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Jul 29, 2017 10:49 AM

Jul 2016
Lelouch predicting Mao's answers is a bit too convinent but I can let it slide since he is supossed to be a Genius Mastermind.

Next episode: Nunnaly gets kidnapped, looks interesting.
Around the gif~
"It's a big mistake to think you're the only one who can turn into a car"
- Shiori Takatsuki
Aug 9, 2017 6:29 AM

Dec 2015
Ahahahahahahahah, the episode.
The best part was the president's scene. I have great expectations for the next awkward Shirley moments.

Apart from that... lots of convenient stuffs and interesting informations.

2/5 (but ironically? 5/5) "We were lovers" (an ageless woman about a young boy)
Rei_IIIAug 10, 2017 5:20 AM
Aug 15, 2017 1:31 AM

May 2013
Hmmm..... Even though the silver haired girl lost her memories, I still wouldn't trust what she's cooking hahaha. Does the guy in Black Knights know she's an enemy???? D:
Sep 21, 2017 7:53 PM

Feb 2012
I'm super curious to why C.C gave Mao geass, he was only six years old after all. It seems a bit cruel, unless she didn't understand the effect it would have on him.
Oct 18, 2017 10:19 AM

Dec 2014
ok felt bad for the Mao guy ...I believe it was not his fault was it
May 19, 2018 8:28 PM

Mar 2017
I think the reason C.C formed a contract with Mao is quite simple, just like LL who almost faced death at episode 1, C.C probably met Mao in a similar scenario, Mao got into some shit and was about to die, C.C hopped in and said "Hi, wanna make it out alive? Looking for super duper cool power? Looks no further, say one word and I'll make a contract with you and we'll get shit done in no time, also don't forget that you'll be my slave from now on for no particular reason XD".

Anyway jk aside, this episode was quite something, I like the chemistry between C.C and LL so much, though C.C appears to be selfish and acts like she doesn't give a shit about everyone around her, deep inside she really does care! She couldn't kill Mao because of their bond in the past. She couldn't jeopardy LL's "career" due to their adventure since this series began. So yeah it's quite a fucked up scenario for C.C and she was torn between the past (Mao) and the present (LL) and therefore couldn't make the right decision. Though C.C has yet to reveal her term of the contract, I figure it should be something of significance to her, probably extremely sensitive as well which is why she doesn't feel like telling it to LL.

Come to think of it, maybe her condition has something to do with parting way with the accomplice, I mean think about it, since Mao loved C.C that much, C.C realized that revealing her term would only end up hurting him more, so she decided to leave him. It's quite savage to treat people as tools like that but at least C.C take their feeling into consideration as well. C.C places her goal above anything else but she doesn't forget to come up with the most optimized solution for her partners.

As for Shirley's memories concern, I don't know about you guys but back in highschool me and meh friends usually play the "ignore someone" or "playing along with everyone" games so it's not something that strange for the student council to have no problem with LL and Shirley's relationship.

Regarding the battle of wits, a bit convenient but well given the context of this anime I can't say it's not satisfying, I like how Mao got rekt due to his arrogance and blinded love for C.C. His past is pretty much of a tragedy, it cannot be reversed (sort of like a wound turns necrotizing fasciitis) so yeah LL had a point about ending his life instead of letting roam free which would eventually cause unnecessary damage to C.C's future. On top of that, we get to know that LL is a hardcore tsundere as well, all that act cool and cold on the outside won't be of any help in hiding his true feeling for C.C XD.

Other than that we got a lot of funny and badass moments in this episode like:
2DEnthusiastMay 19, 2018 9:03 PM
Jan 18, 2019 8:49 AM
Apr 2018
Damn, C.C has been growing on me lately.

Mao's backstory was crazy, it's like C.C was his mother and he fell in love with her. He must have felt like a cuck when Lelouch told him that he knew everything ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) about her.
Mar 10, 2019 10:25 AM
Apr 2016
The second geass user was straight up a psychopath... Lelouch outplayed him though. A lot of development between C.C. this episode.
Jun 1, 2019 10:58 AM

Sep 2017
Shirley's memory loss is just as painful as I thought it would be. It's really sad that Lelouch was forced to erase her memories like that. It was impressive seeing him come up with such a believable lie on the spot like that, though. I didn't expect Mao to come and go that quickly. I thought he would stick around for a bit longer. It wasn't explicitly stated that there aren't other Geass users, so that leads me to believe we will meet a few more. C.C. also stated that Geass gets more powerful with continued usage. I wonder how Lelouch's Geass will evolve over time. Will some of its debilitating weaknesses get nullified?
Jun 2, 2019 9:38 AM
Feb 2017
Even though C.C. knew he was a psychopath, she still cared for him even in his death. Cool we got to see more of C.C.'s backstory. Lelouch is always a step ahead of his enemies, Mao died pretty quickly in the 1.5 episodes he was given.
Jul 9, 2019 3:34 PM

Aug 2007
Two memory losses back to back. Ugh.

Oct 28, 2019 11:30 PM

Aug 2018
The episode was something I enjoyed it a lot boobs 10/10
May 2, 2020 8:32 AM

Feb 2020
what are the details of the contracttttttttttttttt and if his powers increase with every use then will he no longer have the one time use limit?

how convenient that villetta has lost her memory

mao is Unhinged wow but it makes sense. even though he was kind of annoying, his story gave a bit more info about geass and let lelouch show how clever he is

can't believe it took like 15 episodes for me to start enjoying the show more lol
Aug 17, 2020 5:19 PM

May 2015
If Mao's Geass being too powerful for him to control has the side effect of always staying on... I wonder what's gonna happen to Lelouch and how it'll affect his relationships.

The contract between him and CC seems to be rekindled or they at least have more trust in each other. Whilst his relationship with Shirley is permanently lost.

Good episode!
Nov 24, 2020 4:40 PM

Jan 2016
Mao's already dead? too bad. I mean yeah the guy sucked, but His power would've made him a cool villain to fight against Lulu.

Also why do we still not know the terms of the contract yet? Has she already told Lulu, but leaving us the audience in the dark? Whatever it is, it had better be worth the buildup.

As for Shirley... are we gonna get anymore out of her character arc? She seems like a useless character now that her Lulu memories are gone. It would be such a waste if she didn't play another role in the story.
This is not your grave...
But you are welcome in it :3

Feb 12, 2021 6:57 AM

Sep 2017
Well that ends the Mao arc.

Meh for Viletta losing her memories.

Nice way Lelouch recorded his conversation.

I am still skeptical of how CC contracted Mao.

And goddamnit ClovisLand? Seriously a theme park in honor of clovis?

Looks like some one is gonna kill tohdoh or something.

Without change,we end up becoming the very person we hate.

I was dead until the moment I met you. I was a powerless corpse pretending to be alive. Living without power, without the ability to change my course, was bound to lead me to a slow death.

Mar 13, 2021 8:33 AM

Mar 2010
Mao going shopping at the most video game ass weapon shop. Daggers, assault rifles, and ...chainsaws?
May 14, 2021 6:42 AM

May 2020
There was a lot of bs this episode from the whole double amnesia shit to Mao being stupid and redundant and Lelouch pulling out another plot convenient plan, Mao was a really lame character, he served little to no purpose in the plot, glad he didn't last long but wished he never existed.
GilgameshuuMay 14, 2021 6:48 AM
Jun 8, 2021 11:05 AM

Aug 2018
C.C is actually so hot

Jun 26, 2021 4:00 PM

Apr 2018
Ohoho Lelouch proposed to C.C. Rip Maou. Lived a long life and died hella fast. Can't believe Lelouch preidcted his thoughts beforehand wth a recorder. IQ 100 tactics.

“You yourself have to change first, or nothing will change for you!”
Jul 2, 2021 3:35 PM
Aug 2020
God, I hate convenient amnesia as a plot device and Viletta's is no different. First part of this show that made me roll my eyes. It's such an overplayed trope.
Jul 15, 2021 6:19 AM

Jun 2021
what the heck showing a black chick undressed.poor lulu c.c made him nothing more than a fulfill her desires.
Nov 6, 2021 3:57 AM

Aug 2017
Oh no, Villetta has convenient near-death amnesia, its funny Lelouch immediately forgot about the witness after the last episode.

I felt really sorry for Mao, he just insane due his power.
BANZAI NIPPON. Nippon is the Land of freedom. Nippon is the Land of Peace. Nippon is the Land of Justice and Prosperity.

In Nippon, we trust.

We love Nippon, we love Anime. Anime love us, Nippon love us. 日本
Apr 12, 2022 10:15 PM

Jul 2017
good episode, Mao is dead it's sad but he was a threat. lulu is so cool
Oct 1, 2022 10:32 AM
Aug 2017
Yknow, this one felt pretty tropey. The yandere guy, the theme park for a crazy, dangerous guy. Why did I give this a 4?
Oct 6, 2022 10:43 AM
Aug 2021
what is c.c.'s motive ffs
Oct 7, 2022 7:45 AM
Mar 2022
Trojun said:
crowslayer91 said:
lolwut? o-o

Nina - with the picture of Euphie. Around episode 10ish i think - not sure. Probably the only chick in CG they could have do it and it not be hot.

FR like tbh Nina was a little annoying for me because she was scared of Suzaku (which is understandable ig but he got pardoned and all...), and I haven't really seen her going and talking to him so I'm assuming she might be avoiding him idk
Jan 8, 2023 3:12 PM
Dec 2021
this was awesome but also what the fuck
Feb 23, 2023 4:33 AM

Nov 2022
im gonan cry

im fr gonan cry

May 9, 2023 3:31 PM
Apr 2023
Theres not an excuse for Maos behavior but CC literally… raised him from a child, gave him his powers, and then abandoned him which is very ugly of her. I want to like CC but after this I dont know if Ill get to that point. Unless theres a part of the story im missing or havent gotten to yet….
May 19, 2023 9:19 PM
May 2017
Sad to see Mao Zedong die.
Aug 23, 2023 6:43 AM
Jul 2020
Muy buen episodio, algo medio paralelo a la serie en sí, para el desarrollo de lulu y CC.
Pensaba que Mao aparecería más en la serie pero en verdad si habilidad no era muy buena
En cuanto a la mujer con amnesia creo que ella se hará parte de los caballeros negros y en algún momento recuperará su memoria y será algo bueno de ver habrá que esperar
Nov 17, 2023 3:36 PM
Oct 2023
this anime is really getting great,Lelouch outsmarted Mao pretty well, his Geass is more powerful than Maos because Mao has one huge disadvantage, and thats the reach and the fact he can hear anyones thoughts.The fact Lloyd is an earl is pretty suprising lmao.also i would like to know more about the deal of the ashwords with Lelouch and Nunally.
May 12, 2024 2:21 AM

May 2020
Yea, Lelouch should ended up with C.C forever. They are suit together. In the end, Mao is like a gamer who have PC Masterrace but noob at playing games.
Jul 1, 2024 12:37 AM
Apr 2017
the set up for THAT episode has being set.
oh man.
Jul 5, 2024 1:09 PM
May 2023
He outplayed a mindreader, then had the police execute him as a firing squad, and reaffirmed his commitment to C.C.


This might be a side story but it was hella satisfying
Nov 24, 2024 4:12 PM
Sep 2024
So last episode I asked how he was going to make that work and you're telling me that he's simply going to go with some weak excuse like "oh she's just pretending not to know me" REALLY? nah... lmao. Damn, he could have at least kept that diary instead of burning it, kinda harsh now not only her memories are gone there's literally 0 chance she'll even be able to read about it or find out what her memories used to be. 11:11 damn lol imagine losing your memory twice, I mean again from episode 1 it was kind of obvious she was gonna be around or even possibly become an ally just by design already but still. Damn if it wasn't bad enough already CC is now also a Groomer lol. 16:56 I know she's immortal and all my man but that's insane. She defenitly should have shot him when she had the chance, even if she is a groomer.
Man called the Popo on him and then had the audacity to show up in front of him. Still if he can read minds, why doesn't he just read her real name in his mind? well I guess it's only surface level thoughts like he said before but like... for example here he looks at CC so it's almost impossible for her real name not to be in his mind. That's like looking at a tree and it not being in your mind. I dunno that seems a bit odd to me. Anyways it was clear that it was a recording still, that means he was within 500 meters the whole time meaning what? he simply tried to think of as little as possible? (I guess he explained it by "distracting him") Guess none of it matters now as it was clear he needed to go one way or another. 21:00 So how did you mess up this badly?
Like I'm sure the Geass has some effect, but you're telling me despite having full control over his nurture, he still became a complete psycho.
I do wonder what she means by "more powerful" though like what? will he be able to reuse it on people? probably not right, so then what? it's already pretty powerful as is, you could increase the range I guess or maybe the duration but the duration seems pretty much unlimited already. For mr. mindreader it probably got more powerful by increasing the range.
Still I kind of want more context on "how" exactly he became crazy. (also if his Geass is always active does that mean other people can see his eyes glow constantly cuz that's pretty crazy, I know he wears the glasses but there were clearly moments where people would have seen it.)
So far all Geass powers seem to be related to the brain/mind which makes sense that's how she also influenced his best friend to see his dead father. Just trying to think of in what other ways Geass could manifest.
We've got: -reading memory, -Manipulating memory, so... -broadcasting memory/and or thoughts? maybe... -swapping memory? the MC's power already covers quite a lot tbh, he can delete, alter, add.
So it's fairly difficult to come up with something unique that still matches the general theme and requirements.
Me_MarioNov 24, 2024 4:18 PM
Feb 18, 8:33 AM

Oct 2021
Wouldn't lie but I do kinda feel bad for Mao, the side effect of his ability put more disadvantage for him than the merit of his geass. I kinda get it why lelouch said why cc didn't kill him when he couldn't fulfil the contract but still cc made a contract with a 6 year old kid who grew up with such a cursed ability.

On the other hand Mao become yandere for cc and willing to cut her with chainsaw, talk about an insane psycho. Tho he got outsmart by lelouch easily, but now that he defeated a fellow geass user, I'm sure lelouch will be more cautious about his future plan.

Seeing Shirley and lelouch talking like total strangers made me sad but on the other hand lelouch and cc are getting closer, so at least I'm glad on that ヽ(´▽`)/

That villetta fan service in this episode was glorious, kinda forgot how hot some of the waifus in this series are ( ゚ヮ゚)
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