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Jun 25, 2011 1:28 PM

Jun 2010
Can't believe Owl has become like this. Killing everything in sight because he lost his daughter and wife. I feel sorry for Shiro. They broke her legs badly and just when she was going straight for Ganta. Ganta got used to using that attack really fast, only after one shot he got the hang of it and it was by accident.

Jun 25, 2011 3:02 PM

Oct 2010
Crazy ass episode which mostly affected me in regards to Shiro and Ganta becoming much more of man than before.

I can tell you that Shiro was quite fun to see eat in the spoiler
and what a messy place she was eating in with Toto but there was nice instance of seeing Shiro's ass. Shiro confirming that she does have a Ace Man costume just makes it much more obvious of her being the Red Man it already was obvious but the design of the Red Man is rather well shown in that part. Fuck you Ganta for making Shiro cry in the spoiler
it's all you stupid ass fault
until he redeems himself later on. However my most most favorite part of Shiro is the following,

OMG Shiro got drunk! I love every aspect of her in the state in the spoiler
it was just so cute and hilarious. Shiro is the girl to get drunk with. She is fine in a drunk state. I loved how Shiro pouted when She replied to Ganta not needing him to save her.

The next best thing to happen is Toto as follows,

kick ass presentation of him right there. I do find he has a cool expression and was way too slow to realize the chocolates had alcohol in them. I wondering if Mockingbird's scar here has anything to do with the penalty game where the brain symbol appears. He was totally weird on Senji in the spoiler
WTF? He likes to taste people by licking their blood and also gave Senior goose bumps not to mention a shy side to him. If I were Ganta and Mockingbird greed me by asking me to be able to taste me then I would never trust him. In fact I would not even trust Toto's hand offering. I do wish to know WTF is up with Toto in the spoiler
why the sudden change in the environment and what does have to do with Toto's powers?
The fact is that right after all that there is a clear expression change of Toto in the spoiler
now I assume it has to do with his hermaphrodite personality where he interchanges his mental state between a male and a female but I wish to know more why the sudden change in the background.

13man18 said:
I feel sorry for Shiro. They broke her legs badly and just when she was going straight for Ganta.
Fuck them shit loli who did that to Shiro.She does not deserve that as long as she is not the Red Man.
Yumekichi11Jun 25, 2011 9:13 PM

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Jun 25, 2011 3:12 PM
Jun 2009
ok this episode was pretty good gunta got a new technique shiro got drunk and almost raped owl went ape shit we got to the the old lady slice a guy in half all in all this was a really good ep hope we get some realy epic fight scenes for the final ep
Jun 25, 2011 3:26 PM

Sep 2009
That was a pretty epic episode. Felt pretty bad for Nagi though, having to believe in a lie to hold onto his "sanity". :U And derp Mockingbird was pretty hilarious. xD What with his freaking licking and whatnot. Looking forward the the next episode.
Jun 25, 2011 3:29 PM

Oct 2010
Nothing completely unexpected happened.
I thought Shiro was at least going to kick someone in the face but she was put out before she could do anything. She was with a buzz so im sure she didn't felt a thing >.>
Ok so Minatsuki could also do the speed of sound thingy, is it like what the cool kids do now a days? like seriously Crow does it on one epsidoe, everyone is left =O, but now everyone but useless Ganta can do it.

also wtf?
Jun 25, 2011 3:34 PM

Jul 2009
With only one episode left, I wonder why they even bother introducing Mockingbird (haven't read the manga) but it seems like his character won't do the season any justice. And why, Ganta's power up is just reducing the size of the projectile and somehow it becomes supersonic, lol.

I wonder if Shiro will go ape shit next episode... I have no idea how they'll wrap up this season in one episode, without it being a disaster.

And I really don't give a damn about Owl... I got bored near the end listening to him go yap, yap. It was much more entertaining before Owl came along.
Jun 25, 2011 3:38 PM

Feb 2010
Nice episode. I liked this one better than the past few weeks. I really hope there is gonna be a season 2 at some point, the fact that they didn't just cut mockingbird out means there is still hope.
lol, I wasn't expecting Ganta to get to the undertakers on his own. Cool upgrade for his power as well.
Jun 25, 2011 4:03 PM

Nov 2007
seen some differences already on the way to our herp derp anime original ending. blah that annoying evil loli is back.

Karako is pretty dumb, I'd be surprised if she lives.

I wish there was more of the 1 on 1 fights and punishment games. that went too soon as did the time in the regular prison
Jun 25, 2011 4:24 PM

Jan 2011
Well, pretty epic episode, a lot of stuff happened ... e3e;;
feel bad for Shiro though... D8 her legs.... oh her legs.. OTL
I just hope none of them die (except the undertakers, xDDD ,and maybe the guys in the white outfits/suits lol)
Jun 25, 2011 5:40 PM

Dec 2008
Pretty shitty episode, IMO. I haven't seen Makina much for the past couple of episodes. I would very much like it if she got more screen time.

mystik said:
I wish there was more of the 1 on 1 fights and punishment games. that went too soon as did the time in the regular prison


I did, however, like their methods of holding Shiro and Karako hostage: gun to the boobies and Shiro rape-age was kinda funny.
Mine is better than yours.
Jun 25, 2011 5:47 PM
Apr 2010
Good episode anyone know if a second season is in the works at this piont it looks like its gonna hold true to the manga till the end dont think thay would have brought mockingbird in if they wernt planning on adabting the entire manga.
Jun 25, 2011 6:19 PM

Jun 2011
TheGreatRuler said:
Pretty shitty episode, IMO.

I agree. I didn't really enjoy it, and something seemed off. I think it's the sudden negative color during some scenes.
Jun 25, 2011 6:33 PM

Feb 2010
mystik said:
seen some differences already on the way to our herp derp anime original ending.

what are you talking about?
Jun 25, 2011 6:37 PM

Feb 2010
Kurogashi said:
With only one episode left, I wonder why they even bother introducing Mockingbird (haven't read the manga) but it seems like his character won't do the season any justice. .

cause if the want to make a second season , he is a really important character.

and there is a reason to why he is here at this point of the anime.

choyos said:

also wtf?

wow i didnt realize that in the manga. (if you are talking about the collar)
VanisherJun 25, 2011 6:41 PM
Jun 25, 2011 6:59 PM

Jan 2011
not sure about everyone else but i think they did nagi losing his sanity pretty good and at parts the animation was really good.

Morrre blood will be shed!.
Jun 25, 2011 7:21 PM

Dec 2010
13man18 said:
Can't believe Owl has become like this. Killing everything in sight because he lost his daughter and wife.

That's exactly what I thought.

13man18 said:
I feel sorry for Shiro. They broke her legs badly and just when she was going straight for Ganta. Ganta got used to using that attack really fast, only after one shot he got the hang of it and it was by accident.

That was so disgusting to see. Those bitches.

Finale next week hopefully...

Jun 25, 2011 7:28 PM

Jul 2010
lol Shiro got drunk.
Jun 25, 2011 7:55 PM

Apr 2011
So all Ganta had to do was change the shape of the bullets, reducing the wind drag on them. Seems a bit too pat but meh, anime physics.

Genkaku is my favorite villain of the season. Fucking Scar Chain indeed! He's totally unhinged as well, doesn't seem to give a damn about his stormtrooper underlings. In fact Owl's outburst did way more damage to his side than to Ganta's. Hmmm, maybe he's not as out of control as he seems.

I can't imagine how they'll wrap everything up in one final episode ... they'll probably tie up a few loose ends then leave the rest to a cliffhanger and hopefully a second season.
Jun 25, 2011 8:04 PM

Jun 2009
Wasn't that bad. Wondering how they are gonna end this with one episode left.
Jun 25, 2011 8:20 PM

Jun 2010
It was an ok episode, wonder how they'll end this next week. =/
Jun 25, 2011 8:23 PM

Jul 2010
Ganta gets an immediate power-up to save the day. Ha. Ha. Nagi loses his sani- I mean regains his sanity, causing him to lose control? Well, I guess the weird drugs Genkaku pumped him with kind of help that. Despite being a somewhat random episode, I liked it. Now, how are they supposed to end this? Mockingbird's part in all this isn't even really clear to me yet. He's powerful. And... uh, he's powerful? Gosh darn, I know so much! They better give me a season two or I will be sad.

The way they were holding down Shiro and Karako was absolutely retarded, by the way.
Jun 25, 2011 9:06 PM

May 2011
Jun 25, 2011 9:35 PM

Apr 2011
Episode was okay. I really wonder how they're going to wrap this up in only one more episode without it being bad. Unless they throw in a cliffhanger with plans to introduce a 2nd season, I can't see it working out.
Jun 25, 2011 9:56 PM

May 2011
Well Owl pretty much ended the episode with a bang.

Ganta seems to have gotten a power-up but yeah a bullet compared to sickles on ur arm or even hair blades still seems kinda weak...

i have no idea how this series will wrap up in one episode unless they add some extra time on it or do a classic "to be continued" in the final moments
Jun 25, 2011 10:44 PM

Apr 2011
Episode was pretty good. I feel that Ganta has redeemed himself, too bad he was suffering from Anemia before the fight.

The next episode could be good or a total disaster, will be interesting to see. I'm sure there will be a second season for this, they couldn't just introduce these characters at the last minute and have them do nothing.
Jun 25, 2011 10:47 PM

Sep 2009
The whole episode I was waiting for Shiro to do something amazing. Maybe she will next episode.
Jun 25, 2011 11:00 PM

Nov 2007
how did senji /lose/ against ganta again, holy shit. :I
Jun 25, 2011 11:03 PM

Jun 2011
the ep was okay... very, very predictable, but nonetheless, it did alright. Jus' wonderin' (pretty stupid idea) but do you reckon Ganta could be Nagi's son?? >> the promoter said something about him having igarashi blood a while back which might mean he might have some kind of blood connection with previous deadmen.... i know that it shows his mother allot of times in the flashbacks, but maybe she could've been adoptive or something.

right now i know that I'm doing whatever i can to make this theory possible lol but i know there's bound to be someone who pays more attention and shows me decisive evidence xD but i still think that either way, Ganta's dad was probs a deadman, and Nagi's son (if he survived in that cylinder) probs grew up to be a deadman. lol

other things i enjoyed were the cookies. i thought it was pretty touching when shiro hesitated before eating the almond cookie and then cried. I liked how Karako shut Ganta out of the group. oh, and Nagi at the end, kickass.

Unnessecary things were the rape scene, and mockingbird sorta, i mean a char that only makes it in the anime for two eps? but it was alright.
KeizJun 25, 2011 11:08 PM
Jun 25, 2011 11:04 PM

Oct 2010
Presenting The Ganta supersonic Mach1 Gun.

This gun fires with less blood consumption and more firepower. It starts out a high-speed but the bullet not long after enters a extra speed boost into Mach1 and strangely enough it starts it kind of like you know Super Mario Brothers 3 game where there is a meter and once it reaches the right level you can fly well same concept I am thinking for the bullet as to why it reaches Mach1 speed. It sure shattered easily the candy. Here comes the interesting part, after it starts its Mach1 path, it leaves a shock wave that once it enters a object it creates a shatter form or a damage form whom for the mirror was a shattering but for the soldiers it was like something broke through them. The shock wave after effect leaving out makes the mirror shatter. I find it rather less confusing when I think about it that way.

Some Manga VS Anime point outs.

  • Although I myself though that Karako and Shiro would be raped in the following spoiler
    we can at the very least say it's attempted rape. However in the manga it goes into greater details in the spoiler
    such as that Karako has her panties revealed and breast grabbed. Yeah that is so RAGE but I suspect the censors not showing that.

  • Although Nagi's rampage was nuts on that soldier guy in the spoiler
    it was not as gruesome as the manga shows it in the spoiler
    that is most likely the censors being at fault. However make no mistake Nagi was totally insane with the way he was killing around all the soldiers, with his tears here and there that were aplenty as well as very depressing. The power blowup was beyond over 9000 in the spoiler
    with a magnitude that blew up a lot and harmed Karako. Crazy ass Nagi.

  • Nagi's Baby was nice but comparing them side by side in the spoiler
    the manga version is far more detailed and gross. I shall not forget Nagi's eyes here his madness was so insane that even Ganta freaked out with his eyes.

  • I hope they shall somehow put up the following entry in the spoiler
    that would already been a battle royal if they did it in this episode properly and was it me or they forgot to mention everyone has data chips of Deadman Wonderland date?

  • I had to pause 10 minutes and depressed right away upon seeing what I saw in the spoiler
    Genkaku now has my death gaze and wishes. Fucker killed a unborn child. It was so bad that I though of Nagi's dead wife lying in the pool of blood from last episode that I was totally disgusted at the truth that she was lying there with a kid in her stomach. Gross man!

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Jun 25, 2011 11:12 PM

Aug 2010
Mocking bird is a dude? wut?!!

Also that supersonic ganta gun, took him so long to figure it out. A giant blob doesnt fly as fast as a aerodynamic projectile derp.
Jun 25, 2011 11:31 PM
Jun 2011
Good episode in general, i just hope an extension is confirmed for this show really soon
Jun 25, 2011 11:58 PM

Oct 2010
billng said:
Mocking bird is a dude? wut?!!
Oh no no, it's hermaphrodite. Non determined sex. He is a male and a female. I wonder if he has both a penis and vagina. Well anyway I stay away from those types all the time.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Jun 26, 2011 1:23 AM

Feb 2010
Yumekichi11 said:
billng said:
Mocking bird is a dude? wut?!!
Oh no no, it's hermaphrodite. Non determined sex. He is a male and a female. I wonder if he has both a penis and vagina. Well anyway I stay away from those types all the time.

uhm i think he is a guy.
Jun 26, 2011 1:29 AM

Oct 2010
Vanisher said:
Yumekichi11 said:
billng said:
Mocking bird is a dude? wut?!!
Oh no no, it's hermaphrodite. Non determined sex. He is a male and a female. I wonder if he has both a penis and vagina. Well anyway I stay away from those types all the time.
uhm i think he is a guy.
Appearance wise perhaps but tendency tend to vary into the female/male. He for sure acted as a girl at first with Senji then turned back into a male personality.

He also has many scars so perhaps much physical changes he may have also.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Jun 26, 2011 1:31 AM

Sep 2009
> uhm i think he is a guy.

Judging from Crow's reaction... Probably as Yumekichi11 says
Jun 26, 2011 1:36 AM

Sep 2009
I smell a season two I doubt they will get enough blood in the next one to satisfy them @_@
Jun 26, 2011 1:46 AM
Jan 2008
Ok episode. Don't know how they gonna end the show, very rushed, open ended or a season 2. Of course a decent ending is also possible but also a bit of a surprise. I would say: surprise me Deadman Wonderland.
Jun 26, 2011 2:45 AM

Feb 2010
Jazzalyn said:
I really wonder how they're going to wrap this up in only one more episode without it being bad. Unless they throw in a cliffhanger with plans to introduce a 2nd season, I can't see it working out.

Exactly. I like this show a lot and I would hate to see it ruined by some shitty ending...

Good episode though. The animation seemed a little different (to me anyways...) but I liked it. 1 episode left... T_T
Jun 26, 2011 3:58 AM

Jun 2011
Vanisher said:
Yumekichi11 said:
billng said:
Mocking bird is a dude? wut?!!
Oh no no, it's hermaphrodite. Non determined sex. He is a male and a female. I wonder if he has both a penis and vagina. Well anyway I stay away from those types all the time.

uhm i think he is a guy.

i reckon he's an entity on drugs
Jun 26, 2011 4:18 AM

Jun 2011
It was a good episode.
I feel sorry for Shiro and Nagi.
I really love Senji, he's deffinitely my favourite character in the anime <3
And Totou seems like a pretty amusing character xD
Anyway, I'm looking forward to the next episode.
Jun 26, 2011 4:42 AM
Oct 2010
Poor Owl TT_TT Tamaki is so sneaky...
Jun 26, 2011 4:54 AM

Mar 2010
How come I have a feeling that there will be another season of this anime after the OVA, which is not a bad thing imo, I just wish that this was like a 24 episode series. Or did they not have enough material from the manga to make a 24 episode series so far?

I just don't see them having everything solved in this next episode. If they did though, I would be extremely shocked. Its gonna suck when this series ends next week, I was looking forward to my job on Sat/Sun to watch this lol.
Jun 26, 2011 6:28 AM

Feb 2011
Nagi has gone crazy D8
Jun 26, 2011 6:58 AM

Apr 2011
At this point a second season is almost guaranteed, but I haven't the manga yet but plan too after next week.
And f*** that hoe who broke Shiro's leg. She just needs to die.
Jun 26, 2011 7:39 AM

Nov 2010
It would be better If we saw some rape scence:) but I loved this episode a bit too rushed but I hope for second season
Jun 26, 2011 7:42 AM

Oct 2010
The priest is just badass <3

Poor Nagi though but I like him like this better..

Ganta do the world favor and die already >,>'

Jun 26, 2011 12:31 PM

Oct 2009
choyos said:
also wtf?

O_____O I didnt even notice that omg! But there is also the mystery to why everyone says he's disappeared for some time.

And Deadman Wonderland is only gonna be 12 episode?!?! Its just going to be too sped up on the last episode, ruins some animes like that :\ they should expand it, mainly cus they still didnt show Red Man (Shire, if she is or isnt), Crow in action, If they escape, the officer girl infiltrating, and that 2nd Red Man that was in the lab.
Jun 26, 2011 1:17 PM

Jul 2010
i hate that fucked up loli with big sword , hurting Shiro!
Jun 26, 2011 1:21 PM
Aug 2010
yay more crow this episode and finally ganta is less useless
Jun 26, 2011 2:01 PM

Sep 2007
Thumbs up who wants Ganta to die in the next episode!

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