Jan 5, 2014 4:16 PM
Jan 5, 2014 4:19 PM
December 2013 Quotes Obsessions Claims are now Closed~ ======================================== January 2014 Quotes Obsessions are now Open~ Don't forget also that if you want a banner to be made, you must register in the topic and get a badge first. |
EtnaEracleaJan 5, 2014 4:45 PM
Jan 5, 2014 4:20 PM
Mine~ Badge #1 Sentence: This isn’t a situation where you can stand on principle. If there’s something you want to protect, get your hands dirty. Translation: --- Character: L-Elf Anime/Manga: Kakumeiki Valvrave Saying Type: only once quote Month+Year: January 2014 Banner: yes please <3 Picture: white hair #2 Sentence: Thank you for the delicious 'Onii-chan'. Translation: --- Character: Nase Hiroomi Anime/Manga: Kyoukai no Kanata Saying Type: only once quote Month+Year: January 2014 Banner: yes please <3 Picture: prefered or here #3 staff Sentence: This is just my opinion, but when it comes to teaching somebody discipline I believe pain is the most effective way. Translation: --- Character: Levi Anime/Manga: Shingeki no Kyojin Saying Type: only once quote Month+Year: January 2014 Banner: yes please <3 Picture: this (if u can exclude words) otherwise.. this <3 or either to the right (all in order of preference) |
EtnaEracleaJan 5, 2014 4:45 PM
Jan 5, 2014 4:20 PM
Yuki_91's claims Badge: #1 Sentence: "You're saying I'm so damn good-looking that you've gone and fallen in love?" Translation: --- Character: Okita Souji Anime/Manga: Hakuouki Saying Type: only once quote Month+Year: January 2014 Banner: i'll make it #2 Sentence: "Shizuku, Pakunoda... Nice... Actually, I'm an idiot. Damn what's wrong with me?" Translation: --- Character: Chrollo Lucilfer Anime/Manga: Hunter x Hunter Saying Type: only once quote Month+Year: January 2014 Banner: i'll make it #3 [staff bonus] Sentence: "Hurry up and become mine already!" Translation: --- Character: Judal Anime/Manga: Magi - The Labyrinth of Magic Saying Type: only once quote Month+Year: January 2014 Banner: i'll make it |
EtnaEracleaJan 5, 2014 4:45 PM
Jan 5, 2014 4:21 PM
Jan 5, 2014 6:03 PM
Name: Kitix Badge: in sig #1 Sentence: "Thank you... for loving me!" Translation: --- Character: Portgas D. Ace Anime/Manga: One Piece Saying Type: only once quote Month+Year: January 2014 Banner: Yes, please! :3 Picture: 1||2||3 #2 Sentence: "If you are crying, fight against it! If you're regretting, walk forward! Only complaining on your misfortune, you're nothing but a common pig!" Translation: --- Character: Ciel Phantomhive Anime/Manga: Kuroshitsuji Saying Type: only once quote Month+Year: January 2014 Banner: Yes, please! x3 Pictures: here~ Thank you! *O*/ |
Jan 5, 2014 6:38 PM
#1 Sentence: Oh, no. She was crying, and her face was super cute, and...And... Translation: --- Character: Plutia Anime/Manga: Choujigen Game Neptune Saying Type: only once quote Month+Year: January 2014 Banner: i'll make it #2 Sentence: So I thought if I act nice at first, she'd cry even harder later and it'd be even cuter! Translation: --- Character: Plutia Anime/Manga: Choujigen Game Neptune Saying Type: only once quote Month+Year: January 2014 Banner: i'll make it |
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines. |
Jan 5, 2014 7:15 PM
Badge: here #1 Sentence: My speciality is lacerating flesh, Anyone interested in experiencing my skills first hand, step right up Translation: --- Character: Mikasa Ackerman Anime/Manga: Shingeki no Kyojin Saying Type: Only Once quote Month+Year: January 2014 Banner: please make it for me!! Picture: 1 / 2 / 3 #2 Sentence: If I don't fight, I can't win. Translation: --- Character: Mikasa Ackerman Anime/Manga: Shingeki no Kyojin Saying Type: Once quote Month+Year: January 2014 Banner: please make it for me!! Picture: 1 / 2 / 3 Thank you! |
tiffanyhngJan 5, 2014 7:35 PM
Jan 6, 2014 4:54 AM
Badge: #1 Sentence: Why is my phone going off by itself?! Oh...someone's actually calling me... Translation: --- Character: Kuroki Tomoko Anime/Manga: Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaete mo Omaera ga Warui! Saying Type: Once Quote Month+Year: January 2013 Banner: Please make it for me~ Picture: 1 #2 Sentence: You're an idiot and troublesome, and I know you're still stuck with your feelings for him. But, no matter what happens, I will not give up. Because I'm an even bigger idiot. I love you. Translation: --- Character: Mamura Daiki Anime/Manga: Hirunaka no Ryuusei Saying Type: Once Quote Month+Year: January 2013 Banner: Please make it for me ^^ Picture: 1, 2 Thank you~ :3 |
Jan 6, 2014 5:37 AM
#1 Sentence: "Why do you get to decide what is right or wrong?" Translation: --- Character: Hiradaira Chisaki Anime/Manga: Nagi no Asukara Saying Type: Once Quote Month+Year: January 2013 Banner: Please make it for me~ Picture:1 #2 Sentence: "I don't think there is anything wrong with discussion. But I do think it's a waste of time." Translation: --- Character: William Massachusetts Anime/Manga: Log Horizon Saying Type: Once Quote Month+Year: January 2013 Banner: Please make it for me~ Picture:1 #3 [Staff Bonus] Sentence: "I don't care if I'm the only one who gets hurt. But I can't stand you injuring my team-mates" Translation: --- Character: Kiyoshi Teppei Anime/Manga: Kuroko no Basket Saying Type: Once Quote Month+Year: January 2013 Banner: Please make it for me~ Picture:1 |
Jan 6, 2014 5:39 AM
#1 Sentence: "We'll return to the issue of your half-assed cleaning later." Translation: / Character: Rivaille Anime/Manga: Shingeki no Kyojin Saying Type: Once Quote Month+Year: January 2014 Banner: Please, make it for me ^^ Picture: 1/2/3/4/5 #2 Sentence: "I hope you passionately get stabbed..." Translation: / Character: Roronoa Zoro Anime/Manga: One Piece Saying Type: Once Quote Month+Year: January 2014 Banner: Please, make it for me ^^ Picture: 1-preferred, if possible/2 (green-hair :3) Sankyuu ^^ |
Jan 6, 2014 4:03 PM
Username: xBlackRosex #1 Sentence: "They've got a different feeling to them compared to normal punches. The feel of the opponent's pulverized flesh comes through twice as clear. You really get the sense that you're beating up a human being. Boxers are a stupid breed, huh? They come themselves looking to fight and let me feast on their flesh to my heart's content. I really fit in their world. It's fantastic. I beat people into the ground and get praised for it." Translation: --- Character: Sawamura Ryuuhei Anime/Manga: Hajime no Ippo Saying Type: Just once Month+Year: January 2014 Banner: Yes please :3 Picture: Here if possible or here #2 Sentence: "I'm not.. gonna lose. No one is on my side. I only have myself to rely on. If you sit around believing someone will come to help you, all you get in the end is betrayal. I can only put my faith in myself. My fists. I will not lose the one thing I can trust in this world. I refuse to lose." Translation: --- Character: Sawamura Ryuuhei Anime/Manga: Hajime no Ippo Saying Type: Just once Month+Year: January 2014 Banner: Yes please :3 Picture: Here |
Jan 7, 2014 2:54 AM
#1 Sentence: "Don't give up until the last second!" Translation: --- Character: Naruse Ibara Anime/Manga: Coppelion Saying Type: Once Quote Month+Year: January 2014 Banner: Yes, please~ Picture: Will quote later the pic~ Quoted later~ |
Kazumi-Jan 8, 2014 8:42 PM
Jan 7, 2014 3:01 AM
#2 Sentence: "Oteage zamurai? Baka ja nai no? Teka, baka ja nai no?" Translation: "Ace Detective? Are you stupid or what? More like Stupei, Ace Defective." Character: Takeba Yukari Anime/Manga/Game: Persona 3 Saying Type: Once Quote Month+Year: January 2014 Banner: Yes, please~ Picture: Will quote later the pic~ Quoted later~ |
Kazumi-Jan 8, 2014 8:44 PM
Jan 7, 2014 7:28 AM
kazumi-san95 said: #1 Sentence: "Don't give up until the last second!" Translation: --- Character: Naruse Ibara Anime/Manga: Coppelion Saying Type: Once Quote Month+Year: January 2014 Banner: Yes, please~ Picture: Sankyuu~ |
Jan 7, 2014 7:39 AM
kazumi-san95 said: #2 Sentence: "Oteage zamurai? Baka ja nai no? Teka, baka ja nai no?" Translation: "Ace Detective? Are you stupid or what? More like Stupei, Ace Defective." Character: Takeba Yukari Anime/Manga/Game: Persona 3 Saying Type: Once Quote Month+Year: January 2014 Banner: Yes, please~ Picture: Sankyuu~ |
Jan 7, 2014 7:39 AM
Badge: sig area Name: Nate #1 Sentence: "Oi, you. I have a message for those old geezers at World Government. TELL THEM TO EAT SHIT!" Translation: --- Character: Smoker Anime/Manga: One Piece Saying Type: Once Quote Month+Year: January 2014 Banner: Yes, please~ Picture: 1 or 2 #2 Sentence: "Don't eat me! I'm too young!" Translation: --- Character: Usopp Anime/Manga: One Piece Saying Type: Once Quote Month+Year: January 2014 Banner: Yes, please~ Picture: 1 or 2 #3 {staff bonus} Sentence: "Our accomplishments here will strengthen us. So, Kenji...Let's try to do the impossible." Translation: --- Character: Nanba Mutta Anime/Manga: Uchuu Kyoudai Saying Type: Once Quote Month+Year: January 2014 Banner: Yes, please~ Picture: 1 or 2 Thanks! |
NateJan 9, 2014 11:54 AM
✿ forum set by rubixuitous ✿ 'You seem to vacillate between assistance and assault. Which is it?' 'I'm not surprised you've driven three men to try and kill you, I'm only surprised there weren't more,' said Damen, bluntly. 'There were,' said Laurent, 'more.' |
Jan 7, 2014 9:26 AM
#1 Sentence: "Even if you were there, would it have made a difference? Nobody could possibly know the answer to that." Translation: --- Character: Koala Anime/Manga: One Piece Saying Type: Only Once Month+Year: January 2014 Banner: No thanks, I'll make~ |
Jan 8, 2014 4:19 AM
Jan 10, 2014 3:53 AM
badge #1 Sentence: "Father, I finally understand your feelings. . . The freedom you felt when you chose to die to protect your friends. . ." Translation: --- Character: Hyuuga Neji Anime/Manga: Naruto Saying Type: only once quote Month+Year: January 2014 Banner: i'll make mine :3 #2 Sentence: "Watashi wa akuma de shitsuji desu kara." Translation: "I am one hell of a butler." Character: Sebastian Michaelis Anime/Manga: Kuroshitsuji Saying Type: Catchphrase Month+Year: January 2014 Banner: i'll make mine :3 |
Jan 11, 2014 12:58 PM
#1 Sentence: "If this is your answer to defeating me, I'll make it clear. It's a useless effort." Translation: -- Character: Aomine Daiki Anime/Manga: Kuroko no Basket Saying Type: only once quote Month + Year: January '14 Banner: I'll make it #2 Sentence: "There's no such thing as a useless effort." Translation: -- Character: Kagami Taiga Anime/Manga: Kuroko no Basket Saying Type: only once quote Month + Year: January '14 Banner: I'll make it |
Jan 12, 2014 6:19 PM
#1 Sentence: "You'll get hurt if you butt into a lady's private life!" Translation: --- Character: Harribel Tier Anime/Manga: Bleach Saying Type: Only Once Month+Year: Jan '14 Banner: yes, please <3 this one~ or this here~ #2 Sentence: "I am the queen of all fruits!" Translation: --- Character: Grell Sutcliff Anime/Manga: Kuroshitsuji Saying Type: Only Once Month+Year: Jan '14 Banner: yes, please <3 Picture: here~ #3 Sentence: "Can a world this interesting actually be reality?" Translation: --- Character: Lau Anime/Manga: Kuroshitsuji Saying Type: Only Once Month+Year: Jan '14 Banner: yes, please <3 Picture: this one~ Note for bannermaker from poster: please make all my banners the big size, thank you <3 |
Jan 12, 2014 7:57 PM
#1 Sentence: "I'm the one doing the stomping, so why should I feel the pain?" Translation: --- Character: Janus Cascade Anime/Manga: Wild Arms Advanced 3rd Anthology Comic Saying Type: Only Once Month+Year: January 2014 Banner: Yes, please. Picture: on the right #2 Sentence: "Where monsters rampage, I'm there to take them down. Where treasure glitters, I'm there to claim it. Where an enemy rises to face me, victory will be MINE!!!!!" Translation: --- Character: Lina Inverse Anime/Manga: Slayers Saying Type: Catchphrase Month+Year: January 2014 Banner: Yes, please. Picture: 1 My badge. =) |
Jan 14, 2014 7:46 AM
#1 Sentence: I have turned my back to the path you have choosen after all. I’m sorry. Farewell. Translation: ~~~~ Character: Hakuryuu Ren Anime/Manga: Magi Saying Type: Only Once Month+Year: January 2014 Banner: Yes, please. Picture: |
Jan 14, 2014 8:29 AM
#1 Sentence: Onodera, I will cook you meals everyday, so wanna shack up with me? Translation:--- Character: Takano Masamune Anime/Manga: Sekaiichi Hatsukoi Saying Type: Only once Month + Year: January 2014 Banner: Yes, please make it for me Picture: the black haired guy #2 Sentence: However many months... Or years it may take. I'll be waiting for you. We're both adults now...And have a lot more freedom than we did when we first met. I understand that being in love isn't easy. But I still... want your everything. So some day...Give me all your heart and body... Translation: --- Character: Takano Masamune Anime/Manga: Sekaiichi Hatsukoi Saying Type: Only once Month + Year: January 2014 Banner: Yes, please make it for me Picture: The dark haired guy Badge: here |
Jan 16, 2014 12:38 PM
Jan 20, 2014 7:41 AM
#2 Sentence: Even if things are painful and tough, people should appreciate what it means to be alive at all. Translation: ~~~~ Character: Yato Anime/Manga: Noragami Saying Type: Only Once Month+Year: January 2014 Banner: Yes, please. Picture: (middle) |
Jan 20, 2014 10:12 AM
Jan 23, 2014 1:39 AM
Badge: in sig #1 Sentence: ''I don't need this kind of power! If you want me to inherit such mistakes, then I.. I will wipe out the Vongola!'' Translation: --- Character: Sawada Tsunayoshi Anime/Manga: Katekyo Hitman Reborn Saying Type: Once Quote Month + Year: January 2014 Banner: Yes, please make it for me :3 Picture: center / right / 3 #2 Sentence: "Mada mada dane" Translation: You still have lots more to work on Character: Ryoma Echizen Anime/Manga: Prince of Tennis Saying Type: Once Quote Month+Year: January 2014 Banner: Yes, please make it for me :3 Picture: 1 Thank you!!! ^o^/ |
Feb 2, 2014 3:56 AM
Name: Tamaki Badge: Badge #1 Sentence: ''Spirit World Warriors and Youmu are like water and oil!'' Translation: --- Character: Hiroomi Nase Anime/Manga: Kyoukai no Kanata Saying Type: Once Quote Month + Year: January 2014 Banner: Yes, please make it for me :3 Picture: 1 #2 Sentence: "This is our last chance. Let's swim together, Nanase. If you swim with me, I'll show you a sight you've never seen before!" Translation: --- Character: Matsuoka Rin Anime/Manga: Free! Saying Type: Once Quote Month+Year: January 2014 Banner: Yes, please make it for me :3 Picture: 1 |
Feb 15, 2014 12:36 PM
Feb 15, 2014 12:37 PM
January 2014 Quotes Obsessions Claims are now Closed~ ======================================== February 2014 Quotes Obsessions are now Open~ Don't forget also that if you want a banner to be made, you must register in the topic and get a badge first. |
Feb 15, 2014 12:38 PM
Yuki_91's claims Badge: #1 Sentence: "If you can do it for 3 seconds, then do it for 10. And if you can run for ten seconds then do it for 2 hours!" Translation: --- Character: Shibuki Ran Anime/Manga: Aikatsu! Saying Type: only once quote Month+Year: February 2014 Banner: i'll make it #2 Sentence: "I ask of you, are you my master?" Translation: --- Character: Saber Anime/Manga: Fate/Stay Night Saying Type: only once quote Month+Year: February 2014 Banner: i'll make it #3 [staff bonus] Sentence: "I will sacrifice myself any day, to protect everyone. That's why I came back!" Translation: --- Character: Kiyoshi Teppei Anime/Manga: Kuroko no Basket Saying Type: only once quote Month+Year: February 2014 Banner: i'll make it |
Feb 15, 2014 12:38 PM
Etna's claims Badge #1 Sentence: It seems that not even war can cure your sweet naivete. Translation: --- Character: L-elf Karlstein Anime/Manga: Kakumeiki Valvrave Saying Type: only once quote Month+Year: February 2014 Banner: yes please! Picture: here #2 Sentence: Naruse, did you know? Science has both positives and negatives... You're definitely on the positive side. Translation: --- Character: Haruto Kurosawa Anime/Manga: coppelion Saying Type: only once quote Month+Year: February 2014 Banner: yes please! Picture: here (prefered) or here --to the left #3 staff Sentence: "It was really hard looking for someone so small, so don't leave my side." Translation: --- Character: Gajeel Redfox Anime/Manga: Fairy Tail Saying Type: only once quote Month+Year: February 2014 Banner: yes please! Picture: 1. extreme right (or 2. black hair, but first pic is prefered by far.) For Banner Maker: please keep on all my banners the bigger size (400x125) thanks <3 |
EtnaEracleaJun 16, 2014 1:21 AM
Feb 15, 2014 12:38 PM
Feb 15, 2014 1:03 PM
Badge: in sig #1 Sentence: "This is hell, so please, let's resolve this with violence." Translation: --- Character: Hoozuki Anime/Manga: Hoozuki no Reitetsu Saying Type: only once quote Month+Year: February 2014 Banner: yes please :3 Picture: 1||right guy||3 #2 Sentence: "WRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY" Translation: --- Character: Dio Brando Anime/Manga: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure 2012 Saying Type: catch phraze Month+Year: February 2014 Banner: yes please :3 Picture: 1||2 Thank you <3 |
Feb 15, 2014 1:47 PM
Badge: #1 Sentence: Ah, I want to practice... Translation: --- Character: Aomine Daiki Anime/Manga: Kuroko no Basket Saying Type: Once Quote Month+Year: February 2014 Banner: Please make it for me~ Picture: 1, 2 #2 Sentence: Tell me, what do you think is the ultimate fear? I really thought I'd already reached the darkest of the dark, but then, ahead of me, I beheld a darkness even greater still... Translation: --- Character: Johan Liebert Anime/Manga: Monster Saying Type: Once Quote Month+Year: February 2014 Banner: Please make it for me ^^ Picture: 1, 2 Thank you~ :3 |
Feb 15, 2014 1:49 PM
Feb 15, 2014 2:16 PM
#1 Sentence: "Watch over me, Ace!" Translation: --- Character: Sabo Anime/Manga: One Piece Saying Type: Only Once Month+Year: February 2014 Banner: No thanks, I'll make~ |
Feb 15, 2014 2:35 PM
#1 Sentence: "With the right decoration anyone can look beautiful" Translation: --- Character: Lenessia Erhart Cowen Anime/Manga: Log Horizon Saying Type: only once quote Month+Year: February 2014 Banner: yes please :3 Picture: 1 #2 Sentence: "Shinitai yatsu, shineba ii" Translation: If they want to die, they should just die. Character: Yato Anime/Manga: Noragami Saying Type: only once quote Month+Year: February 2014 Banner: yes please :3 Picture: 1 #3 Sentence: "The more you love, the more bitter it gets." Translation: --- Character: Miyashita sayumi Anime/Manga: 99% Cacao Saying Type: only once quote Month+Year: February 2014 Banner: yes please :3 Picture: 1 |
Feb 15, 2014 3:06 PM
Badge: signature Name: Nate #1 Sentence: "Leave luck!" Translation: --- Character: Roronoa Zoro Anime/Manga: One Piece Saying Type: Only once quote Month+Year: February 2014 Banner: Yes, please. Picture: 1 #2 Sentence: "I'm sorry that I was born." Translation: --- Character: Roronoa Zoro Anime/Manga: One Piece Saying Type: Only once quote Month+Year: February 2014 Banner: Yes, please. Picture: 1 or 2 # 3 [staff bonus] Sentence: "If you can't speak Japanese, then just die." Translation: --- Character: Shimazu Toyohisa Anime/Manga: Drifters Saying Type: Only once quote Month+Year: February 2014 Banner: Yes, please. Picture: 1(top right) Thanks so much! |
✿ forum set by rubixuitous ✿ 'You seem to vacillate between assistance and assault. Which is it?' 'I'm not surprised you've driven three men to try and kill you, I'm only surprised there weren't more,' said Damen, bluntly. 'There were,' said Laurent, 'more.' |
Feb 15, 2014 3:10 PM
Badge: here #1 Sentence: "Love is the prelude to disaster and tragedy." Translation: --- Character: Kyoko Mogami Anime/Manga: Skip Beat! Saying Type: Catchphrase Month+Year: February 2014 Banner: please make it for me!! Picture: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 #2 Sentence: "No matter how far you fly, you’ll forever remain the most treasured person in the world to me." Translation: --- Character: Kaname Kuran Anime/Manga: Vampire Knight Saying Type: Only Once Quote Month+Year: February 2014 Banner: please make it for me!! Picture: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 Thank you! |
Feb 15, 2014 4:23 PM
#1 Sentence: It's punishment time! Translation: --- Character: Iris Heart Anime/Manga: Choujigen Game Neptune Saying Type: only once quote Month+Year: February 2014 Banner: i'll make it #2 Sentence: Men attacking a maiden!? Not on my watch! In the face of the moon, I'll do stuff to make them feel punished! Translation: --- Character: Neptune Anime/Manga: Choujigen Game Neptune Saying Type: only once quote Month+Year: February 2014 Banner: i'll make it |
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines. |
Feb 15, 2014 6:45 PM
#1 Sentence: "Tsuini saigo no tatakai da-! Shindemo katsu!" Translation: "This is the final battle! We shall win this!" Character: Kirijou Mitsuru Anime/Manga/Game: Persona 3 Saying Type: only once quote Month+Year: February 2014 Banner: Yes, please~ Picture: Pics to be quoted Quoted~ |
Kazumi-Feb 16, 2014 5:09 PM
Feb 15, 2014 6:47 PM
#2 Sentence: "You don't need to save the world in order to find meaning of life. Sometimes all you need is something simple, like someone to take care of." Translation: --- Character: Aigis Anime/Manga/Game: Persona 3 Saying Type: only once quote Month+Year: February 2014 Banner: Yes, please~ Picture: Pics to be quoted Quoted |
Kazumi-Feb 16, 2014 5:10 PM
Feb 15, 2014 8:01 PM
#1 Sentence: " You want to kill me?! you couldn't even kill my boredom!!!" Translation: --- Character: Roronoa Zoro Anime/Manga: One Piece Saying Type: only once quote Month+Year: February 2014 Banner: Yes please Picture: 1 #2 Sentence: "MUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDA" Translation: --- Character: Dio Brando Anime/Manga: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Saying Type: catchphrase Month+Year: February 2014 Banner: Yes please Picture: 1 badge requested: |
kivvi-sanFeb 16, 2014 8:17 AM
Feb 16, 2014 4:45 AM
#1 Sentence: “I don't like bread!” Translation: --- Character: Trafalgar Law Anime/Manga: One Piece Saying Type: Once quote Month+Year: February 2014 Banner: Yes, please ^^ Picture: 1 #2 Sentence: “SHUT UP YOU GHIBLI MANIAC!!” Translation: --- Character: Hakutaku Anime/Manga: Hoozuki no Reitetsu Saying Type: Once quote Month+Year: February 2014 Banner: Yes, please ^^ Picture: 1 |
Feb 16, 2014 8:56 AM
Badge: requested , but i am waiting to receive it. #1 Sentence: "YOHOHOHOHO!" Translation: - Character: Brook Anime/Manga: One Piece Saying Type: Catchphrase (like said often) Month+Year: February 2014 Banner: please make it for me!! Picture: 1 #2 Sentence: "VIVI-CHWAN!!" Translation: - Character: Sanji Anime/Manga: One Piece Saying Type: Catchphrase (he said it often in the arc Vivi was in) Month+Year: February 2014 Banner: please make it for me!! Picture: 1 or 2 THANK YOOUU! |
♦ ♣ ♠ ♥ |
Feb 16, 2014 4:11 PM
Feb 16, 2014 4:56 PM
kazumi-san95 said: #1 Sentence: "Tsuini saigo no tatakai da-! Shindemo katsu!" Translation: "This is the final battle! We shall win this!" Character: Kirijou Mitsuru Anime/Manga/Game: Persona 3 Saying Type: only once quote Month+Year: February 2014 Banner: Yes, please~ Picture: Girl with red hair kazumi-san95 said: #2 Sentence: "You don't need to save the world in order to find meaning of life. Sometimes all you need is something simple, like someone to take care of." Translation: --- Character: Aigis Anime/Manga/Game: Persona 3 Saying Type: only once quote Month+Year: February 2014 Banner: Yes, please~ Picture: 1 | 2 | 3 Sankyuu~ :3 |
Kazumi-Feb 17, 2014 7:15 PM
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