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Monogatari Series: Second Season
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Aug 9, 2013 2:55 PM

Oct 2012
Another epic episode once more (it cool thought ) seeing Koyomi's mother was pretty cool and her speech was freakin' deep. More seeing Episode with Gaen who is a little creepy but why not XD.
Hanekawa in jeans and jacket that suit her a lot, that ending cliffhanger...need to watch next one now.
Aug 11, 2013 12:16 PM

Dec 2011
Wow. Lots of new characters. It was interesting to see Gaen (the person who knows everything)... and it is really the complete opposite of Hanekawa and her catchphrase, "It's not that I know everything, I just know what I know.".
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Aug 14, 2013 8:47 PM

Jul 2013
Mrs. Araragi scared me a bit when she appeared, I really wasn't expecting her. Also, that Gaen girl seems very odd, yet she also seems to know a lot, I guess I'll find out more about her later. I kind of wished they animated Kizu though, cause I don't know much about that Episode guy -_-
Aug 16, 2013 11:51 PM

Sep 2011
their boyfriends is koyomi? dafuq? was that jsut a joke?
"Justice Never Dies!" - Kenji Endou, 20th century Boys
Aug 26, 2013 11:25 PM

Jun 2008
Damn....I really want to see Kizumonogatari now...
Sep 5, 2013 7:34 PM

Jun 2013
Fire Sisters is cool i love them!

Does Araragi's mom some kind of like... senjougahara?
Jan 4, 2014 11:04 PM

Oct 2012
Lol, poor Mizudori & Rousokuzawa
Both sisters of Arararararagi are brocon afterall xD

And don't forget the priceless face of Hanekawa Tsubasa xD
"Signature removed"
Jan 18, 2014 6:59 AM

May 2012
That ending <3 Pretty nice episode, I sure love the pace!
Feb 5, 2014 11:37 PM

Mar 2012
I'm going to assume Mr. Episode is from another arc, possibly the Kizu movie? If so, that kind of sucks to have this episode, before he's even introduced into the animated series.

Pretty interesting episode, one more episode for this arc, hope it's a good finale, cus the arc overall was slightly disappointing considering it's Tsubasa's arc.

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment"
Feb 7, 2014 10:27 AM

Oct 2013
Araragis' mom is a cunt, though.
Mar 18, 2014 4:23 AM

Oct 2013
its cool what hanekawa is doing, writing to her other self, and the end credits pic made her looks pregnant, was weird
"Urushibara Ruka. The mannerisms and voice of a woman... No... More feminine than any woman. But he's a guy. Taller than Mayuri, but so very thin... But he's a guy. Looks great in a miko outfit... But he's a guy. It's already twilight And yet, it's so hot. The cicadas are crying. But... He's a guy."
Mar 28, 2014 9:25 PM

Aug 2013
Woah, Hanekawa have really prepared herself to die... That's kinda sad, even if I think she won't die.

Where the hell is Araragi?!? xD
I wonder if he's chassed by that vampire hunter. There is also the fact that he has set up a meeting with Kanbaru at the cram school the night it has burned.

I don't think we had been introduced to M. Episode or Gaen yet. They are two interresting fellows. That girl is pretty arrogant and confident.

So the Fire Sisters have boyfriend and Araragi can't accept them xD
Well, he have a sister complex, so I guess it's ''normal''.

There really is normal human parent in that town! No but seriously, I really like it, but the fact that the setting always look like it's a ghost town make me surprised when a new background character appear :P

So from Senjougahara theory, the burning always happen to a place that she slept to. That's an interresting way to view it. I thought the tiger or whatever that is provoking those fire was targeting place directly related to Hanekawa.
«Time is passing so quickly. Right now, I feel like complaining to Einstein. Whether time is slow or fast depends on perception. Relativity theory is so romantic. And so sad.»
- Kurisu Makise a.k.a. The Zombie
Jun 2, 2014 7:08 PM

Mar 2014
The woman that "Knows Everything" and the girl that "Only knows What she knows".
Is it Adult's day at the episode !? Many Weird Adult just make their appearance on the episode.
Ignorance.. Lies.. "Averting your eyes from the truth... that's some big words for this episode.
Now you know the problem hanekawa.. "Jealously". though I am thinking that both Tsubasa and Koyomi is so cute for each other .. Couple-like.
Leaving markings ...
Its Reaching the Climax. She Realized its not good to just "Avert your eyes from the truth" but its Better to "Accept the truth and carry it until the end" or something like that.
Well.. Good Improvement for Tsubasa hanekawa !!
Nice Ending!!!
Pretty good Episode!!!
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Jun 2, 2014 7:12 PM

Mar 2014
The woman that "Knows Everything" and the girl that "Only knows What she knows".
Is it Adult's day at the episode !? Many Weird Adult just make their appearance on the episode.
Ignorance.. Lies.. "Averting your eyes from the truth"... that's some big words for this episode.
Now you know the problem hanekawa.. "Jealously". though I am thinking that both Tsubasa and Koyomi is so cute for each other .. Couple-like.
Leaving markings ...
Its Reaching the Climax. She Realized its not good to just "Avert your eyes from the truth" but its Better to "Accept the truth and carry it until the end" or something like that.
Well.. Good Improvement for Tsubasa hanekawa !!
Nice Ending!!!
Pretty good Episode!!!
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Jun 2, 2014 7:29 PM

Mar 2014
The woman that "Knows Everything" and the girl that "Only knows What she knows".
Is it Adult's day at the episode !? Many Weird Adult just make their appearance on the episode.
Ignorance.. Lies.. "Averting your eyes from the truth... that's some big words for this episode.
Now you know the problem hanekawa.. "Jealously". though I am thinking that both Tsubasa and Koyomi is so cute for each other .. Couple-like.
Leaving markings ...
Its Reaching the Climax. She Realized its not good to just "Avert your eyes from the truth" but its Better to "Accept the truth and carry it until the end" or something like that.
Well.. Good Improvement for Tsubasa hanekawa !!
Nice Ending!!!
Pretty good Episode!!!
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jun 2, 2014 7:29 PM

Mar 2014
The woman that "Knows Everything" and the girl that "Only knows What she knows".
Is it Adult's day at the episode !? Many Weird Adult just make their appearance on the episode.
Ignorance.. Lies.. "Averting your eyes from the truth... that's some big words for this episode.
Now you know the problem hanekawa.. "Jealously". though I am thinking that both Tsubasa and Koyomi is so cute for each other .. Couple-like.
Leaving markings ...
Its Reaching the Climax. She Realized its not good to just "Avert your eyes from the truth" but its Better to "Accept the truth and carry it until the end" or something like that.
Well.. Good Improvement for Tsubasa hanekawa !!
Nice Ending!!!
Pretty good Episode!!!
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Jul 10, 2014 3:22 PM

Nov 2012
Senjougahara and Hanekawa are pretty calm considering the houses Hanekawa had spend the night could be burnt down any moment now. Or maybe I just missed some vital information.
Sep 1, 2014 5:06 PM

Jan 2014
Qatami said:
Araragis' mom is a cunt, though.

She just told Hanekwa what she needed to hear.
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Kellhus said:
GuusWayne said:
there is a limit to the suspension of disbelief

And it's the fan that did it. Not the smoking porn reading rubik cube genius rape ape with a magic boat.
Dec 4, 2014 5:13 AM

Jul 2014
I'm really love Hanekawa's character development <3

I don't know why people still don't like it.
Dec 4, 2014 2:40 PM

Jan 2012
^ "I don't know why people still don't like it."

For a serious reply: I think a good part of this is because this arc was the first time where the protagonist was someone other than Araragi, and aside of the change of protagonist and his absence, this also brought a change of tone and storytelling style that some people didn't liked for one reason or other. Some people wanted Araragi no matter what, some people could've lived without him but didn't liked the way the arc played out, and so forth. I personally liked this change of pace a lot, but you know what they say, different strokes for different folks, and this especially goes for radical changes.

For a sarcastic reply: because Hanekawa haven't molested Hachikuji, nor brushed Karen's teeth. (I'm being sarcastic with this as I said, but I don't agree with the notion of "this show is shit without Araragi" when he can pull some things I find plain retarded and meh rather than endearing/goofy)
Feb 20, 2015 5:53 AM

Nov 2011
Episode that reveals the real reasons behind the outbreak of Black Hanekawa and also shows some new character, doing so increase the interest.
Narrative rich dialogues difficult and complicated to follow as usual, interspersed with moments quite nice.
Drawings good enough.
Mar 8, 2015 6:26 AM

May 2014
New characters! About time.

The dialogue sure is hard to follow but not imposible when you keep in mind that 70% of what they are saying is pointless (pointless but very clever and funny). So if you don't understand something you can skip over it. You will get it later.

As for now Hanekawa is ready to face the situation she is in and stop averting her eyes.
Mar 21, 2015 9:13 PM

May 2014
Wow, I really liked that episode. It may be that I'm drinking my favorite ale, it may be that it was just a fantastic episode. Really liked the development in Hanekawa as she came to fully realize that she's turning into Black Hanekawa, and as she realizes that she's jealous of Senjougahara.

And boy, did I crack up when the Fire Sisters said their boyfriends were just like their brother xDD 10/10 would laugh again.
Mar 29, 2015 7:26 PM

Jun 2014
Episode seems like a cool character hopefully he stays as part of the cast. Also starting to like hanekawa more and moooree.
Apr 6, 2015 6:30 AM

Aug 2013
Many new faces I see.. that girl sure is cute but not so for her personality.
I'm not sure if their relationship will go smoothly with their brother complex that strong lol.
Monogatari series without the Araragi and Hachikuji sexual harassment comedy duo is a bit strange to me.
I want to see them again.
Aug 6, 2015 5:34 AM

Nov 2011
New faces are always welcome in this show and great to see FS again.

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Sep 17, 2015 8:22 PM

Sep 2014
Thank you for taking care of me and sorry for adverting my eyes. Ep 4.

Plot: Hanekawa finally learns that black Hanekawa is back. Later she meets EPisode, a vampire hunter from Kizumonogatari that tried to kill her and Geana, a possible relative of Kanbaru and Oshino's senior who "knows everything." Geana lays out the Tiger's name and Senjougahara tells the truth the incidents: they were all places Hanekawa slept the night before, which means that soon Senjougahara's and Koyomi's home would be next. After some time, Hanekawa finds out another crucial piece: Envy.

The envious feeling that the places she slept in gave such a feeling of a good home.

Character: Hanekawa finally learns. She loses alot of her previous character and is coming to some sort of terms about her situation.

Geana and Episode commanded a strong presence considering one tried to kill her and the other pretty much wrecked her and her catchphrase. Ouch. But they were pretty awesome for the purpose they had and they had to the mystery going on in the background.

Araragi's Mother was great for such a short appearance. Her choice words on Hanekawa and family was great and her character makes me want to see her and Senjougahara duke in a word off. Come on, you can't tell me you don't want it.

PS: Fire Sisters: Brocons! Confirmation.

Animation/sound: The scenery where Geana and Episode show up...just what the heck? Also everyone sees the Araragi bathroom as a grand place. It's not just Koyomi.

5/5. This propelled the plot, introduced some good characters i want to see more off, and with this as the penultimate ep, it was fun.

I go where I wanna go, even if its into Oppai.
Oct 8, 2015 3:51 PM

Oct 2012
So... she is basically closing her eyes to things she doesn't want to know? She doesn't want to be... hurt again? She is denying the fact that Ararari is.. taken?

Araragi's mom was pretty strange I have to say. I really think that relations with their parents are anything but usual. Her saying she doesn't need family is kinda hint. I guess she is careerist and climber in her work, kinda. And we want to remember it was she who acted as cuckoo's child mother.

And half-vampire Episode-san that tried to kill her in the past? We really need that Kizu soon, so many questions, thanks good it's coming in January. Him being six years old? And whatever dreadful presence did Hanekawa have back then?

Gaen senpai, eh? Suruga's niece or long lost sister, eh? I guess they are simply introducing new characters in advance, the same the did in Nise. And Yotsugi is around too? Now I really do wonder what Araragi is doing there in shadows.

Hmmm, and if Tiger being her creation, I'm very interested in this power to create aberrations Hanekawa has. Or does it simply means another part of her own self split up from her? The same presence from back then Episode-san was missing when he was looking on her?

We already know from Nekomonogatari Kuro that Hanekawa was thinking on verge of geniality and that she had problem with it, she wanted to be a normal and now she's envious of Senjougahara. So she shed those feelings away, locked it deep inside of her and that's why the aberration was born? She finally have to realize that it's she who posseses those monsters.

So envy that is. History tiger that burns with passion. So Senjougahara and Araragi's houses are now on stake?

But I'm really glad she finally settled with her second self.
Jan 13, 2016 10:06 AM

Sep 2015
Another excellent episode!! Some new interesting characters have been introduced!
I wonder what Hanekawa is going to write on that letter for Black Hanekawa...
Mar 29, 2016 2:27 AM

May 2015
Araragi's mom reminds me so much of Hitagi. Coincidence? I think not. I'm hoping for the best in Hanekawa's situation this ark. I've truly come to enjoy her character.
Apr 28, 2016 4:27 AM

Jul 2008
Oh great another one enters the harem.
May 31, 2016 3:19 AM
Aug 2014
Finally some plot development. After three episodes of start-to-finish monologues and fan service I was getting really bored.
Sep 20, 2016 1:51 PM

Apr 2013
Good episode. Somehow I still hate the fact that his sisters have boyfriends T_T
Nov 28, 2016 11:25 AM

Nov 2014
Now that I'm rewatching Second Season, I like Tsubasa Tiger way more than I did for the first time.
Apr 2, 2017 10:29 AM

Jun 2013
Another excellent episode!
Also, not gonna,lie, Hanekawa looked hot AF at the end
Apr 26, 2017 10:39 AM

Apr 2015
So Hanekawa's going to have to face that tiger on her own in the next episode.

Where exactly are Araragi and Kanbaru? Guess we'll figure that out eventually...
"No, son, you may not have your body pillow at the dinner table!"
Jun 22, 2017 12:23 PM
May 2012
sounds like she is going to die
Oct 5, 2017 6:45 AM

Jun 2016
And just like that Hanekawa finally knew that yeah Sawari Neko is back. Haha.

What the hell. Araragi's mother, though. Jeez. I'm scared. Help. She's gorgeous, though, but scary. Crap!

We met two new characters this episode: the Episode guy and Gaen Izuko (who's possibly related to Kanbaru). So, that Episode guy (hilarious name) tried to kill Hanekawa before? Dafuq. I hate him now. Lmao.

Called it. Haha. There's a possibility that Araragi's home and Hitagi's home will be burned down just like Oshino's and Hanekawa's household. I hope it won't happen.

"So, what are they (Karen and Tsukihi's boyfriends) like?"
"Just like Big Brother!"

Goddamnit these two. Hahahaha!

I'm losing my mind over Hanekawa rolling on Araragi's bed and trying her best to leave a scent of hers on his pillow and his bed. Omfg. *faints* I honestly love seeing her wearing Araragi's clothes, I really find it hot. Omg I need to stop.

I wonder what the Sawari Neko's reaction will be to Hanekawa's letter addressed to her.

"Maybe he's trying to take a shit, but the shit just won't come out."
Captain Levi, 2014
Feb 20, 2018 8:42 PM

Jan 2015
Nice episode. The marking was great, with the photo.

Still not as good as Bakemonogatari but a good episode anyway. The mom seems cool.
Apr 22, 2018 9:52 PM

Dec 2016
Mr. Episode, Gaen, and Araragi's Mom were all introduced in this episode and all seem just as wacky and intelligent as every other character lol
“I love heroes, but I don't want to be one. Do you even know what a hero is!? For example, you have some meat. Pirates will feast on the meat, but the hero will distribute it among the people! I want to eat the meat!” - Monkey D. Luffy
Aug 20, 2018 9:49 AM

May 2017
enjoyed the episode!

i just dislike that they went back to the blank frames from bakemonogatari.. i was happy that they were mostly gone in nise and kuro but now they are back.. they irritate me and it makes the dialouge a little stressful.. constantly switching between blank frames with subtitles at the top and normal footage.
Sep 4, 2018 9:37 AM

May 2018
Really good episode. I am enjoying this great development of Hanekawa in history.

"No matter where you go, everyone's connected." Iwakura, Lain.

Jan 28, 2019 8:45 PM

Jul 2012
Oh wow, I guess we'll be able to see the Araragi parents after all! And of course she has an ahoge too hahaha.

Gaen is interesting. She's the opposite of Hanekawa, with how her line used to be "I only know what I know." (I miss this line). But Gaen apparently knows everything and is the senpai of the trio: Oshino, Kaiki, and Yozuru. I also like her character design.

I actually read Kizu, so I have an idea of who Episode is. Just an idea though, because I read it over year ago and my memory isn't the greatest haha. But we do know that he hunts vampires and him being back definitely can't be a good thing.

With the new characters introduced, we find out that wherever Hanekawa is staying the night at, burns down a few nights later. But why? And she also said she might not ever see Araragi again?! What does she have planned? :(

Also, I can't believe Hanekawa didn't put two and two together and find out that Araragi thought he might've been in love with her at one point >< I guess she did have a ton on her mind.

I love that this season of Monogatari has an overarching plot. Putting the pieces together as we go with all the twists and turns that are sure to come will be incredibly fun. I'm excited :)
Apr 28, 2019 9:56 AM
Apr 2016
I didn't like that new lady character, she's way too arrogant. Araragi's mother is a little too harsh...good episode though.
May 17, 2019 6:25 AM

Dec 2018
Gaen, if she really mean it what she say then she's like the superior version of Tsubasa.

Lol why bother do the 'marking' when you know that place is going to be burned next. Unless she stopped the Tiger before it happens.
He who smiles in a crisis has found someone to blame.
Jun 23, 2019 8:56 PM

Sep 2017
Hanekawa is basically Batman now. Those were some A+ detective skills. It's an interesting idea to believe that Hanekawa is evolving with the Meddlecat. If only Hanekawa knew Araragi actually does get interrupted in his sleep by his murderous sisters wielding crowbars... Not sure whether I like or hate Araragi's mother. She seemed to be going in on Hanekawa a bit too much there. She was just saying she was leaving the house amiga. People watching the movies after Owarimonogatari are seeing Episode and going "wat." I didn't see him being six coming at all. I'm getting some nasty vibes from this Gaen chick. She needs to leave poor Hanekawa alone. Is it the History Tiger or the Hysteria Tiger? Make up your damn minds. Senjougahara is pretty good at making those cranes. So the tiger is burning down homes Hanekawa stays at? Interesting. Weird game of cards. The Fire Sisters gave an interesting perspective to Hanekawa. They have brother-complexes, lol. Her "marking" Araragi's bed was... weird. Wonder what her note will say.
May 12, 2020 8:13 PM
Jul 2018
Holy moly, 25 chapters! That's a lot! I guess you can say the cat's out of the bag!

Why does the Araragi mother give me milf vibes? Lol, anyway she just told Hanekawa straight up. You can't even be angry at her. You can run away from the problems, but pretending that there is no problems isn't the right thing.

Two new characters, fellaaaaaa! Episode und Gaen Izuko. The latter is a colourful character alright. I love the kanji and wordplay this episode. 無知 is the Japanese word for ignorance and the romaji is "muchi" and むちむち ("muchimuchi" means plump/voluptuous. Good one!

Senjougahara does oragami!~

Hehe, Hanekawa's アッカンベー and the middle finger to boot, noice!
Jun 29, 2020 4:57 AM

Mar 2019
This season is really making me like Hanekawa again. I've low-key hated her ever since watching Kizumonogatari. Well, it is a nice change.
I frankly didn't expect to see Episode again. I wonder if his and Gaen's appearances are somehow connected to whatever Araragi is doing at the moment. The guy is just hecking gone and nobody seems to be worried about him. Not even his family. :D
Aug 16, 2020 7:56 PM
Apr 2017
Araragi's mother is a wise mother hen kind of character. I wish that scene was longer (and I wish I had a mother like her).
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