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Dec 8, 2014 2:26 PM

Oct 2013
Random ass Thompsan XD
great way to start off the second half
Dec 21, 2014 8:08 PM

Jul 2014
i really like Joseph ;). but where the hell does he get the gun from and since when did he hide it in his butt? And how the hell does he hide that gun? ;)
Dec 29, 2014 3:36 PM

Dec 2013
Whoa, it's gotten infinitely better. Joseph for president. And Gintoki's voice - perfect.
Feb 28, 2015 12:12 AM

Feb 2015
not gonna lie, i was a little upset that the original JoJo died. but now I'm ok because this JoJo is pretty cool. hes like a greaser version of the original JoJo
Mar 17, 2015 7:26 AM

Dec 2008
Kenshiro is back!
"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." Douglas Adams
Mar 20, 2015 9:04 PM

Aug 2014
So we're skipping Jonathan's son and going straight to his grand kid. Seems our main character is being replaced with a hot blooded, easy to temper dude who is pretty much the opposite of the gentleman Jonathan was.
Apr 3, 2015 3:03 PM

Sep 2009
I doubted how it could get better.

This exceeded my expectations in every aspect. I won't put Joseph in my top 10 favourite character list just yet because I haven't seen the rest of his exploits, but he is a very, very strong contender.
Kikoman589Apr 3, 2015 3:08 PM
The statement below is true.
The statement above is false.
Apr 8, 2015 10:05 PM

Jan 2013
I'm loving this series so far. So stylish and over the top. Also digging the OST, especially some of the tracks used in this episode.

Joseph seems like a bad ass already in his first appearance.
May 11, 2015 8:02 AM

Feb 2015
I already like Joseph the most in the series even more than speedwagon now :P

Joseph is a badass.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
May 16, 2015 6:05 AM

Mar 2015
Nice Joseph is damn GAR and voiced by Gintoki...fits perfectly ;p
Liking it so far.
May 16, 2015 6:39 PM

Apr 2014
I was too busy fangirling over sugita's voice >_>;;;;;
May 18, 2015 1:27 PM
Apr 2013
Am still grieving Jonathan but I think Joesph is awesome so far. I didn't expected to see the main character died. Poor Jonathan... he was such a sweet heart and Dio took almost everything from him :( fuck Dio
Jun 25, 2015 7:53 PM
Feb 2015
I think i might light like this Joseph guy. Lol.
So badass yet so kind xD lmao
Jul 3, 2015 5:25 PM

Jul 2014
Man, Battle Tendency looks like it's gonna be a lot more entertaining.
I found part 1 to be boring.
Aug 9, 2015 7:57 PM

Apr 2015
I wonder how many Joestar will still exist, kkk.
Sep 12, 2015 4:35 AM
Mar 2014
What do the people think of the JoJo 2012 dub? Part 1 is already finished and they just started with the dub for part 2
Oct 7, 2015 6:05 PM

Sep 2015
The new JoJo is so much cooler
Nov 1, 2015 3:17 PM

Jun 2014
I'm not even done yet but I already know Joseph is gonna remain my favorite JoJo.
Dec 15, 2015 7:53 AM

Jan 2012
the new jojo is cool.

Dec 21, 2015 4:29 AM

Apr 2009
My first ever experience with Joseph..
Now I see why people love this guy.

That was one hell of an introduction. I really dig the contrast. It feels fresh.
Jon is the biggest gentleman/baby, while his grandson really doesn't GAF.
mell4444Dec 21, 2015 8:28 PM
Feb 17, 2016 5:05 PM
SHSL Good Luck

Apr 2015
Joseph's so f*cking awesome. And the fact that Sugita is his seiyuu makes it even better.

Feb 18, 2016 5:20 PM

Feb 2012

Novels I have read/am reading pending approval: since November 10 2022
Mar 14, 2016 10:43 AM
Supreme Tsundere

Nov 2012
This getting GOOD!! Joseph is so engaging to see.
Apr 24, 2016 12:22 PM

Oct 2014
the new Jojo is like a combination of the old one and Dio XD which is great, really
May 4, 2016 3:57 PM

May 2014
Honestly, this episode alone was better than the first 9 combined!
Loving Joseph's character, and the fact that Sugita is voicing him is glorious!!!
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
May 6, 2016 10:39 AM

Feb 2013
Straits you bastard!
How dare you do that to Speedwagon!
JoJo has a few Hamon tricks but can he beat him?
May 10, 2016 5:58 PM

Jan 2016
RIP Speedwagon :'(
Jun 27, 2016 2:00 PM

Jul 2013
Erina looks kinda the same but kinda different old and acts a bit different I think.

Well, REO Speedwagon didn't last long in this arc! oh no.

Smokey Brown after Smokey Robinson and James Brown lol.

Joseph is I think probably already way cooler than Jonathan, I grew to like Jonathan but I dunno, I kinda prefer Joseph already tbh. Plus, hotter with his brown hair than silly blue.

I liked how he got a tommy gun outta nowhere and shot up Straitzo who had succumb to the dark side and decided after seeing Dio delight in youthfulness that he too wanted to become a vampire and did, I didn't see that coming. So he's the new protagonist presumably.

I can't believe on that expedition they found so many masks and a person encased/entombed there too who was still alive. REO as an oil Barron too was unexpected.

At least new JoJo can use hamon too! unlike his father apparently.
stephtastropheJun 28, 2016 12:50 PM
Jul 9, 2016 11:46 PM

Aug 2009
Man this just keeps getting better. And now Jojo has Gintoki's voice?? Man oh man. I don't know why it has taken me so long to finally sit down and watch this. I must calm down!

Sep 10, 2016 12:01 AM

May 2016
Wow. Joseph Joestar is so GAR. His analytical skills are on point~

Erina's a granny now ,_, RIP Speedwagon. Straits, you Hamon abomination. Why you do this.

Say hello to mah little fweng! Tommy gun out of nowhere_

Nov 25, 2016 1:14 PM

Feb 2008
Hah, Joseph is completely bonkers. In that respect, the Tommy gun was a highly logical choice for venting some frustration. Also, Tomokazu Sugita is definitely the best fit for the role.

I guess this is the point where I start continuously rising the rating of the show (in my book).
Dec 13, 2016 5:49 PM

Sep 2014
The new JoJo is badass, plus Sugita? Even more badass and funny!
Jan 4, 2017 8:23 PM

May 2013
#RIPSpeedwagon :'(

He was one of my faves ;~;
Jan 11, 2017 12:21 PM

Mar 2016
Can you rabid JoJo fans please tell me what makes this series so good?

I have struggled to get up to episode 10 and I'm done with this show. I was done at episode 4 originally, but so many people told me to keep going.

And yes, I've done my research on this show; it does have a fascinating core concept with the titular "JoJos" and I know about the favorite third arc, etc... but my god, this has been, hands down, the worst written anime I think I have ever seen in my life.

The characters are so flat and calling them one-dimensional is an undeserved compliment, and SO STUPID. Dio is dumber than a James Bond villain at times, even though he's set up to be some grand master who's supposed to be intimidating.

Episode 6, when he resurrected those Knight guys, even though he had literally nothing else to do and watched the fight too long, he just decided to up and leave when JoJo was thrust underwater, assuming like a Bond villain, "Okay, he's dead. I don't have to actually SEE IT."

Or episode 9, literally he monologued for 10 minutes straight instead of doing anything to Erina or anything. If he didn't just talk, none of that would have even happened.

And don't get me started on the bullshit powers and how all logic is thrown out the window just to manufacture 'drama'.

Dio's ability to freeze, I thought was to freeze your limbs to not allow bloodflow (ie, Hamon or Ripple, whatever the hell it's called). That's stupid, but it at least makes sense. However, JoJo beats him in episode 8 with a frozen limb, saying IT'S HOT ENOUGH, IT'LL MELT.
By the show's own logic, he shouldn't have any Hamon in it at all. Deus ex machina at its worst.

Dio's not the only blatantly stupid antagonist, either. The big Knight guy; he literally didn't attack Zeppeli or Speedwagon and just let his partner give that whole death speech, so you're thinking "Oh, he must respect him, or also be changing", but NO. Then he literally just kills his buddy and proclaims how evil he is.

I wanted to die watching these. They were SO stupid and so poorly written, it tops everything else. This is the by far the lowest ranked 1/10 series on my entire anime list. Bar none.
But I vowed to keep watching until the next JoJo. Joseph is a better character, but he's still not a GOOD one. He still has almost no personality and is a blatant clone in design and even lack of personality as Jonathan. "He's not a gentlemen". That's the only difference. Riveting storytelling, truly.

And this show is so wildly popular... because? And if it's just because of the later parts, so you guys admit that the first part of this super long story (100+ volumes!) is terrible because it gets good...EVENTUALLY?


And before you freak out; I did watch the first episode of Stardust, the season everyone loves, and honestly, while it had some stupid pandering moments (again, Kujo is ALSO nicknamed JoJo, because we gotta spell it out), it wasn't that bad.
I actually kind of enjoyed it, but I also enjoyed episodes 1 and 2 of this JoJo series. The ONLY parts of it I enjoyed, mind you, so it could be just another fluke.

Whatever the case is, even if it gets beyond amazing, a story shouldn't be godawful for the first quarter. And 100+ volumes, that is a long time to sift through shit.

1/10, I'd give it a 0 out of 10 if I could, so please, tell me why this show is any good at all.
It is by far the worst show I think I have ever watched in my life, and I cannot grasp the following behind it, unless all the fans are 10 year olds who just want to see gigantic oily men beating each other up.

So then it's a Transformers movie, by that logic, right?
Life can be cruel and unfair. At worst it can traumatize and cripple you. The desire for wanting things to return to the way they were can cost everything and changes nothing. The best way is to keep moving forward, struggle on.
Anger can be powerful but can only get you so far. Let people into your life even if some of them leave you in time.

Fight. Like. Hell. For everything and everyone you love. Always.
Jan 11, 2017 5:48 PM
Nov 2010
How is all your complaints above not apply to Basilisk? It's like you are looking for logic in a joke or a symmetry in art. Talking about completely missing the point. Since you've already decided it's not for you, then so be it.

To me Jojo is stylized, amusing and earnest. It sets out to do a few things and do them very well, or unique enough that I don't forget about the show in 5 days.
Jan 23, 2017 12:42 PM

Apr 2016
that so badass . and how the hell did he get that gun xD
"Mountains, beings, and nature's laws are bound by an arrangement, and within it, we live." -Mushishi Zoku Shou Suzu No Shizuku
Jan 23, 2017 2:41 PM
Nov 2016
RealCW said:
Can you rabid JoJo fans please tell me what makes this series so good?

I have struggled to get up to episode 10 and I'm done with this show. I was done at episode 4 originally, but so many people told me to keep going.

And yes, I've done my research on this show; it does have a fascinating core concept with the titular "JoJos" and I know about the favorite third arc, etc... but my god, this has been, hands down, the worst written anime I think I have ever seen in my life.

The characters are so flat and calling them one-dimensional is an undeserved compliment, and SO STUPID. Dio is dumber than a James Bond villain at times, even though he's set up to be some grand master who's supposed to be intimidating.

Episode 6, when he resurrected those Knight guys, even though he had literally nothing else to do and watched the fight too long, he just decided to up and leave when JoJo was thrust underwater, assuming like a Bond villain, "Okay, he's dead. I don't have to actually SEE IT."

Or episode 9, literally he monologued for 10 minutes straight instead of doing anything to Erina or anything. If he didn't just talk, none of that would have even happened.

And don't get me started on the bullshit powers and how all logic is thrown out the window just to manufacture 'drama'.

Dio's ability to freeze, I thought was to freeze your limbs to not allow bloodflow (ie, Hamon or Ripple, whatever the hell it's called). That's stupid, but it at least makes sense. However, JoJo beats him in episode 8 with a frozen limb, saying IT'S HOT ENOUGH, IT'LL MELT.
By the show's own logic, he shouldn't have any Hamon in it at all. Deus ex machina at its worst.

Dio's not the only blatantly stupid antagonist, either. The big Knight guy; he literally didn't attack Zeppeli or Speedwagon and just let his partner give that whole death speech, so you're thinking "Oh, he must respect him, or also be changing", but NO. Then he literally just kills his buddy and proclaims how evil he is.

I wanted to die watching these. They were SO stupid and so poorly written, it tops everything else. This is the by far the lowest ranked 1/10 series on my entire anime list. Bar none.
But I vowed to keep watching until the next JoJo. Joseph is a better character, but he's still not a GOOD one. He still has almost no personality and is a blatant clone in design and even lack of personality as Jonathan. "He's not a gentlemen". That's the only difference. Riveting storytelling, truly.

And this show is so wildly popular... because? And if it's just because of the later parts, so you guys admit that the first part of this super long story (100+ volumes!) is terrible because it gets good...EVENTUALLY?


And before you freak out; I did watch the first episode of Stardust, the season everyone loves, and honestly, while it had some stupid pandering moments (again, Kujo is ALSO nicknamed JoJo, because we gotta spell it out), it wasn't that bad.
I actually kind of enjoyed it, but I also enjoyed episodes 1 and 2 of this JoJo series. The ONLY parts of it I enjoyed, mind you, so it could be just another fluke.

Whatever the case is, even if it gets beyond amazing, a story shouldn't be godawful for the first quarter. And 100+ volumes, that is a long time to sift through shit.

1/10, I'd give it a 0 out of 10 if I could, so please, tell me why this show is any good at all.
It is by far the worst show I think I have ever watched in my life, and I cannot grasp the following behind it, unless all the fans are 10 year olds who just want to see gigantic oily men beating each other up.

So then it's a Transformers movie, by that logic, right?
The Show is titled JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. Every JoJo will have a name that can be made into JoJo: Jonathan Joestar, Joseph Joestar, Jotaro Kujo, Josuke Higashikata(the Suke can apparently be pronounced as Jo in Kanji), Giorno Giovana(Gio is pronounced as Jo in Italian), and Jolyne Cujoh, I'm only including the JoJos of Parts 1-6 as they are in the same universe .

Dude the series was very much inspired by Fist of the North Star in the early parts(1-3). Chances are you would hate North Star as well. The series isn't trying to be deep, just entertaining.

But as the series goes it goes from giant muscle men to FABULOUS! men.

EDIT: Also what potplant said is true.

It should be noted that JoJo is old. It has actually codified and created many common cliches in anime/manga.
VolthoomJan 23, 2017 2:50 PM
Jan 25, 2017 5:29 AM

Oct 2012
Gin-san! Gin-san! Gin-san!
You're next line is
"Oh wait.. It's not Gin-san, it's JoJo!
JoJo! JoJo! JoJo!"

Oh wait.. It's not Gin-san, it's JoJo!
JoJo! JoJo! JoJo!
Naniii? xD

That tommy gun
Guns > Martial arts
The only reason I'm watching this because of this JoJo xD
"Signature removed"
Mar 21, 2017 3:50 AM

Dec 2015
Anyone that is voiced by Tomokazu is almost instantly awesome for me.
"At some point, I stopped hoping."
Apr 2, 2017 10:34 AM

Jun 2015
A new Jojo with Gintoki's voice. The sass is real.
If you are going to disagree with me, don't bother talking to me. I will seriously hurt you!
Aug 11, 2017 8:22 AM

Jul 2016
Where did he get that machinegun...?
Around the gif~
"It's a big mistake to think you're the only one who can turn into a car"
- Shiori Takatsuki
Aug 12, 2017 4:47 AM

Mar 2016

Aug 17, 2017 1:33 PM
Dec 2014
RealCW said:
Can you rabid JoJo fans please tell me what makes this series so good?

I have struggled to get up to episode 10 and I'm done with this show. I was done at episode 4 originally, but so many people told me to keep going.

And yes, I've done my research on this show; it does have a fascinating core concept with the titular "JoJos" and I know about the favorite third arc, etc... but my god, this has been, hands down, the worst written anime I think I have ever seen in my life.

The characters are so flat and calling them one-dimensional is an undeserved compliment, and SO STUPID. Dio is dumber than a James Bond villain at times, even though he's set up to be some grand master who's supposed to be intimidating.

Episode 6, when he resurrected those Knight guys, even though he had literally nothing else to do and watched the fight too long, he just decided to up and leave when JoJo was thrust underwater, assuming like a Bond villain, "Okay, he's dead. I don't have to actually SEE IT."

Or episode 9, literally he monologued for 10 minutes straight instead of doing anything to Erina or anything. If he didn't just talk, none of that would have even happened.

And don't get me started on the bullshit powers and how all logic is thrown out the window just to manufacture 'drama'.

Dio's ability to freeze, I thought was to freeze your limbs to not allow bloodflow (ie, Hamon or Ripple, whatever the hell it's called). That's stupid, but it at least makes sense. However, JoJo beats him in episode 8 with a frozen limb, saying IT'S HOT ENOUGH, IT'LL MELT.
By the show's own logic, he shouldn't have any Hamon in it at all. Deus ex machina at its worst.

Dio's not the only blatantly stupid antagonist, either. The big Knight guy; he literally didn't attack Zeppeli or Speedwagon and just let his partner give that whole death speech, so you're thinking "Oh, he must respect him, or also be changing", but NO. Then he literally just kills his buddy and proclaims how evil he is.

I wanted to die watching these. They were SO stupid and so poorly written, it tops everything else. This is the by far the lowest ranked 1/10 series on my entire anime list. Bar none.
But I vowed to keep watching until the next JoJo. Joseph is a better character, but he's still not a GOOD one. He still has almost no personality and is a blatant clone in design and even lack of personality as Jonathan. "He's not a gentlemen". That's the only difference. Riveting storytelling, truly.

And this show is so wildly popular... because? And if it's just because of the later parts, so you guys admit that the first part of this super long story (100+ volumes!) is terrible because it gets good...EVENTUALLY?


And before you freak out; I did watch the first episode of Stardust, the season everyone loves, and honestly, while it had some stupid pandering moments (again, Kujo is ALSO nicknamed JoJo, because we gotta spell it out), it wasn't that bad.
I actually kind of enjoyed it, but I also enjoyed episodes 1 and 2 of this JoJo series. The ONLY parts of it I enjoyed, mind you, so it could be just another fluke.

Whatever the case is, even if it gets beyond amazing, a story shouldn't be godawful for the first quarter. And 100+ volumes, that is a long time to sift through shit.

1/10, I'd give it a 0 out of 10 if I could, so please, tell me why this show is any good at all.
It is by far the worst show I think I have ever watched in my life, and I cannot grasp the following behind it, unless all the fans are 10 year olds who just want to see gigantic oily men beating each other up.

So then it's a Transformers movie, by that logic, right?

The pacing,the artstyle and voice acting made me enjoy the anime even if the story and characters are not well developed.
Sep 8, 2017 7:18 AM

Apr 2013
FUCK! They killed Speedwagon!
At least Sugita as Jojo is entertaining, and that last scene was AWESOME!!!
the Straizo twist was pretty shocking though, though we still don't know who that person in the crypt was. can't help but feel he's rather important to the plot.
Sep 22, 2017 7:38 PM

Mar 2012
Joseph is definitely my favorite Jojo, especially since he's voiced by Sugita. His voice fits Joseph character so well xD
Sep 28, 2017 4:45 AM

Jun 2013
Damn boi, Speedwagon went from street thug/thief to oil baron. How the fuck did that happen? I miss his younger self and those glorious ringside comments. No one does it like the young Speedwagon.

Smokey Brown is the new Poco, what the fuck happened to Poco anyway? His only redeeming factor is his pretty sister.

Tomokazu Sugita makes everything better. Joseph Joestar is my favorite Jojo of all time, more than the cinnamon roll, Jonathan Joestar. Tomokazu could be talking about shit and vomit, which he does as Gintoki and I would still listen to him. Gin-san loves manga, Jojo/Joseph loves manga.

Poco went from pickpocket to having a ponytail and being BFFs with Joseph and Nanna Erina.

I know this show is supposed to be somewhat serious with the issues of racism and discrimination but seriously whenever Joseph talks, it feels like Gintoki is there. I can't tell the difference anymore.

Straits lusted after Dio, he wanted to be Dio. Motherfucker doesn't just use Olay if he wants to be young. Then again, who wouldn't want to be young and fresh again? Straits DID look better with his hair all long and gorgeous and his acne-free, wrinkle-free skin looking like a baby's butt.

Leave it to Joseph to hide a tommy gun on his body.
Oct 8, 2017 2:29 PM
Jul 2017
Fuck, i love this fucking anime.
Nov 15, 2017 4:46 AM

Jun 2016
Alright. This show is literally killing every best character. Now, they killed Speedwagon. Jesus, maan. Wasn't expecting that Straits will do that.

"He was powerful, beautiful, and immortal" <- Straits describing Dio. Lmao.

So, that thing in the cave was like a hive of mask and there's a sleeping person in the cave attached in it. Dafuq are you? Haha.

I thought Joseph Joestar is Erina and Jojo's son. Apparently, he's the son of Erina and Jojo's son, then that baby Erina saved (I thought the baby was a boy lmao). And Joseph inherited the Hamon power from his grandfather. Alriiiighty then.

RIP SPEEDWAGON! I hate this show, maan. ;-;

"Maybe he's trying to take a shit, but the shit just won't come out."
Captain Levi, 2014
Jan 17, 2018 12:08 PM

Jan 2013
Oh, Joseph is way different than Jonathan <personalities> but they're both great!
rip Speedwagon

"Please stop talking about math when I'm eating."
Mar 14, 2018 12:44 PM

Apr 2012
The first 9 episode adapting manga part I is honestly nothing special. I would even say it is not that good. However, it seems like things might start to change from this episode.
My Reviews and Rants:

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