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i found the dialect cute! and koizumi is so pretty she could totally be a model with that height and face - yet her chibi form is really quite the opposite xD
seems like it’s a light-hearted & easy to watch SOL-romcom, this first episode was really fast paced tho. excited to see how it goes on!
ꕤ but i’ll probably remember over and over again you were there and everyone else was there
— the day we all searched for just one thing ꕤ
Finally I found anime which main characters has Kansai dialect.
This episode is fun, and all characters are cute.
"The Slave is the have-not, the oppressed one with nothing to spare.
But because the Slave is in that despairing situation, having nothing, it can kill the Emperor !"
It was good. Some pacing was breakneck, causing the emotional punch of the scenes to decrease. However, this episode was meant to be comedic more than it was dramatic. Therefore, the ease by which the main leads get over their love interests is quite funny.
“A lesson without pain is meaningless. That's because no one can gain without sacrificing something. But by enduring that pain and overcoming it, he shall obtain a powerful, unmatched heart. A fullmetal heart.”
I like 95% of the anime I watch. Fashies and the like can go fuck themselves.
There was some difference from what i expected (slapstick, over exaggerated face and voice reactions by the main character) but regardless this was a very good beginning.
It was so fast in doing already both a beach / pool / water park and summer festival with yukatas bits, and all those moments when Risa and Atsushi tell the exact same words really look like foreshadowing. But if the story is well made, i'm not complaining.
Risa being so tall unironically makes her even more beautiful and has a lot of potential, and this applies some of the supporting cast. Italian dub from the capital city always brings me back and it's always refreshing to listen (even if i always liked voice actors from Milan too, both the older and newer generation, considering that nowadays anime in italy if dubbed are 90% of the times given to Milan dub studios)
I thought they would get along a little worse but they end up understanding each other quite quickly and understandingly, I don't know how a 24-episode anime was made since with this presentation one would not think there were 24, but for my good.
I've the same, it hurt a lot when they said they didn't see them as a boy and a girl xD
This is off to a good start. I got plenty of laughs in this episode. They complement each other so well. It's gonna be interesting to see how they'll eventually fall for each other soon.
I don't remember anime doing so many expressions changing the face of the main characters as much as this one. The expressions of anger, frustration, crying, happiness, the total shape of the faces change rather dramatically.
Risa and Otani are indeed quite the dynamic duo from feuding to cohorts on a mission. It's great how easily they get distracted by having fun. I also admire how quickly they got over their respective crushes on Ryuji and Chiharu!
Such a banger first episode. The dub is finally out and damn was it good. I couldn't stop laughing. This shaped out better than I expected, I hope it keeps up the quality.