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Mar 22, 2007 2:23 PM

Nov 2004
No, this episode isn't subbed yet. But I normally look at screenshots and read summaries when the episodes come out and I had to make a topic. Because like... OMFG this episode is shocking. O_O

And building up to quite a tragedy on Euphemia's case... ;__;
Mar 23, 2007 7:05 PM

Aug 2006
I'm not sure where the next episode is headed to but i do hope something tragic do happen to Euphie, so she doesn't interfere with lelouch anymore.
Mar 23, 2007 11:17 PM

Dec 2006
how can you hate love?
Mar 23, 2007 11:31 PM

Nov 2006
Wow, what a depressing yet awesome episode. Thought the thing with the geass possibly becoming permanent rather than an individual case was cool, as well as Euphie getting affected by it when Lelouch had decided to side with her....felt very bad for Euphie, Lelouch, and the dead Japanese/Elevens though. Looks like C.C is having geass problems that screwed everyone up.

So guys, do you like Team Pizza Hut (C.C and Lulu) or Team Noodle (Euphie and Suzaku) more?
I'm leaning towards Pizza Hut right now because I'm not a huge Euphemia fan, at all.

I want more Geass....
Mar 24, 2007 8:09 AM

Aug 2006
I woke up this morning and found out that episode 22 is available^^.

Yea this episode was really depressing, and i didn't expect it to go that far. I knew for a fact that Euphie's ideal was going to fail eventually, but for Lelouch to be the cause of it it's another story. Also Somehow watching this episode i feel it ultimately labeled Lelouch as the "Bad Guy", even though he never intented things to happen that way but his meddling ruined the objective that the japanese wanted to reach. Now I wonder what's going to happen if Lelouch's friends one day realize that were all lelouch doing. Lelouch has really killed a lot of people already both japanese and britannia, and a guy like him i feel there's a great posibility that he won't survive at the end of this serie.
Mar 26, 2007 12:51 PM

Dec 2006
i'm not sure it was really lelouch's fault, although if you follow events back to the contract in the first episode, you could probably implicate him that way.
Mar 26, 2007 6:05 PM

Jan 2007

Yeah, that image is basically the only reason why I can still function after watching this episode. That whole bit was just so ridiculously sad that I needed to laugh at it or I wasn't gonna be able to finish this season. Frankly I'm worried about how I'll manage for next season, if it continues with this level of emo. ^.^;;

In other news, did anyone else notice, Euphie was the first one to resist the Geass. I wonder if that means there's a chance to reverse it...
Mar 27, 2007 8:38 PM

Dec 2006
i agree that it was the most unsettling episode yet by far. however i would rather have it this way than have the series sort of roll over and die like death note did.

having said that i fear that things will only get more unsettling from here to the end of the season.
Mar 28, 2007 5:55 AM

Aug 2006
I'm getting this nasty nasty feeling, that by the end of this, the only ones to survive will be Nunally and Suzaku... just a feelin'...
Mar 28, 2007 6:25 AM

Nov 2004
Really? I get vibes that Suzaku or Nunnally won't make it. Personally I think only Lelouch will (the first episode sounds like he was thinking back on how everything started). Oh and characters like Rivalz of course will still be around I think (or not, I guess the director could kill him too for not doing anything).
Mar 28, 2007 5:50 PM

Nov 2004
bettynoire said:

Yeah, that image is basically the only reason why I can still function after watching this episode. That whole bit was just so ridiculously sad that I needed to laugh at it or I wasn't gonna be able to finish this season. Frankly I'm worried about how I'll manage for next season, if it continues with this level of emo. ^.^;;

In other news, did anyone else notice, Euphie was the first one to resist the Geass. I wonder if that means there's a chance to reverse it...

I'm with betty on this one. Completely ridiuclous episode. Seriously, how convenient is it for the Geass to start acting up at such a critical situation? It's retarded that it happened like that.

This series is really starting to piss me off with it's bullshit drama. The Lelouch in epiosdes 1-10 never would have sided with Euphie like he was about to.

*sighs* I don't think I'll be watching the second season.
Mar 28, 2007 11:59 PM

Aug 2006
Xinil said:
bettynoire said:

Yeah, that image is basically the only reason why I can still function after watching this episode. That whole bit was just so ridiculously sad that I needed to laugh at it or I wasn't gonna be able to finish this season. Frankly I'm worried about how I'll manage for next season, if it continues with this level of emo. ^.^;;

In other news, did anyone else notice, Euphie was the first one to resist the Geass. I wonder if that means there's a chance to reverse it...

I'm with betty on this one. Completely ridiuclous episode. Seriously, how convenient is it for the Geass to start acting up at such a critical situation? It's retarded that it happened like that.

This series is really starting to piss me off with it's bullshit drama. The Lelouch in epiosdes 1-10 never would have sided with Euphie like he was about to.

*sighs* I don't think I'll be watching the second season.

I kind of agree....the show has been slowly declining imo. Though I still like it overall and will continue watching it.
Mar 29, 2007 12:56 AM
Apr 2006
now I feel bad for enjoying the drama...this ep actually took me by surprise and gave me quite the Elfen Lied moment...shock but unable to look away from the screen^^
Apr 2, 2007 9:02 PM

Jan 2007
Xinil said:
bettynoire said:

Yeah, that image is basically the only reason why I can still function after watching this episode. That whole bit was just so ridiculously sad that I needed to laugh at it or I wasn't gonna be able to finish this season. Frankly I'm worried about how I'll manage for next season, if it continues with this level of emo. ^.^;;

In other news, did anyone else notice, Euphie was the first one to resist the Geass. I wonder if that means there's a chance to reverse it...

I'm with betty on this one. Completely ridiuclous episode. Seriously, how convenient is it for the Geass to start acting up at such a critical situation? It's retarded that it happened like that.

This series is really starting to piss me off with it's bullshit drama. The Lelouch in epiosdes 1-10 never would have sided with Euphie like he was about to.

*sighs* I don't think I'll be watching the second season.

That's actually not what I meant. ^.^;; Making fun of things doesn't necessarily mean I dislike something -- I make fun of everything. It was more that that episode was far too emotionally heavy for me to take it seriously, cuz if I had I might have had to cry in a corner until I saw the next episode. I don't deal with angst very well, so I tend to laugh at it... My only negative is that if the show maintains the same level of emoness for second season, I won't be able to sit through it. It's not a matter of the show being BAD for getting so crazy emo, but rather that it's just not to my tastes to stand that for long periods of time.

That being said, Lelouche's characterization isn't that odd, in my opinion. Euphie is his relative, and all the events leading up to now, particularly the revelation of Suzaku being his main enemy, would make him hesitant to be so violently against Brittania, and long for some sort of peaceful resolution. Lelouch isn't a frigging sociopath like Yagami Light (despite the common comparisons that are made) so it makes sense that he would be so irrational when put under those specific types of stress.

It is convenient that the Geass just happened to act up right then, but if it had earlier, or later, I imagine it would still be considered convenient. No matter what was happening, the Geass was going to be a convenient intensifier, that we knew was going to happen eventually anyway because of Mao's storyline.
Jan 27, 2008 9:44 AM

Jun 2007
i am shocked after watching that episode... shocked as in WTF WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED

we now know that lelouch cant turn his geass off, and that his friends... even his allies will go under it if he reveals his face... which he will doubtly do.

C.C is also affected by the geass, meaning that she has some sort of connection to it, and that there is more meaning to the contract that lulu and C.C bonded together.

i kind of expected euphie to kick the geass off, and resist to it, but i guess that was not possible. it was a really cool episode.
Feb 7, 2008 12:27 PM

Jan 2008
Xinil said:
This series is really starting to piss me off with it's bullshit drama. The Lelouch in epiosdes 1-10 never would have sided with Euphie like he was about to.

Alot has happened since episode 1-10. Lelouch isnt blowing shit up for fun, he wants an independant Japan, and Euphie's naive plan was a beginning at least.

Anyway, I also thought that the plot twist in this episode was ridiculous, but the outcome was so outrageous that I can accept it, it makes for great drama.
"I'm starting to think mal is run by Xinil generating electricity on a bicycle." - idklol
Feb 23, 2008 5:17 AM

Feb 2008
I don't know what to react now! XD

Also, no one yet has mentioned.

The last part was his father laughing right? So, eventually he knows everything. Even when the Geass is going to be permanent, he knows that it happened.


I hope this anime ends well. This drama is so. amf!
Feb 23, 2008 5:21 AM
Feb 2008
garywafu said:
I don't know what to react now! XD

Also, no one yet has mentioned.

The last part was his father laughing right? So, eventually he knows everything. Even when the Geass is going to be permanent, he knows that it happened.


I hope this anime ends well. This drama is so. amf!

Yes, it's been established that the 'enemy' is the emperor. Besides, it's pretty clear that V.V. is associated with Charles who probably has geass as well (the 'power of the king').
Feb 24, 2008 5:10 PM
Dec 2007
I just gave the video a 4 out of 5, but looking back i think it should have been worded differently. I can't say that i "liked" the video, but it was well made. I still cant get over the fact that he slipped up so easily...

it was very sad
Mar 23, 2008 3:33 PM

Dec 2007
It's pretty sad, Lelouch was able to reach an agreement with Euphie for a peaceful resolution but in the end wrecked the whole thing. On the other hand it will make the Japanese completely distrust Brittanian government and give him support making his original goal attainable, but at the cost of many Japanese and Brittanian lives.

Mar 26, 2008 11:31 PM

Jul 2007
A little late, but I still have to say something about this:

OMFG! so much in this episode. The almost-agreement, the geass'ing on Euphie, the perma-geass! Evil stuff going on. It better all be concluded well, if not in S1, then maybe in the upcoming season.
Mar 27, 2008 6:21 PM
Oct 2007
I could spam that 1 million times but wont...

Damn, wtf was that seriously?
Lulu was finally bloody able to reach an agreement with Euphie, to actually be able to sort things out.. A chance ffs then all of the sudden what the hell..

All bloody ruined...
Geez.. I hope they'll be able to come up with something at the end of the series..
Bloody hell...

But to carry out that order Lulu, tears in his eyes...
Mar 31, 2008 6:28 PM

Jul 2007
I'm pretty late too... but wow, just wow. I was so rooting for Lelouch but now I'm torn. I know it wasn't his fault, but I also hate how he will be blamed if it ever gets out.

I don't see how he will survive this...
Apr 10, 2008 9:05 PM

Mar 2008
To me it seems like Lulu is becoming more and more of the embodiment of Nietzsche's overman.

"There is no such thing as God in this world." -Setsuna F. Seiei
Apr 19, 2008 9:15 AM

Jan 2008
This episode was too shocking! I can't believe it!!! ah!
Apr 26, 2008 2:08 PM

Dec 2007
Xinil said:
Completely ridiuclous episode. Seriously, how convenient is it for the Geass to start acting up at such a critical situation? It's retarded that it happened like that.

Damn, I thought I was the only one. I just watched the episode, and... what the fuck hell was that? That's gotta be one of the dumbest plot twists I've seen in a long time. I am currently in awe at how randomly it happened.

"Hey Euphie, I'm glad we'll unite and stuff, now we can fight for a decent future for the Japanese, yay! ^_^v

In a completely unrelated subject, did you know I can control people? I've never revealed my power to anyone else, but for some reason I felt like bringing it up out of nowhere and sharing it with you. In fact, you could do whatever I asked for. As a random example I among thousands of others I could think of, if I gave you the very moment and plot-specific order to murder all the Japanese and screw up everything for no particular reason, you'd do it! *Geas activates*



Good god, it felt like the Fairly Oddparents, where extremely specific lines are used for comedic purposes. Was this episode supposed to be a comedy? I laughed when I saw what happened, nonetheless. I guess they pulled it out of the hat just to have an excuse to make another season.

... and here I though I'd be giving this anime a 10 ._.
Weak plot twist = major fail
SakinhoApr 26, 2008 2:12 PM

Kemonomimi Shoujo, a site dedicated to beautiful nekomimis, inumimis, kitsunemimis, usagimimis and more! Check out the club, too!
May 5, 2008 6:18 PM

Feb 2008
i cant believe the geass never turned off, he got Euphie to annhialate the JAPANESE.!!!!!!!
May 21, 2008 6:19 AM

Jan 2008
O shii...what a sudden turn of events...
Jun 12, 2008 8:07 PM

Jun 2008
=O..... That was such a huge turn of events O_O

And Euphie with a machine gun?? And blood and ugh..... *in shock*

StabbyPWNSJun 20, 2008 5:21 AM

Sig WILL change soon~
Jun 20, 2008 1:47 PM

May 2008
Holy o__O Lulu made the biggest mistake in anime EVER. A lesson to us all-don't go around joking about killing the Japanese nation in front of other people if we have a Geass. (ain't gonna happen but just in case)
Shocking episode,it looked like things would be straightened out...
Jul 22, 2008 1:03 AM

Jun 2008
This episode is awesome!! It contains everything I want in this type of anime!
Aug 9, 2008 3:57 PM

Feb 2008
Wow... what a massacre.
Best episode so far.
I think I MUST watch the last 3 episodes before I go to bed. D:
Code Geass > sleep
Aug 11, 2008 4:18 PM

May 2008
wtf happened to lulus geass?i thought he got it under contrrol lol o well lucky this is only an anime lol
Aug 19, 2008 8:56 PM

Apr 2008
Did a lot of you miss that the Geass was activated BEFORE he started telling Euphie he could do all kinds of things and people will listen? Once Lelouch got the massive pain in his head, he covered his eye. It wasn't until he started relaxing and joking around with Euphie did he realize the Geass was activated. AND he tried to stop her.

I felt so bad for Lelouch and Euphie. Just imagine how Euphie's going to feel when she comes to. And Lelouch is crying because he bascially just signed Euphie's death sentence.

I'm still a Lelouch fan. This episode blew me away. It was so so so sad.
Aug 25, 2008 5:49 PM

May 2008
zeff said:
my expression on what happened is.. OMG!

mine was " you got to be kidding me."
Aug 27, 2008 9:11 AM

Aug 2007
TechDragon said:
zeff said:
my expression on what happened is.. OMG!

mine was " you got to be kidding me."

Mine was probly both along with "What just happen, why!?" o___o

This episode made me completely mad (angry not crazy) XDDD
I feel so sorry for Lelouch T___T
Sep 1, 2008 9:46 PM

Jan 2008
Holy crap, I am literally shaking right now from that episode, I can't even really type! Wow I'm just shocked.
Sep 5, 2008 1:48 PM
Apr 2008
SHOCK! Well that was very surprising, and tragic. Good episode.

Sep 6, 2008 1:36 PM

Dec 2007
shocked!an!me plot twist!
Sep 12, 2008 2:00 PM

Mar 2008
Wow. OMG WOW ! I can't believe something that freaky happened. Why Lelouch joked about killing lives ? Obviously, you can't really say it's his fault, his father is clearly behind it but...

Now i'm sure Euphemia will be killed. To be honest, i'm sure of it since she made the declaration in episode 21. It's not something that could please the emperor.
Sep 30, 2008 3:23 PM

Mar 2008
Nooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!! T_T i almost teared up when he said to kill Euphilia with tears in his eyes
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Oct 5, 2008 4:09 AM

May 2008
That was really frightening, to see the extent of the power of the Geass. She has such an innocent but naive air about her, and then when the Geass was used on her.. OMG ;_;
Oct 6, 2008 3:44 PM

Jul 2007
My reaction was basically the same as everyone's else: WTF JUST HAPPENED???!!

And I agree with what some of you said on how convenient it was that the Geass acted up at such a critical point. But I thought about it, and maybe it was supposed to. Think about it, Lelouch finally agrees to someone else's plans instead of his own? It could be a sort of catch-22: when the user experiences a certain emotion or participates in a certain event. Speculation though, since I'm watching the dub and trying to be a good girl and not watch ahead.

As far as characters that I think might survive, I really don't think Euphie will (poor dear). And Suzaku can't die because of the Geass used on him (remember, he MUST LIVE!!! *dramatic music*). Lelouch might not be able to die either. I'm not sure how long ago Mao got his Geass, but he'd have to be significantly older than Lelouch. He seems too young to me. And Kallen, I totally see her living (oddly enough). However, Ohgi just might die because of who he's in bed with (if anyone caught that this episode).

Another thing I wanted to ask for anyone who's watching the dub. Did anyone else find it odd that this episode only got a TV-14 rating (with a V for the obvious violence)? Other episodes, as well as other anime, have received TV-MA ratings for far less (i.e. some eps of Evangelion and Eureka seveN). Just curious if anyone else noticed that.

Oct 13, 2008 5:35 AM

Jun 2008
this anime became more and more sad.. =/
Oct 29, 2008 4:49 PM
Sep 2008
I just saw this episode, and, WOW.
Nov 1, 2008 2:51 AM

Mar 2008
Sakinho said:
Xinil said:
Completely ridiuclous episode. Seriously, how convenient is it for the Geass to start acting up at such a critical situation? It's retarded that it happened like that.

Damn, I thought I was the only one. I just watched the episode, and... what the fuck hell was that? That's gotta be one of the dumbest plot twists I've seen in a long time. I am currently in awe at how randomly it happened.

I completely agree. It was kind of unique, but such an idiotic plot twist should never occur. I really can't understand how this got such high ratings?

The scene reminded me of Zaku Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei: Saying important things casually. XDDD I really had to laugh there.
Nov 15, 2008 6:23 AM

Sep 2008
Dec 13, 2008 11:12 PM

Oct 2008

This was very emotive. Lelouch's father wants dead and it seems that there will be a lot...
Dec 24, 2008 3:37 AM

Dec 2008
Code Geass does a good job at capturing the horror of violence whatever else you might say about it. That little boy shaking in the middle of the bloody corpses was shocking.
"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." Douglas Adams
Jan 10, 2009 2:48 PM

Aug 2008
well wasn't that a swift kick in the nuts? o.O
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