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Mar 1, 2013 12:10 PM
Feb 2012
And now I can't choose between Yozora and Sena. Fuck it. -_-

By the way, all the ambiguity is driving me crazy. All the chances for Kodaka to man up and tell one of the girls something a MC is supposed to get wasted. Damn it, Kodaka, get your act together!
The release of atomic energy has not created a new problem. It has merely made more urgent the necessity of solving an existing one. - Albert Einstein
Mar 1, 2013 12:16 PM

Dec 2012
GuiltyKing said:
And now I can't choose between Yozora and Sena. Fuck it. -_-

By the way, all the ambiguity is driving me crazy. All the chances for Kodaka to man up and tell one of the girls something a MC is supposed to get wasted. Damn it, Kodaka, get your act together!

Again he has a reason not to make an advance in any of the girls .If you want to know read his spoiler in his character page.
Mar 1, 2013 12:42 PM

Nov 2012
Yozora was so cute when at the cat cafe.I was blushing when she said Meow,she was just so cute :3.I hate that Sena made Yozora cry,(I so hate her >:( ...jk I like Sena but not as much as Yozora)
Mar 1, 2013 2:15 PM

Aug 2008
Anyone notice the closeups of the characters in the 2nd half of the episode with the more distinct eye designs and more detailed hair?
Mar 1, 2013 3:11 PM
Sep 2011
Fun episode. If Haganai NEXT has done anything for me it is make me start liking the characters more snce I really didn't like anyone in S1 apart from Yozora and Rika, but I can't say I don't like any of the characters anymore other han maybe Maria.

The other thing this season has done is cement the fact that I am Team Yozora, I was unsure after season 1 but I after seeing how adorable Yozora was in this episode...

On topic the french film was hilarious. Was it just me who noticed that the title of the episode was a reference to Oreshura and the guy in the French film was called "Johnathan". Now Oreshura is filled with references to JoJo's Bizarre Adventure and the lead character of Part 1 is called Johnathan. Is this a reference within a reference?
Mar 1, 2013 3:15 PM

Mar 2012
I like Rika Kobato version.
Kickstarter for Rokujouma is fully funded. Good work everyone. Lets wait for the result of our hard work together.
Mar 1, 2013 3:26 PM

Jul 2010
What's with Yozora always wearing the stupidest of clothes and not caring one bit? I have to say though, she really is a different person while surrounded by those cats.

The roles were kinda reversed now huh? This time it was Yozora running out the door while screaming "idiot". The whole mumbling by one of the girls with Kodaka asking "sorry, what was that?" is really getting old now though.

Mar 1, 2013 4:39 PM

Mar 2012
Kodaka thinks he doesn't have friends, I believe he already have some good friends and they could be his harem lol :p
Mar 1, 2013 5:06 PM

May 2012
JustALEX said:
-MgZ_ said:
Damn! Yozora got owned by Sena HARD. I'm glad Sena stood up for Yozora abusing her position as the club president and script writer.

"If only you've never existed" Wow. Yozora is finally showing her true colors. This episode just made it clear to the people the she is an egocentric bitch. They also hinted her being a slut after she ask Kodaka if he wanted to C'est si bon. I'm glad Sena stayed calm after all of that. She have a nice attitude unlike Yozoslut.

Epic! And I fully agree.

Also, "Yozoslut", that's a good one!

I totally agree with you guys, finally normal people who can spot a bully when they see one, even if it's a cute girl.
Only that, I don't think she's a slut, quite the opposite.
But she is a fucking hypocrite, laughing about Sena's hentai games while she wants Kodaka's dick, it's pretty disgusting, as expected from Yozobitch.

Also the oh so obvious desperate script changing and the "I wish you never existed" part totally made me forget about the cute fact she likes cats (the ONLY good thing about Yozora).
Oh I'm sorry miss Yozobitch that Sena interfered you getting a fucking "friend" (*ehem getting your god damn pussy pounded by Kodaka ehem*) by fucking existing, egoistic bitch.
I was so fucking happy to see her cry and running away like she always does to Sena, and the fact that Sena didn't even abused her, she just told her the truth in the face and she had that reaction was priceless.

I've never seen an anime character who fits the word "bitch" as much as Yozora.
Mar 1, 2013 5:24 PM
Jul 2012
tsudecimo said:
Oh look yet another post from you that is just dumb...

Did i say it was her fault? the point i was making that what yozora did to yukimura wasn't bullying it was manipulation .

WHO did yozora hurt other than sena? ( god this annoying you keep repeating the same shit without proving them or replying to anyone who counter your post)

Well it's not my problem if you can't think beyond yourself. You are actually not really thinking about what she is doing to other people. You are just making cheap excuses.

I love yozora more than sena but i don't really want them to end up as a couple just friends.

There is no basement for a serious discussion if you are just projecting your own wishes and dreams about friendship onto the characters. You can't see how she really is as long you are doing that. As I said, to get a real picture of Yozora you have to think beyond yourself. Try to think about Yozora and what she is doing to other people and avoid to mix up your own thoughts about friendship.

Yozora is not delusional about kodaka you are talking about Yukimura.

They are both delusional. They are also projecting their dreams and wishes about friendship on Kodaka. ^^
mironicusMar 1, 2013 5:37 PM
Mar 1, 2013 6:30 PM
Nov 2010
^ are you intentionally to be like the King of Irony or what?

What you said (or rather, those part that you said can be reasonably understood by an average person) applies more to yourself than anyone else here....

It is actually your problem if you cannot string together a coherent argument, and resort to 1+1 = 4 all the time as some magic bullet. When time and time again nobody can understand why 1+1 = 4, according to you, it is because other people need to get a 'real understanding'.

'Try to think about Yozora and what she is doing to other people and avoid to mix up your own thoughts about friendship.'

Sorry but in another forum, your own idea of friendship has already been shown to be so nanrrow and conceited that it almost fits exactly as how you are choosing to describe Yozora. Ah...such irony...
Mar 1, 2013 6:33 PM
Jul 2012
If kodaka ends up with yozora watching this series will be a total waste of time, like throwing everything that happend until now away, yozora is the worst kind of person there is in this world, she is a person that manipulate others and puts herself and her feelings beyond anyone's else. She should remain with no friends that she does.
Mar 1, 2013 6:46 PM

Dec 2012
Miss_Psychedelic said:
JustALEX said:
-MgZ_ said:
Damn! Yozora got owned by Sena HARD. I'm glad Sena stood up for Yozora abusing her position as the club president and script writer.

"If only you've never existed" Wow. Yozora is finally showing her true colors. This episode just made it clear to the people the she is an egocentric bitch. They also hinted her being a slut after she ask Kodaka if he wanted to C'est si bon. I'm glad Sena stayed calm after all of that. She have a nice attitude unlike Yozoslut.

Epic! And I fully agree.

Also, "Yozoslut", that's a good one!

I totally agree with you guys, finally normal people who can spot a bully when they see one, even if it's a cute girl.
Only that, I don't think she's a slut, quite the opposite.
But she is a fucking hypocrite, laughing about Sena's hentai games while she wants Kodaka's dick, it's pretty disgusting, as expected from Yozobitch.

Also the oh so obvious desperate script changing and the "I wish you never existed" part totally made me forget about the cute fact she likes cats (the ONLY good thing about Yozora).
Oh I'm sorry miss Yozobitch that Sena interfered you getting a fucking "friend" (*ehem getting your god damn pussy pounded by Kodaka ehem*) by fucking existing, egoistic bitch.
I was so fucking happy to see her cry and running away like she always does to Sena, and the fact that Sena didn't even abused her, she just told her the truth in the face and she had that reaction was priceless.

I've never seen an anime character who fits the word "bitch" as much as Yozora.

It's quite amusing to see you use the word 'hypocrite' to describe Yozora and call her a bully then proceed to call her such vulgar things. You're actually no better than her and neither is anybody else saying the same thing. It's almost like none of you have been in love before :P You don't exactly always do the things you're proud to be with the person you've loved from childhood. Time to grow up a little people.
Mar 1, 2013 7:19 PM
Nov 2010
To love is to accept. However this is anime so none of the real-life experiences apply right? Right?

Such a bitch for wanting one person. I'd love a girl who don't mind whoever I go sleep with, always nice to my other 'female friends' and don't mind sharing. Damn those bitches that think otherwise, such bullies in life so miserable for anyone who have to put up with those bullies that don't mind to share. Now when's the swinger party? lol..the mentality of the anime fandom regarding relationships is really alarming at times. Is there a disporportionated population of bullied individuals in anime fandom or what, why is it such a sensitive topic I wonder?

Kodaka could've been treated like those cats by Yozora if only he's not a harem lead that only ever responds.
Mar 1, 2013 9:07 PM

Dec 2012
mironicus said:
Well it's not my problem if you can't think beyond yourself. You are actually not really thinking about what she is doing to other people. You are just making cheap excuses.

I asked you to give me examples for how she hurt someone other than sena and you say :''i have to think beyond me'' ??? are you stupid ? i asked you a very clear question so why not answer it ?

mironicus said:

I love yozora more than sena but i don't really want them to end up as a couple just friends.

There is no basement for a serious discussion if you are just projecting your own wishes and dreams about friendship onto the characters. You can't see how she really is as long you are doing that. As I said, to get a real picture of Yozora you have to think beyond yourself. Try to think about Yozora and what she is doing to other people and avoid to mix up your own thoughts about friendship.

You said all i want was for yozora to end up with kodaka , i replied that i don't and i wish for them to be just friends then you write that crap......

My reason for not wanting her to be a couple with kodaka is because she idiolize him and all that other projecting image stuff.But does that mean she is not even allowed to be his friends?

mironicus said:

Yozora is not delusional about kodaka you are talking about Yukimura.

They are both delusional. They are also projecting their dreams and wishes about friendship on Kodaka. ^^

No yozora is not delusional about kodaka like yukimura she actually knows he is not a deliquent like everyone else in the club except yukimura.

She is only delusional about who the kodaka in his hopes and dreams is.
Mar 1, 2013 9:10 PM

Dec 2012
Miss_Psychedelic said:

-baseless yozora bash-

Good job dude caring so much for a fictional character to insult her that much , you must get all them bitches in real life am i right?
Mar 1, 2013 9:28 PM

Jun 2012
So when is the part where everyone sucker punches Yozora and then rapes her unconscious?
Mar 1, 2013 9:29 PM

Sep 2012
lazyboy0337 said:
So when is the part where everyone sucker punches Yozora and then rapes her unconscious?
Spend some money and buy Haganai doujin to satisfy yourself. Or you can draw it yourself if you are capable of it ha ha ha.
So MAL finally starts locking news threads that are only a few weeks old?

I wonder where was the announcement of this change? Or we are seeing yet another case of changes made that impacted users but not communicated to them?

I wonder how long people would put up with this.

As much as I have a bunch of information to share about anime announced recently I cannot share it in news board, and the anime series is too disorganized and chaotic to share information except with people already interested in the particular series.
Mar 1, 2013 10:01 PM

Dec 2011
Dunno if it was just me, but if some of the scenes the character designs, mostly the faces and body proportions seemed really off, but meh. Really enjoyed this episode as well, lol i thought Sena was going to get bitch slapped for a second then.
Mar 1, 2013 10:18 PM

Sep 2011
Miss_Psychedelic said:
I've never seen an anime character who fits the word "bitch" as much as Yozora.

*cough* Elina from Queens Blade *cough*

ive seen way worse girls that makes Yozora look like a grumpy kitten
Brigs77Mar 1, 2013 10:21 PM
Mar 1, 2013 11:47 PM

May 2011
C'est si bon! C'est si bon! C'est si bon! Lmao.

Oh damn shit got real serious for a moment there towards the end.
Mar 1, 2013 11:59 PM

Apr 2011
My Beloved Yozora, you are so damn cute!
I love you!
Mar 2, 2013 12:05 AM

Aug 2010
What the...did Yozora actually have a ROLE in an episode? I don't know what to say. Ever since I started watching the second season I got this feeling that she was not only sidelined, but basically abandoned as a character, finally some screen time, I'm so glad.

Well, from the preview it seems that we are getting characters introduced towards the end, so even less (if that's possible) screen time for those I'm actually interested in. Still, this was my favorite episode since the roller coaster. 4/5.

Ps: I was kinda hoping that Yozora would snap and slap Niku really hard. Too bad that didn't happen.
Mar 2, 2013 2:18 AM

Jan 2011
What was up with the art in this episode? Proportions were off and not just by a little bit.
The episode itself was kinda meh, I watch this for the random comedy and not for the "plot".
Hopefully the next episode will be more focused on comedy.
I almost never read discussions after I made my post, if you want to reply PM me or post on my profile page.
Mar 2, 2013 2:36 AM

Feb 2012
Enjoyed this episode :D Well... since I ignored the drama part.
Had plenty of laughs~

I like how almost every episode title is a reference to a LN.
Mar 2, 2013 3:33 AM

Nov 2012
C'est si bon~ ... Definitely one of the most hilarious watching-a-movie scenes I've ever watched in anime. And that cat cafe, add one place I want to visit before death. Oh, and Rika cosplay-ing as Kobato... awesome. Really got me for several seconds there.
A city's greatness is determined by the speed of its internet connection.
Mar 2, 2013 5:13 AM

Jan 2013
Last 7 pages of posts were popcorn-worthy, good show guys! :3

Yozora said Nyan :O
She looks really adorable with those cats :)
Mar 2, 2013 5:32 AM

Dec 2011
MasterMeNL said:
What was up with the art in this episode? Proportions were off and not just by a little bit.

Oh someone else noticed too, good im not going crazy haha
Mar 2, 2013 5:41 AM

Sep 2011
Objurgo said:
Miss_Psychedelic said:
JustALEX said:
-MgZ_ said:
Damn! Yozora got owned by Sena HARD. I'm glad Sena stood up for Yozora abusing her position as the club president and script writer.

"If only you've never existed" Wow. Yozora is finally showing her true colors. This episode just made it clear to the people the she is an egocentric bitch. They also hinted her being a slut after she ask Kodaka if he wanted to C'est si bon. I'm glad Sena stayed calm after all of that. She have a nice attitude unlike Yozoslut.

Epic! And I fully agree.

Also, "Yozoslut", that's a good one!

I totally agree with you guys, finally normal people who can spot a bully when they see one, even if it's a cute girl.
Only that, I don't think she's a slut, quite the opposite.
But she is a fucking hypocrite, laughing about Sena's hentai games while she wants Kodaka's dick, it's pretty disgusting, as expected from Yozobitch.

Also the oh so obvious desperate script changing and the "I wish you never existed" part totally made me forget about the cute fact she likes cats (the ONLY good thing about Yozora).
Oh I'm sorry miss Yozobitch that Sena interfered you getting a fucking "friend" (*ehem getting your god damn pussy pounded by Kodaka ehem*) by fucking existing, egoistic bitch.
I was so fucking happy to see her cry and running away like she always does to Sena, and the fact that Sena didn't even abused her, she just told her the truth in the face and she had that reaction was priceless.

I've never seen an anime character who fits the word "bitch" as much as Yozora.

It's quite amusing to see you use the word 'hypocrite' to describe Yozora and call her a bully then proceed to call her such vulgar things. You're actually no better than her and neither is anybody else saying the same thing. It's almost like none of you have been in love before :P You don't exactly always do the things you're proud to be with the person you've loved from childhood. Time to grow up a little people.


What was up with Rika btw at the beginning of the episode before the opening song? ''I actually knew exactly what Rika wanted to say''??? Am I missing something?! please someone, explain!!
Mar 2, 2013 5:51 AM

May 2012
Objurgo said:
It's quite amusing to see you use the word 'hypocrite' to describe Yozora and call her a bully then proceed to call her such vulgar things. You're actually no better than her and neither is anybody else saying the same thing. It's almost like none of you have been in love before :P You don't exactly always do the things you're proud to be with the person you've loved from childhood. Time to grow up a little people.

tsudecimo said:
Good job dude caring so much for a fictional character to insult her that much , you must get all them bitches in real life am i right?

Yozora is my most hated anime character of all time. Of all time. I'd really like to see you guys not bashing your most hated characters.
And " you must get all them bitches in real life am i right?" - damn, that's really mature of you, judging me in real life because of an anime character, and why do you call the other girl bitches? because they hate Yozora? Does that mean that every body who hates Yozora is a bitch because he doesn't agree with your precious ideology?

And Objurgo, I have been In love, and I've seen other people that have been in love, and never In my life I've seen a girl that bashes her competition so brutally instead of trying to get close to her love interest.
And again, you're also taking it to the real life here, how am I a hypocrite? For saying what I think about an anime character, who do I bully? The non existing Yozora? I just say what she deserves from my opinion.
She is a bitch! and she acts like a bitch, and she does thing out of interest, and she abuses and ridicules others (like dressing up Yukimura as a girl to laugh at her and once Kodaka found out she's actually a girl "oh shit she's cute my plans a ruined!", so she dressed him up as a boy which appeared to be cute again "oh shit my plans are ruined!" - If a girl did it in real life, would you still think she's a sweetie?), all that because she can't be mature enough to come up to Kodaka and confess.
I can understand her reasons and her fears and her love for Kodaka, but that's not justifying her behavior AT ALL!
Mar 2, 2013 6:10 AM

Dec 2012
Miss_Psychedelic said:
Yozora is my most hated anime character of all time. Of all time. I'd really like to see you guys not bashing your most hated characters.
And " you must get all them bitches in real life am i right?" - damn, that's really mature of you, judging me in real life because of an anime character, and why do you call the other girl bitches? because they hate Yozora? Does that mean that every body who hates Yozora is a bitch because he doesn't agree with your precious ideology?

Of course i hate certain characters maybe even more than you but i don't really care much to insult them in the immature way you did.

Also i didn't really judge who you are in real life my mind didn't even go there because i don't care who you are IRL.

Im yozora fan and might be the fairest one because i know all her short commings and flaws and im not delusional about who she is .But some of you because of your hate start labeling her with stuff like ''slut'' when she is clearly not .
Calling her a ''bitch'' is fair and an opinion but not stuff like ''slut'' and other stuff with the same meaning.

Miss_Psychedelic said:

And Objurgo, I have been In love, and I've seen other people that have been in love, and never In my life I've seen a girl that bashes her competition so brutally instead of trying to get close to her love interest.
And again, you're also taking it to the real life here, how am I a hypocrite? For saying what I think about an anime character, who do I bully? The non existing Yozora? I just say what she deserves from my opinion.
She is a bitch! and she acts like a bitch, and she does thing out of interest, and she abuses and ridicules others (like dressing up Yukimura as a girl to laugh at her and once Kodaka found out she's actually a girl "oh shit she's cute my plans a ruined!", so she dressed him up as a boy which appeared to be cute again "oh shit my plans are ruined!" - If a girl did it in real life, would you still think she's a sweetie?), all that because she can't be mature enough to come up to Kodaka and confess.
I can understand her reasons and her fears and her love for Kodaka, but that's not justifying her behavior AT ALL!

Who does yozora bashes for the sake of competition ? i hope you are not talking about Sena because she does that because she hate her simple as that not because of kodaka or love or whatever if they met in a world where kodaka didn't exist they would still hate each other.
Before you say '' your okay with what she does to sena'' i love sena just as much i consider what happens between them as their special relationship because they are too stuborn to become friends and i very much liked how sena stood up to yozora in this episode .

If you want to watch someone truly deserve of hate watch peach girl there is a character that is 100x worse than yozora could ever be .
tsudecimoMar 2, 2013 6:15 AM
Mar 2, 2013 7:06 AM

Dec 2012
tsudecimo said:
Miss_Psychedelic said:
Yozora is my most hated anime character of all time. Of all time. I'd really like to see you guys not bashing your most hated characters.
And " you must get all them bitches in real life am i right?" - damn, that's really mature of you, judging me in real life because of an anime character, and why do you call the other girl bitches? because they hate Yozora? Does that mean that every body who hates Yozora is a bitch because he doesn't agree with your precious ideology?

Of course i hate certain characters maybe even more than you but i don't really care much to insult them in the immature way you did.

Also i didn't really judge who you are in real life my mind didn't even go there because i don't care who you are IRL.

You're trying to sway the argument into making us sound like we're attacking you in real life when in reality you're just some other person in front of a screen to me. And no, I don't think people to 'hate' Yozora are all bitches, I don't hate or like Yozora, funnily enough, I don't have a favourite character they're all on pretty equal terms for me. The only thing that I'm annoyed with is the way people are describing the character. And people seem to be forgetting when we first met Sena she was snobby and over-privileged and stepped on boys who liked her as a 'reward' not to mention the creepy obsession she has developed over Yozora with that stuff in her room... So Sena isn't exactly the golden child either and chances are Miss_Psychedelic, You'd hate her guts if she were a real person.
Mar 2, 2013 7:12 AM

May 2012
tsudecimo -
"Of course i hate certain characters maybe even more than you but i don't really care much to insult them in the immature way you did." - I'd like to see how mature you are.

"Also i didn't really judge who you are in real life my mind didn't even go there because i don't care who you are IRL." - "you must get all them bitches in real life am i right?"

"Calling her a ''bitch'' is fair and an opinion but not stuff like ''slut'' and other stuff with the same meaning." - I never called her a slut, I called her a "bitch" a "hypocrite" and a "bully", all of those describe her pretty good.

"Who does yozora bashes for the sake of competition?" - Are you kidding me? what about fucking Yukimura? and please don't tell me the bullshit that she did it to help her because she herself admitted in the anime it was all for the sake of her entertainment and got angry when everybody liked Yukimuras butler outfit.

"I hope you are not talking about Sena because she does that because she hate her simple as that not because of kodaka or love or whatever if they met in a world where kodaka didn't exist they would still hate each other." - I don't care that they still would hate each other, it does not eliminates the fact that right now she mostly does it because of Kodaka (Yozora: "If only you never existed me and Kodaka already were...")

"If you want to watch someone truly deserve of hate watch peach girl there is a character that is 100x worse than yozora could ever be." - Not a shoujo fan but I'll consider it.
Mar 2, 2013 7:22 AM

May 2012
Objurgo said:
You're trying to sway the argument into making us sound like we're attacking you in real life when in reality you're just some other person in front of a screen to me. And no, I don't think people to 'hate' Yozora are all bitches, I don't hate or like Yozora, funnily enough, I don't have a favourite character they're all on pretty equal terms for me. The only thing that I'm annoyed with is the way people are describing the character. And people seem to be forgetting when we first met Sena she was snobby and over-privileged and stepped on boys who liked her as a 'reward' not to mention the creepy obsession she has developed over Yozora with that stuff in her room... So Sena isn't exactly the golden child either and chances are Miss_Psychedelic, You'd hate her guts if she were a real person.

The difference between Yozora and Sena is that Sena changes her narcissistic behavior with time while Yozora stays a bitch.
In real life I'd probably have long talks with Sena and explain her normally why this is not okay instead of emotionally attacking her like Yozora, all she needs is a lady friend, that's why she came to the club in the first place.
Mar 2, 2013 7:34 AM

Dec 2012
Miss_Psychedelic said:
Objurgo said:
You're trying to sway the argument into making us sound like we're attacking you in real life when in reality you're just some other person in front of a screen to me. And no, I don't think people to 'hate' Yozora are all bitches, I don't hate or like Yozora, funnily enough, I don't have a favourite character they're all on pretty equal terms for me. The only thing that I'm annoyed with is the way people are describing the character. And people seem to be forgetting when we first met Sena she was snobby and over-privileged and stepped on boys who liked her as a 'reward' not to mention the creepy obsession she has developed over Yozora with that stuff in her room... So Sena isn't exactly the golden child either and chances are Miss_Psychedelic, You'd hate her guts if she were a real person.

The difference between Yozora and Sena is that Sena changes her narcissistic behavior with time while Yozora stays a bitch.
In real life I'd probably have long talks with Sena and explain her normally why this is not okay instead of emotionally attacking her like Yozora, all she needs is a lady friend, that's why she came to the club in the first place.

She didn't change that much before this episode, And I doubt that very much that you'd talk it out with 'real life' Sena. Do you do that with all the bullies and self worshipping people..

Mar 2, 2013 7:34 AM

Dec 2012
Miss_Psychedelic said:
- Are you kidding me? what about fucking Yukimura? and please don't tell me the bullshit that she did it to help her because she herself admitted in the anime it was all for the sake of her entertainment and got angry when everybody liked Yukimuras butler outfit.

Lol ? you consider what yozora did to yukimura to be and i quote you:

Miss_Psychedelic said:
never In my life I've seen a girl that bashes her competition so brutally instead of trying to get close to her love interest.

Yes yozora made her dress in a butler uniform to lessen her appeal omg how brutal i bet yukimura had mental scars from that [/sarcasm].

Besides in this episode you see that she didn't take the main role from yukimura so that's mean she isn't out to get her or something what she did to her with the uniforms was her being her character which is manipulative i don't consider it as bullying let alone call it brutally bashing someone.

What yozora said was in the moment of anger and frustration and was only thing that she said to sena because of kodaka so it is not a running theme to make it as ''bashing the competetion''
Mar 2, 2013 7:37 AM

Sep 2011
So much hate for Yozora-chan. Screw you guys

JustALEX said:
I was genuinely HAPPY to see Yozora in tears.

You heartless bastard.

-MgZ_ said:
They also hinted her being a slut after she ask Kodaka if he wanted to C'est si bon.

How does that make her a slut? Who doesn't want to sleep with him besides Kobato and Maria?

I'm glad they took an episode to focus on Yozora for a change. She was SO DAMN KAWAII in this episode! And FUCK MEAT for making her cry! That's just WRONG! My chest was physically hurting when she started to tear up.
Come visit my town // I apologize in advance for my second-rate English

Join my fan club // Improve the transport network
Mar 2, 2013 7:38 AM

Dec 2012
Oh man i hate it when someone try defend yozora by bringing up sena ¬_¬
Mar 2, 2013 7:39 AM

Sep 2011
Miss_Psychedelic said:
The difference between Yozora and Sena is that Sena changes her narcissistic behavior with time while Yozora stays a bitch.

you got to be fucking kidding me....
Mar 2, 2013 7:44 AM

Sep 2011
Brigandi said:
Miss_Psychedelic said:
The difference between Yozora and Sena is that Sena changes her narcissistic behavior with time while Yozora stays a bitch.

you got to be fucking kidding me....

Fucking OWNED!
Come visit my town // I apologize in advance for my second-rate English

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Mar 2, 2013 7:46 AM

Apr 2011
JennyEsquire said:
Brigandi said:
Miss_Psychedelic said:
The difference between Yozora and Sena is that Sena changes her narcissistic behavior with time while Yozora stays a bitch.

you got to be fucking kidding me....

Fucking OWNED!

Mar 2, 2013 7:48 AM

May 2012
tsudecimo said:
Miss_Psychedelic said:
- Are you kidding me? what about fucking Yukimura? and please don't tell me the bullshit that she did it to help her because she herself admitted in the anime it was all for the sake of her entertainment and got angry when everybody liked Yukimuras butler outfit.

Lol ? you consider what yozora did to yukimura to be and i quote you:

Miss_Psychedelic said:
never In my life I've seen a girl that bashes her competition so brutally instead of trying to get close to her love interest.

Yes yozora made her dress in a butler uniform to lessen her appeal omg how brutal i bet yukimura had mental scars from that [/sarcasm].

Besides in this episode you see that she didn't take the main role from yukimura so that's mean she isn't out to get her or something what she did to her with the uniforms was her being her character which is manipulative i don't consider it as bullying let alone call it brutally bashing someone.

What yozora said was in the moment of anger and frustration and was only thing that she said to sena because of kodaka so it is not a running theme to make it as ''bashing the competetion''

The fact that Yukimura didn't care about it doesn't make it non abusive, what if somebody dressed you in a girl outfit just for the LOL's? Yozora really enjoyed all this situation until it backfired on her.

Oh yeah? and what about the evil glare she gave her once Sena dressed up as a maid and was cute to Kodaka? and what about her teasing on Sena once she invited Kodaka somewhere and the rest joined but she didn't invite Sena?
Most of the things she does to Sena are somehow involved from her interaction with Kodaka, the rest is when she suggests something\ acts like a narcissist\ breathes.
But mostly it's because she sees her as competition.
Mar 2, 2013 7:58 AM

Dec 2012
Miss_Psychedelic said:

The fact that Yukimura didn't care about it doesn't make it non abusive, what if somebody dressed you in a girl outfit just for the LOL's? Yozora really enjoyed all this situation until it backfired on her.

It is not FUCKING BULLYING because she didn't hurt yukimura emotionally or physically.
and she helped yukimura in a none direct way . yes she didn't mean to but in the end she didn't hurt her but actually help her in a way..
That what you call being manipulative.

Miss_Psychedelic said:

Oh yeah? and what about the evil glare she gave her once Sena dressed up as a maid and was cute to Kodaka? and what about her teasing on Sena once she invited Kodaka somewhere and the rest joined but she didn't invite Sena?
Most of the things she does to Sena are somehow involved from her interaction with Kodaka, the rest is when she suggests something acts like a narcissist breathes.

Still other than what she said to sena this episode nothing was brutal or over the line when it came to kodaka.
Also don't remember when she invited everyone somewhere except Sena what episode was that?
Mar 2, 2013 8:29 AM

May 2010
CrimsonPhantom said:
"Have you ever wanted to... c'est si bon?" Yozora wants the D!!! xD
That scene just killed me!

I'd give Haganai NEXT an award for most hilarious use of the french language in an anime.


Is it just me or the art was differen...a bit like kore wa zombie desu ka? i think..

Also loved how Yozora's script turned into their club room's story slowly.
Mar 2, 2013 8:38 AM
Feb 2013
C'est si bon!

Oh dear, Yozura was such a drag to be in a track suit during her date with Kodaka.

-Looks like Sena was one now able to make Yozura go to a tantrum like in season 1, I wish Yozura could done this was "AAAHHOOOO,AAAHHHOOOO, SENA SHINEE, BAKA, BAKA, SENA, BAKA.
Mar 2, 2013 8:41 AM

Apr 2011
-MgZ_ said:
They also hinted her being a slut after she ask Kodaka if he wanted to C'est si bon.

Huh?? You assumed that she's a slut just because she asked Kodaka about C'est si bon?? WOW..
Mar 2, 2013 8:51 AM

Sep 2011
akira25ysai said:
-MgZ_ said:
They also hinted her being a slut after she ask Kodaka if he wanted to C'est si bon.

Huh?? You assumed that she's a slut just because she asked Kodaka about C'est si bon?? WOW..

and wouldn't a girl be a slut if she fucked with a large number of men...
Mar 2, 2013 8:53 AM

Sep 2011
Brigandi said:
akira25ysai said:

Huh?? You assumed that she's a slut just because she asked Kodaka about C'est si bon?? WOW..

and wouldn't a girl be a slut if she fucked with a large number of men...

Depends what the reasons behind it are. Stop being so judgemental.
Come visit my town // I apologize in advance for my second-rate English

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Mar 2, 2013 9:05 AM

Dec 2012
JennyEsquire said:
Brigandi said:
akira25ysai said:

Huh?? You assumed that she's a slut just because she asked Kodaka about C'est si bon?? WOW..

and wouldn't a girl be a slut if she fucked with a large number of men...

Depends what the reasons behind it are. Stop being so judgemental.

Oh god what with avatar ?
Mar 2, 2013 9:07 AM

Sep 2011
tsudecimo said:

Oh god what with avatar ?

It's a picture of Dr. Alban. I don't see what's wrong with it?
Come visit my town // I apologize in advance for my second-rate English

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