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The Ghost in the Shell
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Jan 29, 2009 6:09 PM

Sep 2007
No discussion thread... that's even weirder than the fact that there were only a few comments in the Akira thread.

Pretty enjoyable movie (to say the least). It's kind of a weird experience for me, having seen Stand Alone Complex first. The character designs looked pretty much the same as I remember for everyone, with the exception of the Major. She looks extraordinarily doll-like (I have no doubt that this is intentional), and every time I saw her, it was kind of a creepy moment. I actually like the creepy design better than the normal looking one of SAC, to tell the truth. It's like a constant reinforcement of the manufactured human idea.

The philosophical issues discussed were nothing new, and seem kind of old-hat after watching so many sci-fi movies and series that have been released since this movie. But then, I have to remember that many of those shows were inspired by (or ripped off of) Ghost in the Shell. I thought the matrix-ish look in the opening sequence was particularly telling...

If there's one thing I would complain about, it's the fact that there are a couple of 5+ minute montages which really break the flow of the movie. I got the impression that they were trying to showcase the animation or something, which doesn't look particularly impressive by modern standards (comparing it to Akira again, I think Akira has aged better than GitS). I think it was a little bit short-sighted of the director to do something like that.
Jan 29, 2009 7:28 PM

Jan 2008
Wow, took this long for a thread on GitS!

I too prefer the character designs in the movie compared to SAC, sometimes anyway. I think I prefer Batou's look in the TV series.

The ideas in the movie have definitely been expounded upon in many ways since 1995, but the movie streamlines them very efficiently and doesnt get dragged down with many sideplots or generic villains that you'll see in TV series. Infact, there's barely any villains at all really, the main villain is the unknown, letting go of the last remnants of your since-birth humanity (i.e - Motoko's brain) and bonding with an AI.

The montages in this film are a dividing point between viewers, some people dont like them, some do. You can put me into the 'like them' camp, because not only are they effective in settling the mood of the city and movie itself, but they're advancing a bit of the narrative and character of Motoko at the same time.

We're seeing the backdrop of the city the story takes place in, but I think more important than that we're seeing Motoko's place in it all. She's displaced from the life around her, her predicament weighs heavy on her mind, and the shots of the mannequins just reinforces the idea that she thinks of herself more and more like one herself. Oshii loves the dolls theme so much he runs with it in the sequel too.

Basically I think the montages serve many purposes, and another one of them being for the viewer to sit back and reflect on what they've seen up to that point. It is a thinking person's anime after all with a lot of information thrown at you, both philosophical and narrative-based info.

Classic movie, just perfect in my opinion. A lean sci-fi thriller with style and content and it feels ageless.
"I'm starting to think mal is run by Xinil generating electricity on a bicycle." - idklol
May 27, 2009 10:33 PM

Oct 2007
I liked this one. The character design for Major was awesome. I prefered her doll concept drawing than the SAC one.
Jun 6, 2009 2:01 AM

Dec 2008
the op and ed songs was weird... and i liked that.

major's stare was somewhat unsettling, but that's what i liked about her.
Jun 7, 2009 7:53 AM

May 2008
enkil said:
the op and ed songs was weird... and i liked that.

major's stare was somewhat unsettling, but that's what i liked about her.

I guess the creator, Mr. Oshii wanted to convey that the Major is a machine or to put it specifically a doll. Her unblinking stare gives you the perception that the Major is more of a machine than a human being but with a soul.

The songs are enchanting and have that very Japanese feel to it.
"We practice selective annihilation of mayors and government officials, for example, to create a vacuum, then we fill that vacuum. As popular war advances, peace is closer"
Jun 7, 2009 11:59 AM

Dec 2008
Leibstandarte said:
enkil said:
the op and ed songs was weird... and i liked that.

major's stare was somewhat unsettling, but that's what i liked about her.

I guess the creator, Mr. Oshii wanted to convey that the Major is a machine or to put it specifically a doll. Her unblinking stare gives you the perception that the Major is more of a machine than a human being but with a soul.

The songs are enchanting and have that very Japanese feel to it.
though i wonder how much her image will be changed(whether it''d be for the better or worse) to accommodate the series.
according to the op, she will appear to be less doll-like.
Jun 7, 2009 12:29 PM

Jan 2008
Although the two different angles on Shirow's manga have much in common, I also see an opposing aspect between the movies and TV series. Mamoru Oshii is focusing on the alien(ating)-nature of cyber-tech whereas the TV series is showing it completely integrated into 22nd century society. So it would make sense for TV Motoko to be less doll-like and more approachable.

Of course there are exceptions to my assumption, but you get the jist.
"I'm starting to think mal is run by Xinil generating electricity on a bicycle." - idklol
Aug 8, 2009 10:26 PM

Aug 2008
Whoa Nice movie.... I dunno how good the TV Series are... Haven't watched a second of them.... But heck this movie... The feel, the undoubtable cyberpunk feel it has, it made it quite a movie for me...

But it's true... the movie completely accomplished it's goal... Tell us the story of this manufactured for of life.. A Synthetic Intelligent, Sentient Life form that ask herself the meaning of her existence and her origins.... The opening of the movie made me think that the thing was going to be full of deaths... But no... It took the path of mild action sprinkled with a bit of philosophy and lots of political straws that made it good enough for me

ANimation was superb for a '95 movie.... I' not surprised Production I.G. made it... The studio really deserves some applause... They did an amazing job here... Oh and the montages... I gotta say they felt like wasted time... For a moment... But they had a role in the story-telling... they might feel a bit out of place.... but they were crisp and kewl...

I liked the character designs.... the least I liked was Batou's..... His design was so.... crude.... I didn't like his at all

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Oct 28, 2009 1:05 PM

Aug 2009
This movie was pretty awesome. The animation looked a little old, but that didn't really stop me from liking the movie.

Nov 20, 2009 8:43 AM

Feb 2009
I didn't like it as much as I thought I would, maybe I had high expectations for it, it was still a great movie though.
Dec 25, 2009 3:40 PM

Aug 2009
I feel like the only one who couldn't enjoy this movie. It's like I've seen a completely different anime, since everyone liked it.. Imo this was damn boring :/
Jan 4, 2010 1:51 PM

Apr 2009
Veethorn said:
I didn't like it as much as I thought I would, maybe I had high expectations for it, it was still a great movie though.

expected smth better
tho it was ok
Feb 26, 2010 3:55 PM

Aug 2009
smokes said:
Veethorn said:
I didn't like it as much as I thought I would, maybe I had high expectations for it, it was still a great movie though.

expected smth better
tho it was ok

make it a +2 lol
what i loved the most was the amaaaaazing art!!! the atmosphere it created was simply breathtaking!! i was blown away by it!
but can't say the same about the story.. :/
“In a mad world, only the mad are sane.”Akira Kurosawa
Mar 4, 2010 10:05 PM
Feb 2008
Great animation when things are actually being animated and not just hanging out.

The story is kinda of meh though. I get the whole notion that this emergence of future tech has lead to a nascent lifeform in the Puppet Master and how the Major was pondering if she really was a human or just a robot and all that but it just came off as (dare I say it....) pretentious.

I feel like the theme of a work should be better integrated into the overall plot and not have moments when a character is just explaining things. Expositional dumps are just not too cool but in this case it was neccessary because everyone else is in the dark and nothing comes out of what they're doing. For instance all that psychobable on the boat between Major and Batou just felt unneccessary and should've found another vehicle within the film to come out of.

Still though great art direction and some nice music. The few scenes of action were definitely classic stuff and 15 years later are still excellent pieces of work.
Apr 17, 2010 2:07 AM
Jan 2010
I don't know about you guys, but this whole thing was kind of confusing to me.
May 2, 2010 8:05 PM
Dec 2009
I thought this movie would be a pretentious serious business movie (since it was directed by Oshii) but it turned out to be an enjoyable film. It does what sci fi is made to do, it explores interesting ideas by utilizing it's fantastical concepts. I can see this as being a movie that would be good to rewatch.

It was however tainted by Oshii quiet a bit. There were a few of those prolonged scenes that aren't there for any real reason, though it's not as bad as Angel's Egg or anything like that. And don't go into it expecting fantastic action scenes either, they're about as slow paced as the rest of the movie.

Still, I did enjoy it quiet a bit and it got me interested in watching Stand Alone Complex, so it obviously did something right.
Jul 6, 2010 6:01 PM

Feb 2010
Animation was great, especially fight in the beginning.
Music - suit this movie.
Story ... hmm... It was very good .... in 95' but I still enjoy it.
Few moments with environments (buildings etc) was good but to long!
Overall, movie was very moody so I like it.
Sep 20, 2010 7:10 AM

Aug 2010
Loved it. Great art style, nice pace, unique music and a little wisdom here and there. Didn't really think it was perfect, but I bet I'd like it a lot more back in the day when it was out.
Dec 12, 2010 12:11 AM

Dec 2009
Well, it has taken me this long to watch this film. And, I have watched GiTS 2:Innocence plus started the two TV series already. So, it is just a little embarrassing. But, oh well. We have what we can take, right? I am just disappointed that my local video store had Innocence but not this film plus the ending to SAC. Anyways, ...

I really liked and enjoyed this movie. It had a really nice feel to it and the music was superb as is accustomed to GiTS related productions plus pre-1999 Anime productions. The animation was surprisingly under par for me. I honestly like AKIRA's much better. Even though some of their mouth movements were slightly awkward at some points [one or two shots] it was so well done and felt just slightly more "fluid" for me in my opinion. I am just very intimidated and taken back by the Major's staring and her side profile shots were she has a very masculine chin to her. I just don't see why she had to have that in her side profile. However, it may just be the original artwork because I haven't read the Manga yet. Anyways, I agree that Batou's design is superior in the TV series because I believe his skin is too dark and his hair is too light in this film. I know - what simple things. But, I really focus on how characters look.

I thought the true involvement in the technology ideas and revealing was very good and it blew me away. I think they did excellent with the technology shots and how they made them very well detailed [They are static - and are not necessarily connected with the animation in anyway]. I also liked the cloaking fights - I thought they were well crafted and are a definite highlight for the movie the monologues, action, and Motoko's thoughts plus her fight with humanity are a definite highlight for the movie. .

And, at some points it did get only a fraction dull but those are the gems because a ton of information are given out in those minutes that you need to pay attention to. Which, makes me like this movie even more because I am forced to think about them and reflect. However - like AKIRA, Paprika, and the rest of the GiTS saga I am forced to re-watch these and make even more connections and find the truth and the philosophical and narrative tellings to truly understand the meaning behind them.

One last thing - I understand that I felt the animation was a little lacking, however, these are just some parts. I love the movie as a whole because the artwork is amazing and I do love this movie a lot. So, 9.5/10.
Dec 12, 2010 3:27 AM

Jan 2008
sillyker0nian said:
The animation was surprisingly under par for me. I honestly like AKIRA's much better. Even though some of their mouth movements were slightly awkward at some points [one or two shots] it was so well done and felt just slightly more "fluid" for me in my opinion.

An incredible amount of work went into Akira, so much so that I doubt any other anime even rivals its animation. Sure other other anime since Akira look better aesthetically, but I'm talking about actual animation and detail. You should check out some Making Of stuff for Akira to understand how epic a production it was at the time.

However, it may just be the original artwork because I haven't read the Manga yet. Anyways, I agree that Batou's design is superior in the TV series because I believe his skin is too dark and his hair is too light in this film. I know - what simple things. But, I really focus on how characters look.

If you watch anything related to GitS before reading the manga, the manga will actually shock you, lol. The characters are actually cute in the manga and the story is waaaaay less serious than the anime movies or TV series.

I recommend the Appleseed series too, but I vastly prefer the manga for that franchise over its anime versions. I hate the Appleseed CGI movies. Hate them so much!
"I'm starting to think mal is run by Xinil generating electricity on a bicycle." - idklol
Dec 22, 2010 2:14 AM

Oct 2009
The animation for its time was beautiful! From the presentation to the great action scenes it was great, especially when the bodies rip apart ^^ So was the music, the OST creates a great atmosphere in the movie.
But i am a tad bit disappointed, i had high expectations for this, i had hopped this would blow my mind but it simply didn't but maybe thats because i already completed the SAC series and that series explained the GitS universe very thoroughly and thus theres nothing really new in here for me to see and experience YoY except how Motoko's body was made which was pretty cool ^-^

But the story itself is great, Motoko wondering if she really is the "real Motoko" and not a A.I replacement ( or something xP), this is something i have been wondering since i started watching SAC, about how they transfer a humans soul/ghost into a cyborg body... is it real them in the cyborg body or just a A.I or something with the memories of the real person? >.<

Anyway i did enjoy this movie quite a bit x.x
But the Major's face did scare me quite a bit, especially the eyes x(
In turns of hotness i prefer the SAC version of Motoko more xD but this makes her look like a puppet>Cyborg which shows that shes not a normal human, and interesting how Major has to go naked to go invisible and everyone else doesn't (i think) XD
And i too prefer the SAC Batou design more,everyone else looked the same.

Overall 8/10
Jan 3, 2011 3:28 AM

Sep 2008
sillyker0nian said:

. I am just very intimidated and taken back by the Major's staring and her side profile shots were she has a very masculine chin to her. I just don't see why she had to have that in her side profile. However, it may just be the original artwork because I haven't read the Manga yet. was very good and it blew me away. b

One last thing - I understand that I felt the animation was a little lacking, however, these are just some parts. I love the movie as a whole because the artwork is amazing and I do love this movie a lot. So, 9.5/10.

I really loved the animation to the movie actually. I think its technically superior to almost every anime before it (or at least the ones I've seen). overall it can easily match even the better animated animes today. Your impression of SAC and innocence might be why you didn't like the animation in this one. They were made more than 6 years after the original movie after-all.

As for Major's design, I believe Oshii wanted to drive home the point that she wasn't human at all, but a soldier doll, a cyborg that was made for military and covert operations. I've noticed that even in real life, female athletes, soldiers etc have this rough masculine edge to their physique and their facial features. So her character design makes perfect sense.
eyerokJan 3, 2011 3:40 AM
"...our faces marked by toil, by deceptions, by success, by love; our weary eyes looking still, looking always, looking anxiously for something out of life, that while it is expected is already gone – has passed unseen, in a sigh, in a flash – together with the youth, with the strength, with the romance of illusions.” - Joseph Conrad ('Youth')
Mar 24, 2011 8:29 PM

Mar 2010
Too boring, barely watchable. I felt so lost through the whole thing and by the end nothing happens. Maybe I need to look 'deeper' but I don't like to study anime.
Neo Armstrong Cyclone Jet Armstrong Cannon!
Apr 20, 2011 11:54 PM

Jan 2011
pretty great anime film
breath taking animation, intriguing philosophy, an ok soundtrack characters deserved a little more effort though


I think it would make a great classic
"Where will a newborn go from here? The net is vast and infinite" - Motoko Kusanagi
May 2, 2011 3:55 PM

Nov 2008
Pretty nice. At the beginning, I was pretty confused, but most things cleared up until the end.

My main complaint: too short. Need more.
May 9, 2011 1:28 AM

Sep 2008
vytah said:
Pretty nice. At the beginning, I was pretty confused, but most things cleared up until the end.

My main complaint: too short. Need more.

Watch Gits innocence, and then SAC. Will leave you satisfied (hopefully)
"...our faces marked by toil, by deceptions, by success, by love; our weary eyes looking still, looking always, looking anxiously for something out of life, that while it is expected is already gone – has passed unseen, in a sigh, in a flash – together with the youth, with the strength, with the romance of illusions.” - Joseph Conrad ('Youth')
Jun 15, 2011 12:42 AM

Sep 2009
The music was top notch.
Set the mood perfectly.
Lovely brilliant animation.

The Majors doll like appearance was what stood out to me the most.
Sep 15, 2011 2:08 PM

Feb 2010
JusticeUndone said:
smokes said:
Veethorn said:
I didn't like it as much as I thought I would, maybe I had high expectations for it, it was still a great movie though.

expected smth better
tho it was ok

make it a +2 lol
what i loved the most was the amaaaaazing art!!! the atmosphere it created was simply breathtaking!! i was blown away by it!
but can't say the same about the story.. :/

+3 lol
I really liked the movie it was nice and everything but I expected so much more with all the hype people made in reviews and everything lol. It was good though enjoyed it
Apr 27, 2012 1:42 PM

Jan 2012
Very good movie. A confusing concept, and more than a bit ambiguous, but extremely well constructed nonetheless. 8/10

As always, I'd recommend Akira and Appleseed(the movies) with this. My personal preference would be

Appleseed Ex Machina(8.7/10)
Lemme smang it girl.
May 18, 2012 11:24 PM

Jul 2011
Huh, it's already over? It felt like it was just getting started.

The movie was pretty cool though and the universe seems interesting enough to check out the other series. The animation was nice as well, but man did it feel short. It also did feel like it was about half way done so I'm glad there's a sequel. Nothing was really resolved here so I guess I'll withhold judgment until I get a chance to see part 2.

either a 7 or an 8 out of ten for this one though.
Jun 1, 2012 9:56 PM

Sep 2011
Excellent movie, knocking my self in the head right now because I hadn't watched it before. Loved the atmosphere, music, animation, and characters especially the Major.

For me, this film reminded me of Blade Runner(my all time favorite Sci-Fi movie) both in theme and atmosphere. My only complaint, which isn't really a problem with the movie, is the ending. It didn't feel like an ending to me, I understood the ending but I feel something was lacking. Other than that I loved the movie, time to get started on Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex.
Jun 13, 2012 2:49 PM

May 2008
I have to say, haven't been seeing any of this franchise before, I got something amazing from this movie. Speaking about the animation, the story and what it wanted to convey and the exellent ost.
They set an extremely memorable atmosphere and I personally loved the montages because I could reflect on a lot of things during these times not to speak of how the music was so amazing to listen to.
Jun 13, 2012 9:59 PM
Jul 13, 2012 9:56 PM

Sep 2008
Finally got around to watching this.

Loved the atmosphere in this movie. Makes me want to go and watch the rest of the franchise.
Sep 14, 2012 5:50 AM

Aug 2009
Just re-watched this after seeing the tv series for the first time...

I watched the dub for both. Since I had seen the movie first I already knew the differences but they really stood out watching it again. The tv series has a much more...lighthearted? atmosphere, I think, though it seems bizarre to refer to anything GitS as "lighthearted". But for one thing, Makoto in the tv series seems generally more confident and sure of herself, although you can tell she has to occasionally re-evaluate her views based on her various experiences in the show. In the film, you can really tell how heavily her situation weighs on her.

She also seems a lot more like a regular human in the show. Even though she is basically physical perfection in the show as well, this doesn't really affect the viewer considering how normal it is to see physical perfection in animated characters. I think it's difficult to convey the differences between humans and 'dolls' in anime because anime has a habit of making every character look like a doll, and in order to emphasize the differences they really have to make the non-doll humans look less perfect. But the movie manages to accomplish showing the jarring difference with her creepy eyes. (Also I think the tv series and movie do both make an effort to make the rest of the cast look more human, which helps.) The contrast between her youthful appearance and apparent long years of experience is useful as well, though again hard to convey in anime which is full of young-looking badasses.

I also thought her dubbed voice in the movie was surprisingly fitting. Normally it would just seem like poor voice acting, but she sounded more robotic and emotionless than the other characters which was cool.

Re: The montages- I loved them! But I generally love staring at cyberpunk/ dystopian settings even when nothing interesting is going on so...yea :)

Music was amazing. I am not sure what kind of Japanese music they were using in the montages (I am sure I have heard it somewhere before) but it set a wonderfully creepy atmosphere.
Oct 14, 2012 3:41 AM

Oct 2009
Holy fuck. Little did I know this film had so much in terms of literary depth.
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Dec 23, 2012 6:37 AM
Jul 2018
I admired the movie. It is a kind of movie that requires the audience to ponder which doesn't make it a movie for everyone. I liked the questions they mentioned about humanity and the living.
Mar 2, 2013 6:33 PM

Jul 2012
Fucking wow. That was fucking groundbreaking and brilliant. I was at awe during most time of the movie trying to comprehend what I had just seen. It must have been hard for the audience that watched this in cinema way back when it first came out, as I found myself replaying scenes several times. Never have I watched an anime (or movie) that deep, complex and philosophical, raising questions unanswered still today(except SEL). I can't wait to see how this measures up to the Stand aloe complex series.. This is now definitely up there as my all time favorite anime series by far..
wu-weiMar 2, 2013 6:38 PM
May 7, 2013 8:47 PM

May 2012
Sheepshaman said:
JusticeUndone said:
smokes said:
Veethorn said:
I didn't like it as much as I thought I would, maybe I had high expectations for it, it was still a great movie though.

expected smth better
tho it was ok

make it a +2 lol
what i loved the most was the amaaaaazing art!!! the atmosphere it created was simply breathtaking!! i was blown away by it!
but can't say the same about the story.. :/

+3 lol
I really liked the movie it was nice and everything but I expected so much more with all the hype people made in reviews and everything lol. It was good though enjoyed it

The art was excellent for 1995 and there was a lot of attention to detail. I just felt the story itself was somewhat weak. It was interesting definitely but it didn't excite me. Then again it was my first time watching anything GitS and I liked the universe enough to check out the series though so it succeeded in that respect. 7/10
May 24, 2013 4:04 PM

Apr 2013
gettogaara said:
Sheepshaman said:
JusticeUndone said:
smokes said:
Veethorn said:
I didn't like it as much as I thought I would, maybe I had high expectations for it, it was still a great movie though.

expected smth better
tho it was ok

make it a +2 lol
what i loved the most was the amaaaaazing art!!! the atmosphere it created was simply breathtaking!! i was blown away by it!
but can't say the same about the story.. :/

+3 lol
I really liked the movie it was nice and everything but I expected so much more with all the hype people made in reviews and everything lol. It was good though enjoyed it

The art was excellent for 1995 and there was a lot of attention to detail. I just felt the story itself was somewhat weak. It was interesting definitely but it didn't excite me. Then again it was my first time watching anything GitS and I liked the universe enough to check out the series though so it succeeded in that respect. 7/10

The art and the character design was great considering that the movie was made in 1995. The only downside is the story. I hope the series can provide me with that.

Always-HungryApr 27, 2014 4:08 AM
Jun 27, 2013 7:52 PM

Jan 2013
Major was so hot
Jun 27, 2013 8:02 PM

Nov 2012
ibrahim2712 said:
Major was so hot
Wait till you see her in Stand Alone Complex
Jun 27, 2013 8:10 PM

Jan 2013
Unit-01 said:
ibrahim2712 said:
Major was so hot
Wait till you see her in Stand Alone Complex

Now im definitely watching that
Jul 1, 2013 12:07 PM
Site Admin
Aug 2012
I think this is one of those movies/things that I need to watch a few times before grasping it fully. However, for my first run through, I enjoyed it a lot. The atmosphere was great, and although there wasn't much world building, it felt very realistic. The music was also perfect, fitting the setting very well. I expected nothing less from Kawai Kenji :) Now in terms of plot, it's obvious that it's not handled the same way most stories are nowadays. When the movie ended, I didn't even realize that I was already past the climax. That's not a bad thing, in fact it's pretty refreshing (despite this being made in 1995....but hey, I'm just late to the party). The artwork, such as the backgrounds, was amazing as well. I love its authentic look (compare to the extremely bright colored anime these days). Lastly, the themes portrayed in this movie were thought-provoking, and none of them were deeply or fully explored, which is great because I think the audience doesn't need to be spoon fed. This is a good example of show and not tell. Overall, great movie, but still a little complex for me to fully appreciate it.
Jul 31, 2013 2:14 AM

Jul 2009
wow just wow!!

definitely became one of my favorite movies of ALL time!

i don't know where to start but here it goes!

the animation is top quality, i don't know why people saying it hasn't aged well, seeing the BD other than some parts it definitely has age well!

i really feel like i was in this 90s setting all in futuristic style, though as futuristic as it looks, i was surprised on how they're still using some of the old technology here XD

who couldn't forget the famous jump stealth scene from the building? :D

Major is soo hot and cool here!

I'm glad Major and Batou have strong relationship here just like in Stand Alone Complex ^^

can anyone explain to me why there was another Motoko from top of the building during the boat scene?

the battle scene with the Tachikoma is awesome!

so realistic and the fact that it broke her body no matter how strong she were!

Major in Visor mode looks badass!!!


was really surprised on how the "Puppet Master" here is voiced by the main antagonist of Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood XD

instantly thought of him the moment he opened his mouth!

i was kinda disappointed that he wasn't some elite hacker wanting to disrupt society, for a name like that i was hoping he was really in it for the manipulation instead of just a "Rogue" Sentient looking for death and the meaning of life

so the "original" Major is gone :(

this is a new "Major" that has found life and death now?

she seems much more confident now and more assuring compared a few hours ago :P

and yay loli Major!!!

i instantly recognize Maaya Sakomoto's voice!!

she really sounds soo young here compared to her older works!

glad she's reprising her role in Arise(even though i still would love to have Atsuko Tanaka)!

and wow isn't she a bit scary in the last scene O___O

she's still cute and hot as hell!!

i have a few questions about the film.

who was the one that whispered to Major and Batou after the dive scene?

could it be the "Puppet Master" since it said it managed to track her whenever Major dives into the net, that's why it defected to Section 9 to be closer to the Major.

or her original Ghost herself if she has one?

the Daita guy who lead project 2501, they said Section 9 and Major encountered him and made him escape, i wonder if they're also gonna show that!

finally here's are some of the references Stand Alone Complex series and the movie Solid State Society.


what a Godly show!

definitely one of if not the BEST Cyberpunk film ever.

even though i still prefer Stand Alone Complex, this film is in another league of its own.

it really discusses what life really is, is it about being flesh and bones? human brain cells? heart? or something that transcends above all life?

makes you wonder if Dolls, Cyborgs, Machines, AI can be classified as "Alive"

really enjoyed this film, i love the OP and ED music, it was weird at first since this is set in a futuristic setting and we have some very old school music playing in the background.

but the more i hear it, the more i think of Ghost in the Shell :)

though i was hoping we could have visited more parts of the world since its really interesting and unique.

the boat part reminds me of China's slums, buildings and old abandoned factories, wow now this is what it feels like being alive in the world of Ghost in the Shell!

i also watched 2.0 after this, so i can tell immediately what are the differences.

i'll discuss that it in the official thread there

i'm gonna watch Innocence and the Absolute Edition version now as well!

definitely a 20/10!!!

nothing tops this.

Akira is good, but not good enough.

i heard the manga explored alot more than the film so i'll check that out.

not even Metal Gear Solid or Deus Ex Human Revolution could even achieved this kind of detail without convoluting it.
Aug 1, 2013 10:51 PM

Mar 2012
I felt like I grasped what was going on pretty well for most of the movie until the last 20 minutes. I really have no idea what happened in the last 20 minutes. Seriously, my brain has melted in a giant puddle of confusion, and I have never felt this confused while watching an anime in my life.

Nonetheless, I still really enjoyed it and its unique concepts, but since I wasn't able to grasp a good chunk of it, I feel like I haven't gotten nearly as much out of this film as I should have to fully appreciate it. I also am not quite used to how the film used its themes, though I do suppose it serves a purpose of allowing a viewer to digest the thematic topics and questions on his/her own instead of watching the film develop its concepts thoroughly within its duration. I'm not sure that watching it again right now would help me, but I think I'll give it another go sometime in the future (and also when I'm more awake and conscious than I am now).

I'm leaving it at a 6/10 for now, just based on what I personally felt about it on my first watch, but I'll definitely give it another watch someday and see if I get more out of it next time.
nauticalblueAug 1, 2013 11:15 PM
Oct 13, 2013 6:02 AM

Oct 2010
I have to admit I expected a bit more from this after all the hype I've heard about it. Though I don't think it's a problem with the movie as much as it's just my preferences about what I like to see.

I appreciate the world being realistic, and I like that the psychological questions the movies brings up are realistic and seemingly worthwhile questions even in real life. But those questions aren't that thought-provoking to me. It doesn't make me think because I feel like I already had answers right away because I've thought about things regarding what the mind is, what memories are, and what life is before. It's nothing new to me, and I'm unemotional about that kind of thing.

I also don't really care about the action scenes, nor the cool, stylish, dark, and melancholic style scenes. I like good, interesting, realistic personalities, and Major had a pretty good one, and some other characters did as well, so that was good.

But I feel like the movie didn't feel complete. The climax felt like just the beginning. The ending was sudden, and felt like it should go on for longer. Most movies, even if they are part of a series, tend to be good on their own as stand-alone movies, such as the Lord of the Rings or Star Wars. This movie seemed like it's just the first part of a longer movie.

7 out of 10.
Oct 13, 2013 8:39 PM

Mar 2012
I have no idea why it took me so long after watching the SAC series 6 years ago to finally get around to watching the movie that began the animated GitS series. It's pretty different in terms of overall plot telling from the SAC series, so for me it was weird, even though this came 10 years earlier. I didn't like the character designs at all, often times they felt distorted when you look at the character and then at the background, it just felt really badly drawn. Maybe it's just me, have no idea. I did keep in mind though that this was made back in the 90s, however in terms of animation it just felt out of place from the rest of the shows that aired at that time. This particular movie was pretty dark, it's a very stark contrast to the GitS series made in the 2000s and really I liked it better this that was a plus, and as always with GitS it takes a bit of thinking to comprehend it all (the plot) and that's what counts the most. A solid 8/10 for me.

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment"
Dec 11, 2013 4:14 AM

May 2011
The attributes which really highlighted my attention were the dark and unsettling artwork of the characters and the soundtrack music. Expected from Kawai Kenji, one of the most profound composers whom uses oriental techniques to convey the message behind his sounds. The description of the "what-if" world is well-balanced, and characterisation wise was great. A simple and flawlessly executed steampunk psychological horror, if any flaws, would be the message the plot tries to give, and the pace. A solid 9/10 for me.
grayrebornnhyMar 1, 2014 7:47 AM
"If you reject me, I'll blast a hole in you!" Kanzaki H. Aria
Just kidding.

Jan 11, 2014 7:24 PM

Aug 2012
Finally decided to watch this classic movie, the story and atmosphere had me on the edge of my seat. 10/10
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