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Dec 29, 2013 11:28 PM

Aug 2012
Togame's embarrassment was so hilarious

and still waiting patiently for a 3rd season of Spice & Wolf :'|
Jan 4, 2014 9:29 AM

Aug 2013
That hot water scene was sexy. They're getting closer and closer, but I wonder if Togame was planning to betray him, since his family is the killer of her father. Also, I wonder if she really is planning to give those saber to the shogunate.

That pirate was really arrogant. The fight was cool, it's nice to see that Shichiko can go out of his fighting style.

The ''cheerio'' misunderstanding was funny :P
«Time is passing so quickly. Right now, I feel like complaining to Einstein. Whether time is slow or fast depends on perception. Relativity theory is so romantic. And so sad.»
- Kurisu Makise a.k.a. The Zombie
Feb 17, 2014 6:27 PM

Feb 2014
Awesome, I love the development of otp Togame and Shichika :3 I smiled so much when he said "Don't touch my woman!" my mangina was crying
Feb 27, 2014 5:55 AM

Nov 2013
"Don't touch my woman!" This guy is getting better and better.
the official MAL hall of fame/cursed comments is now open for business - you are welcome to PM me any potential quotes to include
Mar 24, 2014 10:39 PM
Nov 2013
Really starting to love this series.

I've been interested from the start, but as the characters develop i find myself enjoying the show more and more. Characters are Isin's strong point, i suppose.

I've also gotten completely used to the character designs, which really threw me off at first. The background art is beautiful in this show, and they actually fit into it rather well, despite being drawn in such a different style.
Jun 8, 2014 4:23 AM

Apr 2013
The Maniwani force is really desperate :P
Jul 25, 2014 10:21 AM

Dec 2013
Cool episode. Cheerio lol
Lol at the guy cutting his arm off.

Minagatachi said:
That sex scene massage scene

this xD
Aug 27, 2014 3:23 AM
Aug 2014
All in all, I thought it was a good episode. It shows the two main characters Shichika and Togame getting closer and forming a tighter bond. I think here reaction to the news of her "catchphrase" was adorable and predictably over-the-top for her character. Also, Shichika getting jealous without knowing that is what is was an added bonus of the episode. Unlike most anime, I actually enjoy the talking and character development in this one. In other words, badass anime.
Sep 10, 2014 12:46 AM

Jan 2014
Wow,such Cheerio...Shichika realized he is also a human...
Oct 8, 2014 8:43 PM

Nov 2011
Not much to say, but I liked the episode overall. It seems like anything can be a "sword" now.

It looks like Togami will have a run-in with what I'm supposing is her sister.
Oct 16, 2014 5:23 AM

Jul 2012
just realized ending song of this ep is by Togame, that's interesting :D
Dec 14, 2014 8:32 AM

Aug 2013
Nice hot spring scene.. Togame has quite the dirty thoughts in her head lol.
Togame likes being stepped on as well huh.. she really let out some wierd moans there.
Shichika was jealous right ? He act like a kid and teased Togame.. that was so funny hahaha !!
"Don't touch my woman!" ← one of the best line Shichika has spoken until now lol. He's a guy after all.
Nice to see Togame shouting something awesome there.. though her usual chatter is cute as well.
Impossible for me to get bored of her countless expression and outburst HAHHAHA !!
Haven't seen a character as lively to the point of going crazy like her for awhile.
Thanks to Mr.Rejected they're going to bump into the maniwani gang oh no.
'Cheerio!' will be sticking in my head for a long time.. XD
Dec 27, 2014 8:46 AM

Aug 2014
"Why on earth is that white-haired girl saying farewell while punching someone?"

i fucking died XD
Jan 2, 2015 10:37 PM

Jun 2014
Watching her freak out was honestly really adorable. Weirdest displays of love ever too btw.
How are they even transporting all these swords anyway?
Be sure to message me if you quoted me and want me to respond! Just give me a link to the forum, because usually I leave my comment, then leave the forum.
Feb 5, 2015 3:30 AM
Jan 2012
That fight scene was really nice.
Feb 7, 2015 6:48 PM

Jun 2014
I hope this maniwa bird dude will be at least somewhat competent. Here's hoping he puts up some kind of fight if he ever does.

And I'm glad Shichika is starting to realize he has feelings for togame besides "I've fallen for you". Just lol at the scenes where he teases her for no reason.
Jun 6, 2015 6:33 AM

Jan 2013
Shichika developed a bit more feelings? for Togame.
Togame is completely broken up about the fact she used "Cheerio" - actually being farewell. :D

Love how casual they were in the onsen.
Togame just stared a full 10 seconds at Shichika's naked body.
Jun 8, 2015 5:17 AM

Dec 2013
Pretty funny seeing Shichika acting jealous. Although I didn't care too much for the hot spring bit. It went for a bit too long and Togame's breasts were annoyingly distracting.

Fight was cool. Really liked the OST that played in the final part of the fight.
Jun 30, 2015 7:32 PM

Jul 2014
best episode so far!
I'm really falling in love with Togame and Shichika now
Shichika was badass in this episode.
Togame was chou-kawaii when she realized that she was saying cheerio instead of chest
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Aug 3, 2015 1:50 PM

Jun 2015
Despite of being diferent of the animes i have watched since today, is funny to find something as casual as "the termal waters chapter", I´m enjoying this anime, but i wonder why they don´t make an anime of 36 chapters of 20 minutes instead of an anime of 12 episodes if 60 minutes every
Sep 16, 2015 6:26 AM

Sep 2012
-Togame asking Shichika to stand up to inspect his "body"
-"My hand just moved"
I love the character developments in this. All we need are more hair scenes (which we apparently get in the next episode? The "togame-hair-sleeping-bag-for-two! Maybe?")

Dec 17, 2015 7:43 PM

Jul 2014
Lol, those pirates were dumb enough to have him try on the armor.

Mar 26, 2016 6:09 AM
May 2010
I believe the reason he fell for her was because he heard of her circumstances, and realized how far she was willing to go for her goals, to even ask the son of the man whom killed her own father to assist her. I think that was strongly hinted towards in the first episode.
Mar 30, 2016 5:11 PM

Jul 2015
Amazing episode, the anime is growing on me so much, i love the bath with no dumb embarrassed classic stuff, i love the romance, the fight was alright, the feet massage scene was weird but funny, i love this show so far !
Apr 25, 2016 2:09 PM

Apr 2016
Although the love story has been extended, the final fight was ridiculous.


Aunque la historia amorosa se ha ampliado, la lucha final ha sido ridícula.
May 25, 2016 8:34 AM

Jan 2010

Well, this marks the first encounter with both a Deviant Blade owner and a Maniwa ninja that didn't result in the death of either. Of course, the ending outright states how this backfired on our main characters pretty badly.

That aside, this episode was certainly more comedic compared to the previous episodes. I mean, the previous episodes were just as artistically driven and colorful, but contentwise, this episode was more exaggerated and visually energetic, and I'm not just talking about Togame's outburst. This episode really did feel more lightheared, if just by a bit. It was probably due to Shichika's gimmick of not knowing how to follow Togame's rhythm becoming a plot point in this episde, causing his awkwardness to drive many of the key scenes.

I must admit though, for a 45 minute episode, it felt a lot shorter than that. I don't want to blame the dialogue, but I'm not sure if the episode's events could have been condensed to half an hour. Or, if more content could have been added to make the episode feel more meaty. It makes me reflect upon previous episodes, and while I do enjoy the dialogue, it does make the episode feel thin. But still, I'm enjoying the interactions and the colorful dialogue, so I'll let my nitpicks slide for now.
Jul 5, 2016 10:18 AM

Jan 2016
Bathing together, showing crotch, don't touch my woman. What is this? This defies any anime I've ever seen
Finally, a pair of reasonable different sex people that think it's okay to bathe together ;-;

Also you can't just be calling things that ain't a sword, a sword lol
This armor is my sword.

Shichika was jealous without even knowing what jealousy is hahah
"I just felt like teasing you a bit"

The action wasn't the best this episode but it was okay, it was funny and had some add to the plot with the mysterious lady and the chicken ninja
Aug 8, 2016 1:04 PM

Aug 2014
This episode had the best and the the cutest interaction between Togame and Shichika.
The battle didn't make any sense though.
Sep 3, 2016 11:23 PM

Mar 2014
I'm liking the development a lot, especially their conversation after meeting the pirate. Shichika's feeling emotions he's never felt before, but he's still totally deadpan, until "Don't touch my woman!" Maybe his personality will become more defined too in future episodes.
Sep 5, 2016 12:24 PM

Mar 2015
Really nice episode, how Shichika isn't aroused by the allure of Togame despite his sheltered upbringing is so very beyond me. He is a human male, after all!
I'm Bruneian and I like anime. And Manchester United. And fat cats.
Feb 14, 2017 12:10 PM

May 2015
CHeerio fail. :DD
"The future is always blank. Only your willpower can leave footsteps there."

"Ruling over death means ruling over life. Death is the climax of life. To have the best death, you must honor life."
Jun 5, 2017 1:43 PM

Feb 2015
Togame getting embarrassed over using Cheerio was so funny. "Cheerio!" :D
Jul 18, 2017 5:04 PM

Jun 2013
The most straightforward episode so far, but by no means skippable. There was even a moment that was like something straight out of a wacky Shaft production in the middle of the classic banter.

The build up to the match was essentially one big ship-tease segment. Shichika's ego is finally starting to come into play throughout the episode, first by responding in a petty way to the prospect of being replaced, and second by claim on Togame as his. He's slowly becoming more human; being selfish is part of being human, after all. Meanwhile Togame actively supported him during the match, perhaps for the first time. Guilt over the failure to prevent Meisai's demise may have prompted Togame to instruct Shichika to go non-lethal this time.

RileyReid said:
Finally, a pair of reasonable different sex people that think it's okay to bathe together ;-;

You make a good point, but only if you take the scene entirely out of context. Togame has gotten very comfortable with being all up in Shichika's business, but this took five months. It's safe to assume that she had come to believe over time that Shichika has absolutely no interest in her sexually. So for her this is probably like bathing with a dog. And Shichika... He's not exactly normal in any sense of the word.
LeeTailorJul 18, 2017 5:22 PM
Aug 10, 2017 8:10 AM

Sep 2015
I think an episode like this was absolutely necessary. This is a series about growth and development. As we're seeing Shuchika slowly go from personality devoid human object. To a full fledged character we can like and relate too. And so somewhere in there as he grows as a person. They were going to have to deepen his relationship with Togame. To explain why he's still following her around and obeying her every whim. It's not that I think it was poorly explained before. But "I fell for you" can only cut it for so long. Here their loyalty/devotion to one another is put to the test with the arrival of a new suitor. Who of course has a new sword.

First off really creative sword this time. Some ridiculous Berserkian impenetrable armor? Pretty slick and given this series is all about pushing the boundaries of what you think are swords. Definitely felt of a piece. Second of all I like how naturally they built up Shuchika feeling jealousy. What could have been a cringey moment of hyper masculinity when he yells "Stay away from my woman" at the end. Is fairly sweet simply because of the innocence behind it. This is probably the first time he's felt and understood possessiveness for another human. So basically the episode's plot succeeded as an action story. And it really succeeded in continuing the lead characters arcs.

Speaking of furthering arcs. Knew it had to happen but I felt so bad for Togame with the "Cheerio" bit. I do like how they set that up back in Episode 2 though. Nisioisin's faith in his readers/viewers ability to pay attention over multiple installments is much appreciated. But still her embarrassment was pitiable. And how on earth did Shuchika know what it actually meant. Other than for the reason it's a good joke that a monkey boy like him would.
Sep 17, 2017 7:29 AM

Oct 2012
I mean if she keep calm and said things like "Hachikuji" did.. maybe she's not so embarrassed now
In the end it's "Cherrio" xD

ED by Tamura Yukari, it's lovely! xD
"Signature removed"
Nov 15, 2017 3:24 AM

Feb 2016
Shichika disappointed me in the onsen scene tho...he wasn't ready for that yet..Cherioo xD
Nov 17, 2017 12:01 AM

Dec 2015
This show is not gonna improve, and I've given it enough time to change my opinion for the better. Dropped.
"At some point, I stopped hoping."
Nov 21, 2017 5:14 PM

Oct 2009
joe_g7 said:
This show is not gonna improve, and I've given it enough time to change my opinion for the better. Dropped.

Oh man, I'm watching this show right now and came to see what recent discussion there was... Commiserate with me, my man. I'm seven episodes in and I'm finishing this damn show. I don't know why, but I am. And no, it has not gotten better.
Nov 21, 2017 9:43 PM

Dec 2015
MrGlassesMan said:
joe_g7 said:
This show is not gonna improve, and I've given it enough time to change my opinion for the better. Dropped.

Oh man, I'm watching this show right now and came to see what recent discussion there was... Commiserate with me, my man. I'm seven episodes in and I'm finishing this damn show. I don't know why, but I am. And no, it has not gotten better.
Back down while you can, don't sacrifice your sanity for this! It's not worth it oh mighty warrior!!!
"At some point, I stopped hoping."
Apr 20, 2018 6:05 PM

Aug 2007
I'm glad they addressed Togame's use of Cheerio and turned it into a hilariously cute scene.

May 13, 2018 11:05 PM

May 2016
I thoroughly enjoyed every second of this episode. The highlights of the episode for me were Togame's onsen thirstiness, her misleading massage moans, the moment she realized Cheerio is a misquote, and the part where Shichika was super jealous without realizing it. They're just so cute together ♥

I'm glad that Shichika finally started to think outside the box and actually show that he's into Togame without the Deviant Blades in the picture for once.

Azekura's armor looked super cool and his backstory was sad. It'd be better if he wasn't the first sword owner who was spared in favor of Meisai though.

They just had a truce and it'll be broken in the next episode. It'd make some sense if the pirate network managed to get wind of the agreement but I think that they don't really have a part in their diversion to Ezo since sending the girl who coldly rejected you to a place where she can freeze her ass off is pretty much enough reason to take her and her man there. The Maniwani being there just happened to be a coincidence, I believe.

May 14, 2018 1:53 AM

Aug 2015
Those Togame goodies in this ep though ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)👌

Also LUL at Shichika for getting jelly at Togame to a point where he had to "tease" her at some point, finally some real emotion from this MC. Good thing to know that they're starting to avoid killing these Kiki sword users now. Also not a single Maniwani is killed in this ep what a progress it is. Good thing to have a temporary truce for this poor fodders but I'm pretty sure it will bite Togame and Shichika's ass some other time.

Lastly I really love that Cheerio segment, just seeing embarrassed Togame is just 👌
May 19, 2018 4:57 PM

Nov 2016
Cheerio... my whole life has been a lie.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Sep 22, 2018 7:11 PM

Dec 2016
I am so happy they actually showed the moment Togame found out what "cheerio" actually meant lmaooooooooo
“I love heroes, but I don't want to be one. Do you even know what a hero is!? For example, you have some meat. Pirates will feast on the meat, but the hero will distribute it among the people! I want to eat the meat!” - Monkey D. Luffy
Aug 31, 2019 7:33 PM

May 2018
They introduced Hitei, looks like the last boss for me. We got arena batte, and an unexpected armor-shape sword which is the 5th sword. The 5th sword holder is an pirate, but it doesn't look like a pirate because of the armor. Azekura really did choose Togame over the 4 swords, a really unexpected one for a guy that looks tough. Another 1 of the 12 heads of Maniwa appear, Maniwa Houou, an interesting character sacrificing his left hand just to make Togame listen to him. Loved how Togame mistaken "chest" for "cheerio" and was embarrased with it. The fight between Shichika and Azekura was a good one too, this was the hardest one for Shichika.
Dec 9, 2019 2:29 AM

Aug 2017

It was actually a nice development in the story. I like this pirate and the best part is he lives at the end.
NurguburuDec 9, 2019 2:34 AM
BANZAI NIPPON. Nippon is the Land of freedom. Nippon is the Land of Peace. Nippon is the Land of Justice and Prosperity.

In Nippon, we trust.

We love Nippon, we love Anime. Anime love us, Nippon love us. 日本
Jun 1, 2020 6:05 PM

Apr 2018
She finally understand what "cheerio" really mean xD
Sep 9, 2020 1:38 AM

Sep 2018
Shichika is jealous lol so he slowly "likes" Togame now xD

Togame feels so ashamed because of wrong use "cheerio" lol but it's cute :)
Proverbs 4:23
Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.
Sep 14, 2020 8:44 PM

Jul 2013
Another very entertaining episode which got hilarious a couple times.

So at the beginning we saw the other female character from the OP. From what Houou told she's a princess so someone who will also be after the swords I guess.

Kanaras fight at the beginning was impressive. He destroyed that giant sword as it was nothing.

The onsen scene showed that Shichika still has a lot to learn about woman. I mean your naked together with such a beautiful girl like Togame and he acted like he had absolute no interest. :D

The scene afterwards where he stepped on Togames back was extremely ambiguous, but I liked it lol.

I was wondering what kind of offer Kanara wanted to make and it was better as I expected. But that little flashback of Kanara showed why he's into Togame. Sad to see how his sister died.

I can't believe Houou cut his arm off just to have a conversation with Togame and Shichika. I'm surprised he doesn't know how the other 3 masters died. He actually thought Shichika was responsible for it. Imagine if he knew about the monster Nanami xD
Also interesting that he talked about a ceasefire between the Maniwari and Togame/Shichika/Shogunat. At first I was sceptical like Togame because it could have been a trap but I guess it's better if both sides don't cross paths for the moment.

The moment she freaked about using Cheerioh wrong was so hilarious. I had a good laugh haha. I think it's very cute when she says it :)

The fight between Shichika and Kanara gave me some Kill la Kill vibes. He had a harder time as I thought. Nothing seemed to work until Togames little speech. But I liked his character developement in this episode. He defeated his opponent without killing him and he realized how important Togame really is for him. Hopefully this will intensify over the next couple episodes. Funny enough he also knew that Togame used Cheerioh wrong lol.

Dec 14, 2020 2:57 AM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
Togame's massage needs indicate that she's a bit freaky some times.
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

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