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Monogatari Series: Second Season
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Apr 4, 2015 7:31 AM

Jun 2014
What's in the closet? I must know....
Apr 10, 2015 1:14 PM

Jun 2009
I'm in desperate need of some help here...

Ever since episode 23 came out, I have been obsessing over a piece of music, but searching through all the Monogatari Series soundtracks didn't net results. You guys are my last resort, maybe you can help me out!

The soundtrack plays during the second half of Ononoki's and Kaiki's dialogue (starting at about 14:10) and goes on for the next two minutes, until they're done talking.
It's a very calm piece and starts off with what I believe is a xylophone and a very subtle melody is added later on.

I do not know if this is a 2nd-Series-exclusive soundtrack or if it has been played before, but this scene in episode 23 is the only one I remember it being played. If you have got any clue on the name, you would totally end my desperate quest on finding it!
Jul 18, 2015 5:54 PM

Dec 2013
Kaiki the GOAT
Immahnoob said:
They say Jesus walked on water.
People are made out of 79% water.
I can walk on people.
So I am 79% Jesus.
Sourire said:
I once fucked an apple pie.
Aug 18, 2015 11:30 AM

Feb 2015
I could watch Kaiki and Senjougahara talking for hours.
Aug 24, 2015 10:47 AM

Jul 2014
lol, I like the new opening.

Oct 3, 2015 6:17 PM

Sep 2014
It's cool if I come back 100, no, 98 more times right? Ep 23.

Plot: Kaik relays the situation to Senjougahara and assures her that Nadeko can be fooled. Teary eyed and most likely full of relief, Senjougahara says her thanks. Kaiki also meets up with Yotsugi who tells him that Gaen wants him to pull out due to some plans in the work and is willing to pay 3 million yen. He says he will but doesn't and takes the money. After another meeting with Nadeko, he sneaks into her family home and spots something amazing.

Character: Kaiki and Senjougahara's back and forth was fun to listen to and seeing her being teary eyed was neat thing. Too bad it could be false.

Gaen is now on my suspicions list and could be a future enemy of Koyomi. THe fact that she was trying to turn Shinobu into a god knowing what would happen considering the Shinbou time Arc, makes her devious and too calculating. She was planning on killing 2 birds with one sotne with that plan.

Animation/sound: Da f*k was up with that OP? Did we go back in time? Cause if they decide to make it SHoujo I don't think I could take it.

3/5. The intrigue is rising but this was kinda meh.

I go where I wanna go, even if its into Oppai.
Oct 31, 2015 8:52 AM

Sep 2013
Conversations with Senjougahara are never boring.. best grill..

and.. Yeey, Oni-chan. peace, peace. <3
Oct 31, 2015 9:05 AM

Sep 2013
Luke72 said:
I could watch Kaiki and Senjougahara talking for hours.
Dec 7, 2015 8:25 AM

Oct 2012
Hmm, interesting. Though Senjougahara denies it I still believe she at least adored him if not loved him back then. She even admitted he was the first it in Nise and even here at Mr.Donuts she wasn't as convincing when they talked about it. She can try to deny it but she really had feels for Kaiki back then.
And it was great scene where Hitagi showed hint of her gratitute towards Kaiki after he told her they'll be saved by spring, it was the first time she showed something like that. Of course, one still has to doubt everything they do as Gahara or Kaiki trying deceiving each other may also be a possibility here.

Gaen getting involved in this (well, she WAS involved from the beginning) makes me wanna think about what the heck her real goal is (other than straigthening out the city) and how the heck she arranged that Araragi saved Shinobu who she meant to ascend to godhood as leader of the town (was it she who arranged her arrival to the town and also her slashing for Koyomi to find her?) Also, Meme had to know about this plan too and her meeting with Hanekawa in the beginning of this season also gave some of her vampire allies out. In light of this I think there are at least two sides competing for this city, the other would be Oshino Ougi (or "Darkness"; interfering and trying to prevent this) I guess.
Still, Yotsugi knows a lot. Maybe way too much for a girl like her. I really wonder how much of doll she is.

It's so surprising how Kaiki is actually similiar to Araragi, only older and wiser. Maybe it's because this story is told from his POV but I feel kinda highly of him because of this arc, his motives and morals are not so wrong after all.

btw - I really wonder what he had found there...
Apr 30, 2016 12:38 PM

Dec 2015
Kaiki's reaction when she pulled out that snake instead of the rope he gave her was priceless xD
I wonder what was in that closet...
"At some point, I stopped hoping."
May 5, 2016 5:53 AM

Jul 2008
Oh dear, so this will be harder than Kaiki thought.
Jun 8, 2016 10:48 AM

Apr 2016
The best, the opening. Bestial, Senjougahara crying.

Lo mejor, el opening. Lo bestial, Senjougahara llorando.
Sep 4, 2016 2:19 AM

Aug 2013
So.... Senjougahara cried hmm.
Now what can be hiding inside that little closet ?
Sep 24, 2016 9:50 AM

Apr 2013
"Deceiving a god is easy" is only a sentence that Kaiki would say xD
Damn it, now I really wanna know what's in the closet O_O
Nov 16, 2016 8:14 PM

Sep 2015
Very emotional when Senjougahara cried Thanks for helping her Kaiki!
Kaiki is a superhero didn't even pull out (pretended to) and will be enemies with hi senpai.
The ending lol it's prob either a dead body or some kind of obsession involving Araragi.
Nov 27, 2016 8:22 PM

Nov 2013
Nice interaction between Ononoki and Kaiki.

Hitagi was really cute this episode.

I'm curious about what is hidden in Nadeko's closet.
You're a louse, Roger Smith. - R. Dorothy Wayneright
This is my fight! No Senpai, this is our fight! - Kojou Akatsuki & Yukina Himeragi
Dec 3, 2016 7:55 PM

Aug 2016
Cant wait to see how Kaiki deceives her XD
Feb 13, 2017 6:12 PM

Aug 2016
Good episode 5/5

Kaiki is amazing, he is very smart, it surprises me.
Feb 28, 2017 1:54 AM

Sep 2016
this arc is fuckin amazing, i never got a chance to learn about kaiki from seeing him mentioned in previous installments but finally im getting a great perspective of his character thats what i love about monogatari
Facta Non Verba
Jul 28, 2017 6:49 AM

Apr 2016
when you realized 80' manga (anime) and retro games (anime) is Nadeko's favorites

Sep 1, 2017 4:59 AM

Jan 2014
Under these circumstances Kaiki may appear likeable, but never forget what he does usually.
He could emotionlessly deceive junior high kids.
Sep 6, 2017 11:43 AM
Jun 2014
Am i the only one who's annoyed that Hitagi seems all likable now? Well, it's not really a problem, but is it only towards others? How does she treat Araragi? We've not seem them together at all since the first season when she was the biggest cunt i've seen in anime in quite some time. I just want to see how their relationship has evolved.

Not sure how i support that pairing anway since Hitagi is behaving like a slut now. Good thing Kaiki's a gentleman.

I wonder what the heck Shaft was thinking when they animated every single kiss except for Hitagi's as well.

Sep 7, 2017 5:30 PM

May 2014
Omigod I lost my shiz when he jumped in through Nadeko's window. Apparently, Kaiki is pretty damn athletic lmao

The more I see the OP, the more catchy is it is and it's prolly by favorite one overall. The two styles and the symbolism (with the whole delusion/truth & lies theme) are great. I still think she has feelings for Kaiki and visa versa- I don't know what those feelings entail- but there's something there. I can't explain it, they just look at each other weird lol

Senjougahara crying in the toilet and then thanking Kaiki was really beautiful, as was him not actually giving up on helping her despite Gaen offering him all that cash. I mean, he still managed to swindle it out of her, but he also didn't give up on helping Gahara despite the risks if he fails.
Srsly, he better not die or anything -_-

So it turns out that Gaen wanted Shinobu to become a god and the whole Nadeko thing- though not the worst outcome- wrecked that. Wonder why Ougi wants to screw everything up though??

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Oct 6, 2017 11:52 AM

Jan 2017
Man, i never get tired of listening to Kaiki.

I was so touched by Senjou on this episode, such a good girl T_T i hope Araragi appreciates everything she's doing up until now just to save him. I also hope that, he will not be so Araragi-kun like and will try to save that stupid Nadeko and end up hurting Senjou, just because well he's pretty selfish and never thinks about the others.

Ononoki's new phrase HAHAHAHAH.

I said this already but this in one hell of an arc.

I'm gonna pray so hard for Nadeko to die :3

SEIZON SENRYAKU: Hungry 100% of the time.

Oct 11, 2017 3:47 AM

Jun 2016
Hitagi crying because she don't want to lose Araragi. I'm not okaaaaay! Poor Hitagi. I think that's enough reason for me to tell that yeah she loves Araragi. Oh no her eyes were red from crying. 😢 She even said herself that she's ready to sacrifice her life, so Araragi can be spared. Araragi, you lucky bastard! ;-;

Yaaaay! More Ononoki. Yeah yeah, peace peace. Hahahaha. Fucking Kaiki was given the 3 million, but still continued his help on deceiving Nadeko. Lmfao. How very nice of you, Kaiki. Haha.

From the get-go, Nadeko is fucking insane already. That's so obvious, Kaiki. Hahaha. She just gets crazier since she finally showed her insanity. Hahaha!

I wonder what's inside that bitch's closet.

P.S. That old school OP, though. Ohmygod. Haha. Epic!

"Maybe he's trying to take a shit, but the shit just won't come out."
Captain Levi, 2014
Jan 10, 2018 4:45 AM

Sep 2012
KannoSugako said:
Man, i never get tired of listening to Kaiki.

I was so touched by Senjou on this episode, such a good girl T_T i hope Araragi appreciates everything she's doing up until now just to save him. I also hope that, he will not be so Araragi-kun like and will try to save that stupid Nadeko and end up hurting Senjou, just because well he's pretty selfish and never thinks about the others.

Ononoki's new phrase HAHAHAHAH.

I said this already but this in one hell of an arc.

I'm gonna pray so hard for Nadeko to die :3

if he trying to save others this time Nadeko that means hes not selfish it proves the opposite
Jan 25, 2018 6:32 AM

Jan 2017
Sugram22 said:

if he trying to save others this time Nadeko that means hes not selfish it proves the opposite

I strongly disagree. It may look on the outside how he is trying to save another girl, in this case Nadeko, but by doing so he puts at risk others and he doesn't even take that into account cause he is in fact selfish, he wants it all for himself. I'm not saying this is good or wrong, i'm just stating the facts. Later on, when you get to know more about Ougi you'll understand exactly what i meant.
SEIZON SENRYAKU: Hungry 100% of the time.

Apr 29, 2018 11:52 PM

Dec 2016
I fucking love the new op and I fucking love Kaiki lol
“I love heroes, but I don't want to be one. Do you even know what a hero is!? For example, you have some meat. Pirates will feast on the meat, but the hero will distribute it among the people! I want to eat the meat!” - Monkey D. Luffy
Sep 4, 2018 9:28 AM

Jan 2017
Kimiarasu said:
I'm in desperate need of some help here...

Ever since episode 23 came out, I have been obsessing over a piece of music, but searching through all the Monogatari Series soundtracks didn't net results. You guys are my last resort, maybe you can help me out!

The soundtrack plays during the second half of Ononoki's and Kaiki's dialogue (starting at about 14:10) and goes on for the next two minutes, until they're done talking.
It's a very calm piece and starts off with what I believe is a xylophone and a very subtle melody is added later on.

I do not know if this is a 2nd-Series-exclusive soundtrack or if it has been played before, but this scene in episode 23 is the only one I remember it being played. If you have got any clue on the name, you would totally end my desperate quest on finding it!
Have you found it? I'm still searching for it too :(
Sep 11, 2018 3:11 PM

May 2018
"Yay, peace peace." lol

What's in the closet, Kaiki...?

Awesome episode.

"No matter where you go, everyone's connected." Iwakura, Lain.

Sep 23, 2018 5:56 PM

Jun 2009
Ahmad_o said:
Kimiarasu said:
I'm in desperate need of some help here...

Ever since episode 23 came out, I have been obsessing over a piece of music, but searching through all the Monogatari Series soundtracks didn't net results. You guys are my last resort, maybe you can help me out!

The soundtrack plays during the second half of Ononoki's and Kaiki's dialogue (starting at about 14:10) and goes on for the next two minutes, until they're done talking.
It's a very calm piece and starts off with what I believe is a xylophone and a very subtle melody is added later on.

I do not know if this is a 2nd-Series-exclusive soundtrack or if it has been played before, but this scene in episode 23 is the only one I remember it being played. If you have got any clue on the name, you would totally end my desperate quest on finding it!
Have you found it? I'm still searching for it too :(

I'm sorry for getting back at you so late, I haven't been active on MAL recently. However, good news is: I know the song. I hope it will bring you as much joy as it did for me! :) The song's name is Shitai Sagashi
Feb 22, 2019 4:49 AM

Jun 2017
The Opening for Kaiki is good, like something from the 90s. This episode is also very funny because I get where Kaiki is coming from, wanting to punch Ononoki and all because of that annoying peace!~~ Lol.
“What do you do when there is an evil you cannot defeat by just means? Do you stain your hands with evil to destroy evil? Or do you remain steadfastly just and righteous even if it means surrendering to evil?”
― Lelouch Vi Britannia
Apr 29, 2019 5:50 PM
Apr 2016
Hahahha the way Kaiki tricked Gaen was amazing, good lord I'm loving Kaiki's character! Really good episode.
May 19, 2019 8:38 AM

Dec 2018
Admit it Hitagi, you're hopeless without Kaiki.

Kaiki definitely is the baddest of con-artist. But his motive for doing this job is still unclear, he already received 3 million yen, yet he still strive to do the job given by Hitagi. And if he's really a con what he should do is deceive Hitagi too. I guess this could only means that he has some affection for Hitagi.

What I still don't get is what supernatural aspect that Kaiki know. If it was Meme i'm sure we all alraedy know, but Kaiki is just a con. But if I recall what he know, he know that Araragi is a vampire just by looking.

Ohnonoki come with a new trait everytime she appeared.

The shadower eh? My guess it's Ougi.

That's surprisingly easy to unlock her closet.

He who smiles in a crisis has found someone to blame.
Jun 6, 2019 12:18 PM
Jul 2018
Kaiki found Sengoku's porn stash peace peace.
Jul 25, 2019 12:09 AM

May 2015
Kaiki is becoming my second favorite character after Mayoi.
Oct 1, 2019 6:09 PM

Jul 2016
Hmm... I personally think Saito Chiwa and Shinchiro Miki's voices don't go that well together
Feb 16, 2020 7:58 AM

Feb 2019
fantastic opening lol
Anime is fun.
Mar 6, 2020 11:29 PM

Mar 2018
Kaiki's character is becoming a lot more likable - pretty good development.

Floating Around...

"You're loved as deeply as the ocean reaches"

Jul 14, 2020 8:30 PM

Jun 2013
I love how Kaiki's just downright roasting Senjougahara and at the same time encouraging her in maturity. Straight up boss!
"The will to live is stronger than anything else"
Aug 31, 2020 9:36 PM
Mar 2018
bruh. kaiki pulling a 180 and still keeping his end of the deal. epic moment. and him saying nadeko is an airhead and clueless is very true. she is smooth brain indeed. now, i wonder who is following kaiki and what he found in her closet...
Sep 17, 2020 1:53 AM

Jun 2020
Another interesting episode I'm expecting something bad on Nadeko's closet.

Kaiki has become a pretty interesting character I like how he solve things he's a genius guy.

I'm looking forward watching the next episode later it's very good I enjoyed it so much.
Sep 18, 2020 4:52 PM

Apr 2019
The visuals for the new OP are crazy good. I love how it goes back and forth between the regular art style and an 80's/90's one. AND I'm pretty sure this is the first time a man has been featured singing in an OP/ED.

Well it's no surprise that Yotsugi is acquainted with Kaiki.
I wonder why Gaen was trying to get Shinobu to become a god? Cause we know that if an apparition acts like something it's not, like Shinobu being viewed as a god, then the spooky dark ball will come for them. Hopefully we'll get more insight on that later on.

Damn, thanks for ending before we're shown what's in Nadeko's closet. It's not like I wanted to know or anything..
Nov 9, 2020 10:28 AM
Jul 2018
My word, Senjougahara's expression/reaction when she thanked Kaiki made a fella's heart go ドキドキ. I can dig her sensitive side too. Why is she the best?
Jan 11, 2021 8:13 PM

Jul 2020
Kaiki said let me be the main character and talk my shit he’s been great in this arc so far.
Mar 4, 2021 4:58 PM

May 2014
Looks like Kaiki is a human with compassion after all, though he is obsessed with money. Very refreshing seeing Senjoughara surprised by him visiting Nadeko (or hebihime kami-sama)
, and very cute seeing her blush
. Looks like even she is willing to sacrifice her dignity (by being thankful and blushing in front of a man she despises) to save her precious Araragi-san. I am glad he didn't give up on the case after seeing Senjougahara like that. That would make him a real scumbag and it would be hard to like him after that.

Anyways, Ononoki-chan has changed her character by saying "Yay, peace pace"
after every single sentence. xD The scene was hilarious and spot-on. Funny that it was hard for them to quit after he threatened to kick her ass if she didn't.

Nadeko doesn't seem to know Kaiki is deceiving her. I wonder if she is cute on purpose. Nonetheless, she looks quite good here
. I am suspicious that all this a play from her side, which is probably right. What Kaiki saw in her closet (damn cliffhanger) will determine that.

Mar 17, 2021 9:22 AM

Oct 2016
Another fantastic episode! Pretty hilarious how Senjougahara is trying to mess with Kaiki, but Kaiki just full counters everything lmao. Senjougahara crying scene was fantastic and Saito Chiwa fucking killed it.

Yay! Peace peace! I love Ononoki, she's so great lmao. As expected of Kaiki-oniichan, he managed to acquire the funds he needed to deceive Nadeko. Nadeko has definitely lost her marbles, I wonder what is in the closet, that cliffhanger was fucking brutal.

So, Gaen Izuko wanted Shinobu to become the God, but wouldn't that attract the darkness or maybe she'll just be made into a legit God without the lies. However, someone interfered with those plans, Ougi was definitely the one to fuck up Gaen's plans, Ougi is pretty OP if she's able to hide her presence from the one that knows everything.
Aug 29, 2021 10:14 PM
Aug 2021
That op's pretty cool. Kaiki in a 90s artstyle with large eyes was rather unusual. Never thought that we would see Senjougahara cry and also blush. She stopped being cold for once!
Ononoki's new punch line

So Gaen wanted Shinobu to become a god for some reason. She also wanted Kaiki to drop the job of deceiving Nadeko as it was too dangerous but he doesn't care. He kinda betrays Gaen by taking the 3 mil yen. Man he's a genius.
Nadeko may be pretending to be cute and immature. Well something grotesque is probably in that closet if it disgusted Kaiki.
-Facktack-Aug 29, 2021 10:20 PM
Sep 2, 2021 8:53 AM
May 2020
seeing hitagi tear up real did something to kaiki
Sep 3, 2021 1:28 AM
May 2020
sengoku's parents had me under the assumption that there was a body or some shizz in the closet
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