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Jul 1, 2013 1:32 AM

Dec 2012
I don't understand the hatred she is currently receiving, making her the most hated character of the show. Why?. None of the reasons I saw from the people calling her a bitch or w/e are that reasonable. I personally like her I would go as far as to say she is my favorite character in the show. I would understand it a little if people read the novel because it goes in much more detail but the fact is that most people who hate her didn't read the novel only that evil plan pic and they took it in face value. I think that was a really shitty move by the author he did it to make Kirino more likable and to explain her inherent bitchness which epically failed imo since that made me dislike Kirino more.

The main reason I saw in some threads:

> Manami messed up and broke the relationship between the siblings.

She didn't break shit that was all Kirino's doing. Kirino is the one who started being cold and hostile to her brother ''You are not my real brother anymore'' because he is apparently not as ''cool'' as he used to be. Who the fuck treats their brother like this? and for a petty reason like this? I hate Kyosuke's guts but why does he deserve that?. It's Kirino's fault for idolizing her brother so much that she failed to treat him like a human. The minute he lost all his ''cool points'' she stopped treating him like a real brother. That's just stupid and highly unrealistic.
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Jul 1, 2013 1:42 AM

Feb 2013
I'll answer this with how I feel. I don't hate her, but I've never liked her either. She was a dull character in the show to me, she had some moments, but ultimately never impressed me.

I think a lot of the hate goes towards her from the last episode. To be honest, I don't completely understand the hate that came from it, but I can see where people could come to hate her from it.

You can say she didn't "do" anything to cause the break between their relationship, but she didn't help at all with what she said. She could have at least said something nice to this young girl, but instead just kinda laid out the facts, and it pissed Kirino off.

There was zero sensitivity, zero compassion, and, what has been said by many, Kirino was too young to know anything about "loving her brother sexually", she just loved her brother as a sibling would, and maybe that subconsciously did something to her.

But like I said. I don't hate her. I just have no real opinion about her. She is there, and that's about it for me.


Also, I'm sure a lot of people didn't read the novel. I am one who has not. But the feelings you can feel from a novel compared to a show or movie can change. I fucking HATE Frodo from the LOTR movies (not because of the actor, but because of how the movie was done) but I fucking LOVE Frodo from the LOTR books. Same character, different take on how he is portrayed, different outcomes on how I feel about said character.
unmemorableheroJul 1, 2013 1:46 AM
Jul 1, 2013 2:01 AM

Nov 2007
Well, i've read all the volumes of the novel. Manami is the most uninteresting character in my opinion. The good thing is that people have the ability to form their own opinions, rather than following each other blindly like sheep.

Most of this new hate is from anime-only watchers seeing Episode 13. Now I'd wonder the reaction if they animated the other chapters of v11, because there's a lot more to the story than what was depicted in Episode 13. Whether these people will love or hate Manami more if they actually read the light novel... I can't really judge.
The News Club: Quality News/Discussion (anime, CDs, manga, novels, games, seiyuu), & sales data (daily, weekly, mid-year, yearly).
Jul 1, 2013 2:03 AM

Sep 2012
I really don't wanna have to summerize the books or find and repost that image again, so I'll just use words:

The reason Manami is getting so much hate is that what happens in the novels is different than what was shown in the anime. A bunch of LN readers went into the anime forums and filled in the blanks (essentially exposing Manami as the sociopathic freak that she is) and in the process confused many people that only watched the anime who were left saying "But Manami didn't really do anything, right?"

Long story ahort, the anime adaptation is missing majorly important details that would remove any room to reasonable doubt that Manami a shit.
Jul 1, 2013 2:28 AM

Dec 2012
unmemorable_hero said:

You can say she didn't "do" anything to cause the break between their relationship, but she didn't help at all with what she said. She could have at least said something nice to this young girl, but instead just kinda laid out the facts, and it pissed Kirino off. There was zero sensitivity, zero compassion, and, what has been said by many, Kirino was too young to know anything about "loving her brother sexually", she just loved her brother as a sibling would, and maybe that subconsciously did something to her,

She was selfish because she wanted Kyouskue I get that but that's not a good reason to hate on her. I liked her honesty because it felt realistic. If your friend had a weird relationship with his sister I'm pretty sure you would say the same. She was just more mature for a kid and knew it was a social taboo.
Ejc said:
The good thing is that people have the ability to form their own opinions, rather than following each other blindly like sheep.

But that's not happening. ''Manami's hate'' is currently a bandwagon.
Ejc said:
Most of this new hate is from anime-only watchers seeing Episode 13. Now I'd wonder the reaction if they animated the other chapters of v11, because there's a lot more to the story than what was depicted in Episode 13. Whether these people will love or hate Manami more if they actually read the light novel... I can't really judge.

Exactly. Like I said if they adapted that volume fully, I would get some of the hate but that never happened.
Ghost-Lightning said:
I really don't wanna have to summerize the books or find and repost that image again, so I'll just use words:

The reason Manami is getting so much hate is that what happens in the novels is different than what was shown in the anime. A bunch of LN readers went into the anime forums and filled in the blanks (essentially exposing Manami as the sociopathic freak that she is) and in the process confused many people that only watched the anime who were left saying "But Manami didn't really do anything, right?"

Long story ahort, the anime adaptation is missing majorly important details that would remove any room to reasonable doubt that Manami a shit.

You don't like to read huh?

Why would you hate a character for reasons that was never shown to you in the anime?!
Jul 1, 2013 2:48 AM
Oct 2010
Cry about it. Manami a shit
Jul 1, 2013 3:18 AM

Sep 2012
tsudecimo said:
I would understand it a little if people read the novel because it goes in much more detail but the fact is that most people who hate her didn't read the novel only that evil plan pic and they took it in face value.
Why would you hate a character for reasons that was never shown to you in the anime?!

I apologize for missing that part of your post. But to be fair, I have read the novels and can assure you that that post is actually not as theoretical as it may come off as being. Taking it at face value pretty much nets you the gist of it.

Now, judging the anime version of the character only, I'd still feel inclined to view her as both selfish and inempathetic, but the actual character being adapted is nothing short of an obsessive sociopath. Like literally, she doesn't value the emotional well being of anyone but herself and is willing to take advantage of pretty much any situation to suit her own ends, even the death of her supposed best friend's grandmother...

So for me at least, I guess I just can't unsee what has been seen. But for an anime only viewer I guess Manami may just come off as a little strange (and certainly not deserving of the extreme hate that we give....even though she actually sorta does >.>)
PentobarbidollJul 1, 2013 3:31 AM
Jul 1, 2013 4:02 AM

Jan 2012
Becuase all the Kirino shippers are pissed that the tsundere brocon got the finger from her. Like this fanbase has ever been logical.
Jul 1, 2013 4:09 AM

Oct 2010
Manami Is Still Shit.
Jul 1, 2013 4:11 AM
Aug 2012
ReasonDesu said:
Becuase all the Kirino shippers are pissed that the tsundere brocon got the finger from her. Like this fanbase has ever been logical.

This coming from butthurt Kuroneko fans..........your people are so logical aren't you?

Jul 1, 2013 5:16 AM

Jul 2011
Dragon_Slayer_X said:
ReasonDesu said:
Becuase all the Kirino shippers are pissed that the tsundere brocon got the finger from her. Like this fanbase has ever been logical.

This coming from butthurt Kuroneko fans..........your people are so logical aren't you?

ahahaha this war will never ends
Jul 1, 2013 6:40 AM
May 2013
I like the direction Manami is going in. She went from being a boring character, to a character that I love to despise. I guess that's progress...? :P
Jul 1, 2013 6:50 AM

Sep 2008
Whenever she is on screen, the anime is not funny. Fact. I honestly cannot think of a single funny scene with her in it. So people associate dullness with her presence. I suppose the last episode of this season also gave the people more reason to hate on her now.
Jul 1, 2013 7:02 AM

Dec 2012
5layer said:
Whenever she is on screen, the anime is not funny. Fact. I honestly cannot think of a single funny scene with her in it

How is that a fact? That episode where Kyousuke spends the night in her home is my favorite episode in season 1, I thought the episode was hilarious. I don't find her dull to be honest maybe in looks she is plain.

Jul 1, 2013 7:04 AM
May 2013
tsudecimo said:
5layer said:
Whenever she is on screen, the anime is not funny. Fact. I honestly cannot think of a single funny scene with her in it

How is that a fact? That episode where Kyousuke spends the night in her home is my favorite episode in season 1, I thought the episode was hilarious. I don't find her dull to be honest maybe in looks she is plain.


There were some funny moments, but that was mainly due to her grandpa, pretending to be dead. However, there aren't any "funny" moments that are caused by her, at least that I can remember.
Jul 1, 2013 7:08 AM

Jan 2011
tsudecimo said:
I don't understand the hatred she is currently receiving, making her the most hated character of the show. Why?. None of the reasons I saw from the people calling her a bitch or w/e are that reasonable. I personally like her I would go as far as to say she is my favorite character in the show. I would understand it a little if people read the novel because it goes in much more detail but the fact is that most people who hate her didn't read the novel only that evil plan pic and they took it in face value. I think that was a really shitty move by the author he did it to make Kirino more likable and to explain her inherent bitchness which epically failed imo since that made me dislike Kirino more.

Isn't it a simple case of chasing the chicken and the egg? And it ends with Manami.
Kirino does X? ∵ Manami
Kyousuke does Y?∵ Manami
X & Y cause Z and onwards?∵ Manami

Funny that you'd speak of realism. Would a sister who's somewhat (?)sexually(?) attracted to strength not be irritated by the lack of life in Kyousuke? Yet somehow Manami is realistic for planning a whole lot for someone she will never, ever get?

tsudecimo said:
Why would you hate a character for reasons that was never shown to you in the anime?!

∵Source material.

Tsukihime is a VN. SAO is a LN. One Piece is a Manga. And finally Code Geass is Anime.

Source will carry more weight than their adaptations unless a huge population agrees that the source is crap(i.e. claiming a lot of things people just will never believe) or that the adaptation is immensely popular and gains more 'canonicity' than source.

「みんながいるからだ。」 - 棗鈴
Jul 1, 2013 7:22 AM

Dec 2012
Zmffkskem said:

Isn't it a simple case of chasing the chicken and the egg? And it ends with Manami.
Kirino does X? ∵ Manami
Kyousuke does Y?∵ Manami
X & Y cause Z and onwards?∵ Manami

You have to explain what X, Y and Z represent.

Zmffkskem said:
Funny that you'd speak of realism. Would a sister who's somewhat (?)sexually(?) attracted to strength not be irritated by the lack of life in Kyousuke? Yet somehow Manami is realistic for planning a whole lot for someone she will never, ever get?

You honestly make no sense.
Zmffkskem said:
tsudecimo said:
Why would you hate a character for reasons that was never shown to you in the anime?!

∵Source material.

Tsukihime is a VN. SAO is a LN. One Piece is a Manga. And finally Code Geass is Anime.

Source will carry more weight than their adaptations unless a huge population agrees that the source is crap(i.e. claiming a lot of things people just will never believe) or that the adaptation is immensely popular and gains more 'canonicity' than source.

Are you stupid? the detailed story of the novel didn't get adapted into the anime whether the source material is good, bad or popular is highly irrelevant here no is even talking about that. Most of the people who hate Manami didn't read the novel only watched the anime. Volume 11 was released before the anime aired.
Jul 1, 2013 7:47 AM

Aug 2012
"It's creepy for a little sister to be in love with her brother, isn't it?"

I already didn't like her before because in my opinion she's just uninteresting, but that sentence really made me hate her. Probably one of my most hated anime characters next to Maria from Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai.

For your information, I have neither read the novels (Probably will in the future), nor have I read that, whatever it is, some sort of extract from the novels I guess.
Jul 1, 2013 7:59 AM

Jan 2011
tsudecimo said:
Zmffkskem said:
Funny that you'd speak of realism. Would a sister who's somewhat (?)sexually(?) attracted to strength not be irritated by the lack of life in Kyousuke? Yet somehow Manami is realistic for planning a whole lot for someone she will never, ever get?

You honestly make no sense.

Try reading
And try to understand that
H. Sapiens is
tsudecimo said:
Are you stupid? the detailed story of the novel didn't get adapted into the anime whether the source material is good, bad or popular is highly irrelevant here no is even talking about that. Most of the people who hate Manami didn't read the novel only watched the anime. Volume 11 was released before the anime aired.

How would you know what people are talking about?
Do people actually earmark their posts with:

'I hate Manami(as depicted in the anime)...'
'Manami(as depicted in the anime) is wrong...'

No, instead, people write

'Manami did... and caused... ...'
So, where did you gather the astute observation that the chatter is all about the anime adaptation?

「みんながいるからだ。」 - 棗鈴
Jul 1, 2013 7:59 AM

Dec 2012
Romedbaumann said:
"It's creepy for a little sister to be in love with her brother, isn't it?"

I already didn't like her before because in my opinion she's just uninteresting, but that sentence really made me hate her. Probably one of my most hated anime characters next to Maria from Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai.

For your information, I have neither read the novels (Probably will in the future), nor have I read that, whatever it is, some sort of extract from the novels I guess.

It's creepy so I fail to see why you hate her.
Jul 1, 2013 8:05 AM

Dec 2012


How would you know what people are talking about?
Do people actually earmark their posts with:

'I hate Manami(as depicted in the anime)...'
'Manami(as depicted in the anime) is wrong...'

No, instead, people write

'Manami did... and caused... ...'
So, where did you gather the astute observation that the chatter is all about the anime adaptation?

Because it's discussed in episode 13 of the anime you dimwit.
Jul 1, 2013 8:18 AM

Aug 2012
tsudecimo said:
Romedbaumann said:
"It's creepy for a little sister to be in love with her brother, isn't it?"

I already didn't like her before because in my opinion she's just uninteresting, but that sentence really made me hate her. Probably one of my most hated anime characters next to Maria from Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai.

For your information, I have neither read the novels (Probably will in the future), nor have I read that, whatever it is, some sort of extract from the novels I guess.

It's creepy so I fail to see why you hate her.

Jul 1, 2013 8:31 AM

Dec 2012
Romedbaumann said:
tsudecimo said:
Romedbaumann said:
"It's creepy for a little sister to be in love with her brother, isn't it?"

I already didn't like her before because in my opinion she's just uninteresting, but that sentence really made me hate her. Probably one of my most hated anime characters next to Maria from Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai.

For your information, I have neither read the novels (Probably will in the future), nor have I read that, whatever it is, some sort of extract from the novels I guess.

It's creepy so I fail to see why you hate her.


This is not about incest and why it's creepy/wrong. My point is that Manami said what any normal person would say in real life ergo she is realistic in that sense. What she said wasn't abnormal or out of spite, it's something that most human beings in this time period would say.
Jul 1, 2013 8:34 AM

Sep 2012
Well she did also say that the "Amazing brother" Kirino loved "never really existed in the first place". That seems to be at least partially motivated by spite. She really didn't have a reason to say that.
Jul 1, 2013 8:37 AM

Aug 2012
tsudecimo said:
Romedbaumann said:
tsudecimo said:
Romedbaumann said:
"It's creepy for a little sister to be in love with her brother, isn't it?"

I already didn't like her before because in my opinion she's just uninteresting, but that sentence really made me hate her. Probably one of my most hated anime characters next to Maria from Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai.

For your information, I have neither read the novels (Probably will in the future), nor have I read that, whatever it is, some sort of extract from the novels I guess.

It's creepy so I fail to see why you hate her.


This is not about incest and why it's creepy/wrong. My point is that Manami said what any normal person would say in real life ergo she is realistic in that sense. What she said wasn't abnormal or out of spite, it's something that most human beings in this time period would say.

And just because most people would do it, it's automatically the right thing to do?
Jul 1, 2013 8:45 AM

Dec 2012
Why are you trying to derail this into incest talk and whether it's right or wrong...? I already said that's NOT the point.
Jul 1, 2013 8:48 AM

Jun 2013
i didnt really hate her until now because of the last ep when kirino approached her with what she had to say about wanting her brother back and manami replies with a smile back saying "nope". i mean that does look good on her already. i mean thats like a boyfriend asking his girlfriend "did you cheat on me wiith so so so and so?" and she would say "yes" with a smile. manami doesnt even feel one ounce of guilt making kirino feel bad and on top of that manami tells kirino that the brother she used to admire doesnt exist anymore....come on...what the hell she got against kirino? if anything im not trying to favor kirino but that was really messed up on manami.
Jul 1, 2013 9:01 AM

Jun 2013
Romedbaumann said:
tsudecimo said:
Romedbaumann said:
tsudecimo said:
Romedbaumann said:
"It's creepy for a little sister to be in love with her brother, isn't it?"

I already didn't like her before because in my opinion she's just uninteresting, but that sentence really made me hate her. Probably one of my most hated anime characters next to Maria from Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai.

For your information, I have neither read the novels (Probably will in the future), nor have I read that, whatever it is, some sort of extract from the novels I guess.

It's creepy so I fail to see why you hate her.


This is not about incest and why it's creepy/wrong. My point is that Manami said what any normal person would say in real life ergo she is realistic in that sense. What she said wasn't abnormal or out of spite, it's something that most human beings in this time period would say.

And just because most people would do it, it's automatically the right thing to do?

i agree. i personally think its not the right thing to do. sure yea people have their opinions about incest but thats not the point. My point would be "are you in the position to tell someone that its wrong?" . I seriously think that manami was not in that position to tell kirino anything about loving her brother. Not even the least she approached it in a polite way to tell her it was wrong to have that sort of relationship, but she decided to be passive aggressive on the subject with kirino which made manami look like a wench.
Jul 1, 2013 9:13 AM

Aug 2012
tsudecimo said:
Why are you trying to derail this into incest talk and whether it's right or wrong...? I already said that's NOT the point.

I simply stated that this statement of her was what made me hate her, you where the one who went like, oh, but incest is creepy. It was obvious that I would then ask you why you think so. Then you noticed that you don't have an answer to that question and changed the argument into something different. I then proceeded asking you a fundamental question concerning your newest argument. My question had nothing to do with incest which is why your last post is just an excuse in order to not having to deal with questions you cannot answer.

crime-edge said:
Romedbaumann said:
tsudecimo said:
Romedbaumann said:
tsudecimo said:
Romedbaumann said:
"It's creepy for a little sister to be in love with her brother, isn't it?"

I already didn't like her before because in my opinion she's just uninteresting, but that sentence really made me hate her. Probably one of my most hated anime characters next to Maria from Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai.

For your information, I have neither read the novels (Probably will in the future), nor have I read that, whatever it is, some sort of extract from the novels I guess.

It's creepy so I fail to see why you hate her.


This is not about incest and why it's creepy/wrong. My point is that Manami said what any normal person would say in real life ergo she is realistic in that sense. What she said wasn't abnormal or out of spite, it's something that most human beings in this time period would say.

And just because most people would do it, it's automatically the right thing to do?

i agree. i personally think its not the right thing to do. sure yea people have their opinions about incest but thats not the point. My point would be "are you in the position to tell someone that its wrong?" . I seriously think that manami was not in that position to tell kirino anything about loving her brother. Not even the least she approached it in a polite way to tell her it was wrong to have that sort of relationship, but she decided to be passive aggressive on the subject with kirino which made manami look like a wench.

I agree with that.
Jul 1, 2013 9:18 AM
Oct 2012
tsudecimo said:
My point is that Manami said what any normal person would say in real life ergo she is realistic in that sense. What she said wasn't abnormal or out of spite, it's something that most human beings in this time period would say.

No it isn't. Kirino was 11 at the time, there is nothing "creepy" about an 11 year old wanting to have a brother she could admire. Manami's line "the admirable brother of yours never existed" was also not something that a normal person would say to an 11 year old, talk about passive-aggressive undermining of someone's world view.

I don't "hate" Manami because, well it's an animation and she is a character, but even if we assume that an 11 year old Kirino had an issue, the way Manami went about fixing it was dead wrong and doesn't reflect positively on her.

As for whether this was a late gloss by the writer, I don't think so. Throughout both the initial season and this season Kirino has at several instances expressed that it was Kyousuke's apathy that she disliked. A couple of times after she abused him, she would mutter "so you put up with this as well". Indeed her abuse and attitude was an attempt to goad him into responding, to have some passion or to defend himself. There has always the question as to why Kyousuke had retreated into his shell. Nor is this something that only Kirino noticed, both of Kyousuke's parents obviously had some issues with Kyousuke's behavior from the start as well. So the unasked question of "why" was always lurking in the background.
Jul 1, 2013 10:04 AM
May 2013
for fuck sakes... its like arguing with a overly religious person in here
ExblasterJul 1, 2013 10:08 AM
Jul 1, 2013 10:19 AM

Jan 2012
Exblaster said:
for fuck sakes... its like arguing with a overly religious person in here

Welcome to the world of otaku yearning for underage wincest :P
Jul 1, 2013 10:22 AM

Sep 2012
Takuan_Soho said:
tsudecimo said:
My point is that Manami said what any normal person would say in real life ergo she is realistic in that sense. What she said wasn't abnormal or out of spite, it's something that most human beings in this time period would say.

No it isn't. Kirino was 11 at the time, there is nothing "creepy" about an 11 year old wanting to have a brother she could admire. Manami's line "the admirable brother of yours never existed" was also not something that a normal person would say to an 11 year old, talk about passive-aggressive undermining of someone's world view.

I don't "hate" Manami because, well it's an animation and she is a character, but even if we assume that an 11 year old Kirino had an issue, the way Manami went about fixing it was dead wrong and doesn't reflect positively on her.

As for whether this was a late gloss by the writer, I don't think so. Throughout both the initial season and this season Kirino has at several instances expressed that it was Kyousuke's apathy that she disliked. A couple of times after she abused him, she would mutter "so you put up with this as well". Indeed her abuse and attitude was an attempt to goad him into responding, to have some passion or to defend himself. There has always the question as to why Kyousuke had retreated into his shell. Nor is this something that only Kirino noticed, both of Kyousuke's parents obviously had some issues with Kyousuke's behavior from the start as well. So the unasked question of "why" was always lurking in the background.

Thank you for pointing this out. Disregarding the novels (as hard as that is) and only focusing on the anime, Kirino has always been shown to have a disdain towards Manami and while it was never made expressly clear, I don't think that the reasoning revealed to be the cause of Kirino and Kyosuke's falling out is at all unbelievable (in fact, they even mention throughout that Kyosuke for some reason resented that Kirino was able to surpass him in nearly every way, which we now know is directly related to what was something of a "changing of the guard" in terms of their roles). The author didn't just suddenly decide to retroactively re-write every instance of implied conflict between these three characters into the story. I'm sure he knew what he was doing.
PentobarbidollJul 1, 2013 10:26 AM
Jul 1, 2013 10:33 AM

Apr 2013
1st, Kirino isn't really a bitch (she's got leeway on what she does cause it's the comic anime abuse and she's his little sister; it's like Ayase's abuse, it can't be taken seriously -which is why Kyousuke can't hate them for it-, when they go too far, he does get pissed and doesn't take their shit)

2nd, the 13th episode actually pissed me off cause it put all the blame on Kirino. I sorta understandable cause her hero all of the sudden 'betrayed' her, plus she kept on remembering Manami's words about how she couldn't be in love with her brother. But what about how Kyousuke avoided her cause she reminded him of his previous self and all and he got jealous because she was becoming amazing and garnering praise. Kirino couldn't be comfortable near the brother who wouldn't even smile at her and never supported her and was embarrassed to be near her and treated her like a stranger.........

but 3rd, Manami's smile as she told Kirino that her brother she worshipped never existed and that she should give up on her feelings for him...... the way she said it was bad; but it seems like she had the best intentions (hell, she would support them in the end if they weren't blood related probably), but she said it in a bad way, thus people who had no reason to like her (cause while she's sweet, she's a real boring character, so she has no points that people like her) have about 3 reasons to not like her based on that scene, her smile while she said the stuff and the 2 things she said to Kirino (the anti-incest thing and how her bro never existed)..... so that's 3 hate points to no love points

besides, in the fanbase, their are tons of characters that shouldn't really be hated that are hated (they have good and bad, and sometimes, the negative stuff they do is okay within the comic scenes or they are children)..... the fan community is messed up with a lot of unwarranted hatred (usually works if it's a women that gets in the way of peoples favorite pairing, or if they 'abuse' characters in comic situations -which don't count as negative- or fanon takes something they do out of context or translates it badly).......

it's just one of the messed up things about our world, but this negativity for Manami will at least die out after a while since it's just fresh and the series is gonna end soon.... people will move on
Jul 1, 2013 10:35 AM

Apr 2013
Ghost-Lightning said:
Takuan_Soho said:
tsudecimo said:
My point is that Manami said what any normal person would say in real life ergo she is realistic in that sense. What she said wasn't abnormal or out of spite, it's something that most human beings in this time period would say.

No it isn't. Kirino was 11 at the time, there is nothing "creepy" about an 11 year old wanting to have a brother she could admire. Manami's line "the admirable brother of yours never existed" was also not something that a normal person would say to an 11 year old, talk about passive-aggressive undermining of someone's world view.

I don't "hate" Manami because, well it's an animation and she is a character, but even if we assume that an 11 year old Kirino had an issue, the way Manami went about fixing it was dead wrong and doesn't reflect positively on her.

As for whether this was a late gloss by the writer, I don't think so. Throughout both the initial season and this season Kirino has at several instances expressed that it was Kyousuke's apathy that she disliked. A couple of times after she abused him, she would mutter "so you put up with this as well". Indeed her abuse and attitude was an attempt to goad him into responding, to have some passion or to defend himself. There has always the question as to why Kyousuke had retreated into his shell. Nor is this something that only Kirino noticed, both of Kyousuke's parents obviously had some issues with Kyousuke's behavior from the start as well. So the unasked question of "why" was always lurking in the background.

Thank you for pointing this out. Disregarding the novels (as hard as that is) and only focusing on the anime, Kirino has always been shown to have a disdain towards Manami and while it was never made expressly clear, I don't think that the reasoning revealed to be the cause of Kirino and Kyosuke's falling out is at all unbelievable (in fact, they even mention throughout that Kyosuke for some reason resented that Kirino was able to surpass him in nearly every way, which we now know is directly related to what was something of a "changing of the guard" in terms of their roles). The author didn't just suddenly decide to retroactively re-write every instance of implied conflict between these three characters into the story. I'm sure he knew what he was doing.

It also can't be helped that the anime leaves out a lot of the stuff from the novel; in the novel, it made a hell lot more sense
Jul 1, 2013 10:59 AM
Oct 2012
deathmailrock said:
It also can't be helped that the anime leaves out a lot of the stuff from the novel; in the novel, it made a hell lot more sense

In this particular case I think the animation did a good enough job. Don't forget that in the first episode this season Kyousuke's "dream bath" sequence pretty much showed that he had issues with Kirino being everything that Kyousuke thought he was. Should the 13th episode reference this to make the connection easier for people, probably, but it isn't like they didn't cover it at all.

And I am repeating myself, but what most people are commenting on isn't that Manami said "incest is bad", but rather that she said it to an 11 year old (if Kirino was even that old). Her advice would have been proper had Kirino been at a "sexual" age, but Kirino wasn't. She was still a child. It was Manami who turned something normal into something "creepy", and in doing revealed Manami herself as something "Creepy". The word "projection" comes to mind here.

If you go back to the episode where Manami came over, it is pretty clear that Manami knew that she had done something wrong. That was why when she was first introduced to Kirino she had hoped that Kirino didn't remember her, even though she had been a childhood friend of Kyousuke and had been over before (this also shows how young Kirino must have been when Manami gave that "advice" to her). Since I hadn't read the novels I didn't know anything when I first watched that episode, but even at the time I thought that was a little strange, given how much Kyousuke and Manami were together in the neighborhood. This episode finally explained it.
Jul 1, 2013 2:50 PM

Jan 2013
I think it's been said a couple of different ways now but it doesn't seem to be sinking in, so I'll throw yet another into the ring.

I think the people who don't see Manami in the wrong are transferring the incestual feelings that Kirino is feeling in the series backwards to her younger self. There is zero indication that younger Kirino is anything other than an innocent child, and zero indication that her feelings are going to turn into something indecent. Having a younger sibling worship the ground you walk on is not new, and in the vast overwhelming number of cases does not become incestuous.

The people supporting Manami on the "incest is bad" grounds are using their future knowledge that Kirino ends up sexually attracted to Kyousuke while ignoring the fact that Manami is the reason she ends up that way in the first place. The Manami hate is warranted.
Jul 1, 2013 4:19 PM

Dec 2012
Romedbaumann said:

I simply stated that this statement of her was what made me hate her, you where the one who went like, oh, but incest is creepy. It was obvious that I would then ask you why you think so. Then you noticed that you don't have an answer to that question and changed the argument into something different. I then proceeded asking you a fundamental question concerning your newest argument. My question had nothing to do with incest which is why your last post is just an excuse in order to not having to deal with questions you cannot answer.

I didn't say ''it's creepy'' randomly out of nowhere I was replying to the Manami quote you posted, pointing out that it was normal of her to say that and it's not something worth hating her for. I noticed I don't have an answer? I can list a ton of answers as to why I think incest is ''creepy'' or ''wrong'' but I don't want to derail this thread which was never about incest, if you are that interested about the subject then make another topic in CD. I didn't change the argument into something different, I tried to re-rail the topic bringinng it back to Manami.
Takuan_Soho said:
No it isn't. Kirino was 11 at the time, there is nothing "creepy" about an 11 year old wanting to have a brother she could admire. Manami's line "the admirable brother of yours never existed" was also not something that a normal person would say to an 11 year old, talk about passive-aggressive undermining of someone's world view.

She thought the level of affection Kirino had for her brother was weird, sure she did say it because she had a crush on Kyouskue but that wasn't the only reason she said that. I'm talking about the anime though and that wasn't adapted.
I don't "hate" Manami because, well it's an animation and she is a character, but even if we assume that an 11 year old Kirino had an issue, the way Manami went about fixing it was dead wrong and doesn't reflect positively on her.

What did she do that was so wrong? she just told her it was creepy.
Ghost-Lightning said:

Thank you for pointing this out. Disregarding the novels (as hard as that is) and only focusing on the anime, Kirino has always been shown to have a disdain towards Manami and while it was never made expressly clear, I don't think that the reasoning revealed to be the cause of Kirino and Kyosuke's falling out is at all unbelievable

What? I didn't say the author just suddenly decided that. It is a background story so obviously the author had it planned from the begining *shrugs*. The point of it was to explain Kirino ''bitchness'' towards her brother and why their relationship was like that. This sure as hell doesn't explain Kirino bitchness not in the slighest but I didn't read volume 11 so I won't comment too much on it.
deathmailrock said:
1st, Kirino isn't really a bitch (she's got leeway on what she does cause it's the comic anime abuse and she's his little sister; it's like Ayase's abuse, it can't be taken seriously -which is why Kyousuke can't hate them for it-, when they go too far, he does get pissed and doesn't take their shit)

She is a bitch in every sense of the word, let assume the physical abuse doesn't even happen ( which isn't even a comical abuse) that still makes her a bitch.
2nd, the 13th episode actually pissed me off cause it put all the blame on Kirino. I sorta understandable cause her hero all of the sudden 'betrayed' her, plus she kept on remembering Manami's words about how she couldn't be in love with her brother. But what about how Kyousuke avoided her cause she reminded him of his previous self and all and he got jealous because she was becoming amazing and garnering praise. Kirino couldn't be comfortable near the brother who wouldn't even smile at her and never supported her and was embarrassed to be near her and treated her like a stranger.........

That happend in the novels..!? they show Kyouskue asking Kirino if she is okay before she went all alpha bitch in his ass and then continued being a bitch from that point fowrad.
but 3rd, Manami's smile as she told Kirino that her brother she worshipped never existed and that she should give up on her feelings for him...... the way she said it was bad; but it seems like she had the best intentions (hell, she would support them in the end if they weren't blood related probably), but she said it in a bad way, thus people who had no reason to like her (cause while she's sweet, she's a real boring character, so she has no points that people like her) have about 3 reasons to not like her based on that scene, her smile while she said the stuff and the 2 things she said to Kirino (the anti-incest thing and how her bro never existed)..... so that's 3 hate points to no love points

no to like =/= to hate. She is just being normal, Ayase would do the same thing but meh the author didn't even give us the other characters reactions.
Jul 1, 2013 4:35 PM
Oct 2012
tsudecimo said:
She thought the level of affection Kirino had for her brother was weird, sure she did say it because she had a crush on Kyouskue but that wasn't the only reason she said that. I'm talking about the anime though and that wasn't adapted.

What did she do that was so wrong? she just told her it was creepy.

What other reason was there for her saying that? And that wasn't all that she said. Frankly she has no business telling someone's sister that her brother "was never that special". That she then went on to tell an 11 year old that her normal idolization was "creepy" is in and of itself "creepy".

Actually Kirino's rant to Manami wasn't anything that revealing. Lots of children can't handle finding out that their parents or siblings are just normal and nothing special, but that isn't for someone else to stick their nose into. It is similar to someone who takes joy in telling kids that Santa Claus doesn't exist.

"People change" would have been a thing to say, or "if you don't like Kyousuke as he is now, you should talk to him". Those would have been reasonable responses to Kirino. Her actual words said more about Manami than it did about the actual situation. Note that in the animation there was NO indication that Kyousuke had any fixation on Kirino. Letting things play out normally was all Manami needed to do, that she did more raises the question why?
Jul 1, 2013 4:44 PM

Dec 2012
In the anime none of that happened, so I don't know what you are talking about she only said ''Nope'', all of what you are talkng about happened in the novel not the anime.
tsudecimo said:
I would understand it a little if people read the novel because it goes in much more detail but the fact is that most people who hate her didn't read the novel only that evil plan pic and they took it in face value.
Jul 1, 2013 4:50 PM
Oct 2010
tsudecimo said:
In the anime none of that happened, so I don't know what you are talking about she only said ''Nope'', all of what you are talkng about happened in the novel not the anime.

You're trying to hard. The anime is an adaptation of the novels, and the content the anime didn't cover will be included in drama CDs.

Manami being a bitch is canon, deal with it.
Jul 1, 2013 4:51 PM

Dec 2012
Jul 1, 2013 6:36 PM
Nov 2012
you're just not accepting it. i understand why they dislike/hate her but I just don't understand why you like her.

okay where to start...

>Kirino is the one who started being cold and hostile to her brother ''You are not my real brother anymore'' because he is apparently not as ''cool'' as he used to be. Who the fuck treats their brother like this?

then who the fuck treats an 11 year old girl saying "the Kyousuke you admire/love doesn't exist anymore" or something like that? if she only acts like an older sister to her and explain things, she'll get a light but no, she acts like an antagonist to Kirino.

i may understand about Kirino starting to ignore her brother but the root of that problem is Manami. i read the novel but only until Ayase arc but I bet Manami is the one who changed Kyousuke. besides, does Manami really think that Kirino's feelings for Kyousuke is love and not just a sibling admiration? if it's really the former, like I said, she should just explain the right and wrong about sibling love and not act as a fucking antagonist. if it's a latter that it's just only a sibling admiration, then she's just fucking jumping to conclusions.

>It's Kirino's fault for idolizing her brother so much that she failed to treat him like a human. The minute he lost all his ''cool points'' she stopped treating him like a real brother. That's just stupid and highly unrealistic.

who's the one who started the ignoring part? Kyousuke right? he ignored Kirino many times before Kirino did the same to Kyousuke. why Kyousuke ignoring Kirino? because Manami "did" something, right? also, is it wrong to admire your older brother/older sister so much? it's natural. also, it's natural that you expected so much to your older sibling yet they went downhill too much which that will result to huge disappointment.

it seems you don't have any slightest supporters here because you're just fucking blind. and if you're still saying that "I/we didn't read the novel so stfu", then gtfo here and go bitch and whine in the LN discussion. this is anime discussion and most of us here only watched the anime and we're only discussing about the anime.
Imation10Jul 1, 2013 6:44 PM
Jul 1, 2013 10:50 PM

Jan 2013
I didn't interpret Manami's words as being said out of spite. Because she doesn't come across as a remotely spiteful person. It seems to me that Manami simply correctly perceived the situation and chose to bluntly tell Kirino what was actually the case. Why is she being hated on for doing just that?

As far as I'm concerned, it's Kirino's who is the real problem in this anime. She's caught up in a delusion of what her brother used to be. Her whole life was just chasing this imaginary image of Kyousuke and trying to impress him when he was never the deity figure she made him out to be in the first place. Does the concept of growing up, moving on, and not relying on her brother really such a foreign idea? Really? Shit, her issues got so bad she even went down the creepy route and winded up drooling over little sister eroges of all things. To top it all off she acts like a princessy bitch whenever Kyousuke actually busts his ass to help her out.

Fucking pathetic.

I have no sympathy for Kirino what so ever. It amazes me that people idolize her when she's such a blatantly terrible person characterized by self-centeredness, an unsavory sexual fetish, immaturity, and a weak will.

That said, Manami didn't do anything wrong here, she was merely telling Kirino the way things really are, you know, outside of Kirino's big brother complex fantasies.

Again, fucking pathetic.
Salmon is delicious.
Jul 1, 2013 11:44 PM

Aug 2012
tsudecimo said:
In the anime none of that happened, so I don't know what you are talking about she only said ''Nope'', all of what you are talkng about happened in the novel not the anime.
tsudecimo said:
I would understand it a little if people read the novel because it goes in much more detail but the fact is that most people who hate her didn't read the novel only that evil plan pic and they took it in face value.

Now we know the problem, you didn't really pay attention during the 13th episode.

Just for you:

Episode 13; 12:33-12:40

"The "amazing Onii-chan" you admired never existed in the first place, Kirino-chan"
Jul 2, 2013 12:30 AM
Feb 2012
Am I the only one who likes BOTH Kirino and Manami?
Jul 2, 2013 12:53 AM

Sep 2012
LimeSlate said:
Am I the only one who likes BOTH Kirino and Manami?

I like both, but in different ways. I like Kirino because I can sympathize with her a lot and because she's fucking amazing (e.g. dat book store scene from episode 13...omfg)

I like Manami the same way I like Femto from Berserk. For those who that is, you'll understand what I mean.
Jul 2, 2013 1:59 AM

Dec 2012
Ghost-Lightning said:
I like Kirino because I can sympathize with her a lot and because she's fucking amazing (e.g. dat book store scene from episode 13...omfg)

What a shitty reason to like a character.
Imation10 said:
>It's Kirino's fault for idolizing her brother so much that she failed to treat him like a human. The minute he lost all his ''cool points'' she stopped treating him like a real brother. That's just stupid and highly unrealistic.

who's the one who started the ignoring part? Kyousuke right? he ignored Kirino many times before Kirino did the same to Kyousuke. why Kyousuke ignoring Kirino? because Manami "did" something, right? also, is it wrong to admire your older brother/older sister so much? it's natural. also, it's natural that you expected so much to your older sibling yet they went downhill too much which that will result to huge disappointment.

He didn't. Kirino did after she came back from Manami that the point when she turned completely into a cunt towards her brother. Huge disappointment doesn't lead to what Kirino does to her brother in daily basis. If someone you care for gave you a huge disappointment will you just stop acknowledging their existence?
it seems you don't have any slightest supporters here because you're just fucking blind.

What? don't misunderstand me here I said I like Manami and she is my favorite character of the show a show that I gave a 5, so it's not like I fucking love her and I want everyone to feel the same way. I made this topic for discussion nothing more.
and if you're still saying that "I/we didn't read the novel so stfu", then gtfo here and go bitch and whine in the LN discussion. this is anime discussion and most of us here only watched the anime and we're only discussing about the anime.

LimeSlate said:
Am I the only one who likes BOTH Kirino and Manami?

Oh you are that guy.
Exaccus said:
I didn't interpret Manami's words as being said out of spite. Because she doesn't come across as a remotely spiteful person. It seems to me that Manami simply correctly perceived the situation and chose to bluntly tell Kirino what was actually the case. Why is she being hated on for doing just that?

As far as I'm concerned, it's Kirino's who is the real problem in this anime. She's caught up in a delusion of what her brother used to be. Her whole life was just chasing this imaginary image of Kyousuke and trying to impress him when he was never the deity figure she made him out to be in the first place. Does the concept of growing up, moving on, and not relying on her brother really such a foreign idea? Really? Shit, her issues got so bad she even went down the creepy route and winded up drooling over little sister eroges of all things. To top it all off she acts like a princessy bitch whenever Kyousuke actually busts his ass to help her out.

Fucking pathetic.

I have no sympathy for Kirino what so ever. It amazes me that people idolize her when she's such a blatantly terrible person characterized by self-centeredness, an unsavory sexual fetish, immaturity, and a weak will.

That said, Manami didn't do anything wrong here, she was merely telling Kirino the way things really are, you know, outside of Kirino's big brother complex fantasies.

Again, fucking pathetic.

This guy gets it.
Jul 2, 2013 4:54 AM

Jul 2011
Manami always had something off about her to me, then I realized she's the falsely humble girl who uses her super niceness to get away with some weird manipulative comments.

Also then I read volume 12 of the LN and it all clicked into place. Considering the catfight scene is gonna happen, well, just wait till august :) but I don't need that to justify it. Also it's a fictional character so I don't really "hate" her but that also means I can say she comes off as a twofaced mean annoying boring bitch. Although she is kinda cute lol but all the females are.
People say much worse about Kirino and I disagree, I think Kirino is the best (because of all the things Kyousuke listed about her on their last date), yet I don't give enough fucks to make a thread to convince people.

But good luck.

Btw. Kyousuke started the ignoring, when he started growing up and thinking he was too cool to play with her. He left the poor little girl crying alone in the rain on the streets ffs.
tsuntsun >>> deredere
Jul 2, 2013 5:09 AM

Jan 2013
Even taking Kirino out of the picture entirely, the fact that Manami dragged Kyousuke down from being awesome to being a lazy ass who squanders his potential is a damning offense.

And they say the only people who like the idea of little sister incest are people who obviously never had a little sister--well, I'm sensing the same thing in regards to Manami. You had to grow up without a younger sibling who idolized you in order to agree with her frankly fucked up conclusion that there was something wrong with Kirino's entirely innocent phase of brother worship. She didn't "tell it like it was," she was gloating on her victory. She didn't have to say a word to Kirino to get what she wanted, because Kyousuke was already lowering himself to average. The irony of it is that saying what she did actually set up the whole incest thing.

I do not like the incest end. My post is around here somewhere, but when the summary for the final novel became available, I said that the ending this story deserved was a sudden dark turn where all of the girls go mad or die and Kyousuke is left a catatonic shell in the hands of Manami. So this is not coming from a place that roots for Kirino x Kyousuke. But while you can't choose who your family is, you can choose whether or not you will be a spiteful, manipulative sociopath--which is why I consider the incest ending only the 2nd worst possible end.

But have fun with the next few episodes. Manami's manipulative character is canon, set in stone. I imagine that they saved the more explicit spiteful parts of her conversation with Kirino to reveal in these upcoming episodes.
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