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Dec 12, 2010 1:31 PM
Aug 2007
Man, gotta say I loved this series from start to end. Too bad it ended. Berserk Shichika was amazing though.
I also enjoyed quite a bit the resolution it had. Nice ending, best wrap up.
Dec 12, 2010 2:28 PM

Mar 2010
And I have to say that I can't believe it! Why did Togame die? And why did Shichika end up with that stupid Princess Hitei?????????????????????? WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY??????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Battle was indeed epic, but once my favourite anime is now the worst! I hate these kind of endings, and also I maybe could've managed to bear with Togame's death, but Shichika with Hitei?! I will now, without regrets forget that I ever watched this anime. :(
“If you`re losing your soul and you know it, then you`ve still got a soul left to lose”
Dec 12, 2010 3:21 PM

May 2009
Bleach should end like this.. Ichigo going around the place and killing every single hollow within seconds... all in one episode :P

Anyway, i'm not sure what this feeling lingering in me is, after watching this... maybe it's a mix of feelings, feelings of regret and certain beauty of things? Like a lot of pain and awe.. Sad definitely, but not that darkest sadness, more of a bitter-sweet thing. I guess that's life; and what this anime wanted to say.
I do not regret watching this, but i'm too indifferent right now to praise it either. That must mean it's in the middle -> ok.

A one year long story ended. I enjoyed it, enjoyed watching it every month, and i'm always sad when a story ends even if i don't love it :)
Thanks for Katanagatari, and farewell Togame (and Shichika).... Cheerio!! :D
Dec 12, 2010 4:19 PM
Dec 2007
Very satisfying ending, I should even say impressive. I loved the fact that they never sweetened the story and always developped their characters right, on top of this last episode being absolutely brilliant and conclusive. On top of that, I always found Hitei much more interesting than Togame 'and much better armed for survival in the end), so I guess it was pretty logical. A great uncompromising and unconventional fantasy series, 9/10

In every age, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same.
Dec 12, 2010 4:32 PM

Aug 2008
That was the most offensive piece of $%&# I've ever watched. What a perfectly terrible ending to a perfectly horrible show. Togame dying just continues the trend of storytellers coming up with unbelievably horrible endings for the sake the now-empty idea of "art." What motivation was there for a guy pointing a gun at her and killing her. End scene. Wow.

This was what the author wanted to tell us? This was his plan? How loathsome. The one positive thing I got out of this is that I can now remember the artist and remind myself never to read or watch anything by him again.

And to blanket it with the first good entrance by Shichika is the worst part. I'm glad I experienced this, though, because it further strengthens the partition, the great divide between good writing and those without talent. Many have ideas, but so few can follow through. This show failed in the most "epic" way. So sad.

Ugh, good riddance Katanagatari. What a miserable waste of time.
mcjazzman32Dec 12, 2010 4:39 PM
Romance comedy anime - Japan's gift to America
Dec 12, 2010 5:02 PM

Oct 2009
mcjazzman32 said:
This was what the author wanted to tell us? This was his plan? How loathsome. The one positive thing I got out of this is that I can now remember the artist and remind myself never to read or watch anything by him again.

Says a guy who gave Bakemonogatari a 10 and plans to watch Kizumonogatari. =p
Dec 12, 2010 5:26 PM

Apr 2008
just goes to show people don't read up on the source of their fav anime.
Dec 12, 2010 5:43 PM

Sep 2009
Lind_L_Tailor said:

OK, so after this, let me elaborate on this episode.

This entire episode was just... off. The entire thing just felt like one big ripoff of Cowboy Bebop's ending (one of the greatest endings in anime history), only nowhere near as good. Shichika snapping like that came completely out of nowhere, and was executed terribly. All the fights were just poorly done (barring the 10th, which was unbelievably hilarious and was easily the funniest moment in the entire series). Every single mention of "Cheerio" in this episode was Narm beyond compare. Shichika's fight with Emonzaemon got to the point where it was really silly, but this was actually closer to Narm Charm since it still turned out pretty awesome.

Overall, this was a really big letdown. A disappointing ending from what had been one of the best series this year.
Dec 12, 2010 7:07 PM

Feb 2010
Really? I liked this ending more than the Cowboy Bebop ending, a good bit more. It probably was one of my favorite endings in anime history. I think it really highlighted a prevailing theme in Katanagatari, 'The ruin and failure of vast ambition' and while it is a rather pessimistic theme, I think Katanagatari represents it beautifully.

-Also, I think the mention of Cheerio was supposed to be somewhat humerous, I think that was done intentionally, it's one of those "I don't know if I'm supposed to laugh or cry moments"
GodComplexedDec 12, 2010 7:36 PM
Dec 12, 2010 8:11 PM

Aug 2008
ionphantom said:
mcjazzman32 said:
This was what the author wanted to tell us? This was his plan? How loathsome. The one positive thing I got out of this is that I can now remember the artist and remind myself never to read or watch anything by him again.

Says a guy who gave Bakemonogatari a 10 and plans to watch Kizumonogatari. =p

yeah cause thats the same genre.............

Thats like laying into someone who likes the Hangover for criticizing the Godfather
Romance comedy anime - Japan's gift to America
Dec 12, 2010 8:19 PM
Jun 2008
Bacun said:

2) What was the goal of Kiki and creating the swords? His plan failed in the end, but I'm not sure what the plan was to begin with.
Killing the boss doesn't end everything.Once the boss is dead,the next one will take its place.This is the lesson.
Bakufu is the master, and the ruler is just a Tool and it can replace anytime.haha To be honest, a more better and more powerful Ruler will be replaced instead of the stupid one like in this episode
Bacun said:

3) The blond princess, what was her goal? Killing off Togame and willing to die... for what exactly? And why does she choose to follow Shichika after all this is over?
MorningGloryDec 12, 2010 8:27 PM
Dec 12, 2010 10:28 PM

Oct 2009
mcjazzman32 said:
ionphantom said:
mcjazzman32 said:
This was what the author wanted to tell us? This was his plan? How loathsome. The one positive thing I got out of this is that I can now remember the artist and remind myself never to read or watch anything by him again.

Says a guy who gave Bakemonogatari a 10 and plans to watch Kizumonogatari. =p

yeah cause thats the same genre.............

Thats like laying into someone who likes the Hangover for criticizing the Godfather

Nisio Isin

No. It would be like calling out someone who says they will never read or watch something by George Lucas because they hated Star Wars, but at the same time likes American Graffiti and Indiana Jones (both also by George Lucas).

You don't have to like/hate everything someone writes. You can have a different opinion for each work.
Dec 12, 2010 10:32 PM

Nov 2008
So she wasn't kidding when she said she was planning to kill him eventually..THAT B****!! Nevertheless, I still love her :P
Dec 12, 2010 10:39 PM

Aug 2008
ionphantom said:
mcjazzman32 said:
ionphantom said:
mcjazzman32 said:
This was what the author wanted to tell us? This was his plan? How loathsome. The one positive thing I got out of this is that I can now remember the artist and remind myself never to read or watch anything by him again.

Says a guy who gave Bakemonogatari a 10 and plans to watch Kizumonogatari. =p

yeah cause thats the same genre.............

Thats like laying into someone who likes the Hangover for criticizing the Godfather

Nisio Isin

No. It would be like calling out someone who says they will never read or watch something by George Lucas because they hated Star Wars, but at the same time likes American Graffiti and Indiana Jones (both also by George Lucas).

You don't have to like/hate everything someone writes. You can have a different opinion for each work.

and I'm cool with that. Why should I continue to read/watch anything when one work ended so tremendously bad. It's the same reason I avoid books by Pullman, Collins, and McKinley. It's the same reason I avoid anything to do with Bill Mahr. I'm not going to continue to invest time into something that has a higher potential to be crap in the end. This was a crap ending. If he has it in him once, he probably has it in him to do it again.
Romance comedy anime - Japan's gift to America
Dec 12, 2010 10:51 PM

Oct 2009
mcjazzman32 said:
and I'm cool with that. Why should I continue to read/watch anything when one work ended so tremendously bad. It's the same reason I avoid books by Pullman, Collins, and McKinley. It's the same reason I avoid anything to do with Bill Mahr. I'm not going to continue to invest time into something that has a higher potential to be crap in the end. This was a crap ending. If he has it in him once, he probably has it in him to do it again.

He also seems to be able to pull something off that you like with Bakemonogatari.

I absolutely loved Katanagatari and Bakemonogatari, so I'm looking forward to Kizumonogatari as well. (I guess we already sort of know how Kizumonogatari will end.)
Dec 13, 2010 12:21 AM

Oct 2010
shicika ,omaiwa totemo kakoiiiiiiiiiiiii!
Signature Removed
Dec 13, 2010 2:19 AM

Jul 2009
Everyone who doesn't give this anime 10 points isn't worth living.
Dec 13, 2010 3:03 AM

Nov 2008
Schreibtisch said:
Everyone who doesn't give this anime 10 points isn't worth living.

*checks his avatar* ...riiiiiiiight!
FF-FANATICSep 29, 2013 5:28 AM
Dec 13, 2010 6:52 AM

Jan 2009
When Togame says "Even so.. would you mind.. if i fell for you?"
What was Shichika's answer ?

Light Noval readers please help :(
Truth is, Everybody is going to hurt you, You just gotta to find the ones worth suffering for.
Dec 13, 2010 7:01 AM
Jan 2009
Now that the series is over, I'd like to read the novels as I'm sure they'll provide more insight into the whole thing.

While people are still interested in this thread, I figure this would be the place to ask people to vote for a translation. Takes 30 seconds to register, show some love!
Dec 13, 2010 7:05 AM
Jun 2008
shoga said:

While people are still interested in this thread, I figure this would be the place to ask people to vote for a translation. Takes 30 seconds to register, show some love!
took more than 30 sec to register for me....
Anyway,I would be happy if it is translated =)

The_Pain said:
When Togame says "Even so.. would you mind.. if i fell for you?"
What was Shichika's answer ?
The LN didn't mention it at all....( 14:40).The Director make this part to make us feel mysterious about what Shichika said when Togame died.

But here is how I think what he said after that. playback the conversation at 19:00 .I think that phrase fit in nicely when Togame died ^_^
MorningGloryDec 13, 2010 7:14 AM
Dec 13, 2010 8:32 AM

Jun 2009
Sigh...the word epic has lost all meaning.

Two half dead men in a barehanded fist fight with the equivalent to the end of the world about to happen any second. That's epic. An asteroid about to destroy the planet and the only thing that can stop it is a sniper with a single bullet. That's epic. This episode was anticlimactic.

This series was mostly meh to me. There were moments it shined. But looking back I find that it was ok but not truly great. So I gave it a 6/10.

"I always take life with a grain of salt, a slice of lemon, ...and a shot of tequila."

Dec 13, 2010 11:06 AM

Oct 2009
AidanAK47 said:
Sigh...the word epic has lost all meaning.

Two half dead men in a barehanded fist fight with the equivalent to the end of the world about to happen any second. That's epic. An asteroid about to destroy the planet and the only thing that can stop it is a sniper with a single bullet. That's epic. This episode was anticlimactic.

I think it fits the classical definition of epic, using anime as its medium instead of poetry. Togame's quest (Odysseus' quest to get back home after the Trojan War) to find the Deviant Blades is already underway (the Iliad takes place towards the end of the Trojan War) before the story starts. It starts when she meets Shichika and they journey together (Gilgamesh and Enkidu). On their journey they encounter many trials and battles (pretty much every epic). After Togame dies, Shichika goes on a rampage and kills the shogun and most of his retainers (Odysseus reclaims his wife and goes on a rampage killing all of her suitors). Despite losing Togame, Shichika continues on another quest (After losing Enkidu, Gilgamesh goes on).

I also think it also subtly fits your definition of epic (the modern "Fuck yeah! That's awesome!" epic) as the fate of Japan's future and thus the fate of the world hung in the balance. I would have to agree that it would be anticlimactic in that Shichika and Hitei come to the conclusion that while fate will allow it self to be knocked temporarily off course, it can never be permanently altered, rendering the entire story for naught (After losing Enkidu, Gilgamesh seeks immortality for himself, only to come to the conclusion that immortality will only cheapen life's joys).

Despite the futility of this epic, I still found the journey enjoyable, especially now that I consider the irony of it all. Usually the protagonist(s), either by desire or circumstance, have a goal and/or a purpose. Through various hardships (and sometimes sacrifice), there is growth. In the end, that goal/purpose is met and it's meaningful. In Katanagatari, it was meaningless.
Dec 13, 2010 1:44 PM

Feb 2010
Wow. Just wow. I have no idea what to say... Shichicka was mindbogglingly awesome in this episode.

SOLID series. 9/10
Dec 13, 2010 4:52 PM

Oct 2010
Dec 13, 2010 6:23 PM
Dec 2010
I'm not sure why some people are saying that Shichika had basically "ended up" with Hitehime simply because she's chosen to join him on his journey (a map journey that he had originally planned to go on with Togame). Shichika didn't even want Hiteihime to come with him but she insistently tagged along anyway. That in no way means that they decided to "get together". Besides, both Shichika and Hiteihime already have their own important people within their hearts, even despite the fact that they both died. I have no reason to think that those feelings will ever change.

It's pretty evident that even after Togame's death Shichika's love and devotion for her had still remained intact, and to be honest I find that extremely remarkable about his character. Shichika's number one person in his life always has been and always will be Togame. I just can't imagine it any other way really.

I'm not sure if I'm a minority or not when I say that I wish Togame would have somehow survived the ordeal and she and Shichika could have continued on their next journey together (since some people seem to enjoy these sort of events with someone dramatically dying), though even so this episode was quite amazing and left some emotionally deep and long lasting aftereffects. What struck me was how Shichika proclaimed his realization after Togame's death that maybe he wasn't necessarily fighting for Togame all along, but for himself - because he loves her. In essence, I think this was his way of saying "I'm the one who's selfish Togame, not you, and it's because I love you. Let me continue to be selfish". What also touched me was Togame's last words, which I'm surprised to hear that some people found it either boring or it lasting too long. Sure she claimed to have lied about some things to Shichika initially, but I didn't completely buy that everything she said was a lie, and I don't think Shichika did either. I think she was using that as a means to help Shichika do the impossible and make it easier for him to move on after she dies, which of course didn't really work. I'm happy that she finally came out and verbally acknowledged that her feelings were not lies, and that she really did fall in love with him (though I think it was always evident anyway and we didn't need her to say it to know that she did).

Anyone else find it interesting that, from what it appeared to me, Shichika pretty much spared Hitehime's life particularly because she admitted to not dislike Togame the way she always claimed she had? I guess it's hard to say whether or not Shichika would have actually killed Hitehime, but it came to show that so long as you didn't have any vendetta against Togame, then you'd more than likely be on Shichika's good side.

I want badly to give this episode some docked score for the sheer fact that Togame died (I was pretty heart broken over it honestly), but it was so well done and executed that I still have to give a 10/10. Shichika and Togame, in life or death, are simply inseparable in my eyes, and I think that's one of the things that this episode, and the series in general, had successfully conveyed.
Dec 13, 2010 8:22 PM

Dec 2009
I can't even say too much... I'm still collecting pieces of my brain all over my room...
And my mom just yelled at me coz I screamed a "SUGOI" here (it's 1 am were I live).
Dec 14, 2010 7:32 AM

Dec 2008
Well, I think Shichika's outfit for the final battle looked really cool. I liked that a lot.

I do not approve of Hitehime drastic change in personality or her just tagging along with Shichika. That doesn't make much sense to me. It's the drastic change in personality for me. Ah well.
How long would it take to earn 50 million yen, Karasawa? - Katsuya
No longer than it would take to get to the bank, provided I have a gun. -Karasawa
I'm through talking with you. -Katsuya
Dec 14, 2010 11:40 AM
Review Moderator

Jun 2007
I can't even begin to start writing my impressions of this epi . I actually completely 100% agree to Janifuu's post .

Tbh , I couldn't even express it any better than that . TY Janifuu xD
Dec 14, 2010 12:31 PM

Oct 2010
cb27ded said:
I do not approve of Hitehime drastic change in personality or her just tagging along with Shichika. That doesn't make much sense to me. It's the drastic change in personality for me. Ah well.

It was an unexpected change, but it felt pretty natural to me. Hitei is almost exactly like Togame. They are in a constant but respectful rivalry of oneupmanship, both using everyone and everything around them as tools, pawns to be sacrificed in the battle. They were like 2 versions of the same person competing for a spot available for only 1. And they didn't dislike each other. There was no bad-blood or resentment between them in the end. And with Shichika's master dying and Hitei's sword dying, having Hitei take Togame's place is poetic justice.

I can't even say it was really a change in personality. Hitei just never had the opportunity to show that side of her. Remember, Togame also was a cool, calm, business-only girl who would show a childish human side when she became embarrassed or indignant. Shichika caused those moments because he would question her rather than simply obey. He posed some challenge to her view of herself.

On the other hand, Hitei's servant, Enzo, was completely subservient and didn't question her or pose any challenge. It even seemed to annoy her that he was so pathetically wrapped around her finger. Shichika was the first one to not do as Hitei ordered and to not treat her as a superior. That caused her to complain and make the cute pouting face. But since she's not in control of Shichika but still needs him, she can't do anything but accept his insubordination.

It was a perfect fit. I would be interested to see another special episode just of how those two develop...
Dec 14, 2010 1:13 PM
Dec 2010
Where do I start?
I really like the entire series and over the course of 12 months became attached to Togame and Shichika's personalities and characters. The way they interacted with each other, and the way they grew because of each other.

I have so much to express about this final conclusive episode, mainly because it has so much to offer. It was shocking, emotional, brutally honest and painfully tragic. You can see the melancholy in Shichika's eyes as he invades the castle. Togame's sincerity in saying that she was happy to die because it meant that she didn't need to kill him.

I agree with Janifuu about Shichika's feelings and devotion for Togame and not Princess Hitei like everyone thinks. Even at the end, I don't believe Shichika is over Togame... or ever will be. Hence still wearing her clothes, carrying her lock of hair, and traveling around Japan to make maps of places like what Togame and him spoke about. There will never be another woman to replace Togame in Shichika's heart.

I really wished there was an alternate ending. A happy one.
But that's wishful thinking.
TenshoJun 16, 2016 12:27 AM
Dec 14, 2010 1:26 PM

Aug 2009

That was great! 9/10 Its been a great year!
Dec 14, 2010 2:21 PM

Nov 2009
A long journey it has been. I am glad how well this ended. I thought it fit the show very well, especially the deep thinking and speeches.
I was amazed at how they made Togame a true strategist. It is difficult to decide if she was lying to herself the whole time because her confessing that was pretty shocking and convincing. It added a whole new dimension to her character which i never really considered.
I really admired the completed Shichika, not just for being awesome, but for being able to think for himself; he grew a brain essentially.
(No grade can satisfy 10/10)
Dec 14, 2010 2:42 PM

Aug 2008
Who would've thought this series would end with that pair. I'm tempted to say a widow & widower. Outstanding episode, though I thought Togame's last scene was rather elongated. BRUTAL violence that crushed anything we saw so far, even Emonzaemon's execution of Maniwani Pengin.... DX And a real, ballsy ending. I don't like, I love this show. You'll have a hard time convincing me something better debuted this year.

Dec 14, 2010 8:06 PM
Dec 2008
it was sad at Togames part...sob, but then spreading Cherrio! was what her 1st favor is and im like..Huh? That the first thing ya gonna say?! =A=
And her wish was long...haha..
The 2nd half was kinda comical...ya know when Shichika defeated the opponent and walks up that tiny stairs, showing the large arena with blood spats or dead opponent? that scene i find it quite funny o.o especially the 10th katana...=.=
The ending was sad inna way...but hey, its good ending ^_^

Just a random thought:
Shichika took sooo many and i mean MANY bullets from entou jyuu and he survived, whereas Togame died with 2..i know Togames combat abilities is 0 nd all thou...just a random thinking :P

Everyone CHERRIO~!!
Dec 14, 2010 8:30 PM

Oct 2009
Nobody mentioned Souto Kanazuchi lol, Maniwani ftw.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Dec 14, 2010 9:45 PM

Jun 2009
That was quite a ride. I loved it :)

Personally though, my preferred ending would be Togame's alive.
Dec 14, 2010 10:05 PM

Apr 2008
What to say, what to say...

This was an awesome series for starters. Togame's death really made me sad/angry because of the fact that I thought that Togame and Shichika made such a great couple (Something about the way he used to fiddle w/ her hair when it was long, and then the banter as well). However, the death did fit in the story well. The fights with each of the new deviant blade holders was brief, but each still managed to be unique and exciting in their own way (as has been commented on, the fight w/ the new owner of the 10th sword was hilarious). The last battle between Shichika and Enmonzaemon was awesome as well, with Shichika not even trying to dodge his blows.

And the ones who made the anime got their last laugh on us as well, because the whole thing ends with "By the way, none of this really changed history anyways, so the story may as well as not have happened". I honestly think this was a unique twist to the ending. Not very happy with the whole "Hitei-hime survives and now follows Shichika" thing, but I guess it fits with everything else in the story. =D

Overall a very entertaining ride. Pity it had to end. I give it a 10 (and for any who disagrees, that is why they call it an opinion)! ~_^

EDIT: I'd just about kill to get a 1024 x 768 wall of that last image of Togame under that tree at the end....I shall have to look for one~
kimmiechanDec 14, 2010 10:08 PM
Dec 15, 2010 2:33 AM

Jul 2009
ionphantom said:
AidanAK47 said:
Sigh...the word epic has lost all meaning.

Two half dead men in a barehanded fist fight with the equivalent to the end of the world about to happen any second. That's epic. An asteroid about to destroy the planet and the only thing that can stop it is a sniper with a single bullet. That's epic. This episode was anticlimactic.

I think it fits the classical definition of epic, using anime as its medium instead of poetry. Togame's quest (Odysseus' quest to get back home after the Trojan War) to find the Deviant Blades is already underway (the Iliad takes place towards the end of the Trojan War) before the story starts. It starts when she meets Shichika and they journey together (Gilgamesh and Enkidu). On their journey they encounter many trials and battles (pretty much every epic). After Togame dies, Shichika goes on a rampage and kills the shogun and most of his retainers (Odysseus reclaims his wife and goes on a rampage killing all of her suitors). Despite losing Togame, Shichika continues on another quest (After losing Enkidu, Gilgamesh goes on).

I also think it also subtly fits your definition of epic (the modern "Fuck yeah! That's awesome!" epic) as the fate of Japan's future and thus the fate of the world hung in the balance. I would have to agree that it would be anticlimactic in that Shichika and Hitei come to the conclusion that while fate will allow it self to be knocked temporarily off course, it can never be permanently altered, rendering the entire story for naught (After losing Enkidu, Gilgamesh seeks immortality for himself, only to come to the conclusion that immortality will only cheapen life's joys).

Despite the futility of this epic, I still found the journey enjoyable, especially now that I consider the irony of it all. Usually the protagonist(s), either by desire or circumstance, have a goal and/or a purpose. Through various hardships (and sometimes sacrifice), there is growth. In the end, that goal/purpose is met and it's meaningful. In Katanagatari, it was meaningless.

Great post. Is there a word more powerful than "epic"? I need it to describe this series.

I'm glad he didn't kill the cute girl with #10. Though the point of breaking that sword seemed to be NOT killing the wielder? Or something.

Edit: Someone questioned the gender of that owner... I don't know whether "Kousha" implies male or female... someone confirm so I won't feel TRAPped. Definitely voiced by a woman.
wheresthehandleDec 15, 2010 2:46 AM
Don't forget.
Always, somewhere,
someone is fighting for you.
As long as you remember her,
you are not alone.
Dec 15, 2010 3:42 AM
Feb 2009
Well, finally watched it after putting it off for a bit. Have to say, I'm quite satisfied. I've noticed a lot of people are unhappy with Togame dying, but I really would'e been unhappy with anything else; any kind of miraculous comeback by our lovely heroine would've been forced and unwelcome in my book. Honestly, I was kind of hoping Shichika would die after all this, since that was his wish. I figured everyone in that building would've died: Shichika, Emonzaemon, Hitei-hime, everyone.

I think the Shichika x Hitei-hime pairing at the end was fine. I was always a fan of Hitei-hime. While she was kind of a b*tch, she didn't overdo it. You could tell she was just working her agenda in whatever way was necessary, as was Togame. What was significant was how each character was introduced. She was originally introduced as an antagonist, even though it quickly became apparent that she was much more of an arch rival. Togame, on the other hand, was quite obviously one of our protagonists. The difference in how we perceived these two manipulative b*tches was heavily influenced by their respective screen time. Had Hitei-hime been the one going around with Shichika and Togame been the one scheming from her castle -- assuming both characters kept their personalities -- I'm sure many of you raging right now would still be raging. That said, I liked them both, although I might have actually favored Hitei-hime over Togame (I tend to like female characters with slight mean streaks ;]). Instead of something that was just slapped together to have some people survive through the end of the show, it was a decision that really made sense to me. Hitei-hime and Togame had a lot of parallels, the main difference being their circumstances. Like I said, I honestly thought she was a goner and that's the ending I would've preferred, but I don't dislike this ending. I'm guessing they wanted SOME sort of happy ending so that people don't rage-nuke Japan.

This series made me happy and I'll probably end up watching it again at some point.
Dec 15, 2010 6:11 AM

Mar 2010

Magnificent series and God Tier Ending and No-God-No-Buddha Tier Trolling

nothing less than 9/10 is enough
Dec 15, 2010 6:50 AM

Jan 2010
Not impressed with this ending.

It was mostly cheap melodrama. The long-winded death scene was base.

The fight scenes were tedious. Even their only redeeming feature -- brevity -- was devalued because there were so many of them. And they actually went through all twelve swords. This was too pedantic for words. it must have sucked for the staff to have to come up with twelve wacky, different characters for thirty seconds of nothingness.

I'm not disappointed that Emonzaemon died horribly and truly pointlessly. For all Togame's talk of everyone and everything being a tool, he was the worst -- a murderer for a petty psychopath. Hitei became a much better person very quickly after he was dead.

Killing off a lead character can be done but this was flippant and cavalier. Their adventure became meaningless. All of the killing became meaningless. The eternity spent digging holes and listening to the holy man became meaningless. I'm disappointed as well that an interesting character (well interesting until she was mortally wounded, then she became dreary) has vanished so abruptly.

I can't help but feel that the creators of the story were having a bad day when they thought this up. Or perhaps they have low expectations of the viewers. Anyway, I found this to be a weak and disappointing ending to what was otherwise a mostly good story.
Dec 15, 2010 8:05 AM

Jan 2010
ionphantom said:
AidanAK47 said:
Sigh...the word epic has lost all meaning.

Two half dead men in a barehanded fist fight with the equivalent to the end of the world about to happen any second. That's epic. An asteroid about to destroy the planet and the only thing that can stop it is a sniper with a single bullet. That's epic. This episode was anticlimactic.

I think it fits the classical definition of epic, using anime as its medium instead of poetry. Togame's quest (Odysseus' quest to get back home after the Trojan War) to find the Deviant Blades is already underway (the Iliad takes place towards the end of the Trojan War) before the story starts. It starts when she meets Shichika and they journey together (Gilgamesh and Enkidu). On their journey they encounter many trials and battles (pretty much every epic). After Togame dies, Shichika goes on a rampage and kills the shogun and most of his retainers (Odysseus reclaims his wife and goes on a rampage killing all of her suitors). Despite losing Togame, Shichika continues on another quest (After losing Enkidu, Gilgamesh goes on).

Troll. A checklist does not an epic make.
Dec 15, 2010 8:46 AM

Oct 2009
Mockman said:
Troll. A checklist does not an epic make.

No. I just know what I'm talking about.

I understand that language evolves, so your definition of epic may be different from the original version; however, enjoyment shouldn't be a part of the definition, because enjoyment is subjective. Not every who likes the Iliad and the Odyssey will like Gilgamesh or Beowulf or Paradise Lost, but that doesn't mean the other epics aren't epic.
Dec 15, 2010 10:41 AM
Jun 2008
a fighter with only naked weapon went into a feudal castle filled with thousand of soldier and end up splitting the castle into 2 and safely escaping the caste with a serious bullet wound and keeping a fragile big boob princess from dying in a dangerous collapsing castle. If this ain't Epic then I think this is Shichika is only serious .I think We should call him serious Shichika

Here a small fact, even if Shichika doesn't appear in the history, haha Do you think people would even believe what Shichika did and would people record Shichika's act? They would rather say that the castle collapse due to earthquake rather than telling people that a warrior with no weapon killing spree inside.

Of course,Sichika is only a human.He is not a god .....That's why Emonzaemon has to lead him into the highest point of the castle instead of wasting Shichika's energy by fighting thousand of soldier.Its means Emonzaemon is giving Shichika the safest route reaching the final boss .
hehe zzZZ,many character in Anime,they doesn't mention the word "stamina" .but its a bit different in Katanagatari.In episode 8, Togame put a dangerous bet on Shichika that he can win Biyori by exhuasting Biyori's energy.Of course,Togame also fear that Shichika will die due to lack of "stamina",but Togame put her trust on him. =P
MorningGloryDec 15, 2010 11:18 AM
Dec 15, 2010 3:49 PM

Sep 2007
Dec 15, 2010 8:54 PM

Sep 2009
DonKangolJones said:
You'll have a hard time convincing me something better debuted this year.

It doesn't surprise me that you've seen neither Yojouhan Shinwa Taikei or Saraiya Goyou, two excellent shows that easily top this that debuted this year.
Dec 16, 2010 2:06 AM

May 2009
ShiroiRyu said:
Anyone know the song used ?
T.M.Revolution - Sword Summit. It's the opening song for Sengoku Basara Two.
Dec 16, 2010 3:53 PM

Jun 2008
The proper words to describe this ending are hard to come up with...

A variety of emotions went through me while watching this final episode, but I can easily say that I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of KATANAGATARI...

I can't believe just how amazing Nisio Isin is, I thought Bakemonogatari was a masterpiece, but this just solidifies his genuine talent for storytelling...

I wasn't sure what I would give Katanagatari, but I didn't expect the ending to be this incredible....10/10

A Masterpiece, without a doubt an amazing journey with an amazing story.
Dec 16, 2010 5:04 PM

Nov 2008
Excellent series, great final and Cherio~! for Togame! T.T
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