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Konatsu's singing at the end was the best. I'm totally hooked by that. I think she really loves music, by the fact that she move herself (dance) with the music.
(I do understand that, since I sometime play an air drum unintentionally when I was in the train ...)
The face she made when she found out that everyone saw her dancing? Priceless. I can't wait for a full song on the CD.
Okay so I was reluctant to watch it before but I finally got to it.
It was pretty good overall.
Not my favorite kind of art style - I find it kind of too "moe" for me but it's okay. The three girls are kind of similar to each other and their seiyuus make me confused on who's saying what at times. I'll get used to it eventually.
The OP/ED aren't anything too special but I adore the OST. Come on, it features the clarinet in one of the OSTs. LOVE. <3
This series reminds me of a LOT of other series. One being La Corda D'Oro cuz there's a music section of the school and a general section. OH AND DAYUM - The school is beautiful. Makes my school look like crap haha. It also reminds me of Sakamichi no Apollon. There's a character who's into music but doesn't really feel it and then the other character will drag her into music and they'll all love it and stuff. It also reminds me of Hyouka and Kokoro Connect - with the whole club thingy. Oh and K-On of course - even if I only watched one K-On episode lol.
Anyways, I like it actually. Not my style of music though. But I'll keep watching because singing is also one of my loves.
mutsuriniii said: Hanasaku Iroha without Minchi xD
Or Nako or Ohana... Really, other than the superficial appearance of the characters, these girls bear practically no resemblance to the girls from Hanasaku Iroha!
If you haven't seen anything beyond episode 1, just watch the next episode and you will know for sure that Sawa is not, in any way, Nako!
Nice episode. I digged the funny moments.
Having watched Hanasaku Iroha a couple of years ago I can see the resemblace with it, but it's just the drawing style.
I'll continue watching it, even tho "music shows" are not my favourite kind.
Until the end the characters looked a little alike, but there were some very funny parts, like the kneeling and the girls reaction in the end :P
Behold of my awesomeness~
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But my feels.
AHHHH IT WAS THE TRUE TEARS OP. It was killing me. I knew I knew the opening, but I just COULDN'T put my finger on it... even though I recently listened to the true tears op ahaha.
Dat art style! P.A. style is amazing as ever.
I loved Hanasaku Iroha so I'm looking forward to this.
So far so good, the Vice principal is the only one I hate now. But I guess an 'antagonist' is always needed :/
I like the main characters. I can't say much about Sakai, I know she will probably be warmer later. Sawa's normal clothes are great, it looks beautiful.
Favorite so far has to be with Konatsu. She kind of reminds me of Ohana. She won me over with that last scene. I don't know why, but she just really got my attention, she is also pretty cute.
OP and ED is good, I especially liked Konatsu's song at the end (Goin' my way). I wanted to find a full version, but WHY THE HELL DIDN'T THEY MAKE ONE!? >_>
Also, at the bath scene for a moment I was like, "of course the usual fanservice scene...ohwait...nooo!!! I feel like I was trolled >_>
So yeah, I can't wait to see more of Konatsu and the others!
A very interesting first episode. I'm really liking all of the characters so far. Each of them have a unique quirk whether it is horse riding, badminton, or archery. I especially like the transfer student. "Kneeling?" ^_^
Episode 1. It starts off with the opening and they're already crying. Oh dear, I'm concerned.
Well, once the episode finally started proper, it's fine so far. Obviously a single episode is too soon to make opinions, so I'll hold out a little longer before raising any more concerns. As a tidbit, the voice actor Chiaki Takahashi did a cover of Reflectia as Azusa Miura of The iDOLM@STER, so when that song came on, it caught me off guard. Hopefully this means there will be a higher variety of songs featured in Tari Tari, as it has already gone through quite a few, despite them being relatively same in tone and style.
Pretty chill start. Has a relaxing vibe and I like how subtle the humor can be. Konatsu is especially quirky and has my interest, lol @ that singing at the end. Though with that said, so far the singing sounds more grounded and less poppy (which is nice).
The vice principle was way too harsh, and should have given her a chance to prove herself in the preceding year instead of leading her on the whole time before forcing her out of the club.
I wonder if she'll try to stop them from forming a new choir. From a certain, narrow minded perspective, it could be seen as a direct insult to her, and that's before considering the budgetary problems it would create for the original choir if this new one actually did well.
That aside, the translator did a pretty good job with localization.
It's a pretty good first episode so far. I didn't think this would have musical aspects and thought it would be entirely s.o.l instead of borderline musical.
It's totally making fun of how non Japanese think they can blend in watching just anime and reading manga.
Usually don't like that sort of thing but the way they done it in this episode was really really funny!
I just dropped Natsu-iro Kiseki after one of the episodes pissed me off and ruined the whole show for me, so I'm hoping Tari Tari have anything that'll piss me off and ruin the whole show. Seems good so far.