM

Nov 2008
garfield15 said:
I guess the idea of an S2 pretty much flew away with that ending since everything was just about wrapped up.
Yeah, it would have been pretty sweet as to jump from Kanata's ignorant reality to a war-torn story, with the song to be used as a final attempt before more would have been lost in massive bloodshed.

That's just too bad. Good series though.
Mar 22, 2010 2:00 PM

Sep 2008

Monday means it's time for OUR THE SSS rank Sora no Woto
Mar 22, 2010 2:09 PM

Sep 2008
bookkid900 said:
Probably the best episode in the series.

BTW it is "Amazing Grave" not "Saving Grace"...

You do mean "Amazing Grace," right? Or was that a joke that went over my head? xD

Mar 22, 2010 2:12 PM

Mar 2009
First eighteen and a half minutes were amazing. After that, I was disappoint. It just turned into Macross or something. Probably no season 2, shame.
Mar 22, 2010 2:13 PM

Aug 2009
Maximatum99 said:
garfield15 said:
I guess the idea of an S2 pretty much flew away with that ending since everything was just about wrapped up.
Yeah, it would have been pretty sweet as to jump from Kanata's ignorant reality to a war-torn story, with the song to be used as a final attempt before more would have been lost in massive bloodshed.

That would be horribly hilarious.

*Kanata finishes playing. Everyone stares at her.*
"What the hell was that?'
"I dunno. LET'S KEEP GOING!"
Mar 22, 2010 2:33 PM

Jul 2009
Not too bad but meh. They better cover the angel in the specials. I'm guessing it was some kind of creature that some girls at the fort when it was originally a school gave shelter to it. Until it messed up the planet or we messed it up. Rio :( still had to marry that bastard.
i dub this 6.5/10
Mar 22, 2010 2:39 PM

Jun 2009
I liked the first part of the episode beater...And was a bit discussed when amazing grace started playing....Thankfully it ultimately wasn't what stopped the war...
I found Rio in a dress combined with that manly voice hilarious:D
Btw. the spider tank is made of pure awesome ...wish I had one of those :D
I'll give this show 8/10 as well, it's a shame though. It could have been so much beater.
The spring I met you,

The spring without you.
Mar 22, 2010 2:48 PM

Nov 2008
For a moment I thought about rating this an 8, especially when Kanata played that song.. I actually felt I gained hopeI should re-phrase that, I actually felt a feeling of my body filling with hope, but than the actual ending made me re-think that decision. I'm not sure what to think of this show. None of the initial promises made were delivered. But perhaps it was only there just to create the 'hype'. They must have planned everything out from the start, of course. Perhaps they tried to 'outsmart' us, presenting it in a cute package, while showing how time and life is transient, to take nothing for granted.. but in the end, what were they really trying to tell us? (Perhaps I would have liked it better if they all perished in the fight, it even looked like that for a moment.. not because I dislike the characters, but now that would have been a statement.)

Again, I'm not satisfied with the ending. It leaves some room for a second season, but it's probably not something everyone is looking forward to. I just wished they had fleshed out the (back)stories just thát bit more, now we're just left with an empty feeling.

desolatoMar 22, 2010 2:53 PM
Mar 22, 2010 2:51 PM

Jul 2007
Maximatum99 said:


This episode was just epic. The drama! The conflict! The rebellion of their own forces to save their nation!

In all seriousness, this felt "overplayed" in the music department without evoking a real meaning in drama for me. Didn't feel like much of a struggle throughout the series for this last episode to have critically worked out.

Sure, the story fits about Rio and other things but what about the "Angel"? How convenient it symbolizes their group's effort and story to save many lives. I guess that golden skeleton was just for show.

Poorly done symbolic concepts, almost wasteful character development, half-assed story. Series-7/10.

The angel in the beginning of the story Helvatian(whatever it's called) probably correlated with the beginning angel, with Aisha's story correlating to the other. That and if the tale is old enough to be a legend, the story might change. The latter story could have actually happened with regular soldier and their enemies, then gets distorted over time.

*shrugs* But then again, they stuck that second legend right when the biggun happens. They were probably trying to portray breaking the cycle from the past if anything- or the opposite.
Mar 22, 2010 2:51 PM
Feb 2010
Enjoyed the series but was let down mostly not by what was show but by all that it was not.

I will say this, hands down this world, setting, premise, call it what you want is perhaps one of the best I have seen in any anime, movie, science-fiction novel, ect. The series set an amazing tone for itself and created dozens of mysteries and myths to be explored and explained.

In the end a great idea somewhat fell victim to a limitation of 12 episodes and perhaps a lack of boldness to explore the thematic elements presented to us a bit more, it is almost sad that things seem to be simply returning to a status quo. If they aren't going to give us a continuation at the very least it would be nice to see some progression, i.e. a re inspired Noel working to better the world by rediscovering beneficial technologies, Kanata setting off to heal the world through music (lololol), w/e w/e but I think you get my drift.

Regardless a highly recommended series from me. It was a different kind of music focus and a different depiction of military life, one that was actually very authentic in many ways but with a huge dose of fluffy topping of course, haha. It was willing to deal with some serious issues including chemical warfare, post-apocalyptic nihilism, and a daunting sense of loss (both personal and to humankind) without it ever feeling too out of place in a rather cutesy show and it gets major major props for that.

To wrap this up I guess I am also not as bothered by the retelling of the angel story at the end. Its quite likely that the Roman iteration is just a flawed and mystical as the Helvetian one. The way it was presented to us simply gives us a bit more to think about, continuing on the same theme as the POW: misunderstandings (theological and cultural) can lead to conflict. Until Noel starts accessing some very old video archives somewhere I doubt we'll know what truly happened.

Vector tank was also awesome :)
descent87Mar 22, 2010 3:06 PM
Mar 22, 2010 2:54 PM
Dec 2009
aaronluis26 said:
bookkid900 said:
Probably the best episode in the series.

BTW it is "Amazing Grave" not "Saving Grace"...

You do mean "Amazing Grace," right? Or was that a joke that went over my head? xD

Lol, i did mean "Amazing Grace" not "amazing grave". Blame it on going from the school's keyboards to my laptop's...
Mar 22, 2010 3:01 PM

Jul 2009
now that I think about it, seriously red for tanks wtf is up with that. Why isn't Rio on a freaking vector :D
Mar 22, 2010 3:19 PM
Nov 2008
Cheese, cheese, cheese ... oh and more cheese!

The drama doesn't really come across when you 1. know the outcome anyway 2. don't feel with the characters 3. don't like the high-pitched VA work 4. don't like cheese.

The music in the middle really fit though, and the fight scene was bearable too.

Overall I'm really disappointed. Had a lot of potential in the concept but it totally fell apart right around the start.
Mar 22, 2010 3:27 PM

Jun 2009
I was hoping to see some motherfucking tragedy on this last episode but sadly there was none, that spidah Gundamu was sort of cool to watch but I wanted to see it tear more shit up, and now I sort of hate Amazing Grace... fucking trumpetah girls. Also, no material for a second season unless they decide to wage war with some other country, oh well not that I care so much.

Sora no Woto had an interesting concept but it failed to deliver, I think it only had around three good episodes and the rest were pretty forgettable though somewhat entertaining otherwise I would have dropped it. I guess I'll give this a 7/10, now to search or wait for the OST.
Mar 22, 2010 3:32 PM

Jun 2009
First minute of this episode was actually good... but then everyone survived, and Kanata managed to save the day with her trumpet... yay. Cheesy and overly dramatic. Unfortunately with that kind of ending I don't see a reason for the second season. It's a shame really, since potential here was big, and all we got was 'military K-on'.

Since I'm generous it gets 7/10 because of the animation and soundtrack.
Mar 22, 2010 3:48 PM
Nov 2008
mr_outside said:
First minute of this episode was actually good... but then everyone survived, and Kanata managed to save the day with her trumpet... yay. Cheesy and overly dramatic. Unfortunately with that kind of ending I don't see a reason for the second season. It's a shame really, since potential here was big, and all we got was 'military K-on'.

Since I'm generous it gets 7/10 because of the animation and soundtrack.

K-ON was good compared to this (well, I love K-ON but even objectively looking at it, it was better). At least it wasn't trying to sell itself as epic. And it had less cheese. Well almost none. VA was better too. And way funnier. The only thing SnW was better at was the beautiful landscape arts and the city's athmosphere. Oh, and this had less moe (though i like moe if it doesn't mess up the plot).

The main reason K-ON succeeded (other than all the lolilovers and pantsudroolers) was because it barely had any seriousness in it. There was one ep with some drama and even that was nicely played out. You could just sit down and laugh through it. On the other hand, even though the first 10-odd episodes of Sora no Woto were filled with moe they always reminded you that there is a storm coming. And they had many scenes with cheesy drama. Kinda ruined all the moe for me.

Just my 2 cents though.
MalestelMar 22, 2010 4:14 PM
Mar 22, 2010 3:54 PM

Aug 2009
Malestel said:
At least it wasn't trying to sell itself as epic.

I really don't think it was doing this at all. We just thought it was but I never got any indication that it would be that "epic"
Mar 22, 2010 4:07 PM
Nov 2008
Maybe I was too harsh with that. What I mean is that they obviously wanted the viewers to feel touched lots of times whereas I just rolled my eyes. It failed to deliver what it wanted (at least I didn't get their package). Prime example is when Kanata plays Amazing Grace and the soilders just stop in awe. Yeah sure. I don't think soldiers 10 seconds away from a kill-or-be-killed hugeass battle are in the mindset to stop dead in their tracks and enjoy some trumpet solo. That's just an assumption though.
Mar 22, 2010 4:13 PM

Jun 2009
Malestel said:
Yeah sure. I don't think soldiers 10 seconds away from a kill-or-be-killed hugeass battle are in the mindset to stop dead in their tracks and enjoy some trumpet solo. That's just an assumption though.

lol... It's not an assumption, it's a fact…If they put some special powers in the show it might have been believable, but this way it’s just silly.
The spring I met you,

The spring without you.
Mar 22, 2010 4:17 PM

Jun 2009
Malestel said:
Maybe I was too harsh with that. What I mean is that they obviously wanted the viewers to feel touched lots of times whereas I just rolled my eyes. It failed to deliver what it wanted (at least I didn't get their package). Prime example is when Kanata plays Amazing Grace and the soilders just stop in awe. Yeah sure. I don't think soldiers 10 seconds away from a kill-or-be-killed hugeass battle are in the mindset to stop dead in their tracks and enjoy some trumpet solo. That's just an assumption though.

Yeah, I know what you mean, and I agree with you.

It aimed too high, and in the end it failed hard. It would be much better if they continued with a simple slice of life in unique setting (like it was in the first couple of episodes), or if they actually managed to build up on the drama and made the last episode the right way, instead of sudden heroic and corny action with simplified plot, and predictable plot twists.
Mar 22, 2010 5:16 PM

Jul 2008
Was Aisha a boy or girl?
Mar 22, 2010 5:21 PM

Nov 2008
GarLogan78 said:
Was Aisha a boy or girl?

Does this help solve the mystery?
Mar 22, 2010 6:08 PM

Feb 2008
well with an ending like that, i gave it a five. that is all i can really say about this one.
Mar 22, 2010 6:25 PM

Aug 2009
Wonderful episode, was really hoping for some bloodshed. But I guess that works, too.
Mar 22, 2010 7:16 PM

Mar 2009
If this were a stand alone episode, it would get 11/10. And, It was a very nice/epic ending!

But everything leading up to this doesn't really add up to and ending this big.

How do you go from episodes about glass dolphins and loli tsundere's fan-girling over a poser epic Tankantula escapes and mid-battle war negotiations?!?!?!

Don't get me wrong it was a good series, but it just didn't seem to flow very well.
It's almost like they took 2 dojinshis of the original series and mashed them together to form this anime :P;;;;

Overall I gave it a 7/10. And I may change that after I watch the OVAs.

Urahara Out!!
Mar 22, 2010 7:27 PM

Dec 2007
RinM said:
Malestel said:
Yeah sure. I don't think soldiers 10 seconds away from a kill-or-be-killed hugeass battle are in the mindset to stop dead in their tracks and enjoy some trumpet solo. That's just an assumption though.

lol... It's not an assumption, it's a fact…If they put some special powers in the show it might have been believable, but this way it’s just silly.

You'd be surprised by how wrong you are. The trumpet was only a distraction. It wasn't what stopped the soldiers from killing eachother. Their own desire to not be apart in another war was what stopped them. My grandfather used to tell me stories about WWII and how the only times his group would attack a German group on contact was if they had an officer with them. Otherwise the two groups just pretended they never saw eachother.

You have to remember who is fighting these wars. Young men mostly (though obviously young women as well in SnW). The only people who want war are the radical military leaders (not all, just the radical ones). Notice that they're usually not on the front lines dying either. Fact of the matter is, no matter how cool war looks for our entertainment, the majority of those involved do not want to be there, particularly if it's a senseless and pointless war such as the one barely averted between Helvetica and the Roman Empire.

Anyway, I'm also glad that Rio ended up showing up in full force as her half-sister I'm sure did quite frequently, and I love how they melded the Roman and Helvetica lore into one and made it fit with the current situation (the wounded angel being Aisha, etc). That said, this anime could have really used one more episode, and I blame it on them wasting an entire episode on laughing how Kanata can't use the bathroom cause she's loyal to her task of answering the phone. The only ones who enjoyed that episode I have to think are those with a urine fetish.

The series gets a 7/10 overall, but considering it was at 5/10 after the pee fetish episode, that's a large improvement over the final episodes.
Mar 22, 2010 7:29 PM

Apr 2009
I enjoyed the last episode, there were quite a few eye-roll moments but the Colonel screwing with Noel managed to keep the emotion in the episode.

I'm going to agree with 7/10. 6 is to harsh and 8 is to generous.
Mar 22, 2010 7:39 PM

Jun 2009
Meddigo said:
The series gets a 7/10 overall, but considering it was at 5/10 after the pee fetish episode, that's a large improvement over the final episodes.

What is wrong with a pee fetish?
joking ofc
Mar 22, 2010 7:43 PM

Dec 2007
-Hei- said:
Meddigo said:
The series gets a 7/10 overall, but considering it was at 5/10 after the pee fetish episode, that's a large improvement over the final episodes.

What is wrong with a pee fetish?
joking ofc

It belongs in hentai or ecchi and not in my slice-of-life shows.
Mar 22, 2010 7:46 PM

Nov 2008
^ I didn't think it was a "pee fetish" in the first place. I thought it was just a sexually suggestive scene.
Mar 22, 2010 8:01 PM

Jun 2007
MrHatandClogs said:
If this were a stand alone episode, it would get 11/10. And, It was a very nice/epic ending!

But everything leading up to this doesn't really add up to and ending this big.

How do you go from episodes about glass dolphins and loli tsundere's fan-girling over a poser epic Tankantula escapes and mid-battle war negotiations?!?!?!

Don't get me wrong it was a good series, but it just didn't seem to flow very well.
It's almost like they took 2 dojinshis of the original series and mashed them together to form this anime :P;;;;

Overall I gave it a 7/10. And I may change that after I watch the OVAs.

Urahara Out!!

I agree. They focused too much on the slice of life random parts at the beginning and less about the tension that both sides really felt. What I found weird was the ancient technology that was supposed to protect the village didn't even play a role in the ending. I'm referring to the huge box devices that they went to inspect in one episode and in the episode before this one they turned red. I was hoping to see them do SOMETHING lol.

The ending episode was epic though.
Mar 22, 2010 9:01 PM

Jul 2009
the plot did not flow
it started out as a slice of life and then move on to war drama then back to slice of life and then an action/drama ending. because of failure to flow with the plot i give it a 6/10.
kg-san said:

Asu you're still a fragile flower... But its ok cause you're a beautiful flower!

花火花火花火 :D:D:D
Mar 22, 2010 10:39 PM

Oct 2009
First part was drama and second part was miracle/action. In between the key information for me was the legend about the it got around the town......the fire maidens helping it (I assume it was bigger since many of the fire maidens had to help it in order to stop the bleeding). Personally Hopkins really reminds me of Himmler as a ruthless Nazi officer who just wants war as means to a end of the human revolution itself (does not work at all with me and as a farmer I don't agree with him at all due to the fact that you do not sacrifice in order to achieve perfections) you instead embrace all and evolve them from what is possible even if it's slow. Noel was quite shocked at all this and broke down until Aisha forgives her...that put up her spirits Hopkins was clever enough to escape with boot knife=>
Filicia was crazy enough to try kill Hopkins and would have risked execution should the war have started=>
When I saw Claus with the motorcycle I knew Rio was around. I figured out also that Kanata does have a good hearing but the tears/drama.....damn Kureha....Start up of the tank=>

Second part's best with the Takemikazuchi=>
was impressive but unfortunate it did not use its missiles nor other features....though it was ridiculous that it go pounded yet still stood up and did minimal counter attacks. At least it proved to impress Hopkins, it's fast/versatile,has a 2 cannon armament and obviously out of the other's league armor. At least "Amazing Grace"=>

saved it all and bought enough time for Rio to arrive and stopping the war like I predicted since it was that or full war...unfortunately she sacrificed her freedom in being the fiancee of the Emperor....I smell so anger of Rio fans since the Emperor is not to be trusted...(I don't). Well in the end Rio came back to spend some time with everyone as a special wish from the Emperor.....well it was all a happy ending. And so I leave people a nice GIF collection I made for this last episode.....more than usual but it's last episode so last effort for this series. Last translation..this means=>
As much as Emperor of the Romain Empire and Prince of the Helvetia's Republic. I declare that peace has been established between these 2 nations. Drama of Kureha and Noel..Noel's was very touching and Kureha's was pitiful but still sad=>
Aisha as the angel? Why?=>
This was fun...victory cry of all+ Rio in her royal gown
Noel's break and a little something that happens at the end=>
That's pretty much what I had to say and now replies.....

In spoiler my anime list for now.
Mar 22, 2010 10:40 PM

Jul 2008
I agree that the plot did not flow. I could never tell what this anime was. Slice of life, military, music? It should have picked one genre and stuck with it. I felt it tried and failed to pull itself in too many different directions. I also felt the legend should have been expanded upon more, and that we should have seen Kanata improving at the trumpet more as well. When she was playing amazing grace, I was like "when did she get so good?"

7/10 from me. The animation was great, I liked the music that was there, and I was always entertained. I just think they should have decided on what the show wanted to be and stuck with it.


Maximatum99 said:
GarLogan78 said:
Was Aisha a boy or girl?

Does this help solve the mystery?

Yeah thanks lol. I could have sworn the subs I watched for this episode referred to Aisha as a 'he'. Oh well.
Mar 22, 2010 10:48 PM

Nov 2008
GarLogan78 said:
Maximatum99 said:
GarLogan78 said:
Was Aisha a boy or girl?

Does this help solve the mystery?
Yeah thanks lol. I could have sworn the subs I watched for this episode referred to Aisha as a 'he'. Oh well.
You got to admit, that's some nice man boobs.
Mar 22, 2010 10:59 PM

Oct 2009
Maximatum99 said:
This episode was just epic. The drama! The conflict! The rebellion of their own forces to save their nation!

Rebellion? Only the towns people did a good of Filicia was pathetic and dangerous but a good effort.
Maximatum99 said:
In all seriousness, this felt "overplayed" in the music department without evoking a real meaning in drama for me. Didn't feel like much of a struggle throughout the series for this last episode to have critically worked out.

I think for Kanata it was a good display to just show her hearing ability....
Maximatum99 said:
Sure, the story fits about Rio and other things but what about the "Angel"? How convenient it symbolizes their group's effort and story to save many lives. I guess that golden skeleton was just for show.

No...not at all it was well shown of the legend and misconception of it...if anything Helvetia got it wrong seeing it as a demon.
Maximatum99 said:
Poorly done symbolic concepts, almost wasteful character development, half-assed story. Series-7/10.
At least the scenery was good.....8/10 for me I would say.
garfield15 said:
Well it's over.

-I guess the idea of an S2 pretty much flew away with that ending since everything was just about wrapped up. To be honest, I am a tiny bit underwhelmed since I was thinking that spider gundam would do a little more than just show up for five minutes (speaking of which, that was so cool when it was crawling walls).

Yeah it was nice its crawl but I think the best was it's cannon was good. S2? They could still make it on the basis Rio dies due to her being only half blood in royalty since her mom was not a royal.
garfield15 said:
I am however glad that it was not simply music that saved the day since as soon as Kanata started playing Amazing Grace (which made me groan a little) I was sure they would immediately stop fighting but having Rio officially end it put a much better taste in my mouth

Yes but you got to admit that with the light and all it is almost as though a angel was descending which would make things nicer if they did that somehow IMOP.
garfield15 said:
-As a series on the whole, SoRaNoWoTo really doesn't make a gigantic impact. The story is small and tinier than the world that we're introduced to. I really wanted to know about the world itself more than the characters a few times.

Really? I though the story itself was good minus the fan service and cute moments....I do wish they would tell more about the characters like their background.
garfield15 said:
That being said, if I really did dislike it, I could have dropped it at any time so there was something keeping me watching each week besides just simply updating my episode count.

Must be the spider Gundam.
garfield15 said:
Probably the fact that I rather enjoy the slow slice-of-life shows and that this really was not the K-ON military anime that it was played up to be. It wasn't groundbreaking but it didn't need to be. It was a nice treat each week. Is that bad?

I would think it was good they combined cute with military and some drama with blood in it.....was it innovative you think?
garfield15 said:
No, I don't think so. As long as I'm enjoying it and watching it, I'm having a good time. So I'll give the series 8/10. It would not be an absolute favorite but I would definitely recommend it (I'd just make sure to say skip the episode that starts with Kanata in a dress)

You talking about that pee episode....rofl. Yeah same score as you.
garfield15 said:
-Also this is a personal preference but I always like shows that have music as a focus.
Well I did not know about to recommend to your friend about that?
garfield15 said:
Maximatum99 said:
garfield15 said:
I guess the idea of an S2 pretty much flew away with that ending since everything was just about wrapped up.
Yeah, it would have been pretty sweet as to jump from Kanata's ignorant reality to a war-torn story, with the song to be used as a final attempt before more would have been lost in massive bloodshed.

That would be horribly hilarious.

*Kanata finishes playing. Everyone stares at her.*
"What the hell was that?'
"I dunno. LET'S KEEP GOING!"
Rofl that would be crazy! I think it would have been better if Takemikazuchi has those missiles and no one knew they had the new Bio Weapon....all get wiped out in one shot! S2 starts from there.
RinM said:
I liked the first part of the episode beater...And was a bit discussed when amazing grace started playing....Thankfully it ultimately wasn't what stopped the war...

The song is great.....if you have family that was in WW2 you know would know the song's greatness.
RinM said:
I found Rio in a dress combined with that manly voice hilarious:D

I though she was gorgeous more than anything else.
RinM said:
Btw. the spider tank is made of pure awesome ...wish I had one of those :D

Yeah that weapon is insane..Vector Zero type!
RinM said:
I'll give this show 8/10 as well, it's a shame though. It could have been so much beater.
Rofl same score also now 2 people give it that.
desolato said:
For a moment I thought about rating this an 8, especially when Kanata played that song.. I actually felt I gained hopeI should re-phrase that, I actually felt a feeling of my body filling with hope, but than the actual ending made me re-think that decision.
I was like that too all the way but the ending did not affect me like that desolato....I still had that feeling of hope but also happiness....only hope that dies out was a S2.
desolato said:
I'm not sure what to think of this show. None of the initial promises made were delivered. But perhaps it was only there just to create the 'hype'. They must have planned everything out from the start, of course. Perhaps they tried to 'outsmart' us, presenting it in a cute package, while showing how time and life is transient, to take nothing for granted..

Yes the cute aspect deceived a lot especially when Filicia's flashback came suddenly...I mean war? Blood? Suddenly....only deceivement was that it was a flashback.
desolato said:
but in the end, what were they really trying to tell us? (Perhaps I would have liked it better if they all perished in the fight, it even looked like that for a moment.. not because I dislike the characters, but now that would have been a statement.)

Well....desolato I got good morals and feelings from this so I got something out of it like cherish what you have and do not give up.
desolato said:
Again, I'm not satisfied with the ending. It leaves some room for a second season, but it's probably not something everyone is looking forward to. I just wished they had fleshed out the (back)stories just thát bit more, now we're just left with an empty feeling.

Yeah well, desolato there was a empty feeling but also there should be a happy feeling that war was stopped with all that is going on IRL.....I think it's good that way for this show.
RinM said:
Malestel said:
Yeah sure. I don't think soldiers 10 seconds away from a kill-or-be-killed hugeass battle are in the mindset to stop dead in their tracks and enjoy some trumpet solo. That's just an assumption though.

lol... It's not an assumption, it's a fact…If they put some special powers in the show it might have been believable, but this way it’s just silly.

There were....God almighty!
-Hei- said:
Meddigo said:
The series gets a 7/10 overall, but considering it was at 5/10 after the pee fetish episode, that's a large improvement over the final episodes.

What is wrong with a pee fetish?
joking ofc
I mentioned it was not some anime I am seeing called Fight Ippatsu Juuden-chan...that anime is full of pee stuff.
DeathfireD said:
What I found weird was the ancient technology that was supposed to protect the village didn't even play a role in the ending. I'm referring to the huge box devices that they went to inspect in one episode and in the episode before this one they turned red. I was hoping to see them do SOMETHING lol.The ending episode was epic though.
The box did give some information as to how and what exactly is not clear but clearly it gave enough for Rio to make a plan based on it.....guess it was a no choice to being the fiancee of the Emperor....just worried he might discard her eventually since he had 3 wives already.
francismeunierMar 22, 2010 11:06 PM

In spoiler my anime list for now.
Mar 22, 2010 11:09 PM

Sep 2007
What the fuck is this? Macross F? MUSIC TO THE RESCUE OH BAH GAWD.

Just terrible. I was debating over a 6 or 7 in the beginning of the episode when they took the colonel hostage. Then was definitely going to give it a 7 if they all died in the spider tank. Then fucking facepalmed when Kanata came out. Then saw the future and knew Rio was there to intervene. Then just shook my head and set it at 6/10.

This show is a prime example of how excellent production values don't always make an anime good. Bullshit for half the series and overly dramatic and forced afterwards. What poor execution this was. And judging from the ending, I doubt there will be a second season. It definitely does not deserve one.
Mar 22, 2010 11:33 PM

Oct 2008
That was actually a really decent conclusion to the series. It really did mature as it progressed.
Mar 22, 2010 11:54 PM

Aug 2009
This was very predictable ending. I predicted Rio coming out again. I predicted they will somewhat blow that godamn trumpet again. I expected all those spider tanks will rush over. I predicted that no-one will die but ends with happy ever after. Everything went exactly as I thought, so it might be a good thing.

The problem is, no it isn't. From the start, Rio disappearance was extremely bad move; her coming back was very lame. This series is covered by unintelligent, senseless, and again, unintelligent masks of war drama and trying to hide the aspect of its industrial purposes, ends up being extremely ambiguous genre whoring shit.

ringoo4Mar 23, 2010 12:12 AM
Mar 23, 2010 12:39 AM

Feb 2010
I agree with ringoo4, but what I did not predicted that Rio was part of the royal family.

There was another problem, they didn't bring Aisha to the romans and went ahead with the ending. I had thought that Aisha stayed with the 1121 Platoon instead of returning to the Romans. Also Rio's returning back to the 1121 Platoon was unexpected because she was the Roman Emperor's fiancee and all. Above all, I enjoyed this anime but it had some flaws in the final episode.

Mar 23, 2010 12:54 AM

Oct 2009
Timare said:
I agree with ringoo4, but what I did not predicted that Rio was part of the royal family.
How did she ever pull off the "Accept me" as part of the Royalty....I smell plot from the Emperor once he finds out she is only half.

In spoiler my anime list for now.
Mar 23, 2010 1:26 AM

Feb 2008
Now this was a very good episode! I really wish that some of the earlier episodes were nearly as good as these last two were.
Going to give this show a 7/10.
Mar 23, 2010 2:20 AM

Nov 2008

Anyways, that was pretty good. I had a giant FUCK-YEAR moment with the giant spider tank, but was kinda pissed at some of the cliche parts.

Thought this was going to go up to 9.0 by the end, but it stayed at a solid 8 for me.

Good series. I have a feeling that it'll be forgotten by most people and then recognized as something decent to watch in hindsight by a few.
Mar 23, 2010 2:34 AM

Jun 2009
francismeunier said:
The song is great.....if you have family that was in WW2 you know would know the song's greatness.

I do have a grandfather who was in WW2 and he newer said anything about Amazing grace...He did say about "we are a squad of bombers" lol
Well maybe if you are American o British I can understand but in Eastern Europe we had are own songs. For example “There, far away”.

Sorry to the others I didn't reply... Just to lazy
The spring I met you,

The spring without you.
Mar 23, 2010 2:48 AM

Oct 2009
RinM said:
francismeunier said:
The song is great.....if you have family that was in WW2 you know would know the song's greatness.

I do have a grandfather who was in WW2 and he newer said anything about Amazing grace...He did say about "we are a squad of bombers" lol
Well maybe if you are American o British I can understand but in Eastern Europe we had are own songs. For example “There, far away”.

Sorry to the others I didn't reply... Just to lazy
It's ok but that was my point.....learning to appreciate the songs of WW2 the end this would be a more personal opinion but I personally got stories of Amazing Grace although some of it was changed with added French helped lots of people in WW2 as most did not have anything to play music other than their mouths/instruments.....the harmonica was also popular....heard tales about them?

In spoiler my anime list for now.
Mar 23, 2010 3:08 AM

Jun 2009
francismeunier said:
RinM said:
francismeunier said:
The song is great.....if you have family that was in WW2 you know would know the song's greatness.

I do have a grandfather who was in WW2 and he newer said anything about Amazing grace...He did say about "we are a squad of bombers" lol
Well maybe if you are American o British I can understand but in Eastern Europe we had are own songs. For example “There, far away”.

Sorry to the others I didn't reply... Just to lazy
It's ok but that was my point.....learning to appreciate the songs of WW2 the end this would be a more personal opinion but I personally got stories of Amazing Grace although some of it was changed with added French helped lots of people in WW2 as most did not have anything to play music other than their mouths/instruments.....the harmonica was also popular....heard tales about them?

Oh I do appreciate them it's just I don't believe that a song could just stop 1000 soldiers just like that. I also wander if besides all the noise the tanks and the people were making, a trumpet could be heard at all. I know that instruments can be really loud to the point of shaking your bones but still...I somehow doubt it.
The spring I met you,

The spring without you.
Mar 23, 2010 3:27 AM

Oct 2008
Theese are hard times especially for Japan, with worldwide recession and all.
During such times people usually don't want more despair, they want hope.
This anime set in a post-apocalyptic and dying world in the end provided such hope, although maybe in a sort of rushed and cheesy way.

Maybe they prepared several endings and decided that this one would have satisfied the majority of viewers.
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