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The kiss made sense to me, in context of the fact that both are slowly recovering memories of their previous romance. Thus, meeting at the location where they used to meet in combination with an intense emotional experience triggered the need for comfort and they comforted each other by kissing. It only feels like it came out of left field because too many anime treat kissing like stepping through the pearly gates: rare, sublime, and final.
Every day you can read a book or watch some anime is a good day!
All that buildup with Shiori to be dropped in the next episode. She just disappeared. There was hardly any closure. To top it off, our self-insert protagonist moved on from it effortlessly. The structure of the plot is staying way too true to the VN.
I like how 7 years is like 700 years for them, just can't recall anything lol. Anyways about that kiss, won't say it came out of nowhere as they were setting something like that up throughout the episode. So good thing it did come.
Yuuichi's fear of heights is as bad as mine! I also fear seeing people going up and doing daring stuff in high places. That reminded me of the movie "The Walk (2015)" Oh man, I was at the edge of my seat during the last scene even though I knew he'd never fall.
Ayu is cute, but if I were Yuuichi, I'd go for the wincest route with Nayuki. I prefer mature-looking women.
Nice kiss scene. That was totally unexpected. I just realized that Makoto didn't even get a kiss scene, even though she loved him as much to the point where she was willing to sacrifice her life to spend time with him as a human.
The thought of losing someone important. Unthinkable for me atm, but one thing is for sure when that happens to me someday, it will also be the time for me to go.
All that buildup with Shiori to be dropped in the next episode. She just disappeared. There was hardly any closure. To top it off, our self-insert protagonist moved on from it effortlessly. The structure of the plot is staying way too true to the VN.
wtf bruh. they completely sideline shiori topic and then we see this forced kiss? i was liking it so much until the kiss that came outta nowhere. how can one possibly have any romantic feelings for ayu, she's acts so much like a child. can't think of her as anything other than a imouto. i can see they are finally tryingo buld up to ayu's arc but i absolutely dispised that kiss.
maybe ayu is the one nayuki was talking about.
The end of an era. Thank you Wit, Mappa and Isayama.
Feeling half happy, half sad.