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Monogatari Series: Second Season
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Jul 15, 2013 4:57 AM

Sep 2012
mugimugi said:
Takuan_Soho said:
I really hope that Nishio sensei took whoever at Shaft did the character design out for some really good and expensive yakitori, because damn who ever designed these characters has made him a fortune.

The actual character designer would be the illustrator VOFAN.. And most of the monogatari novels sold about 200k each, he doesn't need sexy illustrations or animations to sell his stuff.
VOFAN created the illustrations for all the novels and is the original character designer but that is as far as his work goes for the animation. Akio Watanabe does the character designs for the anime and is the chief animation director as well and likely deserves most of this credit, though in truth the originals come from VOFAN.

Would Nisiosin's work have sold as well without VOFAN? Hard to say, with unknowns a good cover can make all the difference but he was not exactly unknown when he wrote Bakemonogatari. Still, VOFAN's work really sparked the imagination of the readers and I think it would not be the same without it.

Both author and artist are geniuses and their works are masterpieces.

Nisioisin truly is a literary genius, the way he writes is simply unique. No one writes like he does in any language, in my experience anyway.
Jul 15, 2013 7:22 AM

Jan 2013
hpulley said:
mugimugi said:
Takuan_Soho said:
I really hope that Nishio sensei took whoever at Shaft did the character design out for some really good and expensive yakitori, because damn who ever designed these characters has made him a fortune.

The actual character designer would be the illustrator VOFAN.. And most of the monogatari novels sold about 200k each, he doesn't need sexy illustrations or animations to sell his stuff.
VOFAN created the illustrations for all the novels and is the original character designer but that is as far as his work goes for the animation. Akio Watanabe does the character designs for the anime and is the chief animation director as well and likely deserves most of this credit, though in truth the originals come from VOFAN.

Would Nisiosin's work have sold as well without VOFAN? Hard to say, with unknowns a good cover can make all the difference but he was not exactly unknown when he wrote Bakemonogatari. Still, VOFAN's work really sparked the imagination of the readers and I think it would not be the same without it.

Both author and artist are geniuses and their works are masterpieces.

Nisioisin truly is a literary genius, the way he writes is simply unique. No one writes like he does in any language, in my experience anyway.

I won't say he's a literary genius, that's just lol. But for sure he's a genius in making unique characters.
Jul 15, 2013 7:28 AM

Sep 2012
Have you read any of his text in Japanese? The way he uses the language is just brilliant. Say what you want about some of his topics but if you look deeper you will see that there important themes under it all and this is another sign of a good writer, the work can be appreciated on many different levels.
Jul 15, 2013 8:24 AM

Oct 2007
hpulley said:

Nisioisin truly is a literary genius, the way he writes is simply unique. No one writes like he does in any language, in my experience anyway.

And I consider that a VERY good thing lol. Also sorry but peoples standards are kind of low for what ought to be considered genius level writing these days and the way the term masterpiece is just tossed around willy nilly makes it kind of useless as well. The guy writes light novels in light novel prose and uses some occasionally subtle wordplay and puns. That's somewhat clever but hardly unique and personally I don't believe the line for genius starts there. Occasionally he churns out a good story arc in something amidst all the extensive fanservice scenes, characters blathering and vaguely nonsensical pun ridden dialogue but his sense of focus is frankly abysmal and he seems aware and vaguely apologetic of it too in some of his afterwords and I can see more than a few areas where there is vast room for improvement in his storytelling.

I'm a firm believer in the theory that being unusual in your approach doesn't automatically make you a genius or a good writer, it's simply a choice. I appreciate risk takers, but NisioIsin a genius writer....hell no.
PeacingOutJul 15, 2013 8:36 AM
Jul 15, 2013 8:37 AM

Sep 2012
Tough crowd.
Jul 15, 2013 8:46 AM

Jan 2013
hpulley said:
Have you read any of his text in Japanese? The way he uses the language is just brilliant. Say what you want about some of his topics but if you look deeper you will see that there important themes under it all and this is another sign of a good writer, the work can be appreciated on many different levels.

I'll have to say you need to read some classics, yes, Japanese classics(actually, nationality doesn't even matter). Works from famous contemporary Japanese writers(not LN) will also work. Some LNs are fun, yes. Some LNs are really good and deep, yes. But alas, Nisioisin is faaaaar from being a literary genius. Puns and meta-humor doesn't make him a genius. I understand his puns, and they are not fun or brilliant(especially when you know Asian literature). And the setting, there's nothing unique(just as other novels from Nisioisin). The plot, most of the monogatari second season are horribly bad with less humors, which is one of his only two strengths(the other being characters).

Well, it's your opinion. But that's pretty much the same level of insisting Nasu is the best writer in the world.
Jul 15, 2013 9:01 AM

Sep 2012
Yes, I've read some Japanese classics and I read non-light Japanese novels as well. I still hold to my opinion, yes just an opinion, about Nisiosin's writing but no one else agrees. That's OK. Your opinion can be different than mine. I don't mind.

If you want to let me know your best actual examples of the most brilliant Japanese literature, I would be interested in hearing your recommendations. Seriously! I am open to good recommendations. I won't even say "No way in hell is that genius level...." I will take it as your opinion.

Here, PMs, guestbook, wherever you want to drop your recommendations is fine.
Jul 15, 2013 9:11 AM

Jan 2013
hpulley said:
Yes, I've read some Japanese classics and I read non-light Japanese novels as well. I still hold to my opinion, yes just an opinion, about Nisiosin's writing but no one else agrees. That's OK. Your opinion can be different than mine. I don't mind.

If you want to let me know your best actual examples of the most brilliant Japanese literature, I would be interested in hearing your recommendations. Seriously! I am open to good recommendations. I won't even say "No way in hell is that genius level...." I will take it as your opinion.

Here, PMs, guestbook, wherever you want to drop your recommendations is fine.

人間失格. If it's too classic, read any of Haruki Murakami's(I don't like his works, but I admit he writes godly). I think Haruki's will fit better for your taste(no offence). But I guess you already have read them.
Jul 15, 2013 10:16 AM

Sep 2012
I thought you meant older for classics, 人間失格 isn't that old. Yes, I like Haruki Murakami, not sure what that is supposed to say about my tastes though... I like what I like.
Jul 15, 2013 11:30 AM

Sep 2012
DawnJ said:
hpulley said:
Yes, I've read some Japanese classics and I read non-light Japanese novels as well. I still hold to my opinion, yes just an opinion, about Nisiosin's writing but no one else agrees. That's OK. Your opinion can be different than mine. I don't mind.

If you want to let me know your best actual examples of the most brilliant Japanese literature, I would be interested in hearing your recommendations. Seriously! I am open to good recommendations. I won't even say "No way in hell is that genius level...." I will take it as your opinion.

Here, PMs, guestbook, wherever you want to drop your recommendations is fine.

人間失格. If it's too classic, read any of Haruki Murakami's(I don't like his works, but I admit he writes godly). I think Haruki's will fit better for your taste(no offence). But I guess you already have read them.
I read 人間失格. I read Kawabata. I read Haruki Murakami. I read Kenzaburo Oe. I read Genji Monogatari (ok, modern Japanese translations, not the classic Japanese original) and even Manyoushu. And I agree with hpulley. At least in Bakemonogatari and Katanagatari I think NisiOisiN wrote some of the best works of modern Japanese literature and I would even call them as masterpieces - and I don't use this word lightly. From my view, while Murakami taps into the psyche and gestalt of the middle-aged in Japan, NisiOisiN taps into the psyche and gestalt of the young teens and 20s in Japan.

Kaioshin_Sama said:
The guy writes light novels in light novel prose and uses some occasionally subtle wordplay and puns.
The thing is: This guy actually did NOT write light novels when he wrote Bakemonogatari. Bake was NOT categorized as light novels - I still remember it being simply categorized as "novel" when I checked for it in bookstores; later when light novel got increasing attention the series was then put alongside other LNs. And I would not even call his prose as light novel style. And the wordplay? Unless you know Japanese language I doubt you can fully evaluate how "subtle" or how "clever" some of the wordplay is and how penetrating and insightful it presents.

Kaioshin_Sama said:
but his sense of focus is frankly abysmal and he seems aware and vaguely apologetic of it too in some of his afterwords and I can see more than a few areas where there is vast room for improvement in his storytelling.
It depends on which novel you are talking about. Some have poorer focus than others. As for storytelling, it also depends on what "improvements" you are talking about. If the "improvements" are just making the storytelling more conventional and "focused" (cutting down the wordplay for example) then I would doubt it is actually an improvement -- perhaps more a way to suit your taste better.

Kaioshin_Sama said:
I'm a firm believer in the theory that being unusual in your approach doesn't automatically make you a genius or a good writer, it's simply a choice. I appreciate risk takers, but NisioIsin a genius writer....hell no.
I won't call him a genius, but I will stick to my belief that Bakemonogatari is itself a masterpiece, even though the other novels in the series may be a bit more uneven in quality.
symbvJul 15, 2013 11:15 PM
So MAL finally starts locking news threads that are only a few weeks old?

I wonder where was the announcement of this change? Or we are seeing yet another case of changes made that impacted users but not communicated to them?

I wonder how long people would put up with this.

As much as I have a bunch of information to share about anime announced recently I cannot share it in news board, and the anime series is too disorganized and chaotic to share information except with people already interested in the particular series.
Jul 15, 2013 11:46 AM

Jun 2013
Nice insight to Hanekawa's character, loving the arc so far. Even though the shower scene was nice to the eye, it's funny that it was far from the highlight of the episode, that being either the handshake or Hanekawa's food.

These two really make a nice duo (NOT IN THAT WAY YOU PERVERT!), and short-haired Black Hanekawa is IMO even better than the long-haired one. I dunno.

Also, nice to have a series where the characters' hair actually grows! That's rare. It could have been a coincidence the first time, but it seems here they really have that. And it's a good thing!
Jul 15, 2013 12:28 PM
Laughing Man

Jun 2012
Forget the hot shower scene, dat Tiger was cool as f*ck and did Neko jump like 10km up in the air and then jumped on a cloud?!

Marzan said:
As a bonafide Senjougahara lover I cannot be objective about this episode. I absolutely loved it. From the playful servicey yet remarkably tasteful shower scene, to the meeting face to face with Black Hanekawa. All delivered with her classic sharp dialogue (yet more playfully) and a decalogue of SHAFT face tilts.

Her confession of having an Electra complex was an eyeopener too, specially when one thinks of her relationship to her dad in episode 12 of Bakemono. I thought they were pretty distant.

I want this in BD. Now!

This. Senjougahara <3

I'm level on MAL-Badges. View my badges.
Jul 15, 2013 1:13 PM
Jul 2012
This anime... I can't even watch it on the living room :\
So many sexual innuendo, i can barely explain it to my parents =="
Jul 15, 2013 1:45 PM
Jul 2012
Go10 said:
wonder what the tiger mean by "she saw me, thats all that maters". Great episode.

Well, it basically the same as if you are in a jungle, and saw a sleeping tiger, and then he woke up and saw you... you're fucked
Jul 15, 2013 3:49 PM

Jul 2013
Hendra666 said:
Go10 said:
wonder what the tiger mean by "she saw me, thats all that maters". Great episode.

Well, it basically the same as if you are in a jungle, and saw a sleeping tiger, and then he woke up and saw you... you're fucked

in the jungle, the wildness jungle, the wildness lion... oh wait...

personally am not a fan of fanservicing, therefore am glad there are lots of dialoge, some action (yay!) and a meeting between gahara-san and black hanekawa
current LN reading:
Death March kara hajimaru isekai kyousoukyoku
translated here
for those who are interested in other forums about animes, check, and
Jul 15, 2013 3:57 PM

Oct 2012
Another great episode.
Jul 15, 2013 4:23 PM

Feb 2013

I am absolutely in love with this series.
Jul 15, 2013 4:56 PM

Jan 2013
About wordplays(if you don't like 'puns'), every single one of ancient literature in chinese characters had them. Using clever wordplays was(and still is) one of the evaluation criteria. The more you know.

Sadly I don't care much about them, especially in novels.
Jul 15, 2013 5:33 PM

Dec 2009
We need more of this and less of Araragi. Hanekawa is a lot of fun to follow.
I have my own anime blog. It's called Anime Viking. Hope you'll you read it!

Jul 15, 2013 5:38 PM

Aug 2010
I like how this is going, but Araragi is my boy, can't leave him out of the fun!
Jul 15, 2013 5:38 PM

Jan 2013
Marow said:
We need more of this and less of Araragi. Hanekawa is a lot of fun to follow.

You should listen to BD commentaries then...
Jul 15, 2013 6:50 PM

Feb 2012
Dat shower scene.
Jul 15, 2013 7:07 PM

Sep 2012
DawnJ said:
Marow said:
We need more of this and less of Araragi. Hanekawa is a lot of fun to follow.

You should listen to BD commentaries then...
Really enjoyed the commentaries on the Neko Kuro discs and looking forward to them on Shiro. It's so cute when she "nya"s every 'n' in the commentaries, much easier than reading it that way. I thought it would be cute to read it like that but honestly, it is a bit painful in spots to read entire chapters of not just dialog but all text with the "nyans" and "nyais"... when she is in cat form.
Jul 15, 2013 10:13 PM

Jun 2013
Love the dialogue tone of hanekawa and senjougahara ^^
They are seems like singing or something everytime i listem to them speaking!
Jul 16, 2013 2:31 AM

Feb 2012
loved this episode, more senjougahara is always good and i really like the way she says 'dakedo.'
if you disagree with what i say, feel free to comment on my profile. in all likelihood, i won't come back to this thread.

Jul 16, 2013 9:39 AM

May 2010
OMG those two are so dangerously sexy in that shower scene =3

Jul 16, 2013 11:42 AM

Jun 2013
Compared to the other Animes this season, doesn't Monogatari have a good shot at becoming the best anime this season?
Jul 16, 2013 11:53 AM
Mar 2013
Grouchio said:
Compared to the other Animes this season, doesn't Monogatari have a good shot at becoming the best anime this season?

Looking at this:

There really is no competition for Monogatari Series Second Season, in my opinion. Unless you count movies in as well wherein there is Kara no Kyoukai, then it's an entirely different story.
Jul 16, 2013 11:59 AM

Jun 2013
Hmm. I'm hearing reports that shows like Gatchaman Crowds, Silver Spoon and Uchouten Kakozu are also being called Anime of the season by many others. How shall we compete? Superior ratings and viewings?
Jul 16, 2013 12:28 PM

Jul 2013
silver spoon manga is awesome - the mangaka is the same as from FMA
but dont expect a battle anime/manga, it is slice of life, but still good
definetly worth reading/watching

dunno about the others

well, so far the only one who can compete with monogatari is shingeki no kyojin in competition of best anime of this year (if no other great anime is coming in fall/winter)
current LN reading:
Death March kara hajimaru isekai kyousoukyoku
translated here
for those who are interested in other forums about animes, check, and
Jul 16, 2013 8:01 PM

Jul 2010
Seriously, where the bloody hell is mah bro Ararararararagi-kun.

I don't care a slighty bit about Hanekawa, but I must admit that as a MAN, I enjoy this fanservice.

Damn you, Shaft. That's playing dirty.
Jul 16, 2013 8:13 PM

May 2012
Gahara and Black Hanekawa in the shower would've been perfect, but yeah I know.
Jul 17, 2013 8:49 AM

Jul 2012
Akanezora said:
Seriously, where the bloody hell is mah bro Ararararararagi-kun.

just wait till episode 5
Jul 17, 2013 9:16 AM

Jun 2013
where is koyomi??
i lack on english but, i want to speak!
Jul 17, 2013 9:28 AM

Jun 2013
I really want to see Araragi! :(
Jul 17, 2013 5:20 PM

May 2011
Akanezora said:
Seriously, where the bloody hell is mah bro Ararararararagi-kun.

I don't care a slighty bit about Hanekawa, but I must admit that as a MAN, I enjoy this fanservice.

Damn you, Shaft. That's playing dirty.

Dun worry, once we get to kabukimonogatari, Shinobu and Ararararararagi gets so much more screen time.
Jul 18, 2013 4:52 AM

Jul 2013
you misspelled his name
current LN reading:
Death March kara hajimaru isekai kyousoukyoku
translated here
for those who are interested in other forums about animes, check, and
Jul 18, 2013 11:05 AM

Jun 2012
LegendsOfSushi said:
I really want to see Araragi! :(

pikeman1 said:
Akanezora said:
Seriously, where the bloody hell is mah bro Ararararararagi-kun.

just wait till episode 5

.....well, I think I'm going to stop watching it until he appears, because as a WOMAN, I do not enjoy at all this fanservice.

- I only draw freestyle! -
Jul 18, 2013 3:44 PM

Aug 2012
Aozumi said:

.....well, I think I'm going to stop watching it until he appears, because as a WOMAN, I do not enjoy at all this fanservice.
The fan service in this arc should pretty much be done after this next episode. And I assure you, you won't want to miss the last two episodes of the Neko: Shiro.
Jul 18, 2013 4:43 PM

Jun 2012
AlexTheRiot said:
Aozumi said:

.....well, I think I'm going to stop watching it until he appears, because as a WOMAN, I do not enjoy at all this fanservice.
The fan service in this arc should pretty much be done after this next episode. And I assure you, you won't want to miss the last two episodes of the Neko: Shiro.

but if I have to see again what happened in ep two I will drop the anime right away and it will be worst?

but if you say the fanservice will stop now I may give it another opportunity....
because yeah, I want to see the Hanekawa-neko version too (- x -
after all I pretty much enjoyed the Nekomonogatari ovas when I saw them

- I only draw freestyle! -
Jul 18, 2013 5:07 PM

Aug 2012
Well, it's hard to say how 'bad' it will be because SHAFT definitely embellished the shower scene a bit, but there may or may not be a similar scene next week. It certainly won't be quite as 'playful' though lol.

But I would not recommend skipping next week's episode, it will have very crucial plot points involving the abnormalities and leading into the two following episodes.
Jul 18, 2013 5:25 PM

Jun 2012
AlexTheRiot said:
Well, it's hard to say how 'bad' it will be because SHAFT definitely embellished the shower scene a bit, but there may or may not be a similar scene next week. It certainly won't be quite as 'playful' though lol.

But I would not recommend skipping next week's episode, it will have very crucial plot points involving the abnormalities and leading into the two following episodes.

I hope not at least D:

well.... I'll be praying for Araragi's appearance soon then xD''' -I'm not used to watch this kind of fanservice orz-

- I only draw freestyle! -
Jul 18, 2013 5:32 PM

Aug 2012
Aozumi said:

well.... I'll be praying for Araragi's appearance soon then xD''' -I'm not used to watch this kind of fanservice orz-
Well the later developments of the arc is well worth it, I promise!
Jul 19, 2013 3:05 AM

Aug 2012
uhm.. this ep was totally beyond what i expected. Awesome fan-service and dialogues between Hitagi and Tsubasa. The scene where Hitagi asked various questions to Tsubasa was pretty good.

Black Hanekawa with short hair <3

and still waiting patiently for a 3rd season of Spice & Wolf :'|
Jul 19, 2013 7:13 AM

Feb 2008
Senjougahara really is perfect.
Jul 19, 2013 12:18 PM

Sep 2012
AlexTheRiot said:
Well, it's hard to say how 'bad' it will be because SHAFT definitely embellished the shower scene a bit, but there may or may not be a similar scene next week. It certainly won't be quite as 'playful' though lol...
I can't wait!
Jul 19, 2013 2:01 PM

Oct 2012
Once again splendid episode even if there isn't a lot of action right now we get some pretty cool chat looking forward the next ones.
Jul 19, 2013 2:51 PM

Apr 2013
What a nice fanservice episode. Black Hanekawa is no longer as aggressive as in Nekomonogatari.

Need some Shinobu :S
Jul 19, 2013 3:37 PM

Aug 2012
hpulley said:
AlexTheRiot said:
Well, it's hard to say how 'bad' it will be because SHAFT definitely embellished the shower scene a bit, but there may or may not be a similar scene next week. It certainly won't be quite as 'playful' though lol...
I can't wait!

lol me neither, it should be quite the treat.
Jul 19, 2013 11:21 PM

Jun 2013
When thoust morning comes, so thoust shall episode three...

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