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Dec 16, 2010 5:20 PM
Jul 2009
Wow what a story and what a finnishe to it. I couldn't take just watching ep 11 then wait for 12, I had to do it back to back or I would have gone crazy, woundering if Togame really dies. Well she's an immortal character as far as I'm concerned, cuse I'll never forget her, Shichika, or the dozens of other characters made here. Amazing story.
Dec 16, 2010 6:48 PM

Sep 2009
Amazing. This series is definitely a strong 9 for me...and this last episode is a 10. I think I'm going to re-watch the last two episodes very soon.
Dec 16, 2010 9:52 PM
Mar 2009
Downloaded awhile ago and was holding off on watching it because I knew it would end the series...

Great series, I enjoyed it throughout and never had a problem with the so-called over talkativeness many complained about.

A classic ending. Fantastic series, sad to see it end.
Dec 17, 2010 2:15 AM

Oct 2010
bear808 said:
Great series, I enjoyed it throughout and never had a problem with the so-called over talkativeness many complained about.

Me either. Absolutely. I was quite happy with the length of Togame's dying scene because every moment of it was as meaningful as any of the best dialogue in the series. After spending all that time together, it would have felt unpleasantly tragic to have those last moments together cut short. The length of it gave time reveal new information, tie up loose ends, and to ease the tragic-ness of the death. I did hope for some way she might be saved or revived throughout, but it wasn't as hard to accept in the end because of what was said.

Togame's soothing words made the case that things would end tragically even if she hadn't died, since she would have killed Shichika when it was all over. Whether I believe her or not is another matter, but it's good enough for me just being plausible. She had planned all along to kill him. She said she thought she might be able to change, but was unable to.

They showed an image of her enveloped in the coils of a white snake which had eyes like hers when they switch to a cross (in her left eye). Is that her selfish, ambitious, revenge-driven side? It was there all along, even showing up in the death scene as she explains how everything was a lie, pawns to be used for her goals. So it seems she really was unable to change. Amazing, really. Unexpected. Dramatic.

There's really a lot more that happened in that scene. I didn't find it to be drawn out at all. It was packed pretty well with content, emotion, passion. I can't believe each episode is so long, yet it flows so smoothly and seamlessly, never feeling to long or like there was unnecessary filler. Great stuff.
Dec 17, 2010 10:21 AM

Feb 2009
Amazing show,surely deserves to be called epic.Other than that i loved Shichika's going berserk and breaking all the swords + killing most of the wielders,some of them in pretty brutal way too.And the end...i'm fine with it.If Shichika had died,i'd be fine with that too...i think.

Also this:

"Only the dead have seen the end of war".
Dec 17, 2010 11:30 AM

Jun 2009
ChaosLegion said:

Also this:

Quiet you.
He didn't disprove my point. He only said that this could be defined as an epic. However the word when used here in this topic people clearly called it epic with the meaning "very imposing or impressive; surpassing the ordinary" and in those terms Katanagatari is far from epic.

"I always take life with a grain of salt, a slice of lemon, ...and a shot of tequila."

Dec 17, 2010 3:20 PM

Jan 2008
I really don't care bout the discussion wether its epic or not or Togame lives or not. Just one thing: if Togame lived, the Series wouldn't have had a Single Chance to leave an impression. I was giving the anime due to the Art, Style, Story, Character and music a 9/10. And thats already something for an anime which not really was about to be branded into my memories. Though the last Episode pushed the Story, Character, Style to the max and it totally fitted altogether.

I give the last sole EP a 12/10. Blasting my skala and pushing the series to a 10/10. I know i have many 10s in my list, but they all deserved it.

You know what advantage Katanagatari got?
Its like Bleach, OP and Naruto JUST in 24EPs length and kinda much cooler. AND with a FREAKING ENDING! Thats probably the thing Naruto, Bleach and OP is missing. Though Bleach is finally coming near to its end (i heard).
Though you cant even compared it properly. Cause in comparison, the Art of Katanagatari is just way above the 3.

Thats all to it. My few sentences to this piece of Art.
MyBlissDec 17, 2010 3:24 PM
Dec 17, 2010 6:03 PM

Oct 2009
Just finished the series, and I have to say: I was confused at the beginning.
That last episode was just... I cant tell whether I like or dislike it.

I just dont get one part:

So did Togame really plan everything out. I mean killing Shichika. Or did she make it up just to make it easier for him to part. To me it seems like she is really honest about it, since her "evil eye" showed, when she was talking about it. On the other side, in the end, it vanishes and she somehow confesses her love to him.
So does that mean the whole journey, her feelings, all of her words about how much she has learned and how much she has changed bullshit?

What do you guys think? Maybe someone who read the novel knows more?
Dec 17, 2010 6:37 PM

Oct 2010
o' Rly she died... and then he goes berserk =\
Reminds me a lot the way his dad stormed the castle of Togame's Family.

Juraya said:

So did Togame really plan everything out

What do you guys think? Maybe someone who read the novel knows more?

I haven't read the novels, but from the impression i got she did loved him, but she also knew that at the end of the journey she was suppose to kill him. We get a better background from her from the Ninja tribe dude on how cruel she can be. Even she had feeling for him, if she believed it would be necessary at the end of the journey, she would have kill Shikita. I'm not saying that she would do it like right away, but if it really came to that...

pardon my horrible engrish btw -.-
Dec 17, 2010 9:14 PM

Feb 2009
Togame died and Shichika went berserk and broke all the swords! OMG I felt like crying at the end. Ending it like that after one freaking year!
Dec 17, 2010 11:34 PM

Jan 2010
Juraya said:
Just finished the series, and I have to say: I was confused at the beginning.
That last episode was just... I cant tell whether I like or dislike it.

I just dont get one part:

So did Togame really plan everything out. I mean killing Shichika. Or did she make it up just to make it easier for him to part. To me it seems like she is really honest about it, since her "evil eye" showed, when she was talking about it. On the other side, in the end, it vanishes and she somehow confesses her love to him.
So does that mean the whole journey, her feelings, all of her words about how much she has learned and how much she has changed bullshit?

What do you guys think? Maybe someone who read the novel knows more?

I think it was bullshit. As you suggest, I think her long-winded dying was filled with untruths to make it easier for Shichika to walk away. Of course, he screwed that up and went on an attempted murder-suicide binge instead. Well, he was successful on the murder part but the creators botched his suicide.

But to your specific question, I think her character had been developing. However, her randomly-generated shooting seems to have caused her to try to back-pedal and pretend otherwise. I think though that either way, the creators lied to the viewers, which I found disappointing. It will probably keep me from re-watching this series. It was fun for the first ten episodes and into the eleventh.
Dec 18, 2010 12:11 AM

Jul 2009
So what's the deal with the "evil eye" and that snake? I'm not 100% sure I get what all that means.
Don't forget.
Always, somewhere,
someone is fighting for you.
As long as you remember her,
you are not alone.
Dec 18, 2010 1:34 AM

Oct 2010
wheresthehandle said:
So what's the deal with the "evil eye" and that snake? I'm not 100% sure I get what all that means.

The eye and the snake are like a demon inside her, driving her. Not literally a demon, but rather her that has a single-minded goal to fulfill her ambition of revenge for her father and taking her rightful place as Shogun of Japan. For the first 20 years of her life, everything she did was towards that goal. Everything was a calculation, scheme, strategy, tactic, towards that goal. She wasn't living life. That is, until Shichika taught her to live in that year they spent together.

Juraya said:

I just dont get one part:

So did Togame really plan everything out. I mean killing Shichika. Or did she make it up just to make it easier for him to part. To me it seems like she is really honest about it, since her "evil eye" showed, when she was talking about it. On the other side, in the end, it vanishes and she somehow confesses her love to him.
So does that mean the whole journey, her feelings, all of her words about how much she has learned and how much she has changed bullshit?

What do you guys think? Maybe someone who read the novel knows more?

I don't think the "evil eye" has to do with honesty. Like I said above, it's her ambition.

So I think her confessions of love were true, but that wasn't enough to shake off her demons (ambitions). So when it was all over, she would have killed Shichika, despite loving him. Killing him would cause her unimaginable emotional pain, but as she said, her feelings are just another pawn to be sacrificed.

That idea doesn't seem out of place for Japanese culture, since samurai who shamed themselves were known to perform harakiri, suicide by cutting their own abdomen, in order to die with honor. So if a person can sacrifice their lives (painfully...) for the sake of honor, it's not a far stretch for someone to sacrifice their feelings and happiness for what has been their life's obsession.

Before this episode, I hadn't been able to figure out what the conditions were that would bring out the eye. I looked for it in the first episode again, and the first Maniwa head actually says that you can see ambition in her eye, and he explains her goals and her willingness to sacrifice everything and everyone around her to achieve them. It's exactly as she says in her dying scene.
Dec 18, 2010 1:35 AM

Oct 2009
I got it now (I think)!

Now I really think, that Togame was honest about killing Shichika.
When she has that "evil eye" as I called it, she shows her true self. Cold, heartless, calculating, just as the Maniwani had told she used to be. The Snake in the background is a symbol for her true self (since the snake also has that evil eye), which she was hiding throughout the story. In the end, when she is telling him the truth the snake wraps around her and looks at Shichika, just as if it was speaking with him.

In the end though, when she starts talking about emotional things, like her feelings being true, the snake starts to get smaller until, when she is just about to convey her feelings to Shichika it disappears and her real true "self" shows, which is able to tell Shichika that in the bottom of her heart, Togame loved him.

Edit: wrong name, lolololol >_<
JurayaDec 18, 2010 3:17 AM
Dec 18, 2010 1:42 AM

Mar 2010
it was amazing anime
i didn't expect that ending Togame died
Shichika gone crazy but i was glad it wasn1t happy end as always
i like such anime
Dec 18, 2010 9:59 AM
Jun 2010
Best anime of the 2010 imho, both deep and funny. The ending also fits very well.
I'll definetely recommend this to all my friends
Dec 18, 2010 11:54 AM
Aug 2010
it was amazing can't wait for the dvd i was so upset about tagome!

Dec 18, 2010 4:11 PM

Mar 2008
My theory is that she would not have betrayed Shichika, even if everything else she said was true.

Firstly, he is not only the strongest warrior in all of Japan, he is absolutely loyal to Togame. Even if he was nothing but a tool to her, he is far too valuable of a tool to simply throw away. There's also the problem of how she would even pull that off. She has no combat ability herself, and only three (possibly four, we didn't witness one battle) enemies have even been able to injure Shichika. Emonzaemon would have to be killed for Togame to even live long enough to throw a coup, leaving only one, the Eskimo girl, alive.

Next we have the fact that she acknowledges her feelings for him as she explains that she intended to betray and murder him. She tries to explain away the contradiction by claiming that she uses her own feelings as a pawn in her quest for vengeance, but the scene in which she asks about Shichika's future plans make me doubt her sincerity, or at least her resolve on that point.

Lastly, there is still the possibility she was made everything up to protect Shichika, who would be truly alone in the world after her death. Before she begins spilling out all these confessions, she takes some time to think. She comes up with something that she describes as either a counter strategy or a scheme, depending on how it plays out. Her snake eye comes out during the confessions, disappearing after the fact shortly before her death. In previous episodes the eye was always out during the execution, not the creation of her schemes. The only interpretation I can come up with is that the confessions themselves were her strategy. If Shichika had decided she wasn't worth avenging at that point I would call it an effective counter strategy, since the enemy attack would cause no further harm. If it had the opposite effect, it would fall under the scheme category, bringing ruin to Togame's opponents.
Dec 18, 2010 9:31 PM

Jan 2008
I must say, I really can't believe this year long journey has come to an end. What an AMAZING way to finish off a great anime. At first, i was kind of dissapointed with how the story was going, because it felt as if my expectations where never met. But then i kind of got the feeling that Katanagatari was doing that on purpose; All the never resolved cliffhangers and previews to epic events that never really happen was what made this anime so.... amazing.
This anime gets a 9 from me, mainly because i can't get over the fact of how spectacular the last episode was. This series will be rewatched, it's just that good!
Dec 18, 2010 10:17 PM
Jan 2010
This is the first time that i think of a last episode as perfect for a series although i'm really sad about togames death and all...i also think that togames feelings for shichika were real but her her goal was nevertheless the most important thing to her as she told the saint, so yes she wouldver sacrificed him for her goals^^...and though i also hated hiteihime at first for ordering togames death i was moved by how she was totally prepared to die for her(and maybe togames?^^) goal to correct history, and as she said she didnt dislike togae(which made me forgive her)....but the most amazing thing was the great character development shichika showed which kinda surprised me cause he never seemed to have a free will on his own...all in all a great series with a fantastic ending, not sure if a 9 or 10 though but since it left me so satisfied in the end ill give it a 10
Dec 18, 2010 11:41 PM

Aug 2008
Lind_L_Tailor said:
DonKangolJones said:
You'll have a hard time convincing me something better debuted this year.

It doesn't surprise me that you've seen neither Yojouhan Shinwa Taikei or Saraiya Goyou, two excellent shows that easily top this that debuted this year.

I can only get to so much in a year, but I look forward to your challenge. I'll be sure to give those a shot.
Dec 19, 2010 3:50 AM

Dec 2008
Oh no not Togame, I wanted an Happy End
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Dec 19, 2010 9:56 AM

Feb 2009
This was really one of the best anime this year. I will surely miss it, as I enjoyed each episode. This was a perfect final episode imho. :)
Dec 19, 2010 8:53 PM

Jul 2009
I'm glad I'm not the only one who hated the ending. I hated the fact that Togame died but what I hated more is how LOOOONG it took her to die. Seriously after 10 minutes, I was thinking "JUST DIE ALREADY!" It ruined the impact of her death.
I also would've liked it more if Shichika died also. Or at least if Hitei wasn't stalking him in the end.

I couldn't really sympathize with Shichika at all with this episode. In fact, my impression of him has changed from loyal and heroic to a selfish asshole.

Le sigh.
Dec 20, 2010 9:33 PM
Jul 2018
shichika kicked some major ass this episode.

overall it was a good series with a fairly decent ending. definitively one of the better series ive watched that have aired this year, got a solid 8/10 from me.
Dec 20, 2010 10:40 PM

Jul 2008
I don't know if emo Shichika is badass or just plain scary.

Despite the death of a main character, it was a truly beautiful ending. Even mentioning past characters does great justice to the long series this has been. A year. A whole year. This is one a series that makes anime... anime. :)

Dec 21, 2010 7:52 PM
Dec 2009
I love the fights with the deviant blades!

-but by that time I will have torn you into pieces. This is exactly what happens to every one of them!
Dec 22, 2010 7:42 AM
Jun 2008
Juraya said:

So did Togame really plan everything out. I mean killing Shichika. Or did she make it up just to make it easier for him to part.
I think she wanted to kill him but her feeling won't let her. She actually can just simply order Shichika to kill himself if she wanted to, considering that Shichika is loyal to Togame very much.I think The situation is exactly the same as what happen when Shichika's father kill Togame's father.
Shichika's father = Emonzaemon
Togame's father = Togame.
Togame = Shichika lolz

Actually there is alot of pair of same event, and its very interesting .
I believe that the history in Katanagatari is repeating it self....hundred years ago, Shikizaki kiki create 1000 sword and the all the sword being collected and its melted into a buddha statue. And right now, the 12 sword are all destroyed and probably gonna be melted ...>.>" ...At least now I realize why people is so stupid in believing that 1000 thousand can take over the world.
I think both Hiteihime and Shichika will create their own family and their children will be used again to destroy the bakufu again( if someone realize they survive) lol
Dec 22, 2010 7:50 AM

Dec 2008
Glad to hear the series was pretty good. Time to start watching it!
Dec 22, 2010 8:06 AM
Feb 2009
ArcheErebus said:
just gotta say: episode was epic, good, lol at 10th sword fight, and "like id give a danm about that!! CHERIOOOOO!!!!!"....XD

anyway, i dont like the ending (i like togame, hitei n even emonzaemon so i really dont want any of them dying...) but like it or not, i cant deny this ending is well done.
oblivious is a bliss
Dec 24, 2010 11:14 AM

May 2008
The way the 10th sword was broken was hilarious!
Dec 25, 2010 6:59 AM

Apr 2010
To be honest, the ending was a huge "bleh".

Agreeing with Maidloid from page 1, I believe Hitei was the biggest, yet sexiest, troll in this anime. It sucks that her story, plot, and position in this anime, was never really clarified, aside from the so called "following Kiki Shikizaki plan". I understood her motif for killing Togame (to initiate Kiki's plan), but, it still doesn't make sense. Based on everything that involved Hitei, Togame wasn't a hated rival. but rather a regretted enemy due to her support of the shogun, and her family tree. Her death was an imminent awaking for the 13th deviant sword and Kiki's plan for him.

Also, I found the epilogue quite lame. I was happy to see Shichika completing the map that Togame planned ( although supposedly a lie), but with HITEI? The dude who lost everyone who was dear to stuck with the troll? Hell, I would rather see Shichika traveling with one of the maniwani, or Konayuki, rather than Hitei; better yet, travel as drifter.
It was also lame to see that the ending was so ambiguous. WE all know that Shichi can kick ass, thus, he couldn't/wouldn't have died on the road, but what really became of him.
Did he settle with Hitei? I doubt
Did he kill Hitei?
Did he start a Kyotouryuu dojo?
Did he return to the island as a hermit?

There are so much possible endings to this great anime. It's quite annoying to see a person go through so much, with an ending that tells so little.
A small request: If there is a post of mine that you dislike, or want to discuss with me, please do so on my profile's comment page. I know it defeats the purpose of forums, but, I usually don't revisit forum threads after a post (unless it's my own) due to extreme laziness, and confusion. I enjoy discussing/ flame warring with others XD.
Dec 27, 2010 6:40 PM

Mar 2009
I really liked the last episode, it was epic. It's one of those animes that you will really miss, and that you will always remember.
Dec 28, 2010 11:11 AM
Jul 2010
awesome one 8/10 ...loved everything about , and the best thing that it was each month

as for the plot i really don't understand why were togame collecting the blades ?
how would this serve her revenge for her father to overthrow,if she was gonna give it to the shogun anyway ?

and why would she want to kill Shichika ? even if he is a tool he is a tool that she loves , i mean if u don't need your screwdriver anymore u don't go and destroy it :D !

as for Shikizaki why did he want to kill the shogun , i mean doesn't he know that his successor would just replace him ?
Dec 30, 2010 6:00 AM

Oct 2010
xswing said:
awesome one 8/10 ...loved everything about , and the best thing that it was each month

as for the plot i really don't understand why were togame collecting the blades ?
how would this serve her revenge for her father to overthrow,if she was gonna give it to the shogun anyway ?

and why would she want to kill Shichika ? even if he is a tool he is a tool that she loves , i mean if u don't need your screwdriver anymore u don't go and destroy it :D !

as for Shikizaki why did he want to kill the shogun , i mean doesn't he know that his successor would just replace him ?

If she gathered the blades for the shogun, she would be granted a position at the right hand of the shogun and would be named his successor.

Her plan all along was to kill Shichika. I suppose the reason might be that she'd want to present the shogun with the blades herself, with all credit going to her. If Shickika is alive, the shogun might want to reward Shichika rather than her. I suppose an alternative reason could be that is Shichika is so powerful that he'd be the only thing that poses a potential threat to her as shogun, especially since the other threat, the 12 blades, would already be in her possession.

Regarding killing the shogun, if I recall correctly, he killed the shogun out of revenge since he was sort of the reason Togame was killed. She died collecting blades for the shogun.
Dec 30, 2010 7:46 PM

Aug 2010
I think the ending was well done
Dec 31, 2010 6:24 AM
Nov 2010
Good ending to a good show. Cherrio! the ultimate attack that can destroy a castle but they survived somehow. Lol.

Dec 31, 2010 6:57 AM

Feb 2009
I loved the ending up until the last 5 minutes. Why does he have to travel with Hitei or whatever. It would have been better if he was alone. That just really disturbed me. Everything before that was great though. 8/10 for me.
Jan 3, 2011 12:05 AM

Nov 2009
I'm still confused as to why Togame's eye changes to purple sometimes. Is there even a meaning behind it besides that it means her name? As well as the whole changing history thing. Still fuzzy about it. Now that all the episodes are out, I'll rewatch and hopefully I'll get a better understanding.
Great episode, amazing series! I loved Super Shichika. The fight scenes were EPIC and comical. Sad that Togame had to die but I'm alright with it.

Black_Raven said:

even lelouch and kamina dead, so why not?
not everything should end happily
this is a part of reality

Jan 4, 2011 11:11 PM

Jan 2009
WOW! Watching Shichika enter complete BEAST MODE was worth the entire series alone!
This show has now entered into my top ten.
The characters and character designs where fantastic.
I particularly enjoyed the themed costumes for the ManiwanI.
Also I really liked Togame as a character. Idk why but she cute and confident and everything I look for in a female lead.

Best serious I've seen in a LONG time

Jan 5, 2011 6:50 AM

Feb 2009
That last Cheerio sent shivers down my spine! Best episode of a great series and what I call a final rampage! Loved the thought that Shichika could break the swords and didn't have to protect himself, making him finally go all out. That crazy princess following him in the end caught me off guard, but the hell with it, she was almost cool this time.

I will have to rewatch Shichika Vs. Emonzaemon again sometime
Jan 5, 2011 7:06 AM

Feb 2009
That last Cheerio sent shivers down my spine! Best episode of a great series and what I call a final rampage! Loved the thought that Shichika could break the swords and didn't have to protect himself, making him finally go all out. That crazy princess following him in the end caught me off guard, but the hell with it, she was almost cool this time.

I will have to rewatch Shichika Vs. Emonzaemon again sometime
Jan 5, 2011 2:21 PM

Jul 2009
The final word said by the strongest warrior of all time was, "Cherrio~!'. It was said to be heard all across the land, far and wide.

I guess Togame's wish came true. Too bad the narrator never mentioned that.
Jan 5, 2011 2:24 PM

Jul 2009
oh and what did togame say about ambition, aspiration and w/e? it can be tossed aside when we find love or something? bleh too much to rmber.
Jan 6, 2011 4:14 AM

Jul 2009
The only thing that matters....



5/10 --> 6/10

I liked the ending. Honestly I'd score it higher if I wasn't bored to death half the time. I'm glad they had the balls to kill off Togame though. Finally got what she deserved.
Jan 7, 2011 12:02 PM

Jan 2009
That is all.
Protip: I don't really check the forums anymore, so if you want something, take it on my profile.
Is it time for my long-awaited return to the forums? щ(゚Д゚щ) Nope™, probably not.
Jan 7, 2011 12:02 PM

Jan 2009
That is all.
Protip: I don't really check the forums anymore, so if you want something, take it on my profile.
Is it time for my long-awaited return to the forums? щ(゚Д゚щ) Nope™, probably not.
Jan 8, 2011 8:50 PM

Apr 2008
Loved this to pieces.

Added new definition of Cheerio to urbandictionary :D

Jan 9, 2011 3:52 PM

Apr 2010
that was i guess an alright ending. in the end togame needed to die in order for shichika to release his true strength. this series gets an 8 from me.
Jan 10, 2011 4:41 AM

Aug 2008
apatch3 said:
Wow - this whole episode was just so emotional
first we have Togame's death - and her last words followed by shichika's mad rage - but he doesn't desire vengance all he wants is death, he won't kill himself because he knows Togame wouldn't want it, but if he were to fall at the hands of somebody else his death might seem less self inflicted. Deep down he is still unable to disobey Togame no matter how much he says he isn't bound by her. He has reached the point where nobody is his match not physically nor mentally. Nobody can defeat him - he is peerless, nobody can love him the same way either. Without direction he sets out across japan to make the map he and togame discussed earlier on and in the process spread the incorrect meaning of cheerio, allowing himself to be followed by followed by the woman who ordered Togame's assassination she covers his expenses and maybe some nights he fools himself into thinking she is Togame, on those nights he sleeps soundly, undisturbed.

I would give this series 9.5/10 - I will really miss bakemonogatari, it's not everyday we get a series that's moving on so many levels, made with such elegance and put together like a work of art

Hm... isn't this a discussion on "Katanagatari Episode 12 Discussion"
not " I will really miss bakemonogatari" lol~ I think you just got mixed up but here is the correction~ no offense :P
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