Lmao, so basically just Britain being Britain.
Anyways, lots of reading ahead TLDR: Good world building, Good animation, Story itself is a bit more iffy so far but still good.
Intro World Building:
I'd say "if there was no war of independence" but this goes way further than that, mind you at some point The Netherlands debatably held more power than Britain and even ignoring that (considering the VOC's (UEIC) power did decline eventually and pretty much just disappeared) there's still also still Spain for example.
On top of that they've pretty much conquered the whole world in this reality. Though I'm also immediately wondering where the hell Japan is getting it's technology and with whom it's allied (prior to being conquered). Considering you kind of need events like WW1 and WW2 and Japan being allied with Britain first and Germany later in order for most of Japan's military power and technology to even make sense at all. Or you'd need an alternative explanation. It's pretty hilarious to see how "American" the Britannia empire is as well, kind of pointing at how despite it's independence a lot of what America is, is still quite British hence even after it's independence the US was quite colonial. And even now despite trying to keep up appearances it's not much better tbh, just in a lot of different slightly more subtle ways.
So it defenitly feels pretty spot on for a "United Western Empire" Essentially European + American influence (which of course "American" is more or less just a product of Europe's colonial culture.) Also mr "British MC" has the most French name possible lol. (I mean as someone who's name doesn't match his country either I can't exactly blame him but still kind of funny considering France historically of course is basically often at war with Britain or willing to go broke to support the US's war of independence, whereas countries like the Netherlands kind of just wanted no part in it and fucked off wanting no bloodshed and pretty much just surrendering with certain terms and conditions rather than fighting which they certainly could have done considering their fleet size, fortifications of a city like New Amsterdam/New York and more importantly MONEY. It was more that they didn't care that much who owned the land as long as it stayed roughly the same Culturally which I defenitly think they achieved.)
Now I'm no expert Chess player the opposite I've only played a few times in my life, but I'm pretty sure his friend saying "you can't win this right" is really silly if I see the board correctly, I was a bit confused at which piece was supposed to be the king but I guess it's the weird spiky one. In which case he has a Queen, a Horse and a Tower left. That's perfectly winnable. Now I don't like playing under the stress of time so 20 seconds I probably couldn't do especially since I have Chronic Headache and generally think/work slower than average despite being relatively more intelligent than most (it's disharmonic though so I'm really stupid at some things).
I defenitly could win if I had as much time as I wanted, 20 seconds per turn is still decent so I guess maybe I could still win even then, but I don't like stress.
Haven't seen the match yet though so I guess we'll see how easily he wins.
First move I would make is move the queen to the back of the board to take his Bishop the next turn. From there it would obviously depend on what the opponent does and I can't see that without just watching. BRUH they'd didn't even show the match, all they showed was that he chose to move the king and "I guess" that somehow ended him up winning the game. That was hella silly NGL.
Comments Throughout:
Also so far apart from conquering the world, I've yet to see any reason why we should dislike or hate the Britannia Empire here, sure there seems to be a clear amount racism... but overall it seems pretty darn prosperous. I guess maybe it's just the classic Star Wars "The Empire were actually the good guys" (Despite the emperor himself being a bad guy)
Gotta love the mechs though along some other weirdly Retro other stuff.
Ah yes the purest form of poison A WOMAN.
That sound did not sound like a gun shot but the friend getting shot was expected now all we need is an awakening.
Aight now we getting into the more "evil" side of things, exterminating a ghetto. Which is more just good old Classism but really... most forms of discrimination are Classism at the end of the day.
Damn show is clearly not pulling punches although not showing it clearly implying complete genocide especially the baby getting shot was "good" (in a bad way).
Convenient how they keep not immediately shooting him though. Like the animation though especially the one at 20:38. Overall drops of world building given are also really good.
"are you some kind of radical" the answer to that is defenitly yes lol.
Anyway, that "fire" did not sound like fire at all more like a few other language's equivalent of it but even then it sounded weird like a Gremlin/Goblin or Yoda or something.
Final Thoughts:
Lol also his face instantly going to "Evil edgy boy" defenitly confirmed my "radical" comment. Although for the most part I guess he's fairly relatable apart from maybe his initial hate against the empire as a kid being a bit unclear.
Also defenitly need to know more about Green haired girl considering she moved after getting shot in the head, to judge any of that.
Oh and the only world building detail I'd want to nitpick is the quantity of "Britts" but.. it's still a bit unclear what qualifies as one. If they are all actually supposed to be "from Britain" though that's ridicilous. But if it's as simple as "Being born in the Britannia Empire" (which would include, America, Probably all of Europe, and several other countries and Maybe pretty much everything else too it wasn't quite clear from that image of the world map) then it would of course be extremely easy. But because of this Classicist/Racist narrative you'd expect more of at least somewhat genetic reasoning. Like "Your family was originally from Britain before they started conquering the world." But again that would be very unrealistic because you simply wouldn't have enough people. |
Me_MarioNov 11, 2024 2:47 PM